DistanceLearning or Educatoin; seminar

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Transcript of DistanceLearning or Educatoin; seminar

Distance Learning

Distance LearningPresented by: Tahsin H. Rassul Asst. Instructor1/18/20151


Table of ContentsThe Aims of the SeminarDefinitionBackgroundClassification Systems for DL DeliveryTypes of DL Activities Top Ten Characteristics of DL Resources to Support Teaching and Learning ActivitiesCurrent Research Findings on DLThe ConclusionsThe Suggestions and RecommendationsThe References


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The aims of the seminar

By the end of this seminar, the audience will be able to: Define distance learning (DL).Describe two different ways of classifying DL delivery systems.Understand four kinds of DL activities.Acknowledge findings from research on DL that can shape practice and enhance impact.


Definitions The United States Distance Learning Association (USLA at http://www.usdla.org/) defines distance learning as follows: the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction, encompassing all technologies and other forms of learning at a distance.

It implies that learning takes place where learners are connected with information resources, with each other, with instructors, or with any combination of these resources. Thustheideaofdistanceeducationcomes as:amodalitywhichpermitsthedeliveryof didacticmediawithoutthenecessityofregularclassparticipationorface-to-faceinteraction,where ultimately,theindividualisresponsibleforhisownlearning (Website:http://edtechreview.in).


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Background The Death of Distance is an expression mentioned by Moore (1995: p.1) meaning when the cost of communication comes down to next to nothing, people will be influenced by the very far activities in distance. Thus, the Death of Distance will give new life to education, as noticed in this video: 1/18/20155

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Classification Systems for DL DeliveryDelivery MethodsTypes of interactionCorrespondence courses via postal mail and/ or faxOne way, print-basedPre-recorded videoTape or broadcast audio mailed or downloaded to studentsBroadcast radioOne-way, synchronous audio from instructor to studentsAudio-conferencing: telephone systems Two-way, synchronous audio between students and instructorBroadcast television: microwave or satellite linkTaped or broadcast video mailed or downloaded to students ( no synchronous interaction with instructor)Web-based course management systemsText and multimedia interactionsTeleconferencing Live video from instructor to students (with synchronous audio interaction) Videoconferencing Two-way, synchronous video between instructor and students

Most abstractLeast realisticMost realisticLeast abstract1/18/20156


Types of DL Activities Student ResearchOnline classroom materialsWeb-based lessonsVirtual courses & programmes http://www.big6.comhttp://www.internet4classrooms.com/on-line2http://www.engvid.comhttp://www.onlineeducation.comInterpersonal exchangesInf. Collection & analysis(on request)Problem-solving projectsDistance courses were popular in Higher Education since 1996 in USA & other countries.Using internet to search for materials and information to support their research. Teachers use online materials to help teach themselves and/or their students a topic or skill1/18/20157


Fast access to information Access to experts not available locallyFast communica-tion to groupsVia internet pages and emailsCommunica-tion resources to support collaboration conferences, blogs, chats, bulletin boardsAccess to learning materials Download material..Access to courses and lessons not locally availableAccess to education for homebound studentsLearning communities support collaborationTs&StsMore interaction among Sts & between Sts and Ts

Top Ten Characteristics of DL resources to support teaching and learning activitiesLesson ideas from multiple sources1/18/20158

Email, bulletin boards/ conferences, blogs, chats, web pages, and other resources make it easier for Sts & Ts to work together and share products, whether in the same physical location or at a distance. 8

1/18/20159Current Trends in Global DLin global distance learning, megaUniversities enroll anywhere from 100,000 to over 500,000 students.Typical subject areas offered by distance learning providers vary based on theorganization and region.Undergraduate level programs are more commonly offered in distancelearning formats in the United States, while graduate level programs are morecommon in the UK. In USA 2006-7, public institutions were much more likely to offer onlinecourses than private institutions: 97 percent of two-year institutions and 89 percent offour-year institutions offered distance education programs. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) currently offers 338 programs ofstudy through over 3,500 courses leading toward doctorate, masters, bachelors, postgraduate,and under-graduate diplomas and certificate programs.

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Resources for Communicating on the internet1/18/201510EmailListservBulletin board (BB)BlogsChatroomsInstant messagingVideo conferencingCyber collaborations by using avatar spaces, MOOs, ectAsynchronous (left message) communicationsSynchronous (live interaction) communications

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The conclusions

The aim of DL is to develop the same individual who might have been instructed in a regular university or face-to-face classroom. a country like India where gender prejudices continue to exist preventing girls from going to study in schools, distance education through correspondence courses is a lifesaver.With globalization in the need for greater continuing education, DL significance is emerging widely in the higher education sector.


The Suggestions and Recommendations: To matriculate all high school students every year, the government or the Higher Education should establish DL Corporation. The government should legitimize online courses and degree programs to reduce the overloaded enrollment or admission process at Kurdistan Region universities so that the online graduates can be employed locally. 1/18/201512

References Roblyer, M. D. (2006) Integrating Educational Technolgy into Teaching Forth edition. New Jersey: Pearson Merrill prentice Hall. Michael Moore, in an editorial for the American Journal of Distance Education, 1995. Moore, M. G., and Kearsley, G. (1996).Distance Education: A systems view.Albany, NY.: Wadsworth. Simonson, M., Smaldino, S, Albright, M. & Zvacek, S. (n.d.) Teaching and Learning Education at a Distance: foundations of Distance Education.Websites: http://edtechreview.in Accessed on [20/12/2014]. http://www.hanoverresearch.com/evaluation/index.php http://www.google.iq/imgres 1/18/201513