Diseratation Second Chapter2

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Chapter 2. The Self between the Bible and Literature over the Ages

O brave new world

That has such people in’t!”

 —William Shakespeare, The Tempest (V, I???)

2.1. The self between the legends, ancient stories and myths

In the world of human beings for unknown reasons majority average of myths, ancient stories,

and ancestral legends hidden in occult meanings and symbols, arrives to present times often without

clear correspondent to the real object. These valuing for human beings the spiritual realms inherited

and giving to all them their so-called status, roles and representations in the real world many times

accepted without a deep discernment.

In these stories humans mirrors themselves in the entire cycle of life, from their arrival to their 

departure from this world. Why men have accepted such elements of culture and spirituality as self-

shaping sources, all this cultural patterns, as primo principio in their lives was not explained

entirely or to convincingly for the majority. Why all this primordial elevating sources containing

self-contradictory character elements with opposed features had being accepted like a sine principio

what require no logical explanation is still a mystery to all scholars and researchers.

Whether is about Greek and Roman mythology and philosophy, the Hindu’s Upanishads and

 Mahabrata writings, the Maya and Inca foretellers, the Chaldean, and Egyptian stories, the Coran

 prophesies, and not in the last row Tanah with ‘Torah’, ‘Neviim’ and ‘Ketuviim’ of the mosaic

culture, and today the last part added to it, the New Testament , compounding the ‘Bible’, all these

writings are meeting a paradoxical central geographical inspirational pointing the inscrutable


Therefore, all this writings concerns with six disciplines commonly classified as:

metaphysics, logic, ethics, psychology, epistemology and aesthetics. Manly P.Hall summarising the

situation more rigorously saying:To satisfy this common urge the unfolding human intellect has explored the

extremities of imaginable space without and the extremities of imaginable self 

within, seeking to estimate the relationship between the one and the all; the effect

and the cause; Nature and the groundwork of Nature; the mind and the source of the

mind; the spirit and the substance of the spirit; the illusion and the reality. (1. Manly

P.Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pg.10)



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The vital questions like ‘From where we are? Where we go? Why we are here? Which is our 

life’s purpose?’ are available even today for a great amount of people that are not content with the

so-called ready given answers.

If someone would know how to figure out from thousands and thousands of stories the main

stream, and even more, to sense the first source that produced the narrative piece of a certain pattern

of stories, no matter that the subject is about love, war, morality, society, faith, destiny or 

spirituality, such a person will find prevailing two major domains. First category of literature will

 be that that contains all the stories records men reflecting themselves in a continuous struggle for 

life, for living conditions, and material aspirations beyond any other meanings, with some subdued

rays of spirituality. The second group of writings contains also the experience of humanity but this

time is in full accordance to the authority of the divine power of heavenly God, creator of men and

their home, the Earth.

2.2.1. The self between English literature and its hidden theosophical teachings

The first collection is that of all literature that spans from oldest time until today and contains

some interference between the so-called laic, secular, and ecumenical or ecclesiastical sources.

For instance, the Old English literature early written works, majority anonymous, spoke about

the ancient effort of men that had to face the threats of nature, and about changing traits of destiny.

Here in such remote times death is not so frightful than vicissitudes of life that had have to face

men. Beowulf ’s ballade identifies the origin of the evil in the life of men in the oldest legends,

where the biblical Cain seems to be the chief of all. Such a hero even if he knows about the great

 power of evil seen also in the power of giants, he boasts that he overcame it with his own courage

and self-intrepid capacity, though that there are some gratefulness of a Christian spirituality’s

reminiscence in the ballade. (2. http://www.bartleby.com/211/0303.html)

In Chaucer‘s book The Tales of Canterbury the grotesque and the buffoonery being well mixed

in romance chivalry develops the same theme of the men destiny but in comic circumstances.

Layamon’s Brut , written early in the thirteenth century comes with a very similar approach, this

time implying the destiny of a whole nation, of English one, and from which descends all humanity

in a subtle intention of the author. The interest which the Brut possesses for modern readers arises

in part from the fact that much of its material is closely bound up with later English literature. But

the main interest centres round the Arthurian section, with its haunting story of a wondrous birth,

heroic deeds and a mysterious end. (3. http://www.bartleby.com/211/1112.html)



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All the incipient and early English literature along the centuries has the same structure where

men immersed under a veil of self-generation and self-fudge a view that is identically to the

theosophical writings. The common point of these two self-generating sources is inducing the idea

that probable man appearance in the Universe was a consequence of random circumstances where

his own further development depends on his own choices.

The Holy Grail of the Arthurian Legend links to the same branch of mystery and man initiation

in the unseen powers and his own inner generation, somehow denied by the literature critics that

consider that ‘nor is there any reason for assuming that the primitive formas of the story had any

religious motive’. (4. http://www.bartleby.com/211/1215.html)

These subdued spiritual elements spread in the works of many writers transpire the theosophical

dogmas. Such writings sustain that man is his own master and his own creation even if he has to

overcome some enemies and threats of nature, these entire obstacle being only there because of 

inner created blocks in the spiritual realms that reflected in the real world like shadows of that man

fears has not been subdued yet. This kind of philosophy teaches that the completion of the great

work of social regeneration must be accomplished not in society but in man himself. Religion,

science, and philosophy are the three parts of essential learning in all these texts.

Religion is the spiritual part of learning, philosophy the mental part, and the

sciences, including the arts and crafts, the physical part. As man himself has a

spiritual, mental, and physical nature, and all of these natures manifest in his

daily living, he must become equally informed in all the parts of his nature if he

is to be self-governing. "Unbalanced forces perish in the void," declared a

 prophet of old; and this is true beyond possibility of dispute. (5. Manly. P. Hall,

Secret destiny of America, p.33)

Some had studied these works just from an artistic view, of verse and prosody aspects and so on

 but the spiritual aspects are of no less importance that they imply. In this turning point, enter the

famous work of Shakespeare, in fact Bacon-Shakespeare controversy. (6. Manlly P. Hall, , Secret 

teachings of all ages, p.165).

Nevertheless, even here the ideas are not as linear as all expects but again unfold in the innocent

 play of words, of signs, and with an appearance of a total unaffected meets the experience of two

different characters.

 Now in this direction there is a theory of language's power, of the utterance of spells and

formulas whispered in the ether not clear to the profane. Thus if language is ritualised performed

 by initiated ones, some like witches, shamans, priests of all sort and even literature writers, plain


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words becomes deadly weapons and with sure effect on aimed subject which is the inoculate human


This phenomenon used at a large scale in literature under the form of innocent romance stories,

of adventure, war is not only for entertainment or culture, but also for more serious purposes of an

inoculation of certain self-realisation in humans.

Today a similar manifestation takes place in the media. Nowadays the visual space that

surrounds the human mind contains all kinds of messages. Whether is within TV shows, movies,

music, the advertising industry or the most farthest in its intention, the unconventional graffiti on

the house’s walls of the whole city has one purpose: inoculation of a program or a direction. All

these sense to aim the self with all subliminal bombardments of language and signs valences. About

all these more largely in the third chapter, that will study the connection between life and an

artificial self-elaboration.

Others important figures of Elizabethan era like Christopher Marlowe with the story of  Doctor 

 Faustus (1592) or Edmund Spencer The Faerie Queene (1590) shapes these suspicions. The works

and life of each of them disseminates more than the activity of an ordinary English poet, court

affairs and soldiers of culture as is revelled in “Four-Fold Vision See”: Allegory in the Poetry of 

 Edmund Spencer and William Black  by Elisabeth Jane Darnill from the University of Exeter,

(7. https://eric.exeter.ac.uk/repository/bitstream/handle/10036/3156/DarnillE.pdf?sequence=8).

The next English literature periods involves all the main elements that feature a clear exoteric

 path even if many times had been covered under historical, economic or social issues. In this list

deserve to be mentioned Ben Johnson The Alchemist . John Milton’s Paradise Lost , the Earl of 

Rochester's Sodom, and Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress, completed by metaphysical poets of 17th

century John Donne, George Herbert with works transcending subtle torments of spiritual conflict

and both of Christian mysticism and eroticism.

2.2.2. The self between English literature and its symbols and ciphered codes

By unknown force the plays and the works of above authors are probable either as result of life

experience or either their own imagination. But why there are many times used codes and

duplicated meaning in the text is not quite clear. Shakespeare opera, for instance, abounds in such

doubled intention, one of the action itself and one that does not appertain to the story itself but to an

elevate beliefs that can be trace to the ancient wisdom buried in forgotten times. Indeed, the whole

canon of Shakespeare plays and poems embodies both the philosophy and the degrees of initiation

of private a club, expressed in various allegories that are akin to and hints at a kind of initiated ones.

(8. Manlly P.Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.169).


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This could be the discourse’s goal also of The Spectator by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele,

under the all its manner and polite stile to bring out a philosophy provided principally to the

interests of England's emerging middle class—merchants and traders large and small? Why the

external values of Enlightenment philosophies that transpire from the authors of The Spectator 

 promoted family, marriage, and courtesy that had to dwell in the selected clubs and private

assemblies within their internal values? (9. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0411.html)

Is Jonathan Swift a member of the above inner societies and in all his fabulous stories just wants

to collusive out their intentions and their narrow minds toward ordinary people? The beautiful

stories of Gulliver’s Travels and A Tale of a Tube only showed that Swift's satire was intended to

 provide a genuine service by painting the portrait of conspiracy minded and injudicious writers or a

more sinister near future for ‘mob rule’?

(10. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Jonathan_Swift)


2.2.3. The self between English literature and biblical theme of 'Man's fall'

Likewise can be considered John Milton’s Paradise Lost with its self-determination poem’

message. Here the writer just ascertain just some facts in the light of the curse that has fallen on

humanity for disobeying God commandments in the Garden of Eden or he intends more regarding

the certain final destiny of men in his Ptolemaic system vision? (11. John Milton,  Paradise Lost , by

Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007, p. xxx).

Great similarities has Alexander Pope’s poem An Essay on Man (1732) developing a theory of 

man struggle for a place above beasts but underneath angels in ‘Great Chain of Being’.



Such ideas were considered to be inspirited from H. David Wenger’s essay  A New look at 

Theosophy, The great Chain of Being Revisited , that presents an exploration of the evolution and

multidimensional nature of the human consciousness.



All these literature patterns find common features in the Book of Enoch. Here is mentioned by

the ancient narrator societies founded by the entities called ‘fallen angels’ that descended from

watch posts they had and lain with women of human beings gave birth to giants through unknown

and forbidden ‘released spells’ that breed earthly flesh with heavenly spirits. Holly Bible also

discloses this wickedness and the punishment that received these rebels in the sixth chapter of 

‘Genesis Book’.


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The hidden messages of average literature contain teachings similar if not identical to the

leaders of these ‘Watchers-sons of Heaven’ how Enoch names the two hundred rebels that

abandoned their heavenly abode and mixed with men kind and ‘taught them the eternal secrets that

are made in Heaven’ (14. Book of Enoch, 9:6, p.16.)

Thus seems that on Earth fights for supremacy two main teachings for the self of humanity: one

of the ‘fallings angels’ that wants to lead astray human kind once they have had impure fatally their 

heavenly integrity and the second the sacred knowledge from Holly Bible written by men inspired

 by the heavenly messengers of God, the ‘Holy Ones of Heaven’.

The chief of all this mental theories seems to be puritan author Locke's  S ome Thoughts

Concerning Education is an outline on how to educate this mob mind, and once with it the human


Care is to be had of the forming Children‘s Minds, and giving them that

Seasoning early, which shall influence their Lives always after: For when they do

well or ill, the Praise and Blame will be laid there; and when any Thing is done

awkwardly, the common saying will pass upon them, that its suitable to their 


(15.John Locke Some Thoughts Concerning Education. C.J. Clay and Sons,

Cambridge University Press Warehouse, London 1889, p. 21).

Furthermore no matter that the literature works brings in the discussion themes like love for 

money, souls sold to enchanted spirits, incest and sodomies, murders and horrible plots, royal

impostors and necromancy the core message of the text often is impermeable to neophytes.

Majority of such literature products coincides in the one philosophy of an occult ancient sect.

These seem to be an elite group that emanates their own prefabricated cultural and life values.

These entities central interest is for the embodiment of a future horrendous human society. This

mystic group only purpose is to construct a false self in the mind of the men audience that were

convinced to digest the issues given off similar to superior culture elements.

Thus, trough this entertainment channel with intellectual, instructional or spiritual allure takes

 place soul/self nourishment. This process irradiated by these written texts, theater performances and

nowadays by media technologies that arrive be the only things worth ever to be thought, felt, and

also at a certain moment to be acted by so called 'elevated human being' from the auditorium, that

nourished themselves spiritually this way.

Some would consider that there are just simply coincidences in the direction of a society and its

culture or literature that consume huge resources to elaborate a human odd deviated society. But if 


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this trend of cultural subsides within all its all elements some hundreds years later, than there can be

an intended design how can be seen today, on all media channels, and this cannot be an erroneous

interpretation with so many similarities over the ages. All these institutions and teachings have

remained the same to this day and have contributed to the stream of mystical, generally pantheistic

religious teachings and practices that have flowed together to become the  New  Age movement.

In this context a twenty century philosopher, Ernest Cassier (1874-1945) synthesized Plato,

Aristotle, Toma d’Aquino, Descartes, Popper’ ideas in his writings that man is a  symbolic animal 

and the exploration of ‘symbolic forms’ is the suitable method for restituting to anthropology his

 philosophic dimension. Having defined man as an ‘animal symbolicum’, Cassirer introduces one

of the central questions of ‘The Logic of the Cultural Sciences’, the question that lies at the heart of 

the worldview of life philosophy:

Does not this “mediation” of the symbolic function come at too high a price?

Does it not bring with it a certain “self-alienation” and “self-loss of human


Do the symbolic formations not “separate” and “remove” us from nature and

engulf us in a myriad of “artificial needs”? Must we not rather overcome all

symbolic formation and “return to nature”.


2.2.4. The self between English literature and its esoteric teachings

Even in next centuries, the literature is abounding in such similar hidden messages toward the

human receptor that are being buried in the encoded texts of majority of writers. The culture of self-

deception met in The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) is a poem by the English author Samuel

Johnson that continues from this remote tradition.

The pre-Romantic, Gothic, and Romanticism literature abounds in the elements of immemorial

occult rites origin. Robert Blair’s The Grave (1743), Edward Young whose The Complaint , or 

 Night Thoughts (1742-5) on Life, Death and Immortality, are examples for "skulls and coffins,

epitaphs and worms", in the context of the graveyard. Horatio Walpole, 4th Earl of Oxford 1764

novel The Castle of Otranto, or Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho (1795) combining

notable elements of vampire, horror and romance genre reminds some heathen esoteric ceremonies.

 No mistake to add here Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus (1818) novels written by Mary



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If there are studied the sources that introduces this spirits, vampires, deaths, spells,

incantations, curses, within the rites and the ceremonies performed it will be found an astonish

resemblance to the Book of Enoch and other exoteric literature books.

The ancient scribe reveals also that these above spirits ‘fallen angels’ that forsook their abode

taught women and men about: war, astrology, portents, ‘the path of the moon’, ‘cast spells and cut

roots’, ‘the release of the spells’ (17. Book of Enoch, 8:1-4, p.16) that is present in every angle of 

this literature gender. Enoch wrote in his book that even if Azazel and his oath comrades ‘reveled

the eternal secrets that are made in Heaven’; their wisdom was worthless and will lead only to bad

consequences (18. Book of Enoch, 9:6, p.25).

William Blake’s All Religions are One (1788), America a Prophecy (1793) a prophetic book and

 Jerusalem, The Emanation of the Giant Albion (1804–1820) was elaborated by the author even with

a self-devised technique of "illuminated printing" confirms undoubted theosophical allegiance as in

the study of Shakespeare’s Heir: Black Door of Perception in ’Jerusalem’ and ’The Four Zoas’ by

David Withmarsh-Knight.

(19. http://www.thefourzoas.com/pdf/Shakespeare%27s%20Heir%20extract%20for%20web.pdf)

The cult of pantheism is another feature of the obscure teachings reuniting the second wave of 

Romantic poets: Lord Byron’s The Corsair (1814), Percy Bysshe Shelley (1811) The Necessity of 

 Atheism (1812), The Devil's Walk a ballad and famous John Keats 1819 written odes.

The last two connected through the same deep philosophies values are first Ralph Waldo

Emerson's Representative Men, and Self-Reliance that enter in this category with archetypes of 

transcendentalism beliefs. Throughout the Self-Reliance essay, Emerson gives a defense for his

famous catch-phrase "trust thyself". This argument follows three major points: the self-contained

genius, the disapproval of the world, and the value of self-worth. And the last one Henry David

Thoreau's Walden, or  Life in the Woods had the self-sufficiency coined hard this philosophy.

H. P. Blavatsky holds the authority in this field. She defines the connection between ‘Thought

Divine’ and ‘self or reflective consciousnesses’ in the first volume of The Secret Doctrine ‘that is

the mysterious link between Mind and Matter, the animating principle electrifying every atom into

life’, (20. H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine vol.1, Cosmogenesis. The Theosophical Publishing

Company, Limited, New York, 1888, p.16).

The most important Victorian author that comprises the values emanated by occult teachings is

Charles Dickens with the majority of his works: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club also

known as The Pickwick Papers, A Christmas Carol (1843), The Haunted Man, Great Expectations.

For instance, Dickens uses the ‘Wheel of Dharma’ to show in  A Christmas Carol that the

knowledge of your past and present will allow you to predict your most likely future. This method


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of 'divination' where the character Scrooge took the ‘Middle Way’ after he had been warned by the

spirits is also of esoteric origin. (21. Rodney St. Michael,  Healing and Developing the Mind ,

Writers Club Press, New York Lincoln Shanghai, 2002, p. 187).

In addition, Charles Dickens can be trace in James Mill's psychology for the utilitarian

superstructure where his chief philosophical work was Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human

 Mind (1829) that laid the foundation of such ideology. Predecessors like Hume, Hartley was Mill's

lineage and William Wallace Hegel's Philosophy of Mind (1894) proofs this affinity.

(22. http://www.bartleby.com/224/)


2.2.5. The self between English literature and its private societies

It seems that with the passing of the centuries the core teachings and goals are beginning little by

little to be revealed to the public but of course, still not arrived a total transparency, in plain sight,

 but can be seen some graduations and some clear hints that shows a tendency of disclosure .

Such can be mentioned the works of H. G. Wells. In The Time Machine (1895), and The War of 

the Worlds (1898) It is obvious that Wells either based his writings on the actual plans of the

‘Fabian elitists’, or used his knowledge of what they had already done in order to formulate a theory

of what they were going to do in the future. Why was so vital for the Fabian sect to influence public

opinion especially with authors that were promoters of science themes literature would be more

helpful to find?

(23. http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=5.1#Wells)

What direction wanted to impulse Fabians using literary figures such as George Bernard Shaw

and H.G. Wells - ensured that they would be indeed influential among British intellectuals and

government officials? And such connections cannot be considered just an impromptu orientation for 

the whole human society of those years of history.

(24. http://www.restoring-america.com/Documents/Fabian%20Society.pdf)

Also H.G. Wells wrote in 1928 The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution which

was an elaboration of ideas from his 1926 book The World of William Clissold , which gave a seven-

 point program for the development of the "new human community".

(25. http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=5.1#Wells)

These ideas had been fleshed out in his 1897 short story A Story of the Days to Come, and his

1901 book, Anticipations of the Reaction to Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life

and Thought . Why it is there so great concern for the life and mind of the human beings, and all

society's levels from an obscure elitist group to lead this in a certain direction, would be a fair 

question that waits a fair answers?


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(26. http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=5.1#Wells)

A peculiar opinion has Albert Pike what regards the action and reaction between leaders of 

humanity and the mob in his book about ‘Morals and Dogma’. Thus in the second chapter, ‘Fellow-

Craft’ Pike relates the following:

To give a nation the franchise of the intellect is the only sure mode of 

 perpetuating freedom. This will compel exertion and generous care for the

 people from those on the higher seats, and honorable and intelligent allegiance

from those below. (27. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, The Theosophical

Publishing Company, Limited, New York, 1888, p. 23.)

2.2.6. The self between English literature and its occult themes

Arthur Conan Doyle's detective stories that has as central character Sherlock Holmes is already

famous for the mystery and the shadows that intrigue the readers till their last brief. The plot

revolves around murders that are apparently connected with occult rituals. The “Ordo ab Chao” an

esoteric motto is the center of all these cases and issues compressed in Doyle stories.

(28. http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-occult-symbolism-of-the-movie-sherlock-holmes/)

In Lewis Carroll’s books Alice In Wonderland (1865), and Through The Looking-Glass and

What Alice Found There (1871) deals with the issues surrounding reality versus the dream-world.

Theosophical studies also deal with many of these same issues of reality versus dreams.

(29. http://adventofdeception.com/movie-review-alice-in-wonderland/)

(30. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oz.htm)


2.2.7. The self between English literature and its mind issues themes

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) characters conceived and written by Robert

Louis Stevenson present the story of Dr. Henry Jekyll, a man with something within him that is his

dark side, as he tries to separate his two sides, he instead finds away to switch back and forth

 between him self and his darker side Mr. Edward Hyde.


The work is commonly associated with the rare mental condition often spuriously called “split

 personality”, wherein within the same person there are at least two distinct personalities. In this

case, the two personalities in Dr Jekyll are apparently good and evil, with completely opposite

levels of morality. The novella’s impact is such that it has become a part of the language, with the

 phrase “Jekyll and Hyde” coming to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from

one situation to the next.


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(31. http://thearrowsoftruth.com/tag/robert-louis-stevenson/page/2/)

Famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud has a theory that states, there is three levels of self, the id,

ego, and super ego. According to cla.purdue.edu the definition of the id is as follows, ‘the id is the

great reservoir of the libido, from which the ego seeks to distinguish itself through various

mechanisms of repression. Because of that repression, the id seeks alternative expression for those

impulses that we consider evil or excessively sexual, impulses that we often felt as perfectly natural

at an earlier or archaic stage and have since repressed. The id is governed by the pleasure-principle

and is oriented towards one's internal instincts and passions’. Freud also argues on occasion that the

id represents the inheritance of the species, which is passed on to us at birth; and yet for Freud the

id is, at the same time, ‘the dark, inaccessible part of our personality’.

(32. ‘Terms used by Psychoanalysis’ cla.purdue.edu. General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. 2002,

20 March 2011.)

(33. Bendis, Brian Michael,’Illuminati’ New Avengers. The Road to Civil War. New York: Marvel,


(34. Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Longmans, Green and

Co, 1885.)

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), also known as multiple personality disorder (MPD) is an

issue studied from immemorial times under the forms of spiritualism, parapsychology, and hypnosis 

that continued throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, “running in parallel with John Locke's

views that there was an association of ideas requiring the coexistence of feelings with awareness of 

the feelings”.

(35. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorder#History)


2.2.8. The self between English literature and its themes about mob destiny

W.H. Auden modernist poet launches in his Musee des Beaux Arts, a  poem after   Pieter 

 Brueghel, The Fall of Icarus paint, an hidden message. The poem first discusses a 'miraculous

 birth', and at the end 'the tragedy' of a death. The theme in the poem is about human suffering

 brought from mythological times. If are added these things together, there might even get some

hints at religion, mainly at Christianity but under old Masters 'knowledge' that knew 'about the

suffering' and 'human position', most probably of the mob of course.

(36. http://poetrypages.lemon8.nl/life/musee/museebeauxarts.htm)

Rudyard Kipling, The Man Who Would Be King (1888) has the weirdest links between

spirituality, myths, old legends, religions, magic initiations and superstitions that converge in the

story with the following common points that can be found accidently in Book of Enoch also:


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a) the signing of a contract before departure;

 b) the fallen beings given something that would make humans tremble;

c) the teaching of weapons and war;

d) the taking of a wives;

e) a sub-commander who's taken out to a desert and cast into a pit;

f) cast into a pit 20,000 miles deep ( bottomless pit, abyss );

g) a leader who gets burned.

(37. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread815785/pg)

(38. http://www.biblio.com/rudyard-kipling~96895~author)

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) published his famous dystopia Brave New World in 1932, remains

one of the most important books of the twentieth century. The phrase “brave new world” is rooteddeeply in our culture. His book's literature spheres is so ranging that will need an entire library to

compressed it, from the entomology, economic innovations, development of genetics, information

sciences, medical technologies or social sciences to the oldest bookshelves where can be found

spritism, esoterism and magicism. But some of the critics even wondered 'if Huxley put any original

ideas into his book'


or_Specialisation_and_Future_of_Science). Huxley’s ideas allegedly come from the works of J.B.S.

Haldane and Bertrand Russell in terms of science and technology and Mathew Arnold, Eugene

Zamiatin, H.G. Wells, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, and Einstein when it comes to literary form and

his perception of metaphysics in the form of a new religious consciousness.



Huxley novel register even records an evolution of thought in the following manner:

- from dystopian passive vision of state-control society;

- to ideas of pure pessimism and mix of pessimism and optimism;



-from the satire of the drug-happy culture as the gateway to the ultimate reality;

- to the rejection of the possibility of change (individual, spiritual self-perfection and a some what

 pantheistic worldview);

- from harnessing science and technology to establish and determine the fate of humanity through a

reflection on the destructive powers of technology


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- to the superiority of the quality of human life over some aspects of technological progress



The conclusion of this piece of literature is that the price for technological progress is the loss

of individuality and human freedom. The triumph of reason over passion and science over art leads

to distortions of human nature.

(43. http://eolit.hrw.com/hlla/novelguides/hs/Mini-Guide.Huxley.pdf)



21st century repeats the same themes and motifs in literature, theater, film, and everything that

is prepared to the human audience that has to be guided like the previous generations of generations

 before them without full awareness of the spirituals values culture men kind absorb mentally.

Like H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell wrote after a century the similar ideas about a

human mind tested to horrendous experiences and a shocking society order. Orwell's satire of 

totalitarianism, 1984, was published in 1949. The significance in the title of Orwell's book is in fact

that 1984 is the centenary year of the 'Fabian Society'. Like other writers mentioned before

appertaining to occult societies, the author is considered to became disillusioned within the society

and the novel was written not as a fiction but an expose of the knowledge of the 'Fabian agenda'.

(45. http://www.conspiracytruths.co.uk/georgeorwell1984.html)

Paul Girard a remnant guest columnist notes on the catholic remnantpaper.com site the

following observations about books, movies, music, and the subjects that contain such occult

culture of our times:

We live in treacherous times, where more and more things are not at all (or 

simply not only) what they appear to be. Much is hidden, concealed and kept

secret in about every sphere of modern life, from politics to culture, and when

it comes out, it is usually in the form of a scandal. “Do not judge a book by its

cover” is a word to the wise that could realistically be reinterpreted as “blow

its cover first” and things will appear in an entirely different light.

(46. http://www.remnantnewspaper.com/Archives/2011-0725-harry-potter-girard.htm)

According to Diane Andrews Henningfeld reads three different allegories into William

Golding’ Lord of the Flies 1954, a political, a Freudian and a Christian. Yet such ‘Christianity’ can

feel justified doubts coming from an author whose main themes include rebellion, witches and

magic and whose title ‘Lord of the Flies’ is another name for  Beelzebub (Bel=Baal=lord +

zebub=flies) whose bloody statue is all covered with flies. Likewise, the French writer Nicolas


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Bonnal, considers Johnatan Swift, that wrote his Gulliver’s Travels in such a way as to allow more

than one reading of the same narrative (satire, allegory, esoteric initiation) how was seen above


(47. http://pragmaticwitness.com/category/propaganda/page/2/)

(48. Diane Andrews Henningfeld, An overview of  Lord of the Flies in an essay for  Exploring 

 Novels, Gale, 1998.)

(49. Nicolas BONNAL, Internet, la nouvelle voie initiatique, Les Belles Lettres, 2000, 238 p.)

(50. Philippe BRETON, Le culte de l'Internet, une menace pour le lien social ?, La Découverte,

octobre 2000, 128 p.)

To the same above category appertain the Anthony Burgess that is especially remembered for 

his dystopian novel A oClockwork Orange (1962), set in the not-too-distant future. A Clockwork 

Orange point out that the title is supposed to symbolize the Sun, the Eye of Horus and by

association the Eye of Providence.

(51. http://www.cracked.com/article_18747_5-absurd-but-mind-blowing-pop-culture-conspiracy-


This book shadows like in the earlier stories about mind another theory of mental development.

The tabula rasa (Latin: blank slate) refers to the epistemological thesis that individuals are born

without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from experience and perception.

Generally, proponents of the tabula rasa thesis favour the "nurture" side of the nature versus nurture

debate, when it comes to aspects of one's personality, social and emotional behaviour and

intelligence. Thus, the character of the Anthony Burgess, Alex records such trajectory.

Lee Kounstantinou in 'Los Angeles Review of Books' site on A Clockwork Orange make the

following remark 'one cannot help but wonder if Burgess is in sympathy not with God but with the


(52. http://lareviewofbooks.org/article.php?id=1163&fulltext=1)

   Likewise, by the same author in The Wanting Seed gives the reader three or four dystopian

future worlds for the price of one. This process of radical social transformation, from one dystopian

world to another and then another, expose the very essence of Burgess’s vision of history. In the

future historiography of The Wanting Seed , history is understood to be cyclical, moving in great

repeating spirals through three distinct stages: the Pelephase, the Interphase, and the Gusphase.

These phases represent, by Tristram Fox’s description, the main character of The Wanting Seed , a

'subsumption of the two main opposing political ideologies under essentially theologico-mythical


(53. http://lareviewofbooks.org/article.php?id=1163&fulltext=1)


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   A Clockwork Orange and The Wanting Seed are minor masterpieces of the dystopian subgenre

and are unusually clear in their anxieties, with its emphasis on plot, its obsession with world-

 building, its suggestion that everything always changes not just innerly but also outwardly.

Another aspect of these last books concern with mind control issues. Whether is about

 brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control or thought reform all refers to a

 process in which a group or individual 'systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to

 persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person

 being manipulated'. (54. http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Blog/?tag=mkultra)

Like in the ‘Ludovico technique’ are used key words that belong to this mental manipulaton

arsenal. Such key terms has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be

seen as subverting an individual’s sense of control over humans own thinking, behaviour, emotions

or decision making. For instance in the novel A Clockwork Orang e by Anthony Burgess, the

 protagonist undergoes a scientific re-education process called the ‘Ludovico technique’ in an

attempt to remove his violent tendencies. Likewise, in George Orwell’s novel  Nineteen Eighty-Four 

the fictional totalitarian government of Oceania uses brainwashing-style techniques to erase

nonconformist thought and rebellious personalities.

(55. http://www.cracked.com/article_18747_5-absurd-but-mind-blowing-pop-culture-conspiracy-


Gothic fantasy Mervyn Peake (1911–68) published his highly successful Gormenghast trilogy

 between 1946 and 1959. His work was influenced and adopted the style of the scientific romances

and fantasies of 19th century by Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker,

H.G. Wells and others, some already mentioned in this essay.

Mervyn Peake like his predecessors shapes in very influential in terms of setting as character 

and the idea that a place can create certain fatalism in the people who live there. Like a conclusion

to all the issues developed until this point, the author of Gomenghast trilogy, confirms in his

literature that the theory of human beings mental configuration or self constitution is not only

defined but determined by the culture, place, time and all that surrounds them. He conveys that

 people are shaped, molded, and even overwhelmed by the location they have chosen in.

2.2.9. The self between English literature and its anti-theologian plays

In the 1950s, the absurd genre represented by play Waiting for Godot (1955) (originally En

attendant Godot , 1952), by the French resident, Irishman Samuel Beckett. As the artist Francis

Bacon (1909-1992), the writer Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) transmits in his work a sense of 


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 prophetical and dim ritualistic spaces. Such play identifies many similarities between the spaces,

activities Beckett evoke, and the initiatory practices of fraternal orders and secret societies. Waiting 

 for Godot absurd play is in fact a message of spiritual fulfilling in a so-called waited 'god' divinity.

In the same way, Tom Stoppard in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1966) is an

absurd, existentialist and a tragicomedy play. Here the existentialism philosophy create for the

individuals, like two main characters Rosencrants and Guildenstern, meaning and essence in their 

lives, as opposed to deities or authorities creating it for them. Walter Kaufmann described

existentialism as 'The refusal to belong to any school of thought, the repudiation of the adequacy of 

any body of beliefs whatever, and especially of systems, and a marked dissatisfaction with

traditional philosophy as superficial, academic, and remote from life'.

(56. http://www.citizendia.org/Existentialism)

Thus the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead implie existentialism themes such as

'dread, boredom, alienation, the absurd, freedom, and nothingness'. These ideas similarly to ultimate

order of metaphysical principles aims human brains to convince that human existence has nothing at

the core of the existence itself. The philosophers, critics, theologians and cultural movements that

used these conceptions in literature, cinematography and theatre promoted this vacuum of self-

alienation in the following order. First emphasis was on existence and materialism. Than it was

considered that existence, precede consciousness. Third phase was defined as that existence

 preceded essence. Reason was considered due these conceptions a defence against anxiety. From

here, next step was the absurd concept that gave birth to dystopian visions with a nietzschen

 perspective of an obsolete God.

Critic Martin Esslin in his book Theatre of the Absurd pointed out how many contemporary

 playwrights such as Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Tom Stoppard, and Arthur Adamov wove

into their plays the existential belief that man is an absurd creature loose in a universe empty of real

meaning. Esslin noted that many of these playwrights demonstrated the philosophy better than did

the plays by Sartre and Camus.

(57. http://www.citizendia.org/Existentialism)

   Being in-itself, being-for itself, non-positional consciousness, positional consciousness, and

identity constructed from an explicit awareness of consciousness and the like vocabulary

terminology was well coined for this late state of mind evolution. Thus the plays and certain texts

above mentioned in this essay exposed to the public various cultural products that shadowed the

under conceptions in absurd and non-logical dialogs or monologues hard to be read by non-



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2.2.10. The self between English literature and its multi-religious issues

Salman Rushdie The Satanic Verses 1988 novel is the last literature piece representative for the

essay that cumulates in the inner composition all the connection with the esoteric and theosophical

writings especially being a magic realism genre.

Esoteric schools of thought are schools, currents or movements that have an occult system of 

thought based on esoteric knowledge. They aid to prepare the individual toward spiritual evolution.

It almost always deals with some system of esoteric cosmology and contain some common themes

as rebirth, occult history of human evolution, planes of existence, and initiation into those same

 planes or inner worlds that all the literature above contain in less or high degree.

The same happens in the most controversial Indian novel that ever produced in this decade.

Thus, for instance in the Salman Rushdie novel characters are evolving around these cycles upward

and downward. The Satanic Verses contains from karma, gnosticism, reincarnation, obscurantism,

hermeticism, mysticism to archeosophy, clairvoyance and spiritual evolution teachings. Many

modern Esoteric movements admit reincarnation among their beliefs, as well as a complex energetic

structure for the human being (such as etheric body, astral body,mental body and causal body).

The critics considered that is subtle an allusion regarding the Muslim's religion truthfulness in

the novel of Salman Rushdie. The Prophet Muhammad before the revelation of verses to Quraysh

that represents the base of monotheistic of Quran writings religion had to distinguish between the

voice of God and of Satan. Karen Armstrong wrote in Muhammad: A biography of the Prophet , that

Islam was accepted close to a foot of disaster. However, on the other side apocrypha records the

entire story about the ‘satanic verses’ of the 'exalted birds' that were considered by Muslims

inventions of infidels or disbelievers.

(58. http://middleeast.about.com/od/religionsectarianism/a/me080921.htm)

The literature works of remote times and of nowadays final battle is not only on the absolutist

system of beliefs like on the Christians, Muslims, Hinduisms, Buddhist disavowed but is also

 preparing the entering in the new era of Aquarius that in fact with New Age Movement . Event that

occurs to be very exploited by prophetical literature sources and the like that launch the following

 pattern of messages: One Self or Mental for all humans, One Language for all people, One Religion

for all nations, One Government for the entire Planet, One Army, One Monetary system and of 

course a One Leader that seems to not be a Human or less from this dimension.

Like a confirmation esoteric Christians today also incorporate  New Age and traditional

"magical" practices in their beliefs, such as Qabalah, theurgy, goetia, alchemy, astrology, and


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hermetism things that has to nothing with the bible teachings that forbids clearly such dark rituals.

Deut. 18:9-14. And such borrowings seems to be a trend in all the system beliefs around the globe.

Interpreting and the reinterpreted text and literature sources gives head aches to all that try to

find a connection through all the text from the beginning of the world and human civilization and

until those arrived to our times. For these reasons, the vision on interpretation and reinterpretation

of Ernest Cassirer in The Logic of the Cultural Sciences (1942) would bring some well-received


The Logic of the Cultural Sciences [Cassirer 1942] presents Cassirer's most

developed and systematic articulation of how it is possible to achieve

objective and universal validity in both the domain of the natural and

mathematical sciences and the domain of practical, cultural, moral, and

aesthetic phenomenon. Cassirer argues, in the first place, that an ungrounded

 prejudice privileging “thing perception [ Dingwahrnehmen]” — based on the

representative function ( Darstellungsfunktion) of thought — over “expressive

 perception [ Ausdruckswahrnehmen]” is a primary motivation for the

widespread idea that the natural sciences have a more secure evidential base

than do the cultural sciences (and it is here, in particular, that he presents his

criticism of Rudolf Carnap's “physicalism” alluded to above). In reality,

however, neither form of perception can be reduced to the other — both are

what Cassirer calls “primary phenomena [Urphänomene].” Thus, whereas the

natural sciences take their evidential base from the sphere of thing perception,

the cultural sciences take theirs from the sphere of expressive perception, and,

more specifically, from the fundamental experience of other human beings as

fellow selves sharing a common intersubjective world of “cultural meanings.”

In the second place, moreover, whereas intersubjective or objective validity

in the natural sciences rests ultimately on universal laws of nature ranging

over all (physical) places and times, an analogous type of intersubjective or 

objective validity arises in the cultural sciences quite independent of such

universal laws. In particular, although every “cultural object” (a text, a work 

of art, a monument, and so on) has its own individual place in (historical)

time and (geographical-cultural) space, it nevertheless has a trans-historical

and trans-local cultural meaning that emerges precisely as it is continually

and successively interpreted and reinterpreted at other such times and places.


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The truly universal cultural meaning of such an object only emerges

asymptotically, as it were, as the never to be fully completed limit of such a

sequence. In the end, it is only such a never to be fully completed process of 

historical-philosophical interpretation of symbolic meanings that confers

objectivity on both the Naturwissenschaften and the Geisteswissenschaften — 

and thereby reunites the two distinct sides of Kant's original synthesis. (59.



2.3. The self between Bible and its ancient teachings

The second collection brought into study is that literature that was written under the inspiration

of the Holly Spirit and contains only ecumenical sources. This literature sources is contained only in

one book, the Bible, that contain a whole literature that spans on least 1600 years from

aproximativelly A. D. 40 to A. D. 40. (60.Henry H. Halley, Halley's Bible Handbook. Published by

Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1965). It was written by over 40 different authors from all

walks of life: shepherds, farmers, tent-makers, physycians, fishermen, priests, philosophers and

kings. Despite these differences in ocupation and the span of years it took to write it, the Bible is an

extremely cohesive and unified book.

The Bible also covers a variety of subjects. These include the existence and nature of God, the

creation of the universe, the meaning of human existence, the purpose of human beings, and the

final destiny of humankind and the planeth earth. In fact the Bible contains an entire library and

survived to all tests of the time, having an unique continuity, a unique circulation around the world,

 being unique in its translations, over 1400 languages, and being unique in withstanding all attacks.

Thus, the Bible even if it was fifteen hundread years in the making, written by many authors

with many occupations, written in different literary forms, upon three continents, composed in

different circumstances, where three different languages were employed in Holly Scripture, most

authors did not know one another, some would expect chaos to result from these diverse

circumstances but there is only one unfoulding story in the Bible that not a human mind could

 project and preserve such mega hevenly design. Therefore God is the source of the Holly Scripture

with one clear message 'that men follow all the words of this law' (Deut. 29:29) and the Holy Spirit

is the Divine author of Scripture (2 Pet. 1:20, 21).

From this point can be seen that also this literature, like the privious one, has a spiritual message

 but direct and unfould revelead to all human beings that allow to enter in their hearths the word of 


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Salvation. Likewise, the elevation of human being into a high spiritual entity ask like in the

esotheric literature a dedication of apostlesheep and deep understanding of the precepts of the Holly


There is an old story, lost in the shelves of many books, or worse often premeditatedly distorted

that will make clearer the difference between the two kinds of literature mentioned above, and the

characteristic features that makes one to be opposed to the other.

To understand the elements that construct the inner part of humanity, of each individual that

assume such and such values influenced by one of the two cultural emulators mentioned above it is

a necessity to be known that the main authors forms today through these cultural tools the self of 

men kind.

The story begins in immemorial times when God made the first generation of angels, his first

contingent of servants, beings used to Govern the Universe. First, here might need some answers to

the following questions: ‘Why were angels created?’, ‘How were angels created?’, and ‘When were

they created?’

The only reliable sources regarding this domain is the Bible; other fountains but inverted being,

unsure and with language not quite accessible to everyone, often open only to initiated or private

literature clubs novices are Theosophical Society writings or other similar occult branches

documents that mystified the truth for personal interests by their trustful adepts than to expose the

original version.

Thus, question one, receives the answer that angels are the agents through whom the Most High

keeps the balance of evil and good in the Universe. Second question refers to methodology of 

 production of such celestial beings. In all the Bible references about angels, God created them

through power of language, He spoke, He commanded, He ordered and they come into being, all

His heavenly creatures. (Psa. 148:2-5)

The time when all this happened it would be quite clear to consider that, they were already

 present at the creation of man and Earth (Job 38:4-7). Like in all things on earth and heaven, the

angels also have a hierarchy. Some of them are only angels, others archangels and there was even

the mightiest of them all them, the chief of all angels, Semyazah that could sit near God throne and

to receive from His creator the commandments for the entire celestial beings (Ezekiel 28:12-15).

This last privileged angel mentioned also in the previous chapter, was the one who changed the

state of man in the Garden of Eden, and he was also known under the name Angel of Light. Today

this fallen angel known as Lucifer became the most ferocious enemy of man. There is no one else

so dedicated to the depravation and to the total destruction of man than this ruthless foe of humanity

in the entire Universe. Such angel provoked, in the story of Babel tower, by intending to putt his


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own throne above the clouds with the help of humans, which in fact is the abode of God (Isa. 14:12-

15) the confusion of man language.

All this happened, already recorded, in the first chapter of the essay, in the detriment of most

 beloved creation of God, Man. Man does not lost only his place from the presence of God, his

Heavenly Father, but also his self and integrity. Later instigated by Satan, man lost even his own

heavenly language, the last reminisce of what was he once. When men had to part from his cradle,

which was the Garden of Eden, he lost not only the communion he had in God but also his rights he

had in the garden of God.

Man here was sovereign over all the things and he had in the Garden, the only condition to obey

this precepts and commandments that he received there. All this had been given for maintaining the

harmony and with all things that had been created for man: The Three of Life, The Three of Good

and Evil and so forth. Once man had been lead into error, he was doomed and separated from his

initial self that was in His heavenly Father. Man lost thus his state of total harmony he had in God.

The infringement of heavenly precepts divided him from his state of being one with his Creator.

Today men have through Christ a mediator toward their Creator. If sin entered in the world trough

one man, Adam, than the plan of God was to propitiate humanity sin through one man, His only

Son, Christ. But like in the past, today Antichrist is trying by any means to fail this Heavenly plan.

Now because the enemy of the men was present at creation of man, the devil knew that God

made him from two fundamental elemets, one from Earth, perisable, the flesh body, named also in

 biblical terminology 'tent' or 'vasel' (2Cor 5:1, 1Thess.4:4) , and the second from Heaven, named

'soul' or 'the spirit from God' (Gen.2:7). Thus there was a weak part and a strong one. For this can

 be seen everywhere very convingcingly in nowadays human culture of the external things the

folowing feature: 1) lust of the flesh, with adiacent checkpoint cloths snobism as seen in

excerbation of fashion trends; victuals as seen in Junk Food Industry and food advertising around

the world); 2) the lust of the eye, developed ceaselessly by visual media; 3) the pride of life (self-

interests), and other disguisted traps that are aimed to neglect the inner part verry well recorded by

the folclor wisdom: 'An ape's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.'

(61.The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs, Rosalind Fergusson, Market House Books LTD. London

1995, p.10)

take the cross and deny yourself 



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Words of Wisdom: If I Were the Devil

I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world; I would delude

their minds into thinking that they had come from man's effort, instead of God's

 blessings; I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead

of the other way around; I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for 

their state revenue; I would convince people that character is not an issue when it

comes to leadership; I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies; I

would make it socially acceptable to take one's own life, and invent machines to

make it convenient; I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that the

life of animals are valued more than human beings; I would take God out of the

schools, where even the mention of His name was grounds for a lawsuit; I would

come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target the young, and I would get

sports heroes to advertise them; I would get control of the media, so that every

night I could pollute the mind of every family member for my agenda; I would

attack the family, the backbone of any nation; I would make divorce acceptable

and easy, even fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation; I would

compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movie

screens, and I would call it art; I would convince the world that people are born

homosexuals, and that their lifestyles should be accepted and marvelled; I would

convince the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call

themselves authorities and refer to their agenda as politically correct; I would

 persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out of date, and the Bible is for 

the naive; I would dull the minds of Christians, and make them believe that

 prayer is not important, and that faithfulness and obedience are optional; I guess I

would leave things pretty much the way they are.

Author: Paul Harvey 1999



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Today all the literature written beside Bible has such purpose of aver humanity to reconcile with its



1. Manly P.Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 10.

2. http://www.bartleby.com/211/0303.html

3. http://www.bartleby.com/211/1112.html


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4. http://www.bartleby.com/211/1215.html

5. Manly P. Hall, Secret Destiny of America, p.33.

6. Manlly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.165.

7. https://eric.exeter.ac.uk/repository/bitstream/handle/10036/3156/DarnillE.pdf?sequence=8

8. Manlly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.169.

9. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0411.html.

10. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Jonathan_Swift

11. John Milton, Paradise Lost , by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007, p. xxx.





14. Book of Enoch, The Ethiopic Book of Enoch translated by Michael A. Knibb, Oxford University

Press, London, 1978, 9:6, p.16.

15. John Locke Some Thoughts Concerning Education. C.J. Clay and Sons, Cambridge University

Press Warehouse, London 1889, p. 21.

16. http://www.yale.edu/yup/pdf/081146_front_1.pdf 

17. Book of Enoch, 8:1-4, p.16

18. Book of Enoch, 9:6, p.25


20. H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine vol.1, Cosmogenesis. The Theosophical Publishing

Company, Limited, New York, 1888, p.16

21. Rodney St. Michael, Healing and Developing the Mind , Writers Club Press, New York Lincoln

Shanghai, 2002, p. 187

22. http://www.bartleby.com/224/

23. http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=5.1#Wells

24. http://www.restoring-america.com/Documents/Fabian%20Society.pdf 

25. http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=5.1#Wells

26. http://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=FinalWarning&C=5.1#Wells

27. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, The Theosophical Publishing Company, Limited, New York,

1888, p. 23.

28. http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-occult-symbolism-of-the-movie-sherlock-holmes/

29. http://adventofdeception.com/movie-review-alice-in-wonderland/

30. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oz.htm


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