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Transcript of DIRGE Supplement HELLFIRE & ASPHALT

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ASPHALTASPHALTSupplement for theupplement for the

DIRGEIRGE Dark Modern Fantasyark Modern Fantasy

Roleplaying Game v.oleplaying Game v.1.0aaBy Joshua Kubliy Joshua Kubli

Imperfekt Gammesmperfekt Gammes

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Author: Joshua Kubli

Special Thanks: Kevin-Lynn Kubli, Joseph Piatt.Author Website: http://www.imperfekt-industrees.comAuthor Email: jkubli@imperfekt-industrees.comStarted: November 21, 2010Last Update: December 14, 2010License: All text in this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/  or send a letter toCreative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

The art in this work is licensed as indicated in each entry.

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Table of Contentsable of ContentsChapter I: Demon Drivers in the Sky.............1

What Lies Within..........................................1

Warning..........................................................1Chapter II: New Unnaturals...........................2

Children of Darkness...................................2Enkidu...........................................................4Mystics...........................................................5

Chapter III: New Talents................................7

Advanced Talents..........................................7Chapter IV: New Possessions.........................9

Weapons........................................................9Armor...........................................................11Land Vehicles...............................................13

Chapter V: Highway to Hades (Land Vehicle

Combat)........................................................16Keeping Control.........................................16

Road Quality...............................................16Land Vehicle Combat Actions...................17

Land Vehicle Damage.................................18Chapter VI: The Mortal Dominion...............21

The Realms Coalesce...................................21Ancient Empires.........................................22Betrayal Most Bitter...................................22The Fall of the Light...................................23

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DIRGE RPG: HELLFIRE & ASPHALT SUPPLEMENT by Joshua Kubli, Imperfekt Gammes

Chapter I:hapter I: Demon Drivers in the Skyemon Drivers in the SkyWhat Lies Withinhat Lies Within

The DIRGE RPG covers a lot of ground, but somethings got left out in the effort to cover the basics. Your Pactmay get into a car chase, or may encounter a wide variety of medieval or high-tech weapons out in the Pleroma. You maywish to play as one of the vicious, territorial, shapeshiftingEnkidu, or one of the wretched Children of Darkness, or a

member of one of the many minor Mystic Cult. You may justwant more information on the conspiracies of the Hierates,looking for some faint glimmer of hope, some weakness intheir monolithic structure. Except for that last bit, hope, youcan find all of that here.

WarningarningAs with the Dirge RPG, along with some lighthearted

whimsy, there are some dark, twisted, and gruesome subjectshere. Be warned, the Dirge RPG and the Hellfire & Asphalt

supplement are not books for kids or the easily-offended. Notfor children, viewer discretion is advised.

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DIRGE RPG: HELLFIRE & ASPHALT SUPPLEMENT by Joshua Kubli, Imperfekt Gammes

Chapter II:hapter II: New Unnaturalsew UnnaturalsThe shadows teem with unholy creatures, and so far we've seen only a few. This section adds two new Unnatural Types, theChildren of Darkness and the Enkidu, as well as adding a new Mystic Cult, the Ghost Dancers.

Children of Darknesshildren of Darkness

Dimming of the Lightimming of the LightThe first Children of Darkness to rebel learned that,

without the balancing influence of the Perfect Ark's hive-mind, they were ill-equipped to deal with freedom of 

thought. Several of their number fell victim to psychic assaultsby the Elder Beasts, when one of the Dark Princes discovereda trick. By focusing his attention on one vice, they couldwithstand the assaults of the Elder Beasts, using that singularevil to sharply define their existence, where before it was theirbrothers' omnipresent love that gave them focus in life.

If a Child of Light Falls completely, they may exchangethe Child of Light Unnatural Type for the Child of DarknessUnnatural Type. They lose their Legion as well, but any XPspent on Child of Light powers may be immediately spent onChild of Darkness powers.

A Child of Darkness' Energy Powers don't allow them

free Levels in The Glow. Although they possess similarpowers, instead wings and weapons of solid, living shadow,not light, spring up around them.

Just as Children of Light have their own Legions, soChildren of Darkness have their own Dark Legions. A Childof Darkness doesn't have to join a Dark Legion, but itprovides power and much-needed support.

The Children of Darkness' mortal forms look muchmore Human than those of the Children of Light, including asingle, recognizable gender. The Children of Darknessrebelled centuries ago, and except for the newly Fallenrecruits, many of them are familiar and comfortable with themortal world. The one thing they aren't comfortable with is

their new role as protectors of the Pleroma from the ElderBeasts; it's a much tougher job than they'd expected, and thebadly-organized Children of Darkness are barely up to thetask, if at all.

Game Mechanics (Child of Darkness): (BP -15)

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -35)‣ Talent Bonuses: Attractive +2, Close

Combat +2. (BP -6)‣ Darkness (Innate Power): Level 3. (BP -9)

‣ Dark Sight (Innate Power): Level 1. (BP -2)‣ Elemental Weapon [Energy] (Innate 

Power): Level 1. (BP -3)‣ Elemental Wings [Energy] (Innate Power): 

Level 1. (BP -5)‣ The Sight (Innate Power): Level 2. (BP -4)

f Advantages (Optional): ‣ Ancient Lore (Innate Power) ‣ Elemental Shaping [Energy] (Innate Power) ‣ Elemental Shield [Energy] (Innate Power) ‣ Endure Privation [All] (Innate Power) ‣ Inhuman Attribute [STR and TGH] (Innate 

Power) ‣ Scourge (Innate Power): Requires COR 7 or

more.‣ Traverse Realms (Innate Power): Requires a

(COR + WIL + Elemental Wings) total of 20Levels.

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP +20)‣ Select 7 Levels from one Hardship that

increases Corruption, such as Arrogant,Cruel, Cynical, Despairing, Detached,Distant, Lecherous, Snobbish, or Vengeful.Dark Legions will generally have one of these Hardships as a requirement. (BP +14)

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Changing Legions

It is no longer possible for a Child of Light to changeLegions; the induction to a Legion required a lengthy initiationritual performed by an Archon, and now, they are all lost. It may bepossible to re-learn the ritual, but it may be impossible for a mereChild of Light to perform it.

It's also possible for a Child of Darkness to change Legions,but it isn't looked on kindly. To do so means to abandon one'sloyalty to one's former Legions, and among the competitive andvicious Legions of Darkness, this means earning oneself enemies forall of one's Unnatural life. It's unlikely that a Child of Darknesswould ever be allowed to change Legions more than once; the DarkPrinces would be most likely to simply slaughter any Child of Darkness foolish enough to seek such a change.

Asura Legionsura LegionDescription: The Legion of the Asura, the dark twin of 

the Elohim, are one of the ruling Legions among the Childrenof Darkness, for they give full vent to ambition and power-madness, leading, planning, scheming, and manipulating theirbrothers for control of the Many Realms. The Asuras treasurebattle like the Shedim, but they prefer the role of tactician;they also enjoy recruiting allies like the Succubi, but theyaren't as good at it, preferring to overawe enemies intosurrender. In the Vale, Asuras can be found in any social set,but even if they aren't the leader, they will never obey theorders of another, jealously rebelling against anyone else'sauthority. Nothing matters more to an Asura than freedomand power – their own, and no one else's.

Game Mechanics (Asura Legion): (BP -15)

f Requirements ‣ Requirements: Total of 7 Levels in the

Hardships Arrogant or Snobbish.

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -15)‣ Inhuman Attribute [INS] (Innate Power): 

Level 1 (BP -5).‣ Resistance [Compulsions] (Innate Power): 

Level 1 (BP -1).‣ Telekinesis (Innate Power): Level 3 (BP -9).

f Advantages (Optional): (BP -15)‣ Extra Arms (Innate Power) .‣ Extra Head (Innate Power) .‣ Extra Legs (Innate Power) .

Shedim Legionhedim LegionDescription: The Legion of the Shedim are the warriors

of Hell, filled with rage and spite. They train endlessly in the

arena of war that is the Wastelands of Suffering, leadingarmies of Hell Hounds against one another, and then takinghellish crusades to other Realms for blood sport. Shedim may

be found anywhere in the Vale that inflicting pain and carnageis encouraged, from the mean streets to professional sports toblack ops mercenary work.

Game Mechanics (Shedim Legion): (BP -15)

f Requirements ‣ Requirements: Total of 7 Levels in the

Hardships Cruel or Vengeful.

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -15)‣ Ferocity (Innate Power): Level 2. (BP -2)‣ Carapace (Innate Power): Level 1 (-3).‣ Inhuman Attribute [STR and TGH] (Innate 

Power): Level 1 (-10).

f Advantages (Optional): ‣ Body Spikes (Innate Power) .‣ Monstrous Appendage [Any] (Innate 

Power) .‣ Regeneration (Innate Power) .

Succubus Legionuccubus LegionDescription: The Succubi are the demons of lust; they

are the diplomats and recruiters of the Wastelands of Suffering, one of the few forces for unification among theChildren of Darkness. That's not to say that they wantnothing for themselves, only that they enjoy manipulationand subterfuge, refining the use of pleasure to a tool andweapon the likes of which none other ever has. Succubi walkthe Vale attired as models and high-class “escorts,” theirsmiles dazzling, their bodies inviting, beckoning everyone tojust relax their guard a little too much.

Game Mechanics (Succubus Legion): (BP -15)

f Requirements ‣ Requirements: Total of 7 Levels in the

Hardships Clingy or Lecherous.

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -15)‣ Attractive: +5 Levels. (BP -5)‣ Enslave (Innate Power; Modifiers: Touch

Range, Duration *4): Level 1. (BP -3)‣ Inhuman Attribute [PER] (Innate Power): 

Level 1 (BP -5).

f Advantages (Optional): 

‣ Anguish [Lust] (Innate Power) .‣ Daydream (Innate Power) .‣ Pocket Realm (Innate Power) .

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DIRGE RPG: HELLFIRE & ASPHALT SUPPLEMENT by Joshua Kubli, Imperfekt Gammes


The Enkidu are a hybrid race with a mercurial formand the souls and powers of beasts. Their myths and legendsspeak of a long-lost homeland, a distant Realm calledMarduk, lost in battle to the Elder Beasts. They were saved atthe last moment by the Children of Light, who destroyedMarduk rather than give the nightmares of the Ylem afoothold into the Pleroma.

From ancient times, the Enkidu have lived amongHumans, gathering into their own packs, flights, clusters,unkindnesses, prides, and so on whenever enough of themcould be found in a given area. Together, these restless, violentpeople, infused with souls saved from a savage, fallen world,continue their ancient war against their chaotic foes.

From the very beginning of the Stone Age, selectHumans have been imbued with these powerful beast-warriorspirits, filled with truly inhuman power and granted amercurial form. Some few sought out these “allies,”, someeven misunderstanding them to be demons.

Several Things About the Enkidu : 

N The Enkidu are a hybrid of Human and animalspirit, and can shapeshift into the form of thatanimal spirit at will.

N The capacity to become a shapeshifter passesdown erratically through Human generations.Some Humans seek out the spirit “allies” that

make one a were-creature, and in the MiddleAges, some believed that it was demonic spiritsthat gave the Enkidu their shapeshifting nature.

N The Enkidu struggle between the Human andalien sides of their spirits, and sometimes theyshapeshift against their will as well, such asduring the time of the full moon.

N The Enkidu have a complex relationship with theChildren of Light, some seeing them as well-meaning but ineffectual, but others believe theircallousness cost the Enkidu their home.

N The relationship between Ghûls and Enkidu isdecidedly simpler and nastier. Romanian Ghûlsenslaved whole packs of Enkidu during the

Middle-Ages, and the Enkidu have neverforgotten the insult.

N The Enkidu ignore most Mystics, but have decentrelations with Ghost Walkers, the sorcerers mostin tune with nature.

N The Enkidu speak the language named for theirlost Realm, Marduk.

N The Enkidu are very territorial, remembering awar they fought and lost against the forces of chaos. Invaders into their territory, whetherwilderness or urban wasteland, soon learn betterthan to intrude again, or don't live long enough tomake the same mistake.

N Each group of Enkidu can transform into adifferent sort of animal. Common choices arepacks of werewolves, clusters of cat, andunkindnesses of ravens. Other kinds of creaturescall themselves after the names of their animalgroups.

Game Mechanics (Enkidu): (Total BP -15)

N Advantages (Automatic): (Total BP -30)‣ Attribute Bonus: AGI, STR, and TGH +1.

(BP -9)‣ Talent Bonuses: Close Combat +2, Expert +1

(Survival: Any). (BP -5)‣ Dim Sight (Innate Power): Level 1 (BP -1)‣ Ferocity (Innate Power): Level 1 (BP -2)‣ Lycanthrope (Innate Power; Modifiers: 

Beast Hybrid): Level 1 (BP -5)‣ Regeneration (Innate Power): Level 1 (BP

-4)‣ The Sight (Innate Power): Level 2. (BP -4)

N Advantages (Optional): ‣ Affect Spirits (Innate Power) 

‣ Inhuman Attribute [STR and TGH] (Innate Power) 

‣ Traverse Realms: Requires a (WIL +Lycanthrope + Ferocity) total of 20 Levels.

N Disadvantages (Automatic): (BP -15)‣ Allergy [Silver] (Mortal Hardship): Level 3

(BP -9).‣ Outsider (Mortal Hardship): Level 1 (BP

-2).‣ Sensitivity [Silver] (Unnatural Hardship): 

Level 2 (BP -4).

The Bran Unkindnesshe Bran Unkindness

Description: Named for the Celtic god Bran theBlessed, a giant and magician whose raven followers are saidto be the protectors of Britain. Familiar with the mysteries of battlefield and grave-mound, the Bran walk between theworlds of the living and the dead, and as the shamans amongthe Enkidu, these priest-tricksters compel the spirits of thedead to aid the Enkidu in their renewed war against the Elder

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Beasts. Walking every world, though the Bran often come tofeel that they have no true home, no true friends; they feelkeenly that all things end. Their keen eyes see all, and their

mocking voices pierce to the heart of their listeners with theirbitter taunts.

Game Mechanics (Bran Unkindness): (BP -15)

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -15)‣ Attribute Bonus: INS +1, PER +1. (BP -6)‣ Inhuman Attribute [AGI] (Innate Power): 

Level 1. (BP -5)‣ Summoning [Choose one form of spirit]: 

Level 1. (BP -4).‣ Traverse Realms (Modifiers: +3 AP to use): 

Level 1. (BP -2).

N Disadvantages (Automatic): (BP +2)‣ Choose one: Apathetic, Cynical, Despairing,

or Outsider, at Level 1. (BP -2)

The Lycaon Packhe Lycaon PackDescription: In Greek myth, a mighty king was cursed

by the gods into the form of a wolf for his bloodthirstiness,and among all the Enkidu, the Lycaon are the most dedicatedto battle. The Lycaon are social, natural leaders, and theyvalue trustworthiness and toughness more than anything else.Nothing is more miserable than a Lycaon exiled from theirfellows for some crime.

Game Mechanics ( Lycaon Pack ):  (BP -15)

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -25)‣ Lycanthrope: +4 Levels. (BP -20)‣ Inhuman Attribute [STR] (Innate Power): 

Level 1 (BP -5).

N Disadvantages (Automatic): (BP +10)‣ Clingy [The Pack] Level 2. (BP +4). “Lone

Wolves” trade this in for 3 Levels of PsychicScars.‣ Obsessed [Territory] Level 3. (BP +6).

The Mefdet Clusterhe Mefdet ClusterDescription: Named for an Egyptian goddess of war,

protection, and execution, who later changed into thefriendlier, kindlier goddess Bast. Like their patroness, theMefdet are fickle and mercurial, known for their agility andspeed as much as for their arrogance and untrustworthiness.The Mefdet cultivate allies everywhere, even among the Ghûlsand Children of Darkness that other Unnaturals are leery of.The Mefdet are natural scouts and assassins, and only their

cleverness helps them out of the frequent troubles theywander into.

Game Mechanics (Mefdet Cluster): (BP -15)

f Advantages (Automatic): (BP -19)‣ Attribute Bonus: INS +1. (BP -3)‣ Cloak (Modifiers: Cost to use doubled): 

Level 2. (BP -6).‣ Inhuman Attribute [AGI] (Innate Power): 

Level 1 (BP -5).‣ Dumb Luck: Level 1. (BP -5).

N Disadvantages (Automatic): (BP +4)‣ Choose one: Cruel, Distant, Obsessed [New

Things], Snobbish, at Level 2. (BP +4)


Although most of the Collegium Mystics are Pymandri,Visionaries, Thaumatronicists, or Wu Zang Taoists, they areby no means the only Cults opposed to the Hierates. TheGhost Walkers and others also throw in their lot with thosewho seek to free humanity from the shackles of the RexMundi.

The Ghost Walkershe Ghost WalkersDescription: Medicine men and naguals, these sorcerers

are followers of the most ancient ways of magic. Once, proudtribal peoples walked across the plains and through theforests; now, they're holed up on reservations, gettingkickbacks from the local casino and drinking cheap booze.

But some remember their grandparents' stories of speaking tospirits of air and salmon, deer and bear and moon. They headoff into the unforgiving wilderness to seek the power plants,and to undertake painful and trying rituals to re-learn this all-but-forgotten wisdom. Many never come back, but this is theprice of the shaman's path.

Game Mechanics (Ghost Walkers):

f Advantages (Automatic):  ‣ Attribute Bonus: INS +1, WIL +1.‣ Dark Art [Body, Spirit, Substance]: 1 Level

each. Ghost Walkers Roll WIL + Tough asNails + Dark Art to cast Formulæ.

‣ Mystical Techniques (Ancient Languages,

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Consecrated Tools, Ingredients, Magical Passes): +4 Levels.

‣ Talent Bonus: Hidden Lore +1, Expert +2

(One aboriginal Culture, such as Australianaborigine, Cherokee, Navaho, Sioux, plusone associated ancient language).

f Disadvantages (Automatic):  ‣ Addicted, Cynical, Poverty, or Vengeful 

(Automatic): Level 1.

Changing Cults

When a person joins a Cult, they take powerful oaths of loyalty to their mentors, to never betray them, never abandon them,and never give up the secrets of the brotherhood they become a partof. While occasionally a Mystic will leave one Cult and join another,it is a rare occurrence.

Ever since the betrayal of the Hierate Cult, the CollegiumCults have grown ever more paranoid and insular, and any sorcererwho shows signs of untrustworthiness isn't likely to be taken in byanyone. Whether right or wrong, a Mystic who leaves a Cult, evenfor another, allied Cult, is likely to be continually Cursed andforever challenged to spiteful mage-duels, even by some of their new“allies.”

All that said, if a Mystic changes Cults, they lose all benefitsof their old Cult, and gain the benefit of their new Cult. Thetraining to join a Cult takes several months, in which time theMystic learns the spellcasting techniques favored by their new sect,and gradually grows rusty with the techniques employed by theirold Cult. They must forever sleep light and be careful, though, for

no one will ever trust them again.

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Chapter III: New Talentshapter III: New TalentsAdvanced Talentsdvanced Talents

ChariothariotDescription: Riding like the gods between the Many

Worlds in your enchanted vehicle, your travels are a little lessmortifyingly dangerous.

Game Mechanics (Chariot): The Character's Vehicle isan Artifact, enchanted with one of the following Focuses from

the list below per Level. The Artifact Talent may also bechosen to enhance the vehicle with Dark Powers as well.

N Alchemical Overdrive : The vehicle's Cruising andMaximum Speeds both increase by 20%.

N Auto-Targeting Weapons: Requires Autopilot,Weapon Mount. The vehicle's Autopilot spiritmay target and fire the vehicle's Weapon Mounts.

N Autopilot : The vehicle is enchanted with a spirit,that the inhabitants may interact with verbally,and which may drive itself. The vehicle is treatedas having INS, PER, WIL, and AGI 3, INIT 6, andDriving 5. The vehicle has mystical senses of sightand hearing equivalent to that of a Human, andcan understand and speak English. As long as the

vehicle's spirit is kept happy, the vehicle cannot bestolen voluntarily.

N Cold Iron Chassis : The vehicle's Ruggedness in allparts increases by one category; if the part isalready Very Rugged, the STRU and FUNCincrease by 10%.

N Enhanced Autopilot [ ]: Requirements: Chariot 5+Levels, Autopilot. The vehicle's INS, PER, WIL,and AGI increase to 5, the INIT increases to 10,and the vehicle's Driving increases to 7. Thevehicle can also understand and speak oneadditional Language.

N Enhanced Mad Handling: Requires MadHandling. When attempting Vehicle Trick

Actions, the vehicle gains +10 Maneuverability.N Fuel Transmutation : The vehicle can transmute

any substance into gasoline, and so never needsrefueling.

N Genius Autopilot [ ]: Requirements: Chariot 7+Levels, Autopilot, Enhanced Autopilot. Thevehicle's INS, PER, WIL, and AGI increase to 7,

the vehicle's Driving increases to 9, and thevehicle gains 2 selections of the Offensive DrivingTalent.

N Mad Handling : The vehicle's Maneuverabilityincreases by +2, and the TC of all Driving Rollsincreases by +1.

N Ramming Frame: The vehicle takes 25% less

damage from a Head-On Collision.N Weapon Mount : The vehicle has a built-in

mounted weapon, such as a machine gun.

Offensive Drivingffensive DrivingRequirements: Driving 3+ Levels, Ranged Combat 3+

Levels.Description: You know how to handle a car, particularly

when battle breaks out on the road. Maybe you were a trafficcop, maybe a Humvee driver in the Afghanistan, or maybeyou're just used to driving with a piece in the bad part of town.

Game Mechanics (Offensive Driving): Each Level allows

the Character to gain one driving combat move from the listbelow.

N Conserve Fuel: With careful driving, theCharacter increases the vehicle's fuel Range by10%.

N Defensive Driving: The Character's vehicle gains a+(Driving)/2 Bonus to a Defense.

N Evasive Maneuvers: The Character gains a +4Bonus to Dodge and Feint Actions.

N Fine Tuning: Requires Repair 3+ Levels. Thevehicle's Cruising and Maximum Speeds bothincrease by 10%.

N Keep It Together: The Character can reduce allLoss of Control Rolls by (Offensive Driving

Levels)/2.N Nerves of Steel: When the Character is driving a

vehicle, they gain +4 to Self-Control and MDEF,and to all Chicken Game Actions.

N Road Rage: Requires Driving Level 4+. TheCharacter gains a +4 Bonus to Sideswipe Actions,

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and Attack Actions while in a moving vehicle.

N Rough Rider: The Character can treat the RoadQuality as one Level better; for example,

Impassable Road is treated as Barely Passable, andBroken Road is treated as Perfect.

N Speed Demon: Requires Offensive Driving 9+

Levels. The Character gains 2 AP when fightingfrom a moving vehicle.

N Spin in Place: The Character gains a +4 Bonus to

Bootleg Turns and Drifting Actions.

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Chapter Ihapter IV: New Possessionsew PossessionsThis section includes some new Weapons and Armor, and statistics on cars, vans, and motorcycles.


The weapon listings in the Dirge RPG includedweapons that most people could find around the house orwith very little effort, and a few that were out of style, orrarer and more dangerous. This section expands the weaponlisting with a bunch more military weapons, and a bunchmore old-school medieval-type killing tools.

Image courtesy Publicdomainclip-art.blogspot.com.

Automatic Rifleutomatic RifleDescription: Your rifle spits out shells at a remarkable

rate, the standard weapon of the modern military.Game Mechanics (Automatic Rifle): Damage: 6d6G;

Accuracy: -1; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: 2;Range: 180 yd; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 8 lbs.; Shots: 35; Cost: $400.00; Weapon Features: Autofire [1d6]; Cannot Block;Cannot Disarm; Restricted [7].

Bastard Swordastard SwordDescription: There are bigger swords, there are lighter

swords, but your blade is a perfect middle ground betweensmashing the foe with sheer mass and easily wielding itspower.

Game Mechanics (Bastard Sword): Damage: (4d6+HTH+1)E; Accuracy: -1; Talent: Close Combat; Hands 

Required: 1-½; Reach: 2; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 4 lbs.; Cost: $235.00; Weapon Features: Block [-1]; Disarm [-1].

Battle Axattle AxDescription: Like some fierce warrior from the old

pulps, you heft a double-sided chopping blade made forcutting apart shields, torsos, and heads.

Game Mechanics (Battle Ax): Damage: (4d6+2+HTH)E;Accuracy: -2; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 2;Reach: 2; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 8 lbs.; Cost: $300.00; WeaponFeatures: Block [-3], Cannot Disarm.

Fencingencing SwordwordDescription: Fencing swords are thin, light, fast

stabbing weapons, used primarily for sport, but occasionallybrought to stylish combat.

Game Mechanics (Fencing Sword): Damage: (1d6+1+HTH)B; Accuracy: +2; Talent: Close Combat; Hands 

Required: 1; Reach: 2; Conceal: -15; Weight: 2 lbs.; Cost: $100.00; Weapon Features: Balanced [2]; Block [+2], Disarm[+2].

FlaillailDescription: A huge chunk of metal spinning on the

end of a chain, held by another huge metal handle, is a fineway to ruin another person's day, if you're feeling all medievaltoday.

Game Mechanics (Flail): Damage: (2d6+1d3+HTH)B;Accuracy: -1; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 1;Reach: 2; Weight: 4 lbs.; Conceal: -15; Cost: $150.00; WeaponFeatures: Block [-2]; Cannot Disarm.

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FlamethrowerlamethrowerDescription: Your weapon belches flames all over the

enemy, firing a line of burning napalm onto an enemy.Game Mechanics (Flamethrower): Damage: 4d6+1N;

Accuracy: -2; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: 2;Range: 8 yd; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 35 lbs.; Shots: 10; Cost: $400.00; Weapon Features: Radius [2 yd]; Restricted [6].

Great Swordreat SwordDescription: A gigantic chunk of metal, sharpened to an

edge, capable of cutting a man in half.Game Mechanics (Great Sword): Damage: 

(5d6+HTH)E; Accuracy: -2; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 3; Reach: 3; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 8 lbs.; Cost: $400.00; Weapon Features: Block [-2]; Disarm [-3].

Grenade, Fragmentationrenade, FragmentationDescription: The classic “pineapple,” a throwable

explosive device used by the military.Game Mechanics (Fragmentation Grenade): Damage: 

7d6+1G; Accuracy: ---; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: 1; Range: (STR) yd; Conceal: -5; Weight: 1 lbs.;Shots: 1; Cost: $150.00; Weapon Features: Cannot Block;Cannot Disarm; Radius [4 yd]; Restricted [8], Save Roll[AGI+Ranged Combat vs. DF Difficult (25); Half Damage].

Grenade, Tear Gasrenade, Tear GasDescription: A small canister filled with eye- and lung-

stinging gas, used by military and law enforcement forces.Game Mechanics (Tear Gas Grenade): Damage: 1d2B;

Accuracy: ---; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: XX;Range: (STR) yd; Conceal: -5; Weight: 1 lbs.; Shots: 1; Cost: $75.00; Weapon Features: Cannot Block; Cannot Disarm;Radius [6 yd]; Restricted [6], Save Roll [AGI+Ranged Combatvs. DF Very Difficult (30); Effect Bad Eyes Hardship Level4+1d6 and Distracted Affliction, Duration (FF) Rounds].

Light Anti-Tank Weaponight Anti-Tank WeaponDescription: A special weapon designed to take out

tanks, the LAW is

Game Mechanics (Light Anti-Tank Weapon): Damage: 9d6G; Accuracy: -3; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: 2; Range: 300 yd; Conceal: -20; Weight: 8 lbs.; Shots: 1; Cost: $8,000.00; Weapon Features: Cannot Block; Cannot Disarm;Radius [4 yd]; Restricted [8], Save Roll [AGI+Ranged Combatvs. DF Very Difficult (30); Half Damage].

Longong BowowDescription: An older style of bow, that is simpler and

almost as deadly as the Compound Bow.Game Mechanics (Long Bow): Damage: (2d6+HTH+1)E;

Accuracy: ---; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: 2;Range: ((STR *2) +8) yd; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 6 lbs.; Shots: 1; Cost: $80; Weapon Features: Cannot Block; Cannot Disarm;Reload [3].

Image courtesy Rob Wiltshire, free digital photos.net 

Long Swordong SwordDescription: A long, sharp blade, the symbol of 

knighthood and nobility and honor all that dorky bullshit.Game Mechanics (Long Sword): Damage: (4d6+HTH);

Accuracy: ---; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 1;Reach: 2.; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 4 lbs.; Cost: $300.00;Weapon Features: None.

MaceaceDescription: You swing a large, blunt weapon,

composed largely of metal and ugly knobs and such, smashingthe enemy's heads open.

Game Mechanics (Mace): Damage: (4d6+HTH)B;Accuracy: ---; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 1;Reach: 2; Conceal: -15; Weight: 4 lbs.; Cost: $75.00; WeaponFeatures: Block [-2]; Cannot Disarm.

Machine Gunachine GunDescription: One of the deadliest weapons a Human

being can carry, a belt-fed firearm designed to punch throughmilitary vehicles.

Game Mechanics (Machine Gun): Damage: 7d6+1G;Accuracy: -2; Talent: Ranged Combat; Hands Required: 2;Range: 400 yd; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 10½ lbs.; Shots: 35;

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Cost: $6,000.00; Weapon Features: Autofire [1d6]; CannotBlock; Cannot Disarm; Restricted [8].

Pole Armole ArmDescription: A huge ax-like blade on the end of a long

heavy haft, designed to chop down riding enemies.Game Mechanics (Pole Arm): Damage: 

(2d6+1d3+HTH)E; Accuracy: ---; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 2; Reach: 3; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 2-½ lbs.; Cost: $90.00; Weapon Features: None.

Short Swordhort SwordDescription: A short blade, like the Roman gladius or

the Japanese wakizashi, used for stabbing and slashing atanyone unlucky enough to be in front of you.

Game Mechanics (Short Sword): Damage: (3d6+HTH)E;Accuracy: ---; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 1;Reach: 1; Conceal: -15; Weight: 1 lb.; Cost: $315.00; WeaponFeatures: None.

SickleickleDescription: A short, curved blade adapted to combat

in ancient times by revolting peasants, Sickles are used byMystics to harvest herbs, and by martial artists for battle.

Game Mechanics (Sickle): Damage: (2d6+1d3+HTH);

Accuracy: ---; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 1;Reach: 1; Conceal: -15; Weight: 1 lb.; Cost: $65.00; WeaponFeatures: None.

SpearpearDescription: A stabbing weapon on the end of a long

haft, Spears are one of the first weapons ever designed.Game Mechanics (Spear): Damage: (2d6+1+HTH)E;

Accuracy: +1; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 2;Reach: 3; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 2 lbs.; Cost: $25.00; WeaponFeatures: None.

StafftaffDescription: Staffs are long sticks that need both hands

to wield, and are excellent at blocking and disarming.Game Mechanics (Staff): Damage: (2d6+HTH)B;

Accuracy: +1; Talent: Close Combat; Hands Required: 2;Reach: 3; Conceal: N/A; Weight: 1-½ lbs.; Cost: $0.00; WeaponFeatures: Block [+1], Disarm [+1].


Most people don't have access to real, serious armor;

guns punch through most ancient armors fairly easily, andmodern armors are rare and expensive. This section lists abunch of old-style Armors, such as a Character might find asan Artifact, and some modern military-type Armors.

Shields provide bonuses to the protection provided byBlock Actions; if the Character doesn't take a Block Action,the Shield won't help.

Boiled Leather Armoroiled Leather ArmorDescription: You've got a tunic and pants of leather

plates boiled in oil until hardened.Game Mechanics (Boiled Jacket): 

N Leg IPRO: 9, DPRO: 1.N Torso IPRO: 11, DPRO: 1.

N Arm IPRO: 9, DPRO: 1.Weight: 15 lbs.; Cost: $200.00; Armor Features: 


Mail Shirtail ShirtDescription: You wear a hauberk of “chain mail”, wirewoven into links to protect you from slashing attacks.

Game Mechanics (Chain Mail): 

N Torso IPRO: 14, DPRO: 2.

N Arm IPRO: 12, DPRO: 2.Weight: 25 lbs.; Cost: $400.00; Armor Features: 


Metal Shieldetal ShieldDescription: You ward off blows with a large, slightly

concave plate of steel.Game Mechanics (Metal Shield): 

N Block Bonus IPRO: 15, DPRO: 3.Weight: 7 lbs.; Cost: $150.00; Armor Features: 


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Padded Armoradded ArmorDescription: A suit of thick woolen clothing woven

tightly together cushion you from the enemy's attacks.Game Mechanics (Padded Armor): 

N Leg IPRO: 4, DPRO: 1.

N Torso IPRO: 5, DPRO: 1.

N Arm IPRO: 4, DPRO: 1.Weight: 10 lbs.; Cost: $75.00; Armor Features: 


Plate Armorlate ArmorDescription: You look like archetypal “knight in

shining armor” in this bulky metal-plated outfit, but you canstill ride and fight fairly well in it.

Game Mechanics (Plate Mail): 

N Foot IPRO: 8, DPRO: 2.N Leg IPRO: 12, DPRO: 2.

N Torso IPRO: 15, DPRO: 2.

N Arm IPRO: 12, DPRO: 2.

N Hand IPRO: 8, DPRO: 2.

N Head IPRO: 12, DPRO: 2.Weight: 65 lbs.; Cost: $600.00; Armor Features: 


Riot Armoriot ArmorDescription: You possess a head-to-toe outfit of heavy

bulletproof polymers, designed to protect a law enforcementofficer or soldier in the case of civil disturbance.

Game Mechanics (Riot Armor): 

N Foot IPRO: 14, DPRO: 3.

N Leg IPRO: 18, DPRO: 3.

N Torso IPRO: 22, DPRO: 3.

N Arm IPRO: 18, DPRO: 3.

N Hand IPRO: 14, DPRO: 3.

N Head IPRO: 16, DPRO: 3.Weight: 25 lbs.; Cost: $500.00; Armor Features: 


Riot Shieldiot ShieldDescription: Your transparent plastic shield is a lot

harder than it looks, designed to help protect soldiers andpolice during a riot.

Game Mechanics (Riot Shield): 

N Block Bonus IPRO: 20, DPRO: 3.Weight: 8 lbs.; Cost: $200.00; Armor Features: 


Scale Armorcale ArmorDescription: “Scales” or tiny plates of metal are woven

onto a leather shirt, providing excellent flexibility and decentprotection from melee attacks.

Game Mechanics (Scale Mail): 

N Leg IPRO: 11, DPRO: 1.

N Torso IPRO: 13, DPRO: 1.N Arm IPRO: 11, DPRO: 1.

Weight: 30 lbs.; Cost: $230.00; Armor Features: None.

Studded Leathertudded LeatherDescription: A hauberk of hardened leather, covered

with metal studs to provide additional deflection againstslashing blades.

Game Mechanics (Studded Leather): 

N Torso IPRO: 12, DPRO: 2.

N Arm IPRO: 10, DPRO: 2.Weight: 20 lbs.; Cost: $135,00; Armor Features: 


Wooden Shieldooden ShieldDescription: A protective device made of hard wood,

sufficient for warding off light blows from spear or sword.Game Mechanics (Wooden Shield): 

N Block Bonus IPRO: 11, DPRO: 2.Weight: 5 lbs.; Cost: $80.00; Armor Features: 


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Land Vehiclesand VehiclesSince the Industrial Revolution, people have made the automobile not just a tool of transportation, but a tool of leisure

and status. In the Tenebræ, vehicles can take on a life of their own, and many Unnaturals even take Artifact cars with them ontheir excursions into the Pleroma, driving the highways to heavens … and hells, and everything in between.

Characters can spend 2 Trifle Slots to possess anyvehicle except for a Luxury or Sports Car; those vehicles cost 3Trifle Slots.

Land Vehicle Descriptorsand Vehicle DescriptorsSpeed: The

Cruis e : The vehicle's best safe long-distance travel

speed. Max The vehicle's top rated speed.Acc: The vehicle's maximum acceleration.Dec: The vehicle's Acceleration.

Maneuverability: The modifier to all Driving TalentRolls that the Driver experiences while operating the vehicle.

Ruggedness: How tough the vehicle is. The vehicle'sRuggedness determines the vehicle's IPRO, DPRO, STRU andFUNC. See the Vehicle Ruggedness Table to see how muchSTRU and FUNC each vehicle part has based on the vehicle'sRuggedness.

Base Defense: This is the base defense of the vehicle; this

is 12 for most Vans, 14 for most Automobiles, and 16 for mostMotorcycles.

Crew: The number of people that the vehicle can carry.Driver: The number of steering columns and

control sets the vehicle has. Pretty much all land vehiclesPassengers: The number of people that the vehicle

can carry, that aren't helping operate the vehicle. Passengerscan fire out windows, or man any installed weapon.

Cargo: TheSpace: The volume that the vehicle has set aside

for cargo.Capacity: The amount of weight that the vehicle

can carry.

Fuel Range: The fuel efficiency of the vehicle, and thedistance the vehicle can travel on a full load of fuel. FuelRange will vary with the road conditions and the amount of acceleration and deceleration the vehicle must undergo enroute.

Cost: The amount of money that the vehicle costs.

Land Vehicle Featuresand Vehicle FeaturesAll Terrain [ ]: The vehicle gains the listed bonus to

offset penalties due to poor road conditions.Expensive [ ]: Characters must have the listed Levels in

the Wealth Asset to possess this vehicle.Open: Passengers gain no protection from this vehicle.Stylish [ ]: Characters owning (or looking like they

own) this vehicle gain the listed bonus to their AttractivenessTalent.

Weapon Mounts [ ]: The vehicle has the listed weaponsbuilt into it. Generally, a Passenger aims and fires theseweapons.

ATVTVDescription: This four-wheeled, open vehicle is

designed to run through harsh terrain and over sand dunes,mainly for recreation.

Game Mechanics (Crotch Rocket Motorcycle):Cruise/Max: 35/55 mph, Acc/Dec: 30/25 mph;Maneuverability:  ---; Ruggedness: Chassis Flimsy, all othersVery Flimsy; Base Defense: 16 (Motorcycle); Crew:  Drivers: 1,Passengers 1; Cargo:  Space: ½' x ½' x ½', Capacity: 800 lbs;Fuel Efficiency: 40 MPG / 200 miles; Cost: $3,500.00;Features: All-Terrain [3], Open.

Compact Carompact CarDescription: A small, cheap vehicle with decent gas

mileage, and little else to boast of.Game Mechanics (Sedan): Speed:  Cruise/Max: 45/80

mph, Acc/Dec: 30/20 mph; Maneuverability: +1; Ruggedness: 

Flimsy (All); Base Defense: 14 (Automobile); Crew:  Drivers: 1,Passengers: 3; Cargo:  Space: 2' x 2' x 3', Capacity: 800 lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 35 MPG / 400 miles; Cost: $12,000.00; Features: None.

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Luxury Caruxury CarDescription: The epitome of style and comfort, Luxury

Cars are expensive and moderately rugged, but not efficient atall.

Game Mechanics (Luxury Car): Speed:  Cruise/Max: 40/60 mph, Acc/Dec: 20/15 mph; Maneuverability:  -2;Ruggedness: Heavy Chassis, Average for everything else; Base Defense: 16 (Automobile); Crew:  Drivers: 1, Passengers: 5;Cargo:  Space: 1' x 2' x 3', Capacity: 1200 lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 20MPG / 375 miles; Cost: $70,000.00; Features: Expensive [3],Stylish [1].

Motorcycle, Crotch Rocketotorcycle, Crotch RocketDescription: Built for deadly speed, this rice burner

comes in a variety of bright colors.

Game Mechanics (Crotch Rocket Motorcycle):Cruise/Max: 40/75 mph, Acc/Dec: 40/35 mph;Maneuverability: +2; Ruggedness: All Very Flimsy; Base Defense: 16 (Motorcycle); Crew:  Drivers: 1, Passengers: 1;Cargo:  Space: ½' x ½' x ½', Capacity: 450 lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 40 MPG / 200 miles; Cost: $8,000.00; Features: Open, Stylish[1].

Motorcycle, Hawgotorcycle, HawgDescription: A low-slung street bike, nothing looks as

bad-ass as this chrome beast.Game Mechanics (Hawg Motorcycle): Speed: 

Cruise/Max: 40/70 mph, Acc/Dec: 35/20 mph;

Maneuverability:  ---; Ruggedness: All Flimsy; Base Defense: 16(Motorcycle); Crew:  Drivers: 1, Passengers: 1; Cargo:  Space: ½'x ½' x ½', Capacity: 500 lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 40 MPG / 200miles; Cost: $10,000.00; Features: Open, Stylish [2].

Motorcycle, Off-Roadotorcycle, Off-RoadDescription: This light, rugged bike was built for

scrambling through the wilderness and along dirt roads.Game Mechanics (Crotch Rocket Motorcycle):

Cruise/Max: 40/75 mph, Acc/Dec: 40/35 mph;Maneuverability: +1; Ruggedness: Chassis Flimsy, all othersVery Flimsy; Base Defense: 16 (Motorcycle); Crew:  Drivers: 1;Cargo:  Space: None, Capacity: 350 lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 40

MPG / 200 miles; Cost: $5,000.00; Features: All-Terrain [2],Open.

PickupickupDescription: Pickups are land vehicles with an open bed

for lots of cargo.Game Mechanics (Pickup): Speed:  Cruise/Max: 40/80

mph, Acc/Dec: 30/20 mph; Maneuverability:  -2; Ruggedness: 

Rugged (All); Base Defense: 14 (Automobile); Crew:  Drivers: 1,Passengers: 2; Cargo:  Space: 1' x 2' x 3', Capacity: 2,000 lbs;Fuel Efficiency: 15 MPG / 250 miles; Cost: $18,000.00;Features: All Terrain [3].

SedanedanDescription: A dead-typical, generic car for city driving,

the sedan has a few comforts, but is dependable.Game Mechanics (Sedan): Speed:  Cruise/Max: 45/90

mph, Acc/Dec: 30/20 mph; Maneuverability:  ---; Ruggedness: Average (All); Base Defense: 14 (Automobile); Crew:  Drivers: 1, Passengers: 4; Cargo:  Space: 1' x 2' x 3', Capacity: 1000 lbs;Fuel Efficiency: 20 MPG / 350 miles; Cost: $25,000.00;

Features: None.

Image courtesy dhester, Pictureperfectdigital.com.

Sports Carports CarDescription: Fast-moving brightly-colored cop magnets,

sports cars are expensive symbols of youth and status.Game Mechanics (Sports Car): Speed:  Cruise/Max: 

70/110 mph, Acc/Dec: 60/40 mph; Maneuverability: +6;Ruggedness: Average (Chassis, engine, tires), Flimsy(Everything else); Base Defense: 14 (Automobile); Crew: 

Drivers: 1, Passengers: 1; Cargo:  Space: 1' x 2' x 3', Capacity: 500lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 25 MPG / 375 miles; Cost: $1 million;Features: Expensive [5], Stylish [2].

SUVUVDescription: Sports Utility Vehicles, or SUVs, are light

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vans designed for minor off-road travel, but usually forNASCAR dads and soccer moms to shuttle groceries to thesuburbs.

Game Mechanics (SUV): Speed:  Cruise/Max: 35/70 mph,Acc/Dec: 30/15 mph; Maneuverability:  -4; Ruggedness: Rugged(Chassis), Average (Everything else); Base Defense: 12 (Van);

Crew:  Drivers: 1, Passengers: 7, or 5 if rear seat is removed;Cargo:  Space: 2' x 4' x 4', or 5' x 4' x 4' with rear seat removed;Capacity: 1100 lbs; Fuel Efficiency: 20 MPG / 300 miles; Cost: 

$30,000.00; Features: All Terrain [1].

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Chapterhapter V: Highway to Hadesighway to Hades ((Landand Vehicleehicle Combat)Combat)Land vehicle combat is an add-on to the existing Dirge RPG rules that allows for car chases and auto battles. Moving at

high speeds and unloading firearms on the highway adds a special set of challenges that can spell the end of even the mostremarkable Unnatural, or the most ardent fan of '80s cop shows.

Keeping Controleeping Control

Every Round on their turn, every Character that'sdriving a vehicle needs to decide what they're doing with theirvehicle before any other Actions. The speed and heading of the vehicle may affect the effectiveness of any other Actionsthey may take, after all.

Keep Control (3 AP)eep Control (3 AP)Description: You maintain the vehicle's speed and keep

it going forward, under control.Game Mechanics (Keep Control): The Character must

declare whether they're going to keep moving forward orwhether they're going to turn or keep going straight, andwhether they're going to speed up or slow down.

The vehicle can increase its speed each round by up toits Acceleration. It may also decrease its current speed by upto its Deceleration.

Driving at high speeds is dangerous. Vehicles travelingup to their Cruising speed suffer no penalty to Driving TalentRolls. Vehicles traveling higher than their Cruising speed, up

to their Maximum Speed, suffer a -5 Penalty toManeuverability. Vehicles can exceed their listed MaximumSpeed by up to 10% but suffer Xd6 damage every Round,Maneuverability is at -10, and MC is +1. Vehicles gain +1 toDefense per 10 mph they are traveling.

The vehicle can make one 45-degree turn per round.The vehicle can make additional turns, but each one causes a+5 increase in the DF of the Drive Roll.

Once these decisions are made, the Driver must make aAGI + Drive Talent Roll against a DF set by the Road Quality,and modified by the vehicle's Speed and turning radius. On asuccess, the vehicle remains on course; on a failure, theCharacter must roll on the Loss of Control Table, and add

their FF. If they rolled a Mishap, they must also add twice theMF.

Instead of just Keeping Control, there are other Actionsthe Driver may take as well, listed below, under Land VehicleCombat Actions.

Road Qualityoad Quality

Road Quality is one of the most important problemsthat vehicle combatants run into; a high-speed chase that runs

into a sudden bad stretch of road can end with all of thevehicles suddenly careening out of control.

Road Qualityoad QualityPerfect: This asphalt is new, flat, and smooth. Driving

DF Very Easy (10).Broken: This road is broken up, with myriad cracks and

potholes to avoid, making for a bumpy ride. Driving DF Easy(15).

Dirt/Gravel: This road isn't paved with asphalt, but dirtor gravel still make it navigable. Driving DF Average (15).

Off-Road: There isn't any road, but it's still fairly flat,though bumpy. Driving DF Hard (20), MC +1.

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Barely Passable: This area is almost impossible tonavigate with any sort of a land vehicle. Driving DF VeryHard (25), MC is +2.

Impassable: This area cannot be driven through. AllDriving Rolls automatically fail, and attempts to do soprobably cause immediate damage to the vehicle, and maybethe Driver and passengers as well.

Road Quality can vary with the weather and currentdriving conditions, also. For example, if the road is covered

with ice, water, or debris, the Game Master might decide thata Perfect asphalt highway is degraded to Broken, Dirt/Gravel,or Off-Road Rough, or even Nearly Impassable.

Road Quality TableRoad Type Driving DF Mishap Chance Consequences of Failure

Perfect Very Easy (10) Normal Reduce speed by 10%.

Broken Easy (15) Normal Roll on the Loss of Control Table with a -2 modifier.

Dirt/Gravel Average (20) Normal Roll on the Loss of Control Table.

Off-Road Hard (25) MC +1 Roll on the Loss of Control Table with a +1 modifier.

Barely Passable Very Hard (30) MC +2 Roll on the Loss of Control Table with a +2 modifier.

Impassable Automatic Failure N/A Roll on the Loss of Control Table with a +3 modifier.

Land Vehicle Combat Actionsand Vehicle Combat Actions

This section lists some additional Combat Actions thatautomobile drivers can take in a vehicle.

Dodge and Feint Actions work exactly like they do innormal, personal combat, but in both cases the Drivers rollAGI + Driving instead of whatever is listed.

Bootleg Turn (ootleg Turn (5 AP)AP)Description: You brake and spin the wheel, doing a

quick 180 in a short space.Game Mechanics (Bootleg Turn): The Character must

make an AGI + Driving Talent Roll, modified by RoadQuality, at -2 per 10 mph they're traveling; if the vehicle'sManeuverability is negative, double the ManeuverabilityPenalty for this Action.

If the Driver is successful, they spin 180 degreesand begin moving next round at 1/2 their previous speed. If the Character attempted to do this as part of a normal KeepControl Action, it'd cause a +20 to the DF of the Roll.

Chicken Game (hicken Game (5 AP)AP)Description: You dare another vehicle to hit you or

another object, creating a test of nerves that will probably endwith someone dead.

Game Mechanics (Chicken Game): The Chicken Game

acts like an extended Feint. Each opponent makes anOpposed Roll of AGI + Driving + Intimidation against theother, for X Rounds, X being the amount of time before bothhit a large object or drive off a steep cliff. The winner has tomake a Bootleg Turn or Sudden Stop, however, or sufferalmost certain death. The Chicken Game It doesn't work

against all opponents, but against an enemy that's Arrogant orVengeful, it's

Coastoastingng (1 AP)(1 AP)Description: You turn away from the road ahead for a

moment, dropping speed but keeping your forwardmomentum.

Game Mechanics (Coast ing ):  The vehicle drops speed10% each Round that the Character simply Coasts, and theCharacter can't make any Drive Talent Rolls, but they canattend to other matters, like finding a good radio station, orfiring out the window.

Driftingrifting (5 AP)(5 AP)Description: The latest fad in gearheads with barely-

sublimated death wishes, you to turn sharply, letting yourvehicle move ahead diagonally or sideways, letting you turnsharply without losing speed.

Game Mechanics (Drifting): The Character must an

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AGI + Driving Talent Roll, modified by Road Quality, at -2per 10 mph they're traveling; if the vehicle's Maneuverability isnegative, double the Maneuverability Penalty for this Action.

If the Driver is successful, they spin 90 degrees andbegin moving next round at their previous speed. If theCharacter attempted to do this as part of a normal KeepControl Action, it'd cause a +10 to the DF of the Roll.

Head-Onead-On Collision (ollision (5 AP)AP)Description: You slam into another vehicle or a

pedestrian, causing massive damage to them, and probably toyou.

Game Mechanics (Head-On Collision): The Charactermust make an AGI + Drive Talent Roll, against the othervehicle's Defense. On a success, both vehicles, and passengers

of both vehicles, take crash damage.

Sideswipeideswipe ((2 AP)AP)Description: You smash into a vehicle or pedestrian

next to your vehicle, causing damage to both of you.Game Mechanics (Sideswipe): The Character must make

an AGI + Drive Talent Roll, against the other vehicle'sDefense, with a +5 Bonus to hit. On a success, both vehicles,

and passengers of both vehicles, take 1/2 crash damage.

Sudden Stopudden Stop

((5 AP)

AP)Description: You attempt to make a controlled

reduction of speed, stopping if possible without losingcontrol.

Game Mechanics (Sudden Stop): The Character mustmake an AGI + Driving Talent Roll vs. DF set by RoadQuality. On a success, the Character reduces the vehicle'scurrent speed by double the vehicle's DEC, but on a failedRoll, the vehicle goes careening out of control; make a Roll onthe Loss of Control Table at +2.

Vehicle Trick (5 AP)ehicle Trick (5 AP)Description: Jumping off a ramp, driving on two

wheels,Game Mechanics (Vehicle Trick): The Game Master

decides on a DF for the Vehicle Trick, based partly on theRoad Quality in the area; the typical DF is +15 above the RoadQuality DF. Most Vehicle Tricks are only of limited use, oronly good in a narrow variety of situations, so there's nopoint in going through them exhaustively.

Land Vehicle Damageand Vehicle Damage

Rolls to Hitolls to HitAs with attacks against a Character, all attacks with an

SF of 1 to 10 must roll on the Vehicle Damage Table to see

where the shot lands. On a roll of SF 11 to 15, the Charactermay roll 1d6+2, and on an SF 16+, the attacker may choosewhat system they hit.

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Vehicle System Damage TableVehicle Types


Vehicle Ruggedness


Motor-cycles Vans Very

Flimsy Flimsy Average Rugged VeryRugged

2 to 3 2 to 4 2 to 3 Engine



STRU: 20FUNC: 15

DPRO: 15IPRO: 10STRU: 25FUNC: 20

DPRO: 18IPRO: 13STRU: 30FUNC: 25

DPRO: 20IPRO: 15STRU: 35FUNC: 30

4 to 5 5 to 6 4 to 5 Tires





STRU: 14FUNC: 14



STRU: 20FUNC: 22

6 --- 6 to 8 CargoDPRO: 10IPRO: 4



DPRO: 20IPRO: 10

DPRO: 23IPRO: 12

7 7 9 Passengers DPRO: 10IPRO: 4 DPRO: 13IPRO: 6 DPRO: 16IPRO: 8 DPRO: 20IPRO: 10 DPRO: 23IPRO: 12

8 to 9 8 to 9 10 Chassis


STRU: 50FUNC: 50


STRU: 60FUNC: 70


STRU: 70FUNC: 90

DPRO: 20IPRO: 10STRU: 80FUNC: 110

DPRO: 23IPRO: 12STRU: 90FUNC: 130

10 to 11 10 to 11 11ControlSystem




DPRO: 15IPRO: 10STRU: 13FUNC: 10

DPRO: 18IPRO: 13STRU: 15FUNC: 13

DPRO: 20IPRO: 15STRU: 18FUNC: 15

12 12 12 Fuel System






Damage Table Resultsamage Table ResultsEngine Damage: The vehicle will begin to lose

acceleration and speed as the Engine takes damage. If theengine is destroyed, the vehicle will very quickly sputter to astop, and is in danger of explosion.

Tire Damage: All STRU Lost: Each time the tire takes damage,

the Driver must make AGI + Drive Rolls vs. Road Quality DFto keep control of the vehicle. The DF of this Roll is +5 forMotorcycle drivers.

All FUNC Lost: The vehicle immediately beginsto skid to a stop, losing 20% of its current speed every Round.The Driver must make a AGI + Drive Rolls vs. Road QualityDF to keep control of the vehicle.; this roll suffers a penalty of -1 per 10 mph the vehicle is currently traveling. The DF of thisRoll is +10 for Motorcycle drivers.

Cargo Damage: The vehicle's cargo may be damaged.The Game Master will determine what objects (or people) inthe cargo compartment get damaged. Whatever it is, it gainsthe listed Armor against attacks. If the vehicle has no listedcargo volume, or is carrying no cargo, these become Chassishits.

Passengers Damage: The vehicle's Driver or Passengersmay be damaged. If they are inside the vehicle, they gain thelisted Armor against attacks.

Chassis Damage: All STRU Lost: The vehicle loses 10% from its

Maximum and Cruising speed, and Maneuverability suffers a-3 Penalty.

All FUNC Lost: As with Tires FUNC Damage.

Control System Damage: All STRU Lost: The vehicle suffers a -5 penalty to

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Maneuverability, and all Drive Talent Rolls are at MC +2.All FUNC Lost: The Driver loses control of the

vehicle's direction, and the vehicle crashes in the next few

Rounds (usually within 1d6 Rounds). Roll 3d6 on the Loss of Control Table and subtract the Driver's Drive Talent Level.

Fuel System Damage: All STRU Lost: The vehicle immediately begins to

skid to a stop, losing 10% of its current speed every Round, asthe engine no longer gets the fuel it needs to run.

All FUNC Lost: The fuel system is leaking fuel,and the vehicle could explode. Roll 1d6 each Round; on a 6,the fuel ignites, and the vehicle Bursts Into Flames (seebelow).

Loss of Controloss of ControlLoss of Control Table Roll:

Up to 1/2 Cruising Speed: 1d6+1d3.From 1/2 to full Cruising Speed: 2d6.From Cruising up to Max Speed: 2d6+1d3.Higher than Max Speed: 3d6.

Add the driver's FF to the roll. If the Driver rolled aMishap, add (MF)x2 to the Roll.

Loss of Control Table

Roll Result1 or less Nothing untoward happens.

2 to 7 Vehicle skids to a stop or near-stop as the driver fights the wheel.

8 to 9Vehicle fishtails. Driver must make another Driving Roll to control the fishtailing vehicle, with a DF of +5.On a failure, the vehicle crashes.

10 to 11 Vehicle collides with a stationary object or pedestrian nearby.

12 to 13Vehicle spins. Driver must make another Driving Roll to control the spin, with a DF of +10. On a failure,the vehicle crashes.

14 to 15 Vehicle rolls over and comes to rest on its hood, skidding a short distance. The vehicle crashes 1d2 times.

16 to 17 Vehicle rolls over 1d3 times, and passengers and the vehicle take collision damage each time.

18+Vehicle does a spectacular flip and roll, and immediately bursts into flames. The vehicle crashes 1d3 times,for double damage to the vehicle and its inhabitants each time

Vehicle Crash Damageehicle Crash DamageDamage to the Vehicle: The vehicle takes 1d6 Edged

Damage per 10 mph the vehicle was traveling to a system of the Game Master's choice. If there are no obvious choices, theGame Master may roll for a random system.

Damage to the Passengers : Open vehicles or Partially Outside: 2d6+1 Edged

Damage per 10 mph.

Closed Vehicle with No Safety Belt: 1d6+1d3 BluntDamage per 10 mph.Closed Vehicle Wearing Safety Belt: 1d6+1 Blunt

Damage per 10 mph.

Vehicles Bursting into Flamesehicles Bursting into FlamesDamage to the Vehicle : Immediately demolishes the


Damage to the Passengers : Inside/Adjacent to the Vehicle: 10d6 Energy

Damage for Automobiles and Vans, 6d6 Energy Damage forMotorcycles.

Outside Radius: 6d6 Energy Damage out to 10

yards for Automobiles and Vans, 4d6 Energy Damage out to6 yards for Motorcycles. Anyone outside may attempt an SaveRoll of AGI + Ranged Combat vs. DF Average (20) to sufferhalf damage.

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Chapter VI: The Mortal Dominionhapter VI: The Mortal Dominion“Dearest Brother Gregory. Today it was accomplished! the signing of the Firmament Treaty. Many notable Scholars of the Occult, acclaimed Saintes and Sayges, Tinkers of far Araby, Hermit-Seers from the farthest Mountaine Peaks, & so many others did Gathered in the Mansions of our Lord, & together we reach'd an Agreement which shall forever after bind All who see the Face of our Lord, by whatsoever Nayme they know his Glorie, & who Bende the Elementes by Grace of Natural Philosophy.

“And yet my Heart within me is Uneasie. Asked as I have been to Create & Organyze an Order most Puissante to Enforce the Edictes of the Treatie of the Firmament, an Order of Guardians that Shall Travelle and Stryke the Eville Sorcerers by Niyghte in Silent Deadlyness, I aske Myselfe, Can the Rules of Man Enforce Lovingkindness and Honest Witnesse among Suchas We, the Wysest who Walke through the Mortal Vaile? Or do we yet Erect yet another Towere of Babel, an Empyre doomed to Fall even as Rome did, a Wide Way that Leadst straighte to Hades?” 

– From the private letters of Magister Johann Schecht, 1487.

The Realms Coalescehe Realms CoalesceAt first, there was only the Ylem, the primal chaos that

held the potential for all things, but no lasting reality, no firmsubstance. At some point, the Pleroma came to be; somebelieve that a being they call the Logos coalesced from theutter void, a sentient being that was appeared, pregnant withthe universe in all its potential, past and future. Perhaps it wasthe nature of the Ylem to eventually give rise to its opposite,since it held all potential, including the potential for itsopposite?

At first there was only one perfect, unchanging Realm,the Realm of Forms, but the Ylem infected it with its varietyand diversity, and created an infinite variety of Realms, allreflections of the First Realm, the mind of the Logos. In eachof these Realms was life, growing, struggling, changing,imperfect yet growing towards perfection. And the singularfocus of the First Realm infected the Ylem as well, and beingsarose from the Ylem, the Elder Beasts, and they fought oneanother, immortal, unchanging, yet ever growing ever towardsgreater corruption and decay.

In time the beings of the Ylem and the beings of theRealms met and struggled. The greatest of the beings of thePleroma were the Archons, and their children and servantsthey named the Children of Light. They granted the Children

of Light a singular mind and purpose, fusing their mindstogether in the Perfect Ark. They created the perfect Army of Light, able to work together for an eternity with no mistakes.

The Elder Beasts invaded world after world, but the

Archons and the Children of Light managed to repel, alwayswith tremendous casualties. Worst, the Elder Beasts provedable to transform their enemies into things of chaos, formlesshorrors possessed of all their former powers. The Archonscommissioned an ancient order of machine-mystics to createfour doomsday weapons to destroy whole worlds should it benecessary; these mystics created a Realm for themselves, calledthe Nexus, where they began their work.

When the doomsday weapons, the ArmageddonKnights, were completed, the first test was on a world calledMarduk. Once a verdant world of savage beauty, inhabited bya wide variety of beast-folk, the world was overrun bydarkness and chaos. The Children of Light evacuated theinhabitants to another Realm, called “Earth,” and unleashedthe fury of the Armageddon Knights on the world. Half theplanet was reduced to wasteland, but the servants of the ElderBeasts were defeated.

The Perfect Ark couldn't stamp out all traces of freewill in the Children of Light, even had it been designed to doso; after millions of years, some of the Children of Lightrebelled, becoming the Children of Darkness. They fled toMarduk, reasoning that the remaining regions of beauty andverdure could easily be made into their own Heaven, but

soon, the Children of Darkness raised hand to one another,and their world was destroyed, becoming a smolderingWasteland of unending Suffering.

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Ancient Empiresncient Empires

Marduk's sister world Earth was gradually invaded bythe Elder Beasts. The inhabitants of Marduk, now spirits,forged alliances with Earth shamans, or seized the bodies of the weak and unwary, becoming the hybrid kind known as theEnkidu. Although the Children of Light and the Enkidu madewar against the Elder Beasts, the grip of chaos steadily grew.

How did Humans first learn magic? No one is sure.Some say that the Children of Light taught them magic torecruit them to the war against the Ylem; some say that theChildren of Darkness interbred with Humans, and theirmagical nature interspersed among the Mortal tribes, carryingwith it their dark, magical natures.

It's well-known, though, that the Children of Light and

the Children of Darkness were both common visitors to

Earth, and many Humans grew to worship both as gods. Inparticular, the Empire of Us-Gidim, in the ancient MiddleEast, worshiped the Children of Darkness as gods. Theyconsumed the flesh and blood of their enemies, and sacrificedtheir citizens to their demonic overlords in exchange forpower. The Children of Light cursed them, and the rulingcaste of the Gidimites could no longer walk by day, burned bythe rays of the accusing sun. The Empire began to crumble, asthe Gidimites could no longer do battle by day, but theChildren of Darkness blessed them with powers of physicalprowess and mental trickery. The Gidimite Tribes each gainedspecial skills to help them hunt and prey on Mortals, but thedays of the Gidimite Empire had come to an end.

Betrayal Most Bitteretrayal Most Bitter

Each age of heroes and light was followed by an age of ignorance and darkness. After the collapse of Rome, the Earthwas wracked by lawlessness, with only the memories of thelearned to hold it together. In the far East, an alliance of mystic warrior-scholars, swords in one hand and scrolls in theother, preached peace and freedom, but over and over wereforced to abandon their meditations on their Way and shed

blood. In the Middle East, a band of miracle workers withclockwork machines enforced tenuous treaties between bandsof feuding sultans and pashas, tolerated as mere functionariesand tinkerers, irrespective of their immense genius. Inscattered city-states throughout Europe, a few monks andknights, trading wisdom with a scant few heretics of rejectedsects and outcast religions, read the ancient texts and saw inthem a different truth, and tried to speak reason andcompassion to barbaric warlords. These years were hardest onthe oracles; where their utterances were politically pleasing,they were fed and honored, but when they spokeuncomfortable things, the gallows-crows feasted instead.Many of the seers retreated to high and frozen places, andmuch old knowledge was lost when these hermits perished intime.

Various Cults organized to help defend humanity andbring order to the search for the Higher Self. After a series of decades-long negotiations, the Firmament Treaty was signed,and the Ordo Custodes Noctis was organized to enforce it.

The world was careening toward chaos; the Elder Beastshad all but won. Visions said that the Lord had had enough,and that Judgment Day was at hand; the angels would soonblow the trumpets that would send the four riders, theknights that would end the world. In a final, desperateattempt to save the world for the good of their fellow man,like Moses bargaining with God for the lives of the Israelites,

all of the Mystic Cults banded together in a single, grandconspiracy; to place one of their own in the most powerfulspot in the world, the Papacy itself, the living symbol of Godon Earth, from which place compassion could overridefoolishness.

For the trick to work, they would have to gain immensetemporal power, for the position of the Holy Father wasbought and sold like so much currency. In the end, the Cultsworked to make their brothers, unassailable in its might, andthey breathed easy once their work was done. This was theirmistake.

The Hierate Cult became the most powerful force in theworld. The Papacy outlawed all forms of prostration to thespirit-annihilating forces of the Ylem. The inquisitorscollected the paraphernalia of the enemy, to study it and seehow to defeat it, despite the warnings from their Mysticbrothers. They read of the undoing of all things, and powerunending, and the mindless madness beyond the rim of thePleroma. The Hierates began to call on the forces of the Ylem

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to fight the forces of the Ylem, not realizing that their questfor enlightenment was forfeit, and they would soon becomeslaves.

The excesses of the Church grew severe, and the Cultssevered ties with the Hierates, creating their own Collegiums.The executioners of the Church found ways to outlaw magicitself, and slaughtered the Mystics left and right, justifyingthese losses as a necessary evil for the good of the crusadeagainst the Elder Beasts and their spawn.

The Hierates couldn't hold every region, and their gripfell weak in the Baltic regions. The Gidimites forged analliance with the Enkidu, at first promising to create ahomeland where all Unnaturals would be free from theinquisitors of the Church, but they ended by enslaving thewere-creatures, and the Ghûls ruled the regions for centuries.

Secret movements against the Church were sponsoredby the Pymandri, who created brotherhoods and fellowshipsthat spoke of the primacy of reason over faith, but they were

marginalized and outlawed, though this made them still morefashionable. The Cults tripped and stumbled in their quest,and when the Pymandri backed a madman in Europe whosetalk of unity turned to orders for genocide, the Mysticsretreated, horrified, and the Hierate Cult still won, byconspiring with the Reich for as long as it was convenient.

On occasion a true man of God took on the holy office,and was not pliable to their spells and tricks. As well,thousands of alternatives to the Holy Mother Church sprangup, but these were easily infiltrated and subverted, too. After atime, the Hierates found it convenient to create new sects andreligions themselves to draw the worship of the masses, topower their might.

The Fall of the Lighthe Fall of the Light

The remaining Children of Light were hardly unified,and even some of the Archons distrusted their leadership. TheArchon Azrael distrusted the other Archons, aggrieved as hewas at the horrifying destruction caused by the ArmageddonKnights. It stole two of them, along with their controllingseals. Knowing he'd be discoveredeventually, he hid one on Earth, and gave another to theChildren of Darkness. Predictably, his Soul was ejected fromthe Perfect Ark for his insolence, and he Fell.

However, without all Four Horsemen, the Children of Light could no longer annihilate an entire Realm, althougheven one Armageddon Knight is enough to devastate acontinent. The Children of Darkness still wouldn't be able toassault the Palaces of Light directly, but the Children of Lightno longer held perfect and total control of the Pleroma.

Once the seal to the Armageddon Knights in thePalaces of Light were lost, however, there was nothing to stopthe Children of Darkness from annihilating the Palaces of Light. The Palaces of Light were destroyed, and all of theArchons were slain, their almost-all-powerful RelicsSplintered and scattered throughout the Pleroma.

One by one, the Children of Light Fell. The Children of Darkness took on the protection of the Pleroma from theElder Beasts, but their fractious infighting is making their jobincredibly difficult.

The Thaumatronic Mystics drove the rise of technology,showing wonders to the masses and then giving them lessertoys that even an ordinary Mortal could create, but theChurch's new cults still drew many. Democracy was a blow,but government means bureaucracy, and secrecy, and theirplots thrived when the earliest seeds of Annex 37 and its ilkwere sown in the fertile grounds of distrust during the ColdWar, and more recently after September 11th.

Now there are signs that mindless violence is on the risein the world, and the Rex Mundi is using this opportunity toexercise greater control over the freedoms of the world, andunify them all under his one banner. The Cults aremarginalized as irrelevant antiques, harmless crazies, ordangerous Satanic killers. The quest for enlightenment isconsidered mere poetic pretension. Worse, stories trickle infrom the Pleroma that the one shining hope of all, the Palacesof Light that have kept the Elder Beasts from invading theMany Realms, has fallen and only the vile Children of Darkness are putting up a fractious and halfhearted defenseagainst the obliteration of all that is. From the edges of theworld, the Ghûls grow more bold, preying ever morerapaciously on the Downtrodden, who seem determined torationalize away their Unnatural existence. All seems lost, butin the worst times, a few dark and cunning heroes have alwaysrisen to do what must be done, and snatch survival, if notvictory, from the jaws of utter defeat.

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