Dinuba Presbyterian Church Reporter MARCH 2008 · 2008-02-29 · Dinuba Presbyterian Church 1250 E....

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Transcript of Dinuba Presbyterian Church Reporter MARCH 2008 · 2008-02-29 · Dinuba Presbyterian Church 1250 E....

Dinuba Presbyterian Church

1250 E. Nebraska Ave.

Dinuba, CA 93618

Office (559) 591-6610

Fax (559) 591-7840


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Non-Profit Org.

Dinuba, CA




Dinuba Presbyterian Church

MARCH 2008


Kristy (Johnson) Duran, 27

years old, went home to be

with the Lord February 14.

A Rosary was here at the

church February 19 and

Memorial service was Feb-

ruary 20 at 11 a.m. Kristy

was the daughter of Brian &

Jeanne Johnson. Besides

her parents he leaves be-

hind her husband Eddie,

two children Nate and Kara

and many relatives and


Note from Open Gate:

Thank you for the dona-

tion of fresh vegetables

and rice pilaf. We appre-

ciate you thinking of us.

Gloria Gaona

Inside this issue:

Session &


Pg. 2

P.W. Pg. 3

Youth Pg. 4

Special Oc-


Pg. 5

Host Com-

mittee/ Cof-

fee Hour

Pg. 6

Calendar Pg. 7

Notes From Pastor Kent

We had a good congregational meeting a couple of weeks ago. The Nominating Committee By-Law change was approved

by the congregation. If you still have not read it, copies of it are available. The change means that our Church-wide

Nominating Committee will consist of two (2) elders [a current elder will chair, but this time around the chair will be a

member of the Administrative Commission], one (1) deacon and one (1) trustee. Three (3) members at large will be nomi-

nated by the Nominating Committee for approval by the congregation. At the time the three are placed in nomination,

there will be a time for nominations from the floor.

For nominations from the floor, I would encourage those making such nominations to have contacted the person before-

hand and received that person‟s approval and to have given the person the job description for the Nominating Commit-

tee. The document will help the person know what is expected and what is required of members of the committee.

A list of names has been passed on to the Administrative Commission. They will be contacting our members regarding

being nominated for the Nominating Committee. Our elder on the committee will be Jim Brown; the deacon representa-

tive will be Janet Sunderland; and the trustee representative will be Chad Johnson. As soon as the three nominees have

said, “Yes,” we will call for a congregational meeting and all the names of the nominees will be listed with the call for the


There has been some confusion about our Decorating Committee. Currently, Karen Veeh serves as chair of this commit-

tee. The other members are Donna Peterson (Pat Schaffer), Tracy Sadoian. If you have decorating concerns please con-

tact Karen.

The past month we considered The Next Steps for our Growth in Christ. I want to continue to encourage you as you take

those steps. God will use your disciplines of Scripture reading, Prayer, Sharing in a Small Group and finding a place for

Service. Our goal is to „attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood to the

measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ‟ [Ephesians 4.13]. Now that is a big God goal.


Pastor Kent


Session Notes

Working under the direction of the Presbytery’s Administrative Commission, the Dinuba Presbyterian Session met

for the monthly business meeting on January 8, 2008 (with the AC) and again on February 12, 2008. Items of

interest include the following:

Per Capita – For 2008, the per capita is $25.00.

Financial Report – The General Fund balance on Jan. 31, 2008 was $25,918. The Building Fund con-

tained $91,046 on that date.

2008 Budget – At the January meeting, the Finance Committee presented a budget of $229,468 for 2008.

After discussion, it was approved.

Preparation for Ministry – Session discussed Eric Sunderland’s request for support as he continues

studying for the ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary. At the January meeting, Session approved a

motion to provide $1200 in support for 2008.

Youth Report – Matt submitted a request for the youth mission team to hold a beirocks and cookie sale

between services on February 24, 2008 to support the Youth Mission Team. This request was approved.

Guidelines for the Nominating Committee and Elder Job Description – These documents were reviewed

and discussed. They will be updated to reflect the discussion and presented again for review.

Future Meeting Dates – The next stated business meeting of Session is Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00 p.m.

Session also meets once a month for prayer and study.

Financial Report 1/1/08—2/29/08

General Fund Budget $229,468

General Fund Giving $32,853

Weekly Average 8 Sundays $4,107

Needed Weekly to meet Budget $4,413

General Fund Balance 2/29/08 $23,612

Building Fund Receipts $16,579

Interest $29

Building Fund Balance 2/29/08 $73,291

Mission Giving $3,117

Mission Distributed $800

March Calendar 2008

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



9a Heritage Service

9 Adult Discipleship

9 Youth Discipleship

10:30 Contemporary Service

4p Prayer Time

5-7:00 Flaming Sheep


9:30a Women’s Bible Study, in the Church Li-brary

4 9a P.W. Board Meeting at Alice Hagthop’s

3-6p Open Youth Room


7p Lenten Bible Study, Pastor Kent

7 Choir/ PT

7:30-8:30 Youth Mission Meeting


6:30pPraise Team


6:00a Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship


5:00p Single Women’s Potluck


9a Heritage Service

9 Adult Discipleship

9 Youth Discipleship

10 Congregation Meeting

10:30 Contemporary

4p Prayer Time

5-7:00 Flaming Sheep


9:30a Women’s Bible Study, Church Library

7p Deacons


9:30a Westmin-ster Circle at Alice Hagthrop’s

3-6p Open Youth Room

7 Trustees

7 Session


7p Lenten Bible Study, Pastor Kent

7-9p Youth Mission Meeting


9:30a Friendship Circle at the church

6:30pPraise Team


6:00a Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship

Cruisers, to be announced


5p Youth




9a Heritage Service

9 Adult Discipleship

10:30 Contemporary Service

4:00p Prayer Time

No Youth groups this week

17 9:30a Women’s Bible Study, Church Library


Lydia Circle, to be announced



6p Maundy Thursday Service

6:30 Praise Team


Good Friday

6:00a Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship


EASTER 23/30

9a Heritage Service

9 Adult Discipleship

10:30 Contemporary

4:00p Prayer Time

Youth groups resume the week of the 30th

24/30 9:30a Women’s Bible Study, Church Library


3-6p Open Youth Room

7 Session



6:30pPraise Team


6:00a Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship



Congregational Meeting March 9 at 10:00 a.m. between services to

elect 3 members from the nominating committee. The names of those being

placed in nomination are Jack Mullen, Shelly Henderson and Marcielle Dozier.

The Elder rep is Jim Brown, the Deacon rep is Janet Sunderland and the Trus-

tee rep is Chad Johnson.

Nyal & Harriet Carver

Tom & Janelle Cochran

Brooks & Pat Schaffer

Shirley Schuil

David & Pearl Young

Lela Nickell

Coffee Hour

Special “Thank You” to the February Host Committee for hosting coffee hour and being greeters for both church services. We are back to using the monthly host committee for coffee hour and greeters. Donna Peterson will be calling you for

flowers for our homebound members.

Host Committee For March

What happened at the


Thanks to Allison Carver Kleinsteuber for a won-

derful program about her Grandmother. She

brought large paintings of modern art. Then she

pointed out her Grandmother like a negative from

a piece of film. She used power point slides and

just great family stories to entertain us all. We all

enjoyed it so much.

March 2nd will be the Sunday that we will present

“The Celebrate the Gifts of Women” award. Who

will it be this year?

Tuesday, March 4—P.W. Coordinating

Team Meeting 9:00 a.m. at Alice Hag-

throp’s home.


Westminster Circle—

Tuesday, March 11—9:30 a.m. at Alice

Hagthrop’s home.

Friendship Circle—Thursday, March 13—

9:30 a.m. at the church library

Lydia Circle—To be announced.

Women’s Bible Study meets every Monday at

9:30 a.m. In the beautiful church library. Shirley

Schuil is leading the Lenten Study written by Pastor

Kent. Come and join us everyone is welcome.


Pampered Chef—Margaret Sadoian has of-

fered to present a special party. All profit

will go to the church kitchen. We hope to

have a time and date soon.

Thank you to the ones who have

already volunteered for the nurs-

ery. If anyone is interested in

helping out, please call Coordina-

tor Marge Freeman at 591-2976.

Happy Easter!

Presbyterian Women

Children’s Ministry



Youth Programs

Flaming Sheep Youth Group

Sunday Nights


$2 for Pizza and Soda

Open Youth Room

Tuesdays 3—6pm

Students are invited to

come after school and

hangout in the youth


All youth programs at DPC

are combined Junior High

and High School. Sixth

graders are welcome to

Open Youth Room.

Altared State

Sunday Mornings


A time of discipleship

through scripture, prayer,

and fellowship.

Youth Ministry Questions?

Matt Naylor

Director of Youth Ministries

Office: 559.591.6610

Cell: 559.824.0799

E-mail: naylor121@gmail.com

This year our mission team will be serving in Fresno over spring break (March 16th -

22nd). In the mornings on Monday through Thursday we will be facilitating a Vacation Bi-

ble School at University Presbyterian Church (UPC), where our team will be staying for the

week. The hope is that we will bless UPC by helping to strengthen the bonds they have with

the apartment neighborhoods around their campus. In the afternoons we will be serving Ev-

angel Home, a ministry for women and children in crisis. We will be painting their living

room/chapel area. On Good Friday we will be serving meals to the homeless at Visalia Res-

cue Mission. The week will also include musical worship, devotional times and a variety of

other activities. The cost of the week is about $150 per youth ($1350 total). At the bake sale

held on Sunday, February 24th you helped us to raise over half of that amount. Thank you

so much, and I apologize profusely for running out of beirocks! The youth involved in the

trip this year are Erica Barton, Cara Martin, Tom Martin, Sally Musson, Teresa Orta, Casey

Sadoian, Leah Sadoian, Nicole Sadoian, and Kayla Slusher. Please spend some time praying

for each of these high school students as they prepare for this upcoming ministry.

God Bless,

Matt Naylor



3– Naomi Wilgenburg, 7– Karen Veeh, 12– Bud Edgerly, 13– Jason George, Nathan Veeh, 14– Jack Mullen, 15- Leah Sadoian, Dennis Tatum, 17– Nori Naylor, 18– Pat

Schaffer, Hans Wilgenburg, 20– LeAnne Warkentin, 24– Jim Popovich, 26– Christe Van-derpol, 31– Mary Alice Hebert, Lois Raubinger


23 – Phil & Margaret Sadoian

30 – Lee & Elaine Sadler