Dilemma’s of Team Work

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Dilemma’s of Team Work

Dilemma’s of Team Work

Virtual teams are highly flexible and dynamic. Team leadership

is typically shared or altered depending on the area of

expertise needed at each stage of the project. Team membership

may change quickly, depending on the tasks. One advantage of a

virtual team is the ability to assemble the best group to

complete a complex project, solve a problem, or exploit a

strategic opportunity. The success of virtual teams depends on

using technology to build relationships, shaping culture through

technology, and monitoring progress and rewarding members Write

a 3 page paper using APA formatting for references and discuss

how the dilemmas of teamwork might be intensified in a virtual

team. What dilemmas do you feel when you have to do class

assignments as part of a team?

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