Digital Resources Collaboration Update

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Digital Resources Collaboration Update. August 30, 2010 Mary Ann Mahoney. Background. Licensing progress. All current resources renewed Plus additional resources licensed Increased total number of resources Added depth to collection with additional journal back files - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Digital Resources Collaboration Update

Digital Resources CollaborationUpdate

August 30, 2010

Mary Ann Mahoney

Drivers Goals

Unequal access Seamless access

LBNL purchasing power was dwindling as prices escalated

Academic pricing when possible

Contain costs by becoming part of a larger “buying club”-- multi year licenses with inflation caps.

Provide LBNL a voice on UCB and UC system wide collection development issues


Licensing progress

• All current resources renewed • Plus additional resources licensed

– Increased total number of resources – Added depth to collection with additional journal back

files– Added to e-books reference collection –

encyclopedias, dictionaries, ASM, etc– Added specialized databases – Licensed e-book collections – Increase in 83% new journals to the lab with relevant


Number of Resources Transitioned

Resource Type Number of Titles Transitioned

Number of STMM titles

Article & Indexing Databases

67 9

e-Journals 7,763 (plus selected articles from 10,900 e-journals through Academic Search Complete)

4,902(plus selected articles from 4,033 science e-journals through Academic Search Complete

Archives & Backfile Collections

31 10

e-Books 38469 1942

How many of the 4,902 STMM journal titles

are both new to the lab and relevant?

• According to an analysis by LBNL library staff:– before the transition LBNL had access to

1488 e-journal titles – to date, LBNL has access to

2722 e-journal titles – an increase of about 83%

Examples of added resourcesJournals (additional titles & entirely new collections)

Institute of Physics (additional content)Cambridge University Press (additional content)Informa HealthCareMary Ann Liebert (additional content)SageIEEE (additional content)SPIEWorld Scientific (additional content)Optical Society of America (additional content)JAMA Journals (additional content)

Examples of added resourcesArchive and back file package collections

American Chemical Society American Geophysical Union Online back file American Medical Association (JAMA and associated journals) Cambridge University Press National Research Council (Canada) JSTOR (all collections)Royal Society of Chemistry Institution of Civil Engineers World Scientific New England Journal of Medicine

Examples of added resourcesArticle and Index databases

Academic Search CompleteAgricolaEarthquake Engineering AbstractsGeoRef

Examples of added resourcese-Book Packages

ebrary Royal Society of Chemistry Key Engineering Materials Materials Science Forum  Conference ProceedingsOxford Scholarship Online - Physics ebooksSPIE e-books World Scientific 2009 all subjects ebooksWorld Scientific 2010 selected subjects ebooksWiley- IEEE eBook CollectionSafari Tech Books

Examples of added resourcesReference Tools

Cold Spring Harbor ProtocolsSpringer Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)ASM Alloy Phase diagrams databaseBIOBASE Knowledge Library (Proteome) ASTM StandardsFaculty of 1000 Medicine & BiologyAccess Science - McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy & Spectrometry - Elsevier

Remaining resources to transition as of August 30, 2010

• 61 journal licenses

• 13 databases

• 10 e-books or e-book packages

• Resources are continually being added to the workflow

Remaining resources to transition as of August 30, 2010JournalsAcademy of Political ScienceAmerican Accounting AssociationAmerican Association of ImmunologistsAmerican College of NutritionAmerican Fisheries SocietyAmerican Physiological SocietyAmerican Phytopathological SocietyAmerican Society for Investigative PathologyAmerican Society for Nutrition American Thoracic SocietyAntiquity Publications LimitedAssociation for Research in Vision and OphthalmologyAstronomical Society of JapanBentham JournalsBepress Online JournalsBritish Medical JournalBritish Trust for OrnithologyBuilding GreenBusiness Monitor International, LtdChemical Society of JapanCogNet LibraryCollege Art AssociationCommonwealth Forestry AssociationComputer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Council for Social and Economic StudiesDuke University Press Electronic JournalsE. Schweizerbart Science PublishersEditrice "Il Sedicesimo"Ethis CommunicationsGeological Society of LondonHealth Physics

IWA PublishingJNCI Cancer SpectrumJournal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJournal of Philosophy (Columbia University)LWW Online Journals (Lippincott Williams & Wilkens)Marine Biological LaboratoryMathematical Sciences PublishersMayo Foundation for Medical Education New Left ReviewNew Zealand Ecological SocietyOperational Research SocietyPhysicians Postgraduate PressPion LtdProject Hope (Health Affairs)Radiation Protection DosimetryRoyal Society of MedicineScience -- AAASSociety for NeuroscienceSociety of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Society of Nuclear MedicineSynthesis: the Digital LibraryTaylor & Francis Online JournalsTELOS PressThieme Science JournalsTurpionUCLA Chicano Studies Research CenterUniversité Paul SabatierWiley InterscienceWolters Kluwer Law & BusinessColumbia University, Center for Iranian Studies

Remaining resources to transition as of August 30, 2010


Elsevier Book SeriesKnovelCRCNetBaseHandbook in EconomicsJCR (Journal Citation Report)Merck IndexMethods in Enzymology (Elsevier)Science of Synthesis : Houben-Weyl Scriver's OMMBID Wiley-IEEE E-books


BIOSIS PreviewsCABICambridge Structural Database: CSDSCINDAS, LLCCompendexCrossFire Beilstein/Gemlin , now ReaxysHAPI OnlineInorganic Crystal Structure Database: ICSDNIST Web Thermo TablesNational Technical Reports LibrarySignal Transduction Knowledge EnvironmentSpringer (Springer Materials)Thomson Reuters -- Zoological Record

Cost containment progress

• Contain costs– multi year licenses, with inflation caps

• Negotiating pressure – Nature– ACS

Representation in collection development decisions

• UC- wide title adjustments– Sage– Taylor & Francis – ACS