Digital Methods Summer School 2013 Tool Medley

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Tool medley by Anne Helmond. Tools:

Transcript of Digital Methods Summer School 2013 Tool Medley

digital methodstool medley

Digital Methods Summer School 2013, Amsterdam, 24 June - 5 July

Tomás Saraceno, galaxies forming along !laments, Venice Biennial 2009



1. a diverse assortment or mixture2. a musical composition made up of a series of songs or

short pieces

<a medley of snack foods available on the buffet table>

new methods and tools for social and cultural research

digital methods initiative tool

digital methods initiative tool

research question -> operationalization &method: often a chain of tools


Question: Do the sources acknowledge cablegate?

The Response of the Source

1.Get all links for US embassy websites:

2.Compile list of embassies mentioned in cables:

3.Compare lists4.Query mentioned embassies for:

1. wikileaks2. "Julian Assange"3. Assange4. cablegate

5.Get number of cables per embassy6.Visualize output

aim: get links

tool: link ripper

result: links!

repeat & paste in spreadsheet

tool: compare lists

aim: get #nr mentions

tool: googlescraper (Lippmannian Device)

result: tagclouds

aim: get most leaked embassy

tool: Google Docs build on leakfeed API

further analysis

digital methodssearch as research

the nationality of rights typesResearch project by the Digital Methods Initiative Summer School 09

the point of departure of search as research, or societal search, may be summarized as follows: we look at Google results and see society, instead of Google. That is to say, including its ‘artifacts,’ engine results put much on display – from source competition and standing to longevity and commitment. (Rogers)

search as research digital methods

Can the search engine be repurposed to show which rights are speci!c per country?

research question

.nl (Dutch), .be (Dutch, French),


.it (Italian), .ro (Romanian),

.md (Moldavian), .ca (French, English),

.fr (French), .de/.at/.lu (German),

.! (Finnish), .se (Swedish), .ee (Estonian),

.ru (Russian)

“Query design” is the practice of formulating a query so the results can be interpreted as indications and findings (however clue-like), as opposed to mere information retrieved or optimization and manipulation exposed (however fascinating). (Rogers 2013, 111)

search as research “query design” with query “rattigheter” (13.07.09)Google.! with query “oikeudet” (13.07.09) with query “oigused” (15.07.09) with query “tiesibas” (16.07.09) with query “rights” (13.07.09) with query “rechten” (13.07.09) with query “droits” (14.07.09) with query “direitos” (14.07.09) with query “derechos” (13.07.09)

the nationalities of issues

mapping the dutch blogosphere

tool: issuecrawler

tool: issuecrawler

result: map IssueCrawler -> Gephi

the historical dutch blogosphere

tool: harvester

result: links!

the historical dutch blogosphere

NL Blogosphere

deceased blogs

tool: linkrippertool: URL responder (= Get HTTP response status codes from Censorship Explorer)

tool: wikipedia bot edits scraper

tool: wikipedia bot edits scraper

tool: wikipedia bot edits scraper

tool: censorship explorer

tool: censorship explorer

tool: censorship explorer & tool: dorling map generator

tool: twitterscraper

tool: TCAT

tool: netvizz

tool: tracker tracker

Tracker Tracker -> Gephi

bonus tools!

OpenRefineA free, open source, power tool for working with messy data

bonus tools!

bonus tools! tools from colleagues


tool wizzard: erik borra


tool wizzard: erik borra