Digital circuits

Post on 24-May-2015

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Description of Digital Circuits.

Transcript of Digital circuits

DIGITAL CIRCUITSBy: Matt Vennekotter

Simple CircuitA simple Circuit consists of three main components:Voltage = VResistance = RAmperage = I

Voltage is usually a battery.

Resistance can be a light, motor, or a heater.

Amperage is the pressure of the electrons travelling through the wire.

The basic relation between these three parts is V=IR


Everything in life can be defined as yes or no, on or off, yin and yang, etc.

In logic the binary system is used which is usually represented as 1 meaning on and 0 meaning off.


Gates are used to change any amount of input its given into one output.

Using gates help organize inputs to get the output we want.

Like on any electronic, there are several inputs and several outputs. On a microwave the buttons are inputs while

the microwave turning on is an output or the digits on the clock are outputs.

Microwave Sample

Every single button on this is an input.

The output includes every little dash on the display, the turning of the microwave table, and of course the warming up of your food.

Simple Gates

The simple gates include the OR, AND, and NOT gate.

On the AND and OR gates there’s two inputs and one output.

This means there’s four possible combinations of inputs.

The NOT gate has only one input so there’s two possibilities of inputs.

AND Gate

The AND gate simply means that when your inputs are both ones, then the output is a 1.

OR Gate

The OR gate gets a 1 output as long as one of the inputs is a one.

NOT Gate

The Basic function of the not gate is to invert the number its given.


Through a combination of these gates and several other types of complex gates we can build machines that are able to interpret input and give the output we were looking for.

First step in making a circuit is figuring out your input and your output. Through the use of Boolean Algebra and other methods, circuits can be made to run our everyday life.