Digging into history content literacy

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Digging into history content literacy

  • 1. Presented by Betsey Kennedy DIGGING INTO HISTORY

2. All Materials can be found at: HTTP://DIGGINGINTOHISTORY. WIKISPACES.COM 3. PRIMARY VS. SECONDARY SOURCES 4. 4th Grade IDEAS TUG-OF-WAR 3rd Grade 5th Grade LiarHero Hero Hero Villain Madman 5. Model Share Practice Reflect WORKING WITH HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS 6. EXAMINING IMAGES 7. EXAMINING IMAGES 8. EXAMINING IMAGES 9. EXAMINING IMAGES 10. EXAMINING IMAGES 11. EXAMINING IMAGES 12. Look at the first image on Page A. Complete the National Archives Photo Analysis Worksheet on Page H. EXAMINING IMAGES: SMALL GROUP PRACTICE 13. What information can we gain about Columbus from this image? Cite the source of the information. How reliable is this information? WHAT DOES THE IMAGE TELL US? 4th Grade Hero Villain Now try this for yourself! 14. EXAMINING PRIMARY TEXTUAL DOCUMENTS 15. EXAMINING PRIMARY TEXTUAL DOCUMENTS 16. Select small portions of the texts found on Page D and E. Complete three readings of the texts. 1st Reading: Circle unknown words or ideas. 2nd Reading: Re-read and attempt to determine the meanings of the unknown words and phrases. Annotate! 3rd Reading: Re-read and use codes to mark examples of Hero/Liar; Hero/Villain; or Hero/Madman. LEARNING FROM PRIMARY TEXTUAL DOCUMENTS: SMALL GROUP PRACTICE 17. What new information can we gain about John Brown from these primary documents? Cite the source of the information. How reliable is this information? Have you heard the same information again? Add the new citation. WHAT DO THE TEXTS TELL US? 5th Grade Hero Madman Now try this for yourself! 18. Paul Revere was a hero of the American Revolution. He is most famous for riding his horse through the countryside near Boston to warn the colonists that the British were coming. Revere was also a skilled silversmith (maker of silverware). Paul Revere was born on January 1, 1735, in Boston, Massachusetts. His fathers family was French and the family name was changed from De Revoire to Revere. Paul learned silversmithing from his father. As a young man Revere joined the Sons of Liberty, a club for colonists who disliked British rule. Such people were known as patriots. In 1773 he helped lead the Boston Tea Party protest where patriots threw British tea into Boston Harbor. LEARNING FROM GENERAL TEXTS 19. Select small portions of the texts found on Page B and C. Complete three readings of the texts. 1st Reading: Circle unknown words or ideas. 2nd Reading: Re-read and attempt to determine the meanings of the unknown words and phrases. Annotate! 3rd Reading: Re-read and use codes to mark examples of Hero/Liar; Hero/Villain; or Hero/Madman. LEARNING FROM GENERAL TEXTS: SMALL GROUP PRACTICE 20. What new information can we gain about Paul Revere from these general texts? Cite the source of the information. How reliable is this information? Have you heard the same information again? Add the new citation. WHAT DOES THE TEXT TELL US? 3rd Grade Hero Liar Now try this for yourself! 21. How does the information you gained from the general texts compare to the information you gained from the primary documents and images? SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT 22. USING TRADEBOOKS: HISTORICAL FICTION AND NONFICTION 23. Arrange the Post-It Notes based on the strength of the evidence. Students can use the Post-It Notes to write an argumentative paragraph/essay. FINAL THOUGHTS 3rd Grade Hero Liar 24. http://diggingintohistory.wikispaces.com QUESTIONS?