Different points of views of pirating

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Different points of views of pirating

Different points of views of pirating

By Danny Allen

Music Industry

In the music industry pirating is a big problem and is stopping upcoming music artist can’t make money. This is also killing big company's stopping them from having enough money to pay their artist. What they could do to stop this is use the technology at hand as it is cheap to distribute songs to many people.

Other Artist, picture, videos.

Pirating isn’t as much as a problem for these people as it is harder to pirate pictures and videos. But this still happening making videos lose viewers. For things like TV shows this happens more often because it’s easier to record them then put them on the internet on websites and discs.


For students pirating is ‘good’ for them as it allows them to get things like movies, games and music without having to pay, saving them a lot of money. This is because students can’t afford to go to these places as buy these things because they can’t make money or get a job to buy them.

Surveillance of E-mails Communication

Good Reasons Bad Reasons

Surveillance of things like E-mails, facebook and twitter is good because it lets the government find out how/when things like terrorist attacks will happen and who are terrorists. This stops people getting hurt.

The bad side of this is that there are people watching our E-mails, facebook and twitter and this takes away privacy of people who abide the law, so it makes you worry about who is watching your messages.

Surveillance of our public livesGood Reasons Bad Reasons

This allows the government to see who is doing things wrong, like vandalising, dangerous driving and more. This gets a lot of people in jail and protect environment and peoples lives.

A bad side of this is that peoples lives are being intruded on and are always being watched, this can give people anxiety and other things related to stress of being watched.