Dictionary Illustration. The art of RECYCLING! Using everyday objects to create art Using everyday...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Dictionary Illustration. The art of RECYCLING! Using everyday objects to create art Using everyday...

Dictionary Illustration

The art of RECYCLING!

Using everyday objects to create art

What makes it art?

Idea of something becoming something else, becoming something more


“Fountain” 1917 Fountain is a 1917 work widely attributed to Marcel

Duchamp. The scandalous work was a porcelain urinal, which was signed "R.Mutt" and titled Fountain.

Examples of Dictionary Art


SLOW DOWN! Put thought into the composition, do a sketch first, decide on a color palette, etc.

Must include Pen/Marker and Colored Pencil

Complete the drawing first in pencil, then outline with marker

Bring a sense of BALANCE to the piece, and make sure the viewers eye moves throughout all areas of the piece. Attain balance by paying attention to:

Positive space/Negative space


Line quality

Visual “heaviness” of certain areas of the piece

Keep in mind the text on the page itself