Diario Negocio - Digital Strategy

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Case study about digital transformation of Diario Negocio (spanish newspaper), using digital strategy, social media integration, content marketing and drupal as the CMS.

Transcript of Diario Negocio - Digital Strategy


Diario  Negocio  Digital  Strategy  



Case  Study  

Carlose  Lopez  

•  Working  with  clients  defining,  planning  and  execu=ng  marke=ng  &  digital  strategies  

•  Vast  experience  in  marke=ng,  digital  transforma=on  &  change  management  

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  


•  Diario  Negocio  is  a  business  &  economy  newspaper  in  Spain  

•  Problems:    – Sta=c  website  (PDF  uploaded)    – No  digital  strategy  – No  digital  revenue  – No  social  media  presence  – No  digital  structure  /  integra=on  

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Strategy  Defini4on    

•  Workshops  with  the  top  management:    

1.  Define  mission  &  vision  2.  Scan  environment  (SWOT)  3.  Set  priori=es  4.  Set  objec=ves    5.  Create  strategy  6.  Define  opera=onal  plans  7.  Develop  &  manage  project  plans    

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Strategy:  Workshop  Results  

Priority:  new  CMS  and  look  &  feel  

Objec4ves:  news  portal,  social  media  presence,  

digital  revenue  by  Q2  2010  

Plan:  Zed  PM  leader,  development  /  design  (3rd  party),  450K,  6  months    

Management:  discovery,  defini=on,  design,  development,  

deployment,  support      

Strategy:  To  make  everyone  at  Diario  Negocio  part  of  the  new  project  /  

Internal  Communica=on  

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Strategy  Implementa4on  

1.  Align  digital  /  SM  /  marke=ng  strategy  with  business  goals  

2.  Segmenta=on  and  crea=on  of  “buyer  personas”    3.  Content  Marke=ng  strategy  4.  Planning  /  publishing  calendar    5.  KPI’s  and  Metrics  6.  Con=nuous  op=misa=on  7.  Risk  analysis  and  con=ngency  plan    

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Content  Marke4ng  &  Social  Media  

Buyer  Personas:  iden=fy,  interview,  profile  crea=on      

Content  Marke4ng:  crea=on  or  sharing  content  for  the  purpose  of  engaging  current  and  poten=al  consumer  bases  /  SEO      

Data  Marke4ng:  use  of  addressable  marke=ng  media  channels  to  s=mulate  demand  

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Internal  Key  Elements  

1.   Social  Media  Guideline:  specific  set  of  policies:  no  sexual  harassment  /  content,  can’t  disclose  company  secrets,  can’t  speak  ill  about  the  compe==on,  be  transparent  

2.   Training  Programme  focusing  on  the  new  CMS,  latest  digital  technologies  and  social  media  

3.  Re-­‐u=lise  the  best  of  the  newspaper  and  create  digital  transforma=on  (HR,  Marke=ng,  Publishing,  Adver=sing)    

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Top  Challenges  

1.  Recognise  social  media  as  a  game  changer  2.  Customer  experience  must  be  seamless  across  

different  channels  3.  Think  like  your  customer  4.  Digital  /  Marke=ng  /  Social  media  strategy  is  part  of  

the  business  strategy  and  not  separate  5.  Customers  believe  on  what  other  customers  say  about  

the  brand  6.  Work  with  editors  in  order  to  avoid  fric=ons  about  laid  

offs  (digital  as  opportunity)  

 Carlose  Lopez  



•  Powerful  news  portal  (Drupal),  SEM,  Social  Media  integra=on,  digital  revenue,  New  readers  /  registered  users  

Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com  

Ideas  about  strategy,  digital,  marke=ng,  branding,  communica=on  and  e-­‐commerce  


Carlose  Lopez  www.carloselopez.com