Dh 0522 Tuesday

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7/31/2019 Dh 0522 Tuesday

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Tuesday Evening May 22, 20128:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 The Herald


HoroscopeBy Bernice Bede Osol

Writer jealous of slacker brother

Dear Annie: My brotherand sister and I had an amaz-ing childhood. Our parentsstressed the importance of hard work and education.The three of us got advanceddegrees and my sister and I

entered the workforce aftergraduation.

Our brother, “Dennis,”however, seems content tolive with my parents, work-ing a seasonal minimum-wage job. He was unable tofind employment when hegraduated and has not both-ered to look since. That wasseven years ago.

My parents do not chargehim rent. Theycook for him andtake him on week-end excursions.They pay a por-tion of his studentloan bills. Dennis

doesn’t seem tohave any ambitionto move forward. Ithas created a lot of resentment.

The last timeI saw Dennis, hemade a snarky commentwhen I revealed that I wasa month behind in my mort-gage payment. I was amazedat his nerve and it resultedin no contact between us foralmost a year. Resentment isalso building toward my par-ents for continuing to allowhim to mooch off of them.They are now in their 60sand nearing retirement. They

deserve better. I admit thatI’m a bit jealous that Dennisgets handed to him the samethings my sister and I haveto work so hard for.

I will be bringing myfiance to visit my parentsfor the first time and wewill be staying with them.I’m already dreading it.My fiance says to bite mytongue, that it’s my par-ents’ decision. But everytime I see them, I noticehow they have aged. Anysuggestions? -- Frustratedin Ft. Worth

Dear Frustrated: Youneed to follow your fiance’s

advice and bite your tongue.This is your parents’ choice.The best you can do is besupportive of their needs,perhaps gently pointing outthat they are crippling theirson by allowing him to beso financially dependent.And perhaps stay some-where else when you visit.Also consider that Dennismay have undiagnosed adultADD or other psychiatric ormedical problems that areinterfering with his ambi-tion. We feel sorry for him.When your folks are no lon-ger around to enable him, hewill be in serious trouble.

Dear Annie: Can I useyour column to register acomplaint? I’m talkingabout people in restaurantswho use napkins, eithercloth or paper, to blow theirnose and then put the napkinback on the table or plate.

This is so disgusting. It’snot only rude to their fel-low diners, but also disre-spectful to the people whohave to clear the table andpick up the germ-filled nap-kins. And it’s quite likely

that these same servers thenbring menus, water or drinksto the next table withoutwashing their hands.

Please, people, be consid-erate. -- No Name, Please, Some of These People AreMy Friends

Dear No: It is both crassand rude to use any tablenapkin to blow one’s nose.A small dab (with a tissue

or handkerchief) isfine, but major noseblowing should beconfined altogetherto the restroom.

Dear Annie:I agree with your

advice to “DumpedUpon,” whosem o t h e r - i n - l a wbadmouths her ex.My mother oftenmaligned my fatherto my brother and

me after their divorce andeven after his death. Herwords made me dislikebeing around her. My sister-in-law told me I must standup to her. I prayed aboutthis problem.

The next time she startedin on my father, I said to her:“I am sorry your marriage toyour husband was not all youwanted it to be, but I loved

my father and found himto be loving and caring. Ihave fond memories of him.Please never say another badword about him to my broth-er or me.” After that, she nolonger mentioned him. I am-- Grateful

Annie’s Mailbox is writ-ten by Kathy Mitchell andMarcy Sugar, longtime edi-tors of the Ann Landerscolumn. Please email yourquestions to anniesmail-box@comcast.net, or writeto: Annie’s Mailbox, c/oCreators Syndicate, 737 3rdStreet, Hermosa Beach, CA90254.



Your chart indicates the possibilityof a busier social life inthe year ahead, whichis well and good.However, it might besmart not to involvebusiness contacts inyour playtime.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) --Co-workers who usually back yourintentions when it comes to careermatters may be nowhere to be foundwhen you need their allegiance most.Be prepared to fend for yourself.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) --You should give your utmost attentionto your duties and responsibilities. If you try to sweep things under the rug,all that’ll result will be large lumpsthat will surely trip you up.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Be smartand avoid all forms of speculativeinvolvements. Be especially carefulnot to gamble on the abilities or talentsof another. It’s tough enough taking achance on your own situation.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) --It’s important to weigh all sides of animportant issue. Yet if you’re undulyanalytical, you might be crippled ordefeated by your own indecisiveness.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Eventhough you’re a creative person, it’sstill important to follow productive

methods. Be careful not to go to suchextremes that you stray from a solidpath.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)-- Sometimes the best foods aren’tnecessarily found in establishmentsthat have the most expensive menus.If you are out wining and dining, keepthis in mind.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.21) -- Try not to turn your home intoa military camp. If you make the rulestoo tough or rigid, the troops willeventually rebel.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)-- If some of your co-workers havebeen doing things that bug you ormake you feel uncomfortable lately,this might not be the best day to bringit up. It could be smarter to keep mumfor the nonce.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)-- Being in the company of those whocan afford to spend lavishly mightleave you at odds with your wallet.

Don’t make the mistake of trying tooperate on a high-society budget.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March20) -- Unless you are of singularpurpose, certain objectives thatyou hoped to get done won’t beaccomplished. Attempting several jobs simultaneously could cause youto cross your wires.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)-- You’ll know what is expected of you, yet you simply might not want tocomply. However, guard against anyinclination to pass the buck, because itwill come back to haunt you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)-- This isn’t going to be one of yourbetter days for handling your personalresources or, as a matter of fact, theresources of others. Be especiallycareful in all financial situations.

COPYRIGHT 2012 United FeatureSyndicate, Inc.

Annie’s Mailbox