DevLearn 2010 walkabout

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of DevLearn 2010 walkabout

DevLearn 2010 Walkabout

Brought to you by

We’ve promised via Twitter and Facebook posts, as well as by email and in person, to bring back some impressions of DevLearn.

For 2010, DevLearn was hosted by the lively city of San Francisco.

Remember to let them know half-a-block before you want off!

San Francisco was alive with a sense of

expectation and anticipation during

the preconference days of DevLearn.

DevLearn seems to have brought luck to San Francisco…helping to break the curse and ending the "torture" for Giants fans. A 56-year dry spell of winless baseball seasons was over, with the GIANTS' World Series Win. And boy was the city happy!

One vendor reacted with a turn-on-the dime response, ordering mini-baseball bats to commemorate the win.

And everyone logged long hours prior to the event updating collateral. Dedicated employees at enspark put a different twist on theirs, folding over 1,000 Origami swans for release…

With dry eyes from little sleep, travel, and arid air, some of us could relate to this sight:

There was everything from the prickly…

To the inevitable cute and cuddly…

Nesting Russian dolls (or “matryoshkas”)

Mad scientists

And squeezable brains to reduce stress.

For newbies to eLearning, there was some new vocabulary to be picked up. Hebbian Learning, anyone?

Smart vendors are not above offering a bit of a sweetener to the deal…candy is a frequent booth decoration.

Gourmet tastes in candy and zingy


One of the best bribes…

Tradeshows are a great way to touch base with people you know in the industry…

Word/Visual plays are always cool—This one you have to say out-loud:

The good ole drop-a-card-in-the-fishbowl is a staple of tradeshows:

Great graphics popped in presentations:

And great presentations led to lines of people meeting presenters:

Checking email was a popular activity:

Anywhere you could find a place to plunk down , check-in, log-on was fine.

You found this presentation through social media, no?

As you would expect for a

learning conference, many books

were available:

A favorite read

jumped on the

book display:

Good news for lefties…

This one is fun just to look at:

Despite all the high tech, there was still room for traditional communication vehicles.

and more

Who can refuse Rice Krispies treats? Thanks, eLearning Guild!

The Tweeting with hash tag #DL10 was hot and heavy, andwas part of the chatter.

With all this fun stuff, there will be NO MORE boring e-Learning.