Deviance and sport

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Deviance and sport

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People who do not conform are labeled as deviant

Deviant is an adjective that means deviating from an accepted norm.

Rule Breaking

Sometimes rules are broken because players are unaware of them, do not understand them, or violated them accidentally.

Athletes may intentionally break the rules in hopes of not getting caught, to interrupt the opponent’s flow, or to vent their frustration and anger

Remember Jason Kidd’s water stunt? He said, water spilled is about trying to win. He was fined $50,000 by the NBA

Winning at all cost… it really matters?

Even weight training can be a deviant behavior if carried to extremes

Is faking an injury breaking the rules or just part of the game?


Expressing emotions and arguing with the officials will cost a Technical Foul. Is expressing emotions and disagreement with the judgment of the

official deserved a punishment/penalty?

Using PED’s is CHEATING!

Hazing is any action or activity which inflicts physical or mental harm or anxiety, or which demeans, degrades or disgraces a person regardless of location, intent or consent of participants

Excessively consuming alcohol, excessive physical punishment, acting as personal servant to other players, going without sleep or food, consuming disgusting food, making prank phone calls, being restricted from associating with certain people.

Is Gambling a Deviant Behavior?

How would you react to those who call for legalizing sport betting or gambling?