Developing & Implementing Effective FBA’s and BIP’s Lori Chambers Jessie Vance January 2014.

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Transcript of Developing & Implementing Effective FBA’s and BIP’s Lori Chambers Jessie Vance January 2014.

Developing & Implementing Effective FBA’s and BIP’s

Lori ChambersJessie Vance

January 2014


• Overview of FBA/BIP process

• Competing Pathways: FBA/BIP Tools for Data-based Decision-making

• Lunch

• Behavior Intervention Plans

• Monitoring effectiveness and data entry

• Questions/Concerns/Comments

Learning Intention• We will gain understanding of the FBA/BIP process including

data collection to identify the function of a student’s behavior.

Success Criterion• We know we are successful when we can explain the

FBA/BIP process and develop behavior intervention plans that teach replacement behavior based off of the FBA findings.

Guiding Principles

Functional Behavior Assessment

Primary Prevention:School-/Classroom-Wide Systems for

All Students,Staff, & Settings

Secondary Prevention:

Specialized GroupSystems for Students with At-Risk Behavior

Tertiary Prevention:Specialized

IndividualizedSystems for Students

with High-Risk Behavior

~80% of Students




Tiered System of Support

• Tier 3: Multiple Adults/ One Student

• Tier 2: One Adult/ Multiple Students

• Tier 1: All Students

Research and Practical Experience…..

• By the time youth access FBA/BIP intervention, they are already at high-risk.

• More youth need FBA/BIP, sooner.

• FBA/BIPs are often found in the “file” and viewed as a document.

• Many BIPs focus only on rewarding for appropriate behavior, omitting supports to ensure appropriate behavior

Legal considerations for students with disabilities…

It takes a team!

FBA Outcomes• Operationally defined problem behavior(s)

• Identify routines in which the problem behavior is most and least likely to occur

• Define the antecedent events (triggers; setting events) that predict when the problem behavior is most likely

• Define the ONE consequence that contributes most to maintaining the problem behavior in that routine.

• Summary Statement of findings.

Student Strengths

Desired Behavior Current Consequence

Setting Event Trigger/Antecedent Problem Behavior(s) Maintaining Consequence


Replacement BehaviorAdapted from Sugai, G., Lewis-Palmer, T., & Hagan-Burke, S., 2000

FBA/BIP Competing Behavior Pathway

5 6



Identify the behavior…

Does it pass the stranger test?

Defining Problem Behavior Observable and Measurable

Non-Examples• Hyperactive

• Aggressive

• Bully

• Psychotic

• Irresponsible

Examples• Out of seat and walking around the room

touching other student’s things• Hits with hands and kicks peers

• Takes valuable items from peers

• Reports seeing monsters

• Arrives to class late 75% of the time

Dimensions of BehaviorDimensions of BehaviorFrequency LatencyTopography MagnitudeDuration Locus

Indirect Assessment

Record Review


Permanent Products

Direct Assessment

Awareness Test

Number/Countof Behavior

Target/Problem Behavior


Time/Durationof Behavior

EventRecording Interval



Specific Beginningand End orContinuous

Time BetweenDirection to Student

and Initiationof Response

SpecificBeginningand End

Length ofTime


Adapted from: Alberto and Troutman

What will you choose?

Setting Events vs. Antecedents

• Setting Events (slow trigger) – indirectly “sets-up” the problem behavior

• Antecedents (fast trigger) - occurs immediately before the problem behavior

Setting Event Examples • Lack of sleep or food• Having a fight on the way to school• Bad grade on a test / reprimands• Forgetting to take medication• Substitute teacher / changes in routine

Non-examples:• Diagnosis of autism or ADHD• “Bad” home life

Note: Setting Events can be difficult to identify, are sometimes unknown.

M. K. Strickland-Cohen (2011) ECS, University of Oregon

WHY does the behavior continue to occur? What happens before the problem behavior? What happens after the problem behavior?



the student does (what)__



..because (why) ______



When _____happens….

Maintaining Consequence• If a behavior is continuing to occur it is being


• A maintaining consequence is an item, activity or event that follows a behavior and results in an INCREASE in that behavior.

Functions of Behavior ProblemBehavior








Common functions in the school setting….

Obtain/ Access · Peer attention

· Adult attention

· Desired activity

· Desired object/ items

Avoid/ Escape· Difficult Task

· Boring Task

· Easy Task

· Physical demands

· Non-preferred activity

· Peer or Adult attention

You can not reduce a problem behavior without first identifying the replacement and desired behaviors the person should perform instead of the problem or target

behavior. (O’Neill, pg. 71)

Replacement Behavior Essentials

• Serve the same function as the problem behavior

• Easier to do than the problem behavior

• Socially acceptable

“Your desired behavior must become just as much a habit as your undesired

behavior was before."

- Mike Hawkins

Desired Behavior

Current Consequence

"If a student doesn't know how to read…

…we teach

If a student doesn't know how to swim…

… we teach

If a student doesn't know how to multiply…

…we teach

If a student doesn't know how to behave…

…we punish?"

John Herner

M.K. Strickland-Cohen (2011) ECS, University of Oregon

Setting Event Strategies


Teaching Strategies Consequences Strategies

Identifying Behavior Support Strategies

Team identifies a range of strategies/ interventions to address: - Prevention - Teaching - Consequences

We consider the FUNCTION of the problem behavior when selecting these strategies.

Preventative Strategies

Neutralize Irrelevant Inefficient Ineffective

Setting Events

Triggering Antecedents

Teaching Behaviors

Maintaining Consequences

Function-Based strategies… DIRECTLY address the function of the problem

behavior by:

• Providing a way to access the maintaining consequence by engaging in appropriate behavior

or…• Preventing access to the maintaining consequence

following problem behavior

M.K. Strickland-Cohen (2011) ECS, University of Oregon

Selecting Antecedent Strategies: Modifying Triggers

When identifying preventive antecedent strategies: Eliminate or alter the antecedent so student will no longer need

to use problem behavior


directly address the identified ANTECEDENT and the FUNCTION of the problem behavior

Skill or P


ance Deficit?Teaching


What resources can I use? SAIG Lessons

Second Step

Ropes and Challenges

Social Stories

Restorative Justice

SEL Curriculum

Consequences vs. Punishment

con·se·quence (k n s -kw ns , -kw ns). n. 1. Something that logically or

naturally follows from an action or condition.

Types of Consequences

↑Replacement BehaviorPOSITIVE

• Social

• Activity or Privilege

• Tangible/materials

↓Problem BehaviorNEGATIVE

• Correction/Precision request

• Restitution

• Positive Practice

• Privilege Loss

Progress Monitoring

Keep in mind…

• It’s a process• Behavior will get worse before it gets

better• Reward attempts and approximations• Reward desired behaviors• Delivery of positive consequences brings

about replacement behavior• Delivery of negative consequences helps

student avoid disliked situation


MPS FBA/BIP Resources •

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction•

Exceed Help Videos/ Documents•



PBIS Tier 3 Behavior SupportJane Audette audettj@milwaukee.k12.wi.usJeri Talbot

Program Support Teachers-Behavior

Lori Chambers chambela@milwaukee.k12.wi.usJessie Vance