Developing and Establishing Brand Positiioning

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Developing and Establishing Brand Positiioning


WHAT IS POSITIONING?Act of designing a company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market. The aim is to strike a balance between what the brand is and what it could be.

NespressoNespresso was created 1986 as a subsidiary of Nestle’. It provide s coffee machines to the high end segment of the consumer market.

As of today its turnover is close to $3 Billion. The brand has more than 300 boutiques in 60 countries across the world.


Royal Philips Electronics, established in 1891, is one of the world’s largest electronics companies and one of the most respected brands. A market leader in medical diagnostic imaging, patient monitoring systems, energy-efficient lighting solutions, and lifestyle solutions for personal wellbeing. Its annual turnover is close to $30.97 Billion.

How to determine positioning?

Determining a frame of reference by identifying target market and relevant competition.

Competitors for Nespresso

Competitors for Philips

Identifying Points of Parity and Points of


Unique positioning in the coffee market.

Placing in the high-end market.

Practically designed coffee machines.

High quality coffee.

Excellent service.

PHILIPSUnique and original devices.

All ways innovating.

Sharing costs of R&D.

“Sense and Simplicity”

Creating a brand mantra to summarize the positioning and essence of the Brand

Nespresso“It’s not just a coffee. It is a sensational experience.”This is in close reference to the high quality of coffee it provides along with smart , stylish coffee machines.

Nespresso VS Malongo Brand Mantra

“Sense and Simplicity”• Delight customers.

• Develop great results.

Strengths • Effective Communication

•High R&D

• Innovation

• Loyal Customers

•Copyright Patents

What is brand positioning?

How to determine positioning?

Identifying points of parity and points of difference.

Creating a brand mantra to summarize the positioning and essence of the brand.

Created by Nikhil Seth during a marketing internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow