Deuteronomy 24:1-4

Post on 23-Jan-2016

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Deuteronomy 24:1-4. Regulation of divorce / remarriage issue. Ruth. Moabitess who married into the Messianic line. Themes of Joshua. Conquer and Divide. Theme of Psalms. Worship—a personal response to the person and work of God. Exodus 19. Inauguration of the new nation’s constitution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Deuteronomy 24:1-4

Deuteronomy 24:1-4

Regulation of divorce / remarriage issue


Moabitess who married into the Messianic line

Themes of Joshua

Conquer and Divide

Theme of Psalms

Worship—a personal response to the person and work of God

Exodus 19

Inauguration of the new nation’s constitution

Genesis 22

Isaac is offered up


Prophet of the highest order, Lawgiver, deliverer of Israel, Author

of the Pentateuch

Leviticus 19:2

“You shall be holy for I the LORD your God am holy”

Genesis 2:24

A man shall leave & cleave


Priest, scribe, reformer and expert in the Law


Persian king, allowed Jews to return and rebuild temple

Numbers 12

Miriam rebels, gets leprosy, Moses intercedes

Joshua 6

Fall of Jericho

2 Samuel 7

Temple; Davidic Covenant

1 Kings 13:2

Prophecy concerning Josiah, fulfilled in 2 Kings 23

Deuteronomy 6


Ruth 4:18-22

The genealogy from Perez to David

Joshua 1

God’s charge to Joshua

Deuteronomy 28

Blessings & Cursings

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord


8th judge of Israel, bastard, foolish vow


A young friend who gave wiser counsel than those who were older.

Job 19:25-26

Hope of a Redeemer and bodily resurrection

Outline of Exodus

I. Exodus (Ex. 1-18)II. Law (Ex. 19-24)

III. Tabernacle (Ex. 25-40)

Theme of Ecclesiastes


Nadab & Abihu

eldest sons of Aaron, slain for offering strange fire

1 Kings 3

Solomon chooses wisdom and wisely judges


Built ark, father of Shem, Ham, Japeth

Joshua 10:12-15

Sun stands still

Nehemiah 1-2

Nehemiah’s prayer, Artaxerxes’s decree

Judges 6-8


Outline of Ecclesiastes

I. The problem: all is vanity (1:1-11)II. The proof that all is vanity (1:12-6)III. The prescription for vanity (7-12)

Proverbs 31

The godly woman


Collaborated with Deborah

Job 38-41

God’s speech


Moses’ wife

Leviticus 17:11

“for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement”

Deuteronomy 13:1-5

Test and death for false prophets


Jacob’s beloved wife, mother of Joseph


High Priest, returned with and aided Zerubbabel in rebuilding temple

Outline of 1 Kings

I. Kingdom United (1-11)II. Kingdom Divided (12-22)


Abraham’s wife, mother of Isaac

Themes of Leviticus

Dedication and Holiness


High priest and judge of Israel; wicked sons Hophni and Phinehas

Job 42

Job’s repentance


Adam’s second son murdered by his brother Cain

Ezra 10:9-15

Put away foreign wives

Exodus 32

Golden Calf


Artaxerxes’ cupbearer, Governor of Judea


Counselor of David, went with Absalom, killed himself

Esther 3

Haman persuades King Ahasuerus to decree the Jew’s annihilation

Proverbs 22:6

Training a child in his “way”


Noah’s eldest son

Numbers 16:31-35

The ground swallows Korah and his followers

2 Kings 22-23

Josiah as King over Judah, he brings revival, reform and renewal

Joshua 9

Gibeonites deceitful covenant

Joshua 1:7-9

“Be strong and courageous”


Moses’ spokesmen & brother, consecrated first high priest

Outline of Esther

I. Threat to the Jews (1-4)II. Triumph of the Jews (5-10)


16th King of Judah, king at 8 years old, returned to obeying the law

Theme of Song of Solomon

God’s View of Love and Marriage

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

On love (1 Cor. 13 of OT)

Outline of LamentationsI. Jerusalem (1)II. Jehovah (2)III. Jeremiah (3)IV. Jehovah (4)

V. Jerusalem (5)

Lamentations 3:22-23

Great is thy faithfulness

Outline of Isaiah

I. Wrath (1-39)II. Redemption (40-66)

Isaiah 6

Isaiah’s Call and Commissioning

Isaiah 9:6

The Birth and Reign of the Prince of Peace

Isaiah 11:1-5

The Righteous Reign of the Branch from Jesse’s Roots

Isaiah 24

Judgment of the Earth in the Tribulation

Isaiah 66

Glorious Future in Zion; the Consummation of History


Prophet to Judah ca. 739-686 B.C.

Jeremiah 1

Jeremiah’s Call

Jeremiah 1:4-10

The Foreknowledge of God “Before I formed you in the womb…”

Jeremiah 25

Judah’s Future Judgment through Babylon

Jeremiah 29:10

Promised Restoration in 70 years

Jeremiah 52

Destruction of Jerusalem

Theme of Ezekiel

Condemnation, Consolation, and Restoration

Ezekiel 1

Vision of 4 Beings and 4 Wheels

Ezekiel 38-39

Prophecy against Gog and Magog

Joel 3:9-15

Description of Armageddon

Daniel 4

Nebuchadnezzar’s Great Tree Vision / Cow King

Daniel 7:13-14

The “Son of Man” given “everlasting dominion” by the Ancient of Days

Daniel 8

Daniel’s Ram, Goat, and Little Horn Vision

Daniel 10

Daniel’s preparation by Michael the Angel

Daniel 12:1-2

O.T. Reference to Resurrection


Deported to Babylon by the age of 16, prophet to the Gentiles and Jews


Went through the fiery furnace with Shadrach and Abednego


King of Babylon in 605 B.C., Son of Nabopolassar

Theme of Hosea

Loyal Love

Hosea 1-3

Gomer restored to Hosea

Hosea 11:1

Out of Egypt God called His Son


Hosea’s wife, represents the spiritual adultery of Israel


Hosea’s son, “God scatters,” coming judgment


Hosea’s daughter, “not pitied,” withdrawal of love and mercy


Hosea’s son, “not my people,” broken relationship

Theme of Amos

Social Injustice of Israel

Amos 9:8

Destroy sinful kingdom but not totally

Theme of Obadiah

Edom’s judgment

Psalm 16

Eternal life for trusting

Job 23:10-12

“When he has tried me, I will come forth as gold”

1 Samuel 13

Saul assumes priestly office

Outline of Deuteronomy

I. Looking back (Deut. 1-11)II. Looking Ahead (Deut. 12-32)

III. Looking Up (Deut. 33-34)

2 Samuel 12:23

David’s hope of joining his departed child

Joshua 2

Rahab & the spies

Genesis 1:24-27

6th Day of Creation


King of Salem, priest

Theme of Judges

Disobedience and Defeat

Theme of Ruth

Kinsmen Redeemer


Influential Samaritan sought to end wall rebuilding and kill Nehemiah

Job 1-2

Job’s calamity

2 Kings 18

Sennacherib invades Judah

Esther 6-7

Mordecai is honored, Haman is hanged

Psalm 23

The Great Shepherd


12th judge of Israel, fought the Philistines, very strong

Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord


son of Jacob, sold as slave


Son of Abraham & Sarah, father of Jacob

Genesis 9

Everlasting covenant, curse of Caanan


Captain of the princes who plotted the destruction of the Jews


Wife of Elkanah, mother of Samuel

Outline of Joshua

I. Conquering the Land (Josh. 1-12)II. Dividing the Land (Josh. 13-24)

Ezra 10

Repentance for intermarriage

Psalm 15

Characteristics of the godly

Esther 9

The Jews destroy their enemies and start Purim

Joshua 7

The sin of Achan

Exodus 21:22-24

Lex Taliones: Principle of retaliation

Proverbs 16:18-19

Pride before destruction

Psalm 32

Blessing of forgiveness


Jewish maiden of great beauty who became the Queen of Persia


Took spoil from Jericho, led to defeat in Ai, confessed when confronted

Themes of Deuteronomy

Second Law, Renewed Covenant


Isaac’s wife, favored Jacob

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord and not in yourself

Exodus 7-11

Ten plagues

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another

Themes of 2 Kings

Israel and Judah Fall

1 Chronicles 11:2

“…you shall be prince over My people Israel”

Nehemiah 8:4-8

Ezra presents the law to the people

1 Samuel 16:7

God looks on the heart


16th King of Judah, king at 8 years old, returned to obeying the law

Outline of 2 Samuel

I. Triumphs of David (1-10)II. Transgressions of David (11-12)

III. Troubles of David (13-24)

2 Samuel 24:24

Against giving the Lord what costs nothing

1 Samuel 17

Goliath slain


Prophet who rebuked David for his sins

Outline of RuthI. Return of Ruth (1)

II. Reaping of Ruth (2)III. Request of Ruth (3)

IV. Redemption of Ruth (4)

Deuteronomy 29:29

“Secrets things belong to the Lord…”

Genesis 6-8

Flood: Deliverance in the Ark

Genesis 32

Jacob wrestles w/ God

Genesis 2

Creation (focus on man, Adamic Covenant)


Moses’ servant and successor, great military leader into the promise land


Priest, scribe, reformer and expert in the Law

Joshua 20

Cities of refuge

1 Samuel 31

Saul and his sons killed

Proverbs 25:21-22

Love your enemies

Numbers 11

Israel & Moses grumble—God provides


First King of Israel, a Benjamite


Abram’s nephew, dweller in Sodom


David’s nephew and commander of David’s army


Moses’ father-in-law

Judges 11:34-40

Jephthah’s tragic vow

2 Samuel 24

David numbers the people

Psalm 19

The Works and Word of God


Father of the nation of Israel

1 Kings 17

Elijah predicts drought and raises the dead

Proverbs 3

The pursuit and precepts of Wisdom


First king over divided Israel, led rebellion against Rehoboam

1 Samuel 8-10

Choose a King

Genesis 37

Joseph is sold by his brothers


Blameless and upright man who feared God

Proverbs 6:16-19

Seven things that the Lord hates


Son of Solomon, First king of divided Judah

Psalm 139

God’s omniscience and omnipresence

Proverbs 5:15-23

Be satisfied with your own wife

Psalm 1

Godly & Wicked Contrasted

Theme of Proverbs

Wisdom for a foolish world

Outline of Ezra

I. Return and Reconstruction under Zerubbabel (1-6)

II. Return and Reform under Ezra (7-10)

Numbers 6

Nazerite vow

Judges 5

Song of Deborah

Job 26:7

“He…hangs the earth on nothing”

Deuteronomy 32

Song of Moses

1 Kings 9

God’s promises and warnings to Solomon

Psalm 100

Call to Worship

Outline of 1 Samuel

I. Samuel (1-9)II. Saul (10-31)

Joshua 24:14-15

Choose for yourselves whom you will serve

Genesis 3:15

The promised seed

1 Kings 8

Solomon’s temple dedicated

Exodus 15:26

“If you heed…I will put none of the diseases on you.”

Genesis 11

Tower of Babel, dispersion of the nations

Genesis 35:9-12

Jacob becomes “Israel”

Psalm 119

God’s Word exalted

1 Samuel 15:20-23

“To obey better/sacrifice”

Psalm 42

Thirsting for God

Themes of Numbers

Wanderings in the Wilderness, Faithful Jehovah, Fickle Israel


Adam’s first son; murdered his brother Abel

Exodus 20:1-17

The Ten Commandments

1 Kings 18

Elijah on Mount Carmel

Exodus 12


Psalm 8

God’s glory / Man’s rule

Exodus 18

Jethro and delegated authority

Genesis 3

Temptation, Fall, Curses

2 Samuel 5

David as King over all Israel


Prophet who rebuked David for his sins

Jeremiah 31-32

New Covenant

Ezra 3

The foundation of the temple completed

1 Kings 21

Naboth’s vineyard taken by Jezebel and Ahab

1 Samuel 25

David and Abigail

2 Samuel 12

Nathan rebukes David

Joshua 13-19

Division of the land, Levitical role

Outline of Daniel

I. History (1-6)II. Prophecy (7-12)

Joel 2:28-32

Promise of His Spirit and Day of the Lord

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Death for incorrigible children / rebel sons

Ezra 4:3

Zerubbabel and Jeshua reject the help of the Samaritans

Judges 13-16



Wicked king of Israel, married to Jezebel


First king of divided Judah, son of Solomon

Job 3-37

Counsel of Job’s friends

Exodus 4:11

Who has made man’s mouth? Who has made man dumb or deaf?

Genesis 49

Jacob blesses his sons


Went through the fiery furnace with Meshach and Abednego

Daniel 3

Nebuchadnezzar’s Idolatrous Image / The Fiery Furnace

Isaiah 64:6

Total Depravity of Man; “righteous deeds are like a filthy garment”

Outline of Nehemiah

I. Rebuilding the walls (1-7)II. Reviving the people (8-10)

III. Reinforcing the work (11-13)

Numbers 13

12 spies enter & return from Canaan


Gave bad counsel based on his traditions

Psalm 22

Messiah’s Suffering

Outline of Ezekiel

I. Wrath (1-32)II. Restoration (33-48)


Eldest son of Saul, close friend of David

2 Kings 4

Elisha’s miracle for the widow—oil


King of Babylon after his father Nabonidus

Theme of Lamentations


Deuteronomy 22:28-29

Laws concerning seductions / lay = marry

Jeremiah 30

Promise of Return and Restoration

Psalm 90

Momentary Man (transitoriness)

Daniel 2:44-45

God’s Kingdom shall be supreme “and it shall stand forever…”

Outline of Numbers

I. Ordering the people of the exodus (Num. 1-10)II. Disorder among the people in the wilderness (Num. 11-25)III. Reordering the new generation for entrance (Num. 26-36)

Exodus 14

Red Sea

Numbers 22-25

Balaam, Balak, and the donkey

Deuteronomy 18

Against witchcraft, coming Prophet

Ezekiel 36:24-27

“I will give you a new heart…I will put my Spirit within you…”


Third son of David; revolted, avenged sister Tamar, killed by Joab


Persian King allowed Jews to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem

Isaiah 7:14

The Virgin Birth of Immanuel

Judges 17:6; 21:25

“Every man did what was right in his own eyes”

Hosea 4:6

Israel rejected as a priest

Ezra 7-9

The return under Ezra, including his prayer


David’s nephew and commander of David’s army

Themes of Esther

Preservation through Providence


son of Isaac, sold birthright

Job 42:12-13

“And the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning


Father of Methusaleh, walked with God, never died taken straight to



Unique victor over Midianites

1 Samuel 24

David spares Saul’s life

Outline of Jeremiah

I. Jeremiah’s Call (1)II. Judah’s Gall (2-51)

III. Jerusalem’s Fall (52)


Gave bad counsel based on his experience

Leviticus 25

Sabbath (7) & Jubilee (50) years

Ezra 7:10

Ezra’s approach to ministry

1 Samuel 28

Saul and the witch of Endor

Daniel 9:24-27

69 weeks pinpoints the coming of the Messiah at the Triumphal Entry


King of Persia, allowed Jews to return to rebuild the temple

Ezekiel 40-48

The Temple, Restoration of Land


Tried to get Job to curse God

Isaiah 40-48

Deliverance Promised to Israel

Outline of Job

I. Calamity (1-2)II. Counsel (3-37)

III. Contrition (38-42)

Theme of 1 Samuel

Judges to Kings


Son of Jesse, anointed by Samuel as King of Israel

2 Kings 6:1-7

Elisha makes the axe head float


Esther’s older cousin and palace official

Ezekiel 36-37

Valley of Dry Bones

Theme of Genesis

Beginnings, Covenants, Generations

2 Kings 24-25

The fall of Judah to Babylon 586 B.C.

Leviticus 23

Seven feasts

Ecclesiastes 1:2

All is vanity says the preacher


Son of Buzi, a priest called to be a prophet

Proverbs 10:18-20

Warnings on lying lips and slander

Isaiah 36-37

Deliverance of Hezekiah and Judah from Sennacherib

Daniel 6

Darius’ Decree and Daniel in the Lion’s Den


Son of David, wisest man, foreign wives

1 Kings 2

David dies and Solomon secures his Kingship

Isaiah 53

Suffering Servant (Jesus Christ)


4th judge, prophetess, administrator of justice

Leviticus 10

Nadab & Abihu


Ex-harlot in Jericho


Went through the fiery furnace with Shadrach and Meshach

1 Kings 11

Solomon’s demise, difficulties and death


First king of divided Israel

Outline of Obadiah

I. Judgment of Edom (1-18)II. Restoration of Israel (19-21)

Exodus 20

Ten Commandments


Son of David, wisest man, foreign wives

Daniel 1

Daniel’s Personal History in Babylon

Daniel 11

Daniel’s 69 weeks, Persia and Greece, 70th week King and


Esther 4:14

“who knows whether you have not attained royalty for a time such as this.”

2 Kings 2

Elijah taken to heaven

Theme of 1 Chronicles

God’s view of David


Third son of David; revolted, avenged sister Tamar, killed by Joab

2 Samuel 7:8-16

Davidic Covenant


Counselor of David, went with Absalom, killed himself

Deuteronomy 4:2

“Do not add or subtract from the word”

Leviticus 1-7

Five sacrifices

Outline of Amos

I. 8-Prophecies of Judgment (1-2)II. 3-Sermons on Israel’s Provocation (3-6)

III. 5-Visions of Punishment (7-9:10)IV. 5-Promises of Israel’s Restoration (9:11-15)

Theme of Ezra

Rebuilding the Temple and People

Ruth 4

Boaz redeems and marries Ruth

Psalm 73

Prosperity of the Wicked

Genesis 1

Creation (broad perspective)

Leviticus 18

Regulations of sexual conduct

Psalm 127

God, the Giver of blessings (children)

Leviticus 20:6-8

No mediums/spiritualists

Theme of Joel

The Day of the Lord (in Retrospect and Prospect)

1 Samuel 16

David annointed

Genesis 50:20

“God meant it for good”


Married Ruth

Theme of Nehemiah

Rebuilding the walls

Daniel 2

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Theme of Job

Suffering and Sovereignty

Genesis 1:31

Creation is declared “very good”

Outline of Judges

I. Disobedience (Jud. 1-3)II. Deliverance (Jud. 3-16)III. Depravity (Jud. 17-21)

Daniel 7

Daniel’s Four Beast Vision


The Mede, feared Daniel’s God

Outline of Leviticus

I. Sacrifice (Lev. 1-17)II. Sanctification (Lev. 18-27)


Jacob’s first & less loved wife

Psalm 2

Messiah’s Reign

Genesis 4

Cain & Abel, Cain’s line…Civilization


Son of Elkanah and Hannah, a Nazarite, priest, and judge

Psalm 51

Confession of Sin

2 Samuel 13-20

Absalom’s exile and revolt

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

The shema: Jesus’ great commandment

2 Kings 6

Elisha thwarts Syria

Ezekiel 8-11

God’s glory departs

Themes of Exodus

Redemption & Deliverance of Israel

Outline of Song of Solomon

I. Leave (1-3)II. Cleave (4-5)III. Weave (5-8)

2 Kings 4:18-28

Elisha raises the Shunamite’s son from the dead


Gave bad counsel based on his religious convictions

Daniel 9

Daniel’s Seventy Week Vision

Outline of 1 Chronicles

I. Royal line of David (1-9)II. Righteous Reign of David (10-29)

Hosea 11-14

Israel restored to God

Genesis 18-19

Sodom & Gomorrah

Theme of Isaiah


Theme of 2 Samuel

David’s Reign as King

Theme of Jeremiah

Warning or Last-Hour Repentance / Confrontation

1 Kings 1

Solomon is appointed King


Enemy captain, great warrior, a leper healed by Elisha’s instructions

Leviticus 26

Obedience = blessingsDisobedience = judgment


Persian king Xerxes I during the book of Esther

2 Samuel 6

The Ark brought to Jerusalem

Outline of 2 Chronicles

I. Reign of Solomon (1-9)II. Reign of Judah’s Kings (10-36)

Amos 9:13-15

Future Hope for the Restoration of Israel

Ezra 1

The decree of Cyrus allowing the return

Theme of Daniel

God’s Sovereign Plan for Israel

Daniel 5

Belshazzar and Wall Writing

Exodus 40

Tabernacle completed

Leviticus 16

Day of Atonement


Prophet of God, defeated prophets of Baal on Carmel

Job 14:14

“If a man dies will he live again?”

Outline of Hosea

I. Adulterous Wife and faithful husband (1-3)II. Adulterous Israel and faithful Lord (4-14)

Jeremiah 34-44

The Fall of Jerusalem

Exodus 19:5-6

If you will be obey you shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation

Numbers 21:4-9

Fiery serpentsBronze serpent

Isaiah 53:4-6

“The Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him”

Outline of Genesis

I. Four Key Events (Gen. 1-11)II. Four Key People (Gen. 12-50)


Successor to Elijah, heals, floats axe head, miracle worker

Theme of 2 Chronicles

God’s view of the Kings of Judah


Hunter, son of Cush


A non-Israelite prophet who desired to curse Israel but was not allowed

2 Kings 5

Naaman healed and Gehazi’s greed

Jeremiah 23

The Righteous Branch

Deuteronomy 32:39

God governs life & death; sovereignty “I kill / make alive;

wound / heal”

Isaiah 13

Judgment of Babylon

Exodus 3:13-15


Daniel 12

Daniel’s sealing up of the book and the end

Deuteronomy 34

Death of Moses

1 Samuel 18

David: Jonathan’s friend, Saul’s enemy


Moses’ sister, prophetess, led women in worship

Theme of 1 Kings

United and Divided Kingdom

Outline of 2 Kings

I. Israel Falls (1-17)II. Judah Falls (18-25)


Abram’s father


The archangel who ministered to Daniel in Chapter 9

1 Samuel 15

Saul spares Amalekites


Israel, Father of 12 tribes


Evil wife of Ahab, worshipped Baal, eaten by dogs as prophesied

2 Kings 17

Israel’s fall / Assyrian Captivity 722 B.C.

Hosea 6:6

Loyalty vs. sacrifice

Deuteronomy 5

Decalogue reiterated

Genesis 6:1-4

sons of God

2 Samuel 11


Nehemiah 3-7

Work on and completion of the walls

Ecclesiastes 12:11-14

Fear God and keep his commandments

Outline of Joel

I. Day of the Lord in Retrospect (1:1-2:17)II. The Day of the Lord in Prospect (2:18-3)

1 Kings 19

Elijah’s flight to Horeb / Appointment of Elisha

1 Samuel 1-4

Eli to Samuel

Genesis 12:1-3

Abrahamic Covenant

Exodus 3-4

Call of Moses

1 Chronicles 17:11-14

Davidic Covenant “his throne shall be established forever”


Husband of Gomer, the loyal love of God

Genesis 12

The Abrahamic covenant extablished

Theme of Jonah

God’s Mercy upon the Gentiles

Outline of Jonah

I. God’s mercy upon Jonah (1-2)II. God’s mercy upon Nineveh (3-4)

Jonah 1

“I won’t go”

Jonah 2

“I will go”

Jonah 2:8-9

Salvation is from the Lord

Jonah 3

“I’m here”

Jonah 4

“I shouldn’t have come”

Jonah 4:2

God’s grace and compassion

Theme of Micah

Justice of God vs. the Social Injustice of Judah

Outline of Micah

I. Prediction of Retribution (1-3)II. Prediction of Restoration (4-5)

III. Plea for Repentance (6-7)

Micah 4:3

Swords into plowshares

Micah 5:2

From Bethlehem “One” will come

Micah 6:8

God requires us to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God

Theme of Nahum

Nineveh’s Judgment and Destruction

Outline of Nahum

I. God’s Majestic Holiness (1)II. Nineveh’s Judgment (2-3)

Theme of Habakkuk

Faith (Judgment on Judah through Deportation)

Outline of Habakkuk

I. Faith tested (1)II. Faith taught (2)

III. Faith triumphant (3)

Habakkuk 2:4

“The righteous shall live by faith,” theme of Romans

Theme of Zephaniah

Future Global Judgment

Outline of Zephaniah

I. Prophecies of Judgment (1-2)II. Prophecies of Future Blessing (3)

Zephaniah 1:14-18

The Day of the Lord

Theme of Haggai

A call to construct the Temple

Outline of Haggai

I. Rebuke for Disobedience (1:1-11)II. Rebuilding the Temple (1:12-15)

III. Return of God’s glory (2:1-9)IV. Religious Questions (2:10-19)

V. Reign of God (2:20-23)

Haggai 1

God calls people to construction

Haggai 2:20-23

The Messiah’s future reign prefigured

Theme of Zechariah

Preparation for the Messiah

Outline of Zechariah

I. Visions (1-6)II. Questions (7-8)III. Burdens (9-14)

Zechariah 4:6

By God’s might and Spirit, not by man

Zechariah 12:10

Israel’s morning over the pierced Messiah

Zechariah 14:9-11

The Reign of Christ

Theme of Malachi

Disintegration of a Nation

Outline of Malachi

I. God’s pronouncements against Israel (1-3:15)II. God’s promise to Israel (3:16-4)

Malachi 1:6-14

The imperfect sacrifice

Malachi 2:15-16

I hate divorce

Malachi 3:8-10

Will a man rob God?

Theme of Matthew

Jesus as King

Outline of Matthew

I. The presentation of the King (1-10)II. The rejection of the King (11-28)

Matthew 1:1-17

Abrahamic and Davidic Genealogies

Matthew 1:23

“Behold the virgin shall be with child”

Matthew 2:15

Out of Egypt I called My Son

Matthew 4

The Temptation

Matthew 5-7

Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5:1-11

The Beattitudes

Matthew 5:17-20

“I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill”

Matthew 5:31-32

Divorce and Remarriage

Matthew 7:21-23

“Lord, Lord, did we not…?”

Matthew 10

The Twelve sent out to Preach

Matthew 13

Parables; Sower; Wheat; Mustard; Leaven; Pearl; Dragnet

Matthew 16:18

“Upon this rock I will build My Church”

Matthew 18

Church Discipline; Unforgiving Slave

Matthew 18:3-5

“Unless you are converted and become like children…”

Matthew 19:4-6, 8-9

Divorce and Remarriage

Matthew 23

7 woes to the Scribes and Pharisees

Matthew 24-25

Olivet Discourse

Matthew 28:18-20

Great Commission


Apostle, and brother of Peter


High priest during the time of Christ, father-in-law of Caiaphas


High priest, condemned Christ

John the Baptist

Forerunner and cousin of Christ


King of Judea at time of Nativity


Governor of Judea, delivered Christ to be crucified

Simon of Cyrene

Helped Jesus carry His cross

Mary Magdalene

Jesus cast out seven demons, appeared to her first after resurrection


Apostle, Christ saw him under the fig tree


Leader of Israel, spoke with Christ at night

Theme of Mark

Jesus as Servant

Outline of Mark

I. Sent to serve (1-10)II. Sent to save (11-16)

Mark 10:45

The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve