Detailed study of Seismic Waves [Research]

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Detailed study of Seismic Waves [Research]

Seismic WavesMuhammad Kamran

What are seismic waves?

Full of energy

Very fast moving (Speed in km/s)

Breaking of rocks

EarthquakeSeismic Waves


• Chinese attempted 2000 years ago to

determine support attached to the ground.

• Ancient people superstitions.

• Seismology: The study of seismic waves is

called as seismology.

• and it is YOUNG SCIENCE >> 150 years


Some terminologies

• Focus: The location within the earth

where rocks damage take place is called

focus of the earthquake. Seismic waves

first originate here.

• Epicenter: The point on surface of earth

right above the focus is known as


Types of Seismic Waves



Love and Rayleigh waves

Earthquake - Epicenter Location:

Earthquake – Depth of Focus:

Category Depth kms

Shallow focus 0-70

Intermediate 70-350

Deep 350-670

Estimated by doing analysis on seismogram,

It is calculated by different in velocity of p and s

waves and arrival at recording station.

Measuring size of Earthquake

• Modified Mercalli scale:

• Richter scale:

Effect of Seismic Waves (Earthquakes):

• Vibration and damage of buildings.

• Life losses and injuries due to hitting of falling debris

from buildings during earthquake.

• Liquefaction which is flowing of water saturated soil after

getting shake due to earthquake.

• Probability of fire after earthquake due to broken gas

pipes and electric lines.

• Landslides triggered by shaking of ground.

• Tsunamis i.e. high rising water waves due to disturbing

of water equilibrium in case of shaking.


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