Detailed Compensation Plan · P a g e 1 BMÔR Rewarded. Detailed Compensation Plan Welcome to the...

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Transcript of Detailed Compensation Plan · P a g e 1 BMÔR Rewarded. Detailed Compensation Plan Welcome to the...

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BMÔR Rewarded. Detailed Compensation Plan

Welcome to the BMÔR Rewarded Compensation Plan Training Series. Make sure you also check out our training series videos which will walk you through all of the amazing 9 ways to earn at BMÔR Global!

Our rewards plan has been developed by industry experts with decades of successful network marketing experience. As with any program, BMÔR Rewarded was designed with a specific end purpose in mind.

Our goal was to generously compensate the Brand Partners sharing our products in a way that would best guide them through the 3 specific stages of their business; Creating a Foundation (Startup), Building the Team (Growth), and Creating Leaders (Maturity).

While these trainings will give you the information you need to understand and analyze the program, we find the most successful Brand Partners do two things better than those with less success:

1. They take immediate action. 2. They lean heavily on their upline and work the business as a team sport.

We always welcome everyone to fully understand every detail of the program, but we’ve found in our experience that those that want to understand everything before taking action, tend to fall victim to a condition called paralysis by analysis, which can be terminal to your business. The BMÔR Rewarded Program was specifically design to foster teamwork, and it is important to note that the more money your upline helps you to earn, the more earnings potential they may have themselves. So let’s team up, share BMÔR Health and Beauty far and wide, and create long-lasting financial security together.

All income figures listed are hypothetical and are not based on actual results or averages. These are shown as illustrative examples of the Be. More.

Rewarded. Compensation Plan and are not a guarantee or representation of the money you will actually earn as a BMÔR Global Brand Partner.

Inadequate historical data exists in order to give average income or expected income levels. Many factors influence income, some of these factors

are outside the control of the Brand Partner. Company makes no guarantees or promises of any income. When sufficient operating data is

generated, the Company will provide income disclosure statements as needed. © 2018 BMOR Global, LLC.

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Table of Contents 3 WAYS TO BMÔR .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Retail Customer .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Preferred Customer ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

BMÔR Brand Partner ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Types of Volume ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

Business Volume (BV) ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Commissionable Volume (CV) ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Personal Volume (PV) .................................................................................................................................................. 4

Personal Group Volume (PGV) ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Volume Carryover ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Commission Qualifications ............................................................................................................................................ 5

Active ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Lesser Team Volume ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Pearl Leg(s) in Personal Tree ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Position Activated ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

Position Qualified ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

Weekly Personal Group Volume ................................................................................................................................... 6

Tree Structures .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Genealogy Tree........................................................................................................................................................... 6

Sponsorship Tree ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

Additional Business Centers ......................................................................................................................................... 7

Business Center .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Lesser Leg .................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Strong Leg ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Binary Compensation .................................................................................................................................................... 8

Binary Commissions Cap ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Binary Team Commissions ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Cycles or Step Checks ................................................................................................................................................. 9

Spillover ................................................................................................................................................................. 10

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Pay and Qualification Periods ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Payment Methods ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Qualification Periods ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Additional Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 11

Ranking Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 15

BMÔR Ranks ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

Pearl Executive ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Ruby Executive ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Royal Ruby Executive............................................................................................................................................. 17

Emerald Executive ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Sapphire Executive ............................................................................................................................................... 17

Sapphire Elite ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

Diamond Ambassador ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Double Diamond Ambassador ............................................................................................................................... 19

Triple Diamond Ambassador .................................................................................................................................. 19

Black Diamond Ambassador .................................................................................................................................. 20

Creating Your Foundation ........................................................................................................................................... 21

Retail Profits............................................................................................................................................................. 21

Preferred Customer Bonus ......................................................................................................................................... 21

Business Pack Bonus ................................................................................................................................................. 22

Sell 3, Yours is Free .................................................................................................................................................. 22

Building Your Team .................................................................................................................................................... 23

Binary Team Commissions ......................................................................................................................................... 23

Weekly Lifestyle Bonuses ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Earning Free Positions ............................................................................................................................................... 24

Creating Leaders ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

Leadership Matching Bonuses .................................................................................................................................... 25

Leadership Bous Pool ................................................................................................................................................ 26

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Retail Customer This is anyone simply buying products at retail either directly from a Brand Partner or through their BMÔR website.

Preferred Customer A retail customer buying products on SmartShip from your BMÔR website at preferred pricing, which is 20% under standard retail pricing.

BMÔR Brand Partner This is someone who is signed up into the business, which technically means anyone of legal age that has: a) been personally sponsored into BMÔR by an existing BMÔR Brand Partner that is in good standing with the Company; b) has purchased a Starter Kit; c) has agreed to the BMÔR Terms and Conditions and Policies and Procedures; and, d) has been placed into the Company Genealogy.

Types of Volume

Business Volume (BV) BV, also referred to as CV (Commissionable Volume), is the commissionable value assigned to all BMÔR products. When used for calculating Team Binary Commissions and ranking volume requirements, it includes ALL of the sales from the entire organization under your position, including Retail and Preferred Customer Volume, and Spillover from your upline.

Commissionable Volume (CV) The Commissionable Volume is a value assigned to each product in BMÔR that is used to calculate commissions and bonuses. In BMÔR, CV is interchangeable with Business Volume (BV).

Personal Volume (PV) The volume from your personal purchases plus the volume from your Retail and Preferred Customers’ purchases. PV is used for rank qualifications.

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Personal Group Volume (PGV) Includes your Personal Volume (PV) plus all of the volume from your Personally Sponsored Brand Partners, and ALL of their Personally Sponsored, repeating down through infinite levels. Spillover from upline leadership does not count towards PGV. PGV is used for rank qualifications. Volume Carryover (Rolled Volume) All BV not converted into a “Step” or “Cycle” Check rolls over to the next pay period.

Commission Qualifications

Active To be “Active” a Brand Partner must generate a minimum of 60 PV per month. This can include the Brand Partner’s personal purchases and purchases made by Brand Partner’s personal Retail and/or Preferred Customers.

Lesser Team BV This is the total Business Volume or BV from a Brand Partner’s lesser leg. The Lesser Leg is the side of the team, Left Leg or Right Leg with the smallest amount of volume, and is also sometimes referred to as the “Pay Leg”. Pearl Leg(s) in Personal Tree

This is the number of personally sponsored Brand Partners in the Sponsorship Tree (defined below) which are Active and at the rank of Pearl or above. This is used for rank qualifications at Royal Ruby and above.

Position Activated A Business Center is not considered “Activated” until it has accumulated a minimum of 80 PV. This amount can accrue over time and can include the Brand Partner’s personal purchases and purchases made by Brand Partner’s personal Retail and/or Preferred Customers.

Once “Activated”, a Brand Partner may earn Retail Profits and Preferred Customer Bonuses.

Position Qualified A Brand Partner is not considered “Qualified”, which means qualified to earn Binary Team Commissions, until he or she has personally sponsored at least one (1) Active Brand Partner on the left side of the team, and at least one (1) Active Brand Partner on the right side of the team, each with a minimum 60 PV. To remain qualified, they must maintain an Active Brand Partner on each side of their team. This is also sometimes referred to as being “Binary Qualified”.

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Weekly Personal Group Volume This is the total weekly Personal Group Volume of a Brand Partner’s business, which is used for rank qualifications at Sapphire Elite and above. PGV includes the Brand Partner’s Personal Volume (PV) plus all of the volume from their Personally Sponsored Brand Partners, and ALL of their Personally Sponsored, repeated down through infinite levels.

Spillover from upline leadership does not count towards PGV.

Tree Structures

Genealogy Tree The Genealogy Tree tracks the team by their actual placement in the tree. Each person can only have a one (1) left and one (1) right position directly under them, and personally sponsored Brand Partners may actually be placed many levels beneath their sponsor in this tree.

This is also referred to as the Binary Tree, Placement Tree, or Binary Genealogy Tree.

This tree is used for Binary Team Commissions and Leg Volume Requirements.

Sponsorship Tree The Sponsorship Tree tracks the team by sponsorship. Each person can have unlimited positions underneath them, and all of their personally sponsored show as the 1st Generation. Each of these 1st Generation Brand Partners, and all of their personally sponsored, repeating all the way down the tree, are often referred to as a Sponsor Leg

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This tree is used for Leadership Matching Bonuses, Personal Group Volume, and Rank Advancements.

Additional Business Centers A Business Center is a position in the Placement or Binary Genealogy which is qualified to earn bonuses and commissions based on the total volume beneath it. Business Centers are capped at up to $28,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions.

An individual may only purchase one (1) Business Center, but additional free Business Centers can be awarded as certain earnings requirements are met, making higher incomes possible.

Business Center A Business Center is a position in the Placement or Binary Genealogy which is qualified to earn bonuses and commissions based on the total volume beneath it. Business Centers are capped at up to $28,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions, but additional free Business Centers can be awarded as certain earnings requirements are met, making higher incomes possible.

Lesser Leg – aka Pay Leg or Weak Leg The Lesser Leg is the side of the team, Left Leg or Right Leg, with the smallest amount of volume, and is also sometimes referred to as the “Pay Leg”.

Strong Leg The Strong Leg is the side of the team, Left Leg or Right Leg, with the largest amount of volume. Many times this leg can grow much faster than the other and becomes what is often referred to as a “Power Leg”.

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Binary Compensation This is a compensation strategy that is responsible for some of the fastest growing companies in the Direct Sales Industry. It is based on the concept that everyone can only have one person below them on their left side and one below the on their right side.

Any other Brand Partners they sponsor must go under these 2 spots. Likewise, anyone above your position would also have to place additional Brand Partners down in their organization. This leads to an effect called “spillover” which enables everyone to help each other through the placement of new Brand Partners (see Spillover below).

In a Binary, all of the volume underneath your position, including volume from Brand Partners that spilled-over into your group, can count towards bonus checks to you.

These are paid weekly and each is called a “Step” or “Cycle” Check. With your first Business Center, you can earn up to $28,000 per week in Step Checks, plus, you can qualify to earn additional Business Expansion Centers.

Binary Commissions Cap Binary Team Commissions have maximum weekly caps on the amount of Step or Cycle Checks that can be earned in each period. In the event the cap is reached, the unused volume would simply roll over to be available in the next commission period, subject to annual carryover caps.

The Weekly Binary Commission Caps are broken down by Rank:

Pearl Executive $1,000 per Week Ruby Executive $1,000 per Week Royal Ruby Executive $1,500 per Week Emerald Executive $2,000 per Week Sapphire Executive $3,000 per Week Sapphire Elite $10,000 per Week Diamond Ambassador $15,000 per Week Double Diamond Ambassador $25,000 per Week Triple Diamond Ambassador $28,000 per Week Black Diamond Ambassador $28,000 per Week

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Binary Team Commissions BMÔR Rewarded is built on the simple premise of each Brand Partner just building two (2) legs straight down. As this structure develops, all of the volume flows up, with each person’s volume adding to the entire team above them. Binary Team Commissions are the backbone of the BMÔR Rewarded Program. Depending on rank, Brand Partners can earn up to $28,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions. A Cycle or Step Check is created every time 250 BV is generated in the Left Leg and 250 BV in the Right Leg. Spillover does count towards the 250/250.

A single Step or Cycle Check is $35, created every time there are 250 BV on the Left and 250 BV on the Right. There is no limit to the number of levels beneath a Brand Partner that the volume can be accumulated from, and therefore, Brand Partners can potentially earn on the production of everyone in their entire downline!

Cycles or Step Checks Cycle, or Step Checks are the Binary Bonuses paid every time 250 BV accumulates under each side of the team, Left and Right (250 BV Left and 250 BV Right), whether through personally sponsored Brand Partners, Customers, or Brand Partners that have spilled over from upline.

On a weekly basis, BMÔR will deduct as many blocks of 250 BV from each side as possible, up to ranking caps, and issue a $35 Cycle Check for each 250 BV taken from both sides.

Any remaining points that are under the 250/250 limit will simply roll over to the next commission period, subject to annual volume carryover limits by rank.

Let’s look at an example:

Here the Brand Partner has accumulated 300 BV on the Left and 500 BV on the Right. BMÔR deducts 250 BV from each side and pays a $35 Cycle Check, leaving 50 BV on the Left and 250 BV on the Right to roll over to the next commission period.

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Spillover Spillover occurs when Brand Partners above your position place additional Brand Partners or Customers under your position in the Genealogy Tree, as shown by the green circle in the example below.

The Business Volume from these positions can be included in BV volume for ranking requirements and is also used to calculate Step or Cycle Checks.

This volume is not counted in Personal Volume (PV) or Personal Group Volume (PGV).

Pay and Qualification Periods BMÔR Pays Commissions on a three (3) week delay, based on the following schedule:

Retail Profits Weekly - Paid every Friday

Preferred Customer Bonus Weekly - Paid every Friday

Business Pack Bonus Weekly - Paid every Friday

Binary Team Commissions Weekly - Paid every Friday

Leadership Matching Bonus Weekly - Paid every Friday

Lifestyle Bonus Weekly - Paid every Friday

Leadership Bonus Pool Monthly – Paid by the following 15th

Payment Methods BMÔR accepts all major credit cards and PayPal for product purchases.

Commissions and Bonuses are paid out via ACH, paper check, and e-wallet. Refer to the back office for details.

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Qualification Periods The Weekly Qualification Period starts at 00:00 on Friday morning, Pacific Time, and ends on Thursday at 23:59, Pacific Time. Weekly Commissions are paid every Friday.

The Monthly Qualification Period is defined as the current calendar month.

Additional Terms and Definitions Autoship (SmartShip)

SmartShip orders are monthly recurring shipments of product for personal use or retail. Depending on Rank, a SmartShip order, or the equivalent PV from personal non-SmartShip orders is needed in the amounts of 60 PV, 120 PV, or 200 PV. The BV from Retail and/or Preferred Customers can apply towards the monthly PV requirements. These orders can be modified monthly to ensure you are always getting the products you want.

BMÔR Rewarded Maximum Payout The BMÔR Rewarded Compensation Plan has a cap on total payouts to protect the integrity of the opportunity on a long-term basis. This cap is set at 55% of total company BV (or CV). In the event the cap limit is hit, the 7th Level of Leadership Matching Bonuses would be reduced to bring the total payout to 55% of BV. This would repeat again with Level 6, than 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, if needed. While as a company we do not expect this to ever occur, it has been put in place to ensure and bolster the long-term stability of your BMÔR Business.

Business Packs Business Packs are recommended, optional, product packages that offer a range of products and price points, at a discount to standard wholesale brand Partner pricing.

Current Business Pack Packages:

Singles Sampler $249.95 90 BV Family Sampler $499.85 175 BV Business Builder $999.95 350 BV

See for updated package contents and pricing.

Business Pack Bonuses Business Pack Bonuses are paid out weekly with no breakage, based upon your qualified level.

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To qualify at a Business Pack Level, a Brand Partner may:

a) Purchase the specific Business Pack at wholesale; or, b) Sell the Business Pack at Retail.

Brand Partners are only paid up to their Business Pack Bonus Level, and any remaining bonuses roll up to the next qualified person. A Brand Partner may upgrade to a higher level at any time, simply by completing one of the 2 steps above. For Example: If a Brand Partner A is qualified at the Family Sampler, or $499 level, and either sells a Business Builder Pack at retail, or sponsors a new Brand Partner who purchases that package at wholesale, Brand Partner A would be paid a Business Pack Bonus only on the $499/Family Sampler Level. The remaining balance rolls up to the first qualified Brand Partner at the $999/Business Builder Level. Specifically, Brand Partner A would earn a $100 Level I Bonus, while the remaining $100 (the difference between the Business Builder and Family Sampler Level I Bonuses) would roll up. As a company, BMÔR always pays out the full 25% Business Pack Bonus.

Enrolling Sponsor The person who introduces and enrolls the new retail Customer, Preferred Customer or Brand Partner to BMÔR.

Flushed Volume BMÔR Rewarded. is a non-flushing binary, which means points do not disappear. If they are not used to create a Step or Cycle Check, they simply roll over to the next commission period. Points will only flush due to one of the following:

1. When a Step or Cycle Check is created, 250 BV points are deducted from the Left Leg and 250 BV points from the Right Leg, and a $35 check is created;

2. If the Brand Partner does not maintain Active status in a calendar month, all points and volume carried over in each leg will reset to zero, also known as being flushed.

Generations Generations are used to calculate the Leadership Matching Bonuses. BMÔR considers a single generation to be from the current position down to the next qualified Royal Ruby. This is a form of compression which can help extend the reach of matching bonus levels, and can be a great benefit to the Brand Partner.

Leadership Bonus Pool BMÔR takes 3% of total company BV and places it into a monthly bonus pool, to be split between Brand Partners that have attained the rank of Sapphire Elite and above. The pool payouts are based on allocations determined via shares which are earned for achieving rank and earning Cycle Checks.

To qualify for the pool, Brand Partners must achieve the Paid Rank of Sapphire Elite or higher, and have at least two (2) Retail or Preferred Customers, each with a minimum 60 PV.

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Leadership Matching Bonuses BMÔR pays out Leadership Matching Bonuses on up to 7 Generations of your Sponsor Tree!

Matching Bonuses are only paid out on the Cycle or Step Checks. They are not paid out on other Leadership Matching Bonuses or other earnings. There is no weekly cap on Leadership Matching Bonuses!

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Lifetime Rank This is the highest rank that a Brand Partner has achieved in the BMÔR Rewarded Program. Especially early on, business volume will vary from week to week, so the Lifetime Rank may not be the same rank the Brand Partner is paid on each period. The rank paid at is determined by meeting the specific rank requirements in each commission period (see Paid Rank below).

Paid Rank This is the rank at which a Brand Partner is actually paid at in the current commission period. The rank paid at is determined by meeting the specific rank requirements in each commission period, and due to variations in business volume and meeting specific rank requirements, this rank may be below the Brand Partner’s Lifetime Rank.

Personally Sponsored Brand Partner Every person that signs up as a Brand Partner or Customer must be referred to BMÔR by a current Brand Partner. The person that refers and enrolls the new Brand Partner is the sponsor, and the new person will always be connected to that person as their personally sponsored.

Placement Sponsor The person immediately up line, or above the Brand Partner, in the Genealogy/Placement Tree.

The Placement sponsor may or may not be the actual sponsor that enrolled the Brand Partner placed underneath them.

Weekly Lifestyle Bonuses

BMÔR pays Weekly Lifestyle Bonuses to reward Brand Partners that are busy building their teams and sharing our incredible BMÔR products.

To earn a weekly bonus, Brand Partners need to achieve the following:

Be Active and Binary Qualified Attain the Paid Rank of Sapphire Elite or higher Have at least two (2) Retail or Preferred Customers with a minimum 60 PV each

Weekly Bonuses are paid as follows:

Sapphire Elite earns… $100 per week

Diamond Ambassador earns… $200 per week

Double Diamond earns… $300 per week

Triple Diamond earns… $400 per week

Black Diamond earns… $500 per week

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RETAIL CUSTOMER 0 0 NO No Starter Kit Required. Retail Pricing. 0

PREFERRED CUSTOMER 0 0 NO No Starter Kit Required. Wholesale Pricing with Autoship required (Can be changed at any time). 0

BRAND PARTNER 0 0 NO Starter Kit Required. 0

PEARL 60 250 0 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT $1,000 Binary Cap

RUBY 60 700 0 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT $1,000 Binary Cap

ROYAL RUBY 120 2,000 0 1 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 2 $1,500 Binary Cap

EMERALD 120 3,000 0 2 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 3 $2,000 Binary Cap

SAPPHIRE EXECUTIVE 200 5,000 0 3 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 4 $3,000 Binary Cap


10K - must avg for 2 consecutive weeks to

qualify initially. Max 50% per sponsor tree leg. 4 $100 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 5 $10,000 Binary Cap

DIAMOND 200 10,000

15K - must avg for 2 consecutive weeks to

qualify initially. Max 50% per sponsor tree leg. 5 $200 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 6 $15,000 Binary Cap


20K - must avg for 3 consecutive weeks to

qualify initially. Max 50% per sponsor tree leg. 6 $300 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 7 $25,000 Binary Cap


25K - must avg for 4 consecutive weeks to

qualify initially. Max 50% per sponsor tree leg. 7 $400 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 7 $28,000 Binary Cap

BLACK DIAMOND 200 30,000

75K - must avg for 4 consecutive weeks to

qualify initially. Max 33% per sponsor tree leg. 7 $500 1 LEFT / 1 RIGHT 7 $28,000 Binary Cap


BMÔR Rewarded is built on a simple premise:

The more products you share, and the more people you help to do the same, the more you can potentially earn.

The chart below shows the ranks available as you grow your BMÔR Business.

Preferred Customer A retail customer buying products on SmartShip from your BMÔR website at preferred pricing, which is 20% under standard retail pricing.

Brand Partner This is someone who is signed up into the business, which technically means anyone of legal age that has:

a) Been personally sponsored into BMÔR by an existing BMÔR Brand Partner that is in good standing with the Company;

b) Purchased a Starter Kit; c) Agreed to the BMÔR Terms and Conditions and Policies and Procedures; and, d) Been placed into the Company Genealogy.

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All Ranks below require the following to have been achieved:

1. Purchase Starter Kit 2. Activate position by accumulating a minimum of 80 PV 3. Qualify Position by Sponsoring 1 Brand Partner on Left side of your team and 1 on Right side of your team, each Active in

the current period with a minimum 60 PV

Pearl Executive 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 60 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team Weekly BV of 250 or higher

Pearl Executives can earn up to $1,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions

Ruby Executive 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 40 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team Weekly BV of 700 or higher

Ruby Executives can earn up to $1,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions

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Royal Ruby Executive 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 120 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team Weekly BV of 2,000 or higher 5. Must have two (2) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree

Royal Ruby Executives can earn up to $1,500 per week in Binary Team Commissions Royal Ruby Executives earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus

Emerald Executive 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 120 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team Weekly BV of 3,000 or higher 5. Must have three (3) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree

Emerald Executives can earn up to $2,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Emerald Executives earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Emerald Executives earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus

Sapphire Executive 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 200 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team Weekly BV of 5,000 or higher 5. Must have four (4) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree

Sapphire Executives can earn up to $3,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Sapphire Executives earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Sapphire Executives earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus Sapphire Executives earn a 10% Generation 3 Leadership Matching Bonus

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Sapphire Elite 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 200 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team BV of 7,500 or higher 5. Must have five (5) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree 6. Must have minimum 10,000 Weekly PGV

a. A maximum of 5,000 coming from each Sponsor Tree Leg b. To qualify initially, must average 10,000 PGV for 2 weeks

Sapphire Elites can earn up to $10,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Sapphire Elites earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Sapphire Elites earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus Sapphire Elites earn a 10% Generation 3 Leadership Matching Bonus Sapphire Elites earn a 5% Generation 4 Leadership Matching Bonus Sapphire Elites earn one (1) share in the Monthly Leadership Bonus Pool

o Plus one (1) additional share for every 250 cycle checks earned o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Sapphire Elites earn a $100 per week Lifestyle Bonus o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Diamond Ambassador 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 200 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team BV of 10,000 or higher 5. Must have six (6) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree 6. Must have minimum 15,000 Weekly PGV

a. A maximum of 7,500 coming from each Sponsor Tree Leg b. To qualify initially, must average 15,000 PGV for 2 weeks

Diamond Ambassadors can earn up to $15,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Diamond Ambassadors earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Diamond Ambassadors earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus Diamond Ambassadors earn a 10% Generation 3 Leadership Matching Bonus Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 4 Leadership Matching Bonus Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 5 Leadership Matching Bonus Diamond Ambassadors earn three (3) shares in the Monthly Leadership Bonus Pool

o Plus one (1) additional share for every 250 cycle checks earned o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Diamond Ambassadors earn a $200 per week Lifestyle Bonus o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

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Double Diamond Ambassador 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 200 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team BV of 15,000 or higher 5. Must have seven (7) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree 6. Must have minimum 20,000 Weekly PGV

a. A maximum of 10,000 coming from each Sponsor Tree Leg b. To qualify initially, must average 20,000 PGV for 3 weeks

Double Diamond Ambassadors can earn up to $25,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a 10% Generation 3 Leadership Matching Bonus Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 4 Leadership Matching Bonus Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 5 Leadership Matching Bonus Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 6 Leadership Matching Bonus Double Diamond Ambassadors earn six (6) shares in the Monthly Leadership Bonus Pool

o Plus one (1) additional share for every 250 cycle checks earned o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Double Diamond Ambassadors earn a $300 per week Lifestyle Bonus o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Triple Diamond Ambassador 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 200 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team BV of 20,000 or higher 5. Must have seven (7) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree 6. Must have minimum 25,000 Weekly PGV

a. A maximum of 12,500 coming from each Sponsor Tree Leg b. To qualify initially, must average 25,000 PGV for 4 weeks

Triple Diamond Ambassadors can earn up to $25,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 10% Generation 3 Leadership Matching Bonus Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 4 Leadership Matching Bonus Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 5 Leadership Matching Bonus Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 6 Leadership Matching Bonus Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 7 Leadership Matching Bonus

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Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn nine (9) shares in the Monthly Leadership Bonus Pool o Plus one (1) additional share for every 250 cycle checks earned o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Triple Diamond Ambassadors earn a $400 per week Lifestyle Bonus o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Black Diamond Ambassador 1. Must be Active (minimum 60 PV in current month) 2. Must maintain a minimum 200 PV 3. Must be Binary Qualified 4. Must have a Lesser Team BV of 30,000 or higher 5. Must have seven (7) Personally Sponsored Pearl Legs in Sponsorship Tree 6. Must have minimum 75,000 Weekly PGV

a. A maximum of 25,000 coming from each Sponsor Tree Leg b. To qualify initially, must average 75,000 PGV for 4 weeks

Black Diamond Ambassadors can earn up to $25,000 per week in Binary Team Commissions Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 20% Generation 1 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 15% Generation 2 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 10% Generation 3 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 4 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 5 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 6 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a 5% Generation 7 Leadership Matching Bonus Black Diamond Ambassadors earn twelve (12) shares in the Monthly Leadership Bonus Pool

o Plus one (1) additional share for every 250 cycle checks earned o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

Black Diamond Ambassadors earn a $500 per week Lifestyle Bonus o Requires at least two (2) Retail or Preferred with minimum 60 PV each

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CREATING YOUR FOUNDATION Retail Profits BMÔR Brand Partners enjoy up to 30% profits, simply by sharing BMÔR products with retail customers, plus the BV from customer orders can be applied towards monthly PV requirements.

Preferred Customer Bonus Preferred Customer Bonuses are paid out as an incentive to acquire retail customers on recurring orders.

On these orders, Brand Partners can earn:

1. The difference between Brand Partner and Preferred Pricing. 2. The full BV for all of Preferred Customer purchases towards ranking and weekly Cycle Checks. 3. The BV counts towards their personal monthly PV requirements. 4. Plus, an additional 5% Preferred Customer Bonus paid on the BV of the order.

Here’s an Example:

Sean has a Preferred Customer that is purchasing a bottle of Glow Age Defying Serum and a 30-count box of Elevate resveratrol and nitric oxide boosting gel packs, on a recurring monthly basis. The total order, not including shipping or tax, is $207.92, and it contains 120 BV. At Brand Partner pricing, it would be $179.90. Sean would receive the following:

The difference between Preferred Pricing and Brand Partner Pricing = $28.02 120 BV also would count towards the 250 BV required for a $35 Step or Cycle Check 120 PV applied towards his monthly PV Requirement for ranking and Active status A Preferred Customer Bonus of $6.00 (120 BV x 5% PC Bonus = $6.00 for this sale)

Total is $34.02, plus volume for qualifying and Step Checks. It takes 500 BV (250 BV on each side) to create a $35 Step Check. The 120 BV only converts to money when the 250 BV on each side occurs, but it can be banked, so in theory, this is just under 25% of the BV needed for a check. If Sean values that as a portion of a Step Check created, he’d be looking at $28.02 (PC vs. Retail Difference) +$6.00 (PC Bonus) +$8.40 (% of Step Check) =$ 42.02 which means he can earn over 20% on his customer’s order.

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Business Pack Bonus Business Pack Bonuses are paid out weekly with no breakage based upon your qualified level.

To qualify at a Business Pack Level, a Brand Partner may:

a) Purchase the specific Business Pack at wholesale; or, b) Sell the Business Pack at Retail.

Brand Partners are only paid up to their Business Pack Bonus Level, and any remaining bonuses roll up to the next qualified person. A Brand Partner may upgrade to a higher level at any time, simply by completing one of the 2 steps above. For Example: If a Brand Partner A is qualified at the Family Sampler, or $499 level, and either sells a Business Builder Pack at retail, or sponsors a new Brand Partner who purchases that package at wholesale. Brand Partner A would be paid a Business Pack Bonus only on the $499/Family Sampler Level, and the balance rolls up to the first qualified Brand Partner at the $999/Business Builder Level. Specifically, Brand Partner A would earn a $100 Level I Bonus, while the remaining $100 (the difference between the Business Builder and Family Sampler Level I Bonuses) would roll up. As a company, BMÔR always pays out the full 25% Business Pack Bonus.

Sell 3 and Yours is Free This program is a great way to reduce your monthly business expenses while being rewarded for sharing BMÔR products. The terms are very simple:

Have at least 3 Personally Sponsored Brand Partners, Retail, or Preferred Customers purchasing the same item on SmartShip in a month, and you get that product and the PV that goes along with it free the next month.

Matches items and not dollar or point values.


Mary has these personal sales on her team: PS Brand Partner Jenny bought 2 bottles of Glow Serum in the previous month through SmartShip.

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PS Retail Customer David bought 1 bottle of Glow Serum in the previous month through SmartShip. PS Retail Customer Sam bought 1 bottle of Glow Serum in the previous month through SmartShip. The next month, Mary would receive 1 free bottle of Glow Serum along with the PV which would also give her 60 PV. Note: She would receive the same single free bottle of Glow plus the 60 PV, if she only had 3 Customers or Brand Partners each buying one (1) bottle each.

No BV or PV from this free product would flow up into the tree.

Let’s look at another example with Mary’s team.

The following month Mary has these personal sales on her team:

PS Brand Partner James bought 3 bottles of Glow Serum in the previous month through SmartShip. PS Brand Partner Heather bought 3 bottles of Glow Serum in the previous month through SmartShip. PS Retail Customer Kim bought 3 bottles of Glow Serum in the previous month through SmartShip. The next month, Mary would receive 3 free bottles of Glow Serum along with the PV which would also give her 180 PV. Notice the program matches orders so 9 sales of 1 each does not create 3 free products, but 3 sales of 3 each does create 3 free products. Again, 3 personally sponsored with only one (1) purchase each would provide Mary with her single free product plus the PV for that product, in this case 60 PV. No BV or PV from this free product would flow up into the tree.

BUILDING YOUR TEAM Binary Team Commissions In a Binary, all of the volume underneath your position, including volume from Brand Partners that spilled-over into your group, can count towards bonus checks to you.

These are paid weekly and each is called a Step or “Cycle” Check. With your first Business Center, you can earn up to $28,000 per week in Step Checks, plus, you can qualify to earn additional Business Expansion Centers.

Cycle Check = $35.00 250 BV on the Left Leg 250 BV on the Right Leg Creates a $35 Binary Team Commission Check

o Also known as a Step or Cycle Check Any unused points roll to the next pay period

o Subject to annual carryover limits Cycle up to 800x per week = up to $28,000!

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Weekly Lifestyle Bonuses BMÔR pays Weekly Lifestyle Bonuses to reward Brand Partners that are busy building their teams and sharing our incredible BMÔR products.

To earn a weekly bonus, Brand Partners need to achieve the following:

Be Active and Binary Qualified Attain the Paid Rank of Sapphire Elite or higher Have at least two (2) Retail or Preferred Customers, each with a minimum 40 PV

Weekly Bonuses are paid as follows:

Sapphire Elite earns $100 per week

Diamond earns $200 per week

Double Diamond earns $300 per week

Triple Diamond earns $400 per week

Black Diamond earns $500 per week

Earning Free Positions BMÔR Rewarded provides the opportunity to earn free Additional Business Centers

1. Earn $5,000 per week in total commissions and bonuses for 3 weeks in a row, and receive a free position at the bottom of the Strong Leg;

2. Earn $10,000 per week in total commissions and bonuses for 3 weeks in a row, and receive a free position at the bottom of the Weak Leg;

3. Process can be repeated with new business centers earning more Additional Business Centers

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Free Positions are subject to the following criteria:

Original Position must be Active and Commission Qualified to earn on all Business Centers The Additional Business Centers are not sponsored by the original Business Center and are viewed as one (1) position

by the Company The Additional Business Centers do not need to meet separate commission and rank qualifications.

o They are paid at the same rank as the original Business Center o Lifestyle Bonus and Leadership Pools are not paid on the Additional Business Centers

Additional Business Centers can earn additional Business Centers by meeting the same requirements above.


Leadership Matching Bonuses BMÔR pays out Leadership Matching Bonuses on up to 7 Generations of your Sponsor Tree.

Matching Bonuses are only paid out on Cycle or Step Check earnings o They are not paid out on other Leadership Matching Bonuses or other earnings

A Generation is defined as going down the Sponsor Leg to the next qualified Royal Ruby. There is no weekly cap on Leadership Matching Bonuses!

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Leadership Bonus Pool BMÔR takes 3% of total company BV and places it into a monthly bonus pool, to be split between Brand Partners that have attained the rank of Sapphire Elite and above.

The pool payouts are based on allocation determined via shares which are earned for achieving rank and earning Cycle Checks. To qualify for the pool, Brand Partners must achieve the Paid Rank of Sapphire Elite or higher, and have at least two (2) Retail or Preferred Customers, each with a minimum 60 PV.