Design for Life: How to Survive a Career in Design (Arthur Irving)

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Design for Life: How to Survive a Career in Design (Arthur Irving)

Design For Life

@skylarkcreative skylark_creative

by Arthur Irving

The Year 2000

This was me…


Power Mac G3 (beige) Nokia 7110


Mac OS 9 Photoshop 6


Google Black Planet

Print Design

IT Support

• WHAT you should work on to maintain focus and clarity

• HOW your setup can lead to a better lifestyle • How running has helped me re-evaluate WHY I

am working in design





The Problem

Design What You Do

What is a Digital Designer?

• 60%-65% are an employee of a company • 40%-50% are self-employed or freelance • On average a web designer will work 40-45

hours per week • 65% are satisfied by the job

*Collated from,,,,

The Power of Time Off

Stefan Sagmeister uses sabbaticals: ‘…to pursue some little experiments, things that are

always difficult to accomplish during the working year’

• Freelancers may divide their working month into work for clients and their own projects

• Permanent staff may want to negotiate time off during the week

Passion Projects

Movie Posters by Mat Weller: ‘…I set aside a few hours in the week to work on my posters. It is important to schedule the time

and sit down at my desk no matter what’

• Set a goal for the project • Schedule the time each week in which you act

on your project • Set a deadline for the project • Get it done

Other Training

Design How You Work

HomeShared Space

Large Agency

Corporate Office

Small Studio

Freelance In-housePermalance One man band Cooperatives

1. Routine

• 29% take a regular lunch break • 28% don’t take a lunch break at all • 45% do not leave the office • 31% eat at their desk • 42% respond to work calls / emails • 46% seldom do something relaxing or rejuvenating


The Experiment

Arthur, Creative Director

8,166 - average steps per day 8.7 hours - average daily sitting

29 - ‘inactivity’ stamps

“I was shocked by the sheer amount of time I spent in a seated position each day”

Clare, Head of Production

8,208 - average steps per day 99 mins - average daily activity 82% - average movement goal

“I found I could easily add that all important extra movement each day by walking an extra few tube stops”

Nick, Designer

17,931 - average steps per day 165 mins - average daily activity

29,264 - most steps achieved in one day

“The device acted as a personal reminder to move by telling me exactly how lazy I am. It has made me rethink my lifestyle”

Mat, Designer

5,917 - average steps per day 7 hours - average time spent sitting

4 ‘Good Posture’ hours goal hit each day

“Standing at work was a real benefit here as the 3 or so hours I’d spend standing per day would be at ‘outstanding’ posture

according to the device” ’

Jocelyn, Production Assistant

12,127 - average steps per day 10 hours - average time spent sitting

“I was able to see how little I actually do when I decide not to walk to work”

• 80% take a regular lunch break • 10% don’t take a lunch break at all • 10% do not leave the office • 40% eat at their desk • 40% respond to work calls / emails • 20% seldom do something relaxing or rejuvenating

*Source: Skylark Creative

• 3 out of 5 of the participants regularly failed to attain the 10,000 steps required for a ‘good’ level of activity

• More senior team members spent on average 9 hours sitting each day

• Choosing to walk to work or an earlier tube stop doubled the active time recorded

• The more ‘active’ users were those who made regular breaks and chose walking over train or bus

• We all rethought our lifestyle choices

2. Setup

Eye StrainMigrainesNeck Pain

Back PainCarpal TunnelRSI

Keyboard & Mouse




Get Up Stand Up

We are the most sedentary humans in history

Food Glucose Blood

Healthy Heart

over the course of a year, is the equivalent of running 10 marathons.

results in blood glucose levels falling back to normal levels after a meal more quickly.

burns more calories than sitting.

Standing for around 3 hours a day

Standup Solutions

Basic Desk (£250) Electronic Desk (£550+)

Standing whilst talking on the phone

Taking the stairs as an alternative to the lift

Going over to talk to colleagues rather than IM or email

The Creative Difference

• Improved health, and sense of well-being • Increased focus and concentration • Improved endurance for longer projects • Created a bit of a ‘buzz’ and a talking point

“I’d read that sitting is better for creativity whilst standing for admin-type work. I did notice this to be true, although that might

just be the article getting in my head.”

“I feel a noticeable difference in how productive and reactive I am, particularly on fast-paced days. When I have lots of small jobs to get

done, I find that I am more able to complete them when I’m using the standing desk.”

“Standing periodically is great when I feel like I’m in a rut creatively - it restarts the motor. The same can be said for sitting back down

too. Standing up is like a sprint - sitting down you feel more settled in. When I don’t stand I certainly feel lazy.”

(Re)Design why you are working



Motivated by Time

Why Running is like Design




Acquiring Talent

Bringing it back to why

Leo, Designer

‘My motorbike unleashes a freedom and an endurance that I try to use in my creative practice’

Simon & James, Print Designers

‘Being able to create both music and design as a team means that we have a unique way of communicating and

compromising. It keeps our work fresh’ ’

Dan, Product Designer

‘Triathlon training keeps me sane and focused whilst also being a great escape from the office’

Troy, Illustrator

Troy has created a successful pop-up ‘Wingman’ in Dalston

Designing Your Profession

Overcoming Resistance

The Digital Battleground

Subverting the environment

Fall in love again

The Bottom Line

Design For Life