Dermoscopic and Clinical Response Predictor Factors in ...dermoscopy have a higher probability of...

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Dermoscopic and Clinical Response Predictor Factorsin Nonsegmental Vitiligo Treated with NarrowbandUltraviolet B Phototherapy: A ProspectiveObservational Study

Enzo Errichetti . Enrico Zelin . Caterina Pinzani . Athanassios Kyrgidis .

Aimilios Lallas . Giuseppe Stinco

Received: June 29, 2020 / Published online: August 4, 2020� The Author(s) 2020


Introduction: Few data on possible local factorsthat can influence the achievement of responsein nonsegmental vitiligo (NSV) treated withnarrowband ultraviolet B (Nb-UVB) photother-apy are available. Our objective is to evaluatepossible correlations between therapeutic out-comes and dermoscopic and local (lesional)clinical findings of vitiligous lesions undergoingNb-UVB phototherapy to find positive and/ornegative response predictor factors to suchtreatment.Methods: For each target patch, we calculatedthe extension area using a computer-aidedmethod and assessed dermoscopic and local

(lesional) clinical findings at baseline. After 30phototherapy sessions (twice weekly), surfacearea of the lesions was reevaluated to assessclinical improvement, correlating the thera-peutic outcome with initial clinical and der-moscopic features.Results: A total of 70 lesions were finallyincluded in the study. At the end of therapy, 18patches (25.7%) achieved improvement, andthe presence of perifollicular pigmentation onbaseline dermoscopic examination was foundto be associated with a 12-fold higher proba-bility of having a positive therapeutic outcome.Similarly, face localization was also correlatedwith clinical amelioration, with a sevenfoldhigher probability for improvement. No associ-ation (p[ 0.05) between therapeutic outcomes(either good or poor) and other dermoscopic orlocal clinical variables (including leukotrichia)was observed.Conclusions: Therapeutic response of vitiligoto Nb-UVB phototherapy may be positivelyaffected by local features of the lesions, i.e., facelocalization and presence of perifollicular pig-mentation on baseline dermoscopic examina-tion, which might be considered as positiveresponse predictor factors to optimize treatmentof vitiligo.

Keywords: Dermoscopy; Monitoroscopy;Predictor factors; Therapy; Vitiligo

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E. Errichetti (&) � C. Pinzani � G. StincoDepartment of Medical Area, Institute ofDermatology, University of Udine, Udine, Italye-mail:

E. ZelinDepartment of Dermatology and Venereology,University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

A. KyrgidisDepartment of Otolaryngology–Head and NeckSurgery, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

A. LallasFirst Department of Dermatology, AristotleUniversity, Thessaloniki, Greece

Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2020) 10:1089–1098

Key Summary Points

Why carry out this study?

Limited data on the possible influence oflocal (lesional) factors on therapeuticresponse in vitiligo treated withnarrowband ultraviolet B phototherapyare available.

Correlations between baselineclinical/dermoscopic features of vitiligouslesions and therapeutic outcomes wereassessed.

What was learned from the study?

Therapeutic response of vitiligo tonarrowband ultraviolet B phototherapymay be positively influenced by localfeatures of the lesions, namely facelocalization and perifollicularpigmentation on baseline dermoscopicexamination.

Vitiligo lesions localized on the face orfeaturing perifollicular pigmentation ondermoscopy have a higher probability ofimprovement when treated withnarrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy.


Vitiligo is the most frequent acquired disorderof pigmentation, typically manifesting withmore or less diffuse well-defined white patches,which are often responsible for a relevant psy-chological and social impairment in affectedpatients [1, 2]. Two main clinical variants exist,i.e., segmental vitiligo (SV) and nonsegmentalvitiligo (NSV) [3–6]. SV is far less common andclassically presents with dermatomeric lesionswhich stabilize after a rapid onset, while NSV ismore frequent and is typified by symmetricdistribution, later onset, and progressive course,with alternating phases of disease stability andworsening [2–6].

Narrowband ultraviolet B (Nb-UVB) therapy(wavelength ranging from 311 to 313 nm) isone of the most prescribed treatments for NSV,with variable therapeutic results being reportedin daily clinical practice [7]. According to liter-ature data, several factors may negatively affectthe outcome of Nb-UVB therapy in NSV,including disease activity, associated autoim-mune diseases, extensive involvement, familyhistory of vitiligo, long duration of disease,mucosal involvement, presence of koebneriza-tion and leukotrichia [1–8]. However, darkerphototypes, early therapeutic response, andfacial involvement are associated with a goodtreatment outcome [9]. Nevertheless, knowl-edge on possible influencing local (lesional)factors remains still limited.

Over the last few years, dermoscopy has beenshowed to be a useful support for both diagnosisand therapeutic management of severalinflammatory dermatoses thanks to its ability todisplay relevant findings not visible to thenaked eye examination [10–16]. The main der-moscopic features of vitiligo include well-de-fined milky/bright white structureless areas,perifollicular pigmentation or depigmentation,white hair (leukotrichia), and pigmentary(structureless or network-like) patches [16–20].Besides diagnostic purposes, dermoscopy mayalso have a role in defining disease activity andpredicting response to treatment [16–20].

The main aim of this prospective observa-tional study is to evaluate the possible associa-tion between baseline dermoscopic features ofvitiligo lesions and therapeutic response to Nb-UVB therapy. Possible correlations betweentreatment outcomes and baseline local (le-sional) factors were also investigated.

The research was conducted in accordancewith ethics guidelines and the declaration ofHelsinki 1964 and its later amendments, and allthe participants gave their informed consent toparticipation in the study and use of personalrecords or photos for scientific purposes. Localethical committee [Comitato Etico UnicoRegionale (CEUR) del Friuli Venezia Giulia]approval was obtained (study ID: 2284; code:VIT-fot_DERMOSC.01).

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Adult patients (age C 18 years) with NSV and atleast three vitiligo patches scheduled toundergo Nb-UVB phototherapy were selectedfor this study. Patients under treatment forvitiligo who had used systemic/topical medica-tion for vitiligo in the previous 12 weeks or whohad been exposed to sun during the prior8 weeks were not considered eligible. We alsoexcluded patients suffering from other relevantdermatoses as well as pregnant or breastfeedingwomen.

Therapeutic regimen was not influenced atall by this study as it followed our standardinternal protocol for vitiligo, with treatmentbeing administered twice per week for 15 weeksfor a total of 30 sessions. Starting ultraviolet B(UVB) dose, increments, and maximum UVBdose were chosen based on skin phototype fol-lowing standardized guidelines [21]. Impor-tantly, patients requiring additionalsystemic/topical treatments over the wholestudy period or subjects not completing thetreatment course were excluded from theanalysis.

Three or more target vitiligo patches wererandomly selected for each patient to be docu-mented and followed; anatomical localizationof chosen lesions was identified by photographsand (when possible) recording distances fromstatic benchmarks (e.g., bony prominences).

At baseline (before starting Nb-UVB therapy),each selected lesion was evaluated from a der-moscopic and clinical point of view by twoindependent expert physicians (E.E. for dermo-scopic and C.P. for clinical examination). Der-moscopic analysis consisted in assessing thepresence of several variables identified accord-ing to literature data, our preliminary observa-tions, and standardized criteria for evaluation ofnonneoplastic dermatoses [16–20, 22], i.e., leu-kotrichia (white hair), perifollicular pigmenta-tion, brown structureless/reticular areas(nonfollicular pigmentation), and follicular reddots. Dermoscopy was performed with a hand-held polarized-light dermoscope (DermLiteDL3 9 10; 3Gen, San Juan Capistrano, CA).Regarding clinical examination, we assessed the

presence of leukotrichia, perifollicular pigmen-tation, and nonfollicular pigmentation (‘‘pig-mented islands’’) as well as calculated the areaof depigmentation from clinical pictures by acomputer-aided method using Fiji (an open-source software for image analysis) and apply-ing a 1-cm [2] white adhesive label on perile-sional skin as a size reference.

At the end of treatment, we evaluated clini-cal improvement of target lesions (defined asrepigmentation C 25% compared with base-line) correlating the therapeutic outcome withbaseline dermoscopic and local clinical features.Notably, posttreatment repigmentation wasassessed by both the above-mentioned com-puter-aided method and clinical images com-parison with baseline photos (according to astandardized procedure taking into accountvisual examples of different percentages ofdepigmentation) [23], yet only the former wasconsidered for statistical analysis as this wasmore reproducible and less user-dependent.

Statistical Analysis

Quantitative variables were checked for normaldistribution via Kolmogorov–Smirnov test fornormality. Pearson’s chi-square test was used fordifferent-exposure group comparisons.

Collinearity was assessed via a correlationmatrix, using Spearman’s rho correlation coef-ficient. Relative risks were calculated for alldichotomous variables. Crude odds ratios,adjusted odds ratios, and corresponding 95%confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculatedby univariate and conditional multivariatelogistic regression, respectively. Interrateragreement was tested with Cohen’s kappa.Alpha level was set at 0.05, while an alpha levelof 0.10 was used as cutoff for variable removalin the automated model selection for multi-variate regression. All p values were derivedfrom two-sided statistical tests. Statistical anal-yses were performed using the IBM SPSS 23�0package (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, ver-sion 23�0; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY).

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A total of 70 vitiligo lesions (36 located on thetrunk, 20 on the limbs, 6 on the face, 5 on thehands, and 3 on the feet) from 22 patients (19females and 3 males with an average age of42.9 ± 16.1 years and Fitzpatrick’s phototypes 8II and 14 III) were finally included in the study.Their average baseline surface area was14.53 ± 20.69 cm [2]. Tables 1 and 2 summarizeall baseline dermoscopic and local clinicalfindings, respectively

At baseline, perifollicular pigmentation wasfound in 21.4% (15/70) and 4.3% (3/70) of caseson dermoscopic and clinical examination,respectively, with a statistically significant dif-ference in the two methods (p\ 0.001). Simi-larly, leukotrichia was significantly morecommon on dermoscopic examination com-pared with clinical assessment (37.1% versus10.0%; p\0.001). However, no difference inprevalence of nonfollicular pigmentation wasfound between baseline clinical and dermo-scopic examination (30.0% versus 32.9%;p[0.05). Finally, follicular red dots were seenin 32.9% of lesions (23/70).

Sixteen lesions (22.9%) from 12 patientsachieved improvement according to clinicalevaluation, while the figure was slightly higherwhen the assessment was performed by theabove-mentioned computer-aided method, i.e.,25.7% (18/70—from 12 patients); an excellentconcordance between the two evaluations wasfound (94%; j = 0.85).

Most lesions experiencing improvement(55.6%) showed perifollicular pigmentation ondermoscopy, while only 9.6% of lesions notfeaturing this finding improved (p\0.001),with a positive association between presence ofdermoscopic perifollicular pigmentation andtherapeutic response (OR 11.75, 95% CI3.17–43.52; p\ 0.001) (Fig. 1). The latter ORremained significant after adjustment for alldermoscopic variables and localization (OR13.57, 95% CI 2.98–61.70; p = 0.001). However,no association (p[0.05) between therapeuticoutcomes and other dermoscopic variables (in-cluding leukotrichia) was observed (Table1).

With regard to clinical variables (Table 2), wefound a positive correlation between improve-ment of lesions and face localization (OR 7.28,95% CI 1.21–43.96; p = 0.030), while no signif-icant correlation (p[0.05) was seen between

Table 1 Baseline dermoscopic features of 70 target vitiligous lesions divided according to clinical response after 15 weeks ofNb-UVB phototherapy


Total(N = 70)N (%)

Lesions achievingimprovement* (N = 18)N (%)

Lesions with noimprovement (N = 52)N (%)


OR (95% CI)



15 (21.4) 10 (55.6) 5 (9.6) < 0.001 11.75 (3.17–43.52)

Leukotrichia 26 (37.1) 8 (44.4) 18 (34.6) 0.458 1.51 (0.51–4.50)



23 (32.9) 4 (22.2) 19 (36.5) 0.496 0.5 (0.14–1.72)

Follicular red


5 (7.1) 2 (5.8) 3 (11.1) 0.456 2.04 (0.31–13.32)

*Defined as repigmentation C 25%, assessed by computer-aided method using open-source software Fiji**Pearson’s chi-square test

1092 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2020) 10:1089–1098

therapeutic response and other local clinicalvariables.

Finally, we observed a significant moderatecorrelation between face localization and pres-ence of perifollicular pigmentation on der-moscopy (q = 0.338 p = 0.004), as this findingwas found in 66.7% of cases in such a districtversus 22.2% on limbs, 15.0% on trunk, and0.0% on hands and feet. Moreover, der-moscopy-assessed leukotrichia was also associ-ated to face localization (q = 0.398 p = 0.001),being recorded in 100.0% of facial patches ver-sus 38.9% on limbs, 30.0% on trunk, and 0.0%on hands and feet (Fig. 2).


According to our study, therapeutic response ofNSV to Nb-UVB phototherapy may be affectedby local (lesional) factors, with both perifollic-ular pigmentation on dermoscopy and facelocalization being correlated with a positiveoutcome.

The association between dermoscopic peri-follicular pigmentation and therapeuticresponse observed in our analysis is consistentwith the biological basis of repigmentation invitiligo [24–26]. Indeed, it is well known thatperifollicular areas are the main and initialrepigmentation source of nonsegmental vitili-gous lesions undergoing Nb-UVB due to

Table 2 Baseline local (lesional) clinical features of 70 target vitiligous lesions divided according to clinical response after15 weeks of Nb-UVB phototherapy

Local (lesional)clinical features

Total(N = 70)N (%)

Lesions achievingimprovement* (N = 18)N (%)

Lesions with noimprovement (N = 52)N (%)



Mean baseline

lesion area

(cm2 ± SD)

14.5 ± 20.7 8.4 ± 8.8 16.7 ± 23.1 0.175**** 0.96 (0.91–1.01)


Face 6 (8.6) 4 (22.2) 2 (3.8) 0.033 7.28 (1.21–43.96)

Trunk 36 (51.4) 8 (44.4) 28 (53.8) 0.366 0.71 (0.24–2.09)

Limbs 20 (28.6) 5 (27.8) 15 (28.8) 0.610 0.97 (0.29–3.21)

Hands 5 (7.1) 1 (5.6) 4 (7.7) 0.625 0.72 (0.08–6.90)

Feet 3 (4.3) 0 (0.0) 3 (5.8) 0.410 —



3 (4.3) 1 (5.6) 2 (3.8) 0.596 1.47 (0.12–17.26)

Leukotrichia 7 (10.0) 2 (11.1) 5 (9.6) 0.583 1.17 (0.20–6.66)



21 (30.0) 3 (16.7) 18 (34.6) 0.302 0.61 (0.19–1.99)

*Defined as repigmentation C 25%, assessed by computer-aided method using open-source software Fiji**Pearson’s chi-square test***Odds ratios calculated with univariate logistic regression****Mann–Whitney U-test

Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2020) 10:1089–1098 1093

activation, migration, proliferation, and differ-entiation of melanocytic stem cells residing inthe hair bulge, which are notoriously moreresistant to T cell-mediated attacks probablybecause their undifferentiated state preventsautoimmune recognition requiring expressionof melanocytic differentiation factors/antigens[24–26]. In fact, perifollicular repigmentationmay be induced by treatments (especially Nb-

UVB therapy) but may also occur spontaneously(possibly facilitated by voluntary or accidentalsun exposure in some cases) [26]. In such sce-nario, it is possible that evidence of perifollicu-lar pigmentation on dermoscopy reflect thatactivation/migration of melanocytic stem cellsof the hair bulge is already in place, with con-sequent greater chances to achieve clinicalimprovement by their further stimulation

Fig. 1 Baseline clinical image of vitiligo involving rightarmpit (inset: dermoscopic examination shows presence ofsubclinical perifollicular pigmentation) (a); the samelesions seen by using Fiji software (b). Significant

improvement at the end of the 30 sessions of Nb-UVBphototherapy is visible on clinical examination (c) and byusing Fiji software (d)

1094 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2020) 10:1089–1098

following Nb-UVB radiation. Notably, we didnot observe any correlation between perifollic-ular pigmentation on clinical examination andpositive therapeutic outcome, likely becausenaked-eye assessment underestimates the pres-ence of such a finding, as showed in our com-parative analysis.

Our findings are in line with previous dataemphasizing that perifollicular pigmentationon dermoscopic assessment is, in general, morecommon in repigmenting vitiligous patches[16–20], though its possible role in predicting

therapeutic outcome of a specific treatment hasnot been reported to date.

The strict association between activation ofhair-associated melanocytic precursors andtherapeutic response of vitiligo to Nb-UVB alsoexplains the correlation between face localiza-tion and positive outcome observed in ouranalysis and previous studies. Indeed, such ananatomical district is notoriously characterizedby a high density of follicular units, whichincreases the likelihood of gaining clinicalimprovement [26]. The greater presence of

Fig. 2 Baseline clinical image of vitiligo involvingmandibular area (a); same lesion seen by using Fijisoftware (b). Significant improvement at the end of the

30 sessions of Nb-UVB phototherapy is visible on clinicalexamination (c) and by using Fiji software (d)

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follicles on the face also explains the higherprevalence of dermoscopic follicular featuresthat we found in this area, including perifollic-ular pigmentation and leukotrichia.

However, we did not find any associationbetween therapeutic response to Nb-UVB (ei-ther good or poor) and presence of leukotrichiaon either dermoscopic or clinical examination.This is in contrast with the general opinion thatvitiligous patches featuring leukotrichia onclinical ground are associated with a lack oftherapeutic response due to a possible reduc-tion/absence of follicle-associated melanocytesin white hairs [1–8]. However, the speculatedassociation between leukotrichia and poortherapeutic response is mainly based on studieson segmental vitiligo [27, 28], which is notori-ously more resistant to treatments comparedwith NSV [1–8]. Additionally, some studiesshowed that it is still possible to find follicle-associated melanocytic precursors in whitehairs, which if stimulated, might migrate anddifferentiate, thereby giving rise to pigmentproduction [29, 30].

Our findings are also in contrast with arecent study that showed a reduced responserate to excimer laser therapy of vitiligous lesionsdisplaying white hairs on dermoscopy [31].Such difference might be due to the inclusion ofa high number of lesions having white hair inthe previous study [31] as well as to the differenttreatments used, since excimer laser and Nb-UVB therapy might have a diverse effect instimulating follicle-based melanocyticprecursors.

Study Limitations

Limitations of this study include the smallnumber of patients and lesions localized on theface as well as the absence of a control grouptreated with a different therapy. Additionally,since our analysis was a lesion-based studyaiming at evaluating possible influence of localfactors on therapeutic outcome, we could notassess the influence of patient-based variableson treatment response, e.g., disease duration,age, sex, comorbidities, and phototype.


The results of our study underline that thera-peutic response of vitiligo to Nb-UVB pho-totherapy may be positively affected by localfeatures of the lesions, including face localiza-tion and presence of perifollicular pigmentationon baseline dermoscopic examination, whichmight be considered as positive response pre-dictor factors useful to optimize treatment ofvitiligo and better inform patients about theirexpected results.

Although we speculated that such findingsmight be related to a greater likelihood ofrepigmentation through activation/migrationof melanocytic stem cells of the hair bulge,future studies assessing possible histological andimmunohistochemical correlations are neededto confirm our assumption.


We would like to thank the patients forparticipation.

Funding. No Rapid Service Fee was receivedby the journal for the publication of this article.

Authorship. All named authors meet theInternational Committee of Medical JournalEditors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for thisarticle, take responsibility for the integrity ofthe work as a whole, and have given theirapproval for this version to be published.

Disclosures. Enzo Errichetti is a member ofthe Editorial Board. Enrico Zelin, Caterina Pin-zani, Athanassios Kyrgidis, Aimilios Lallas andGiuseppe Stinco have nothing to disclose.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Theresearch was conducted in accordance withethics guidelines and the declaration of Helsinki1964 and its later amendments. And all theparticipants gave their informed consent to takepart in the study and use personal records orphotos for scientific purposes. Local ethicalcommittee (Comitato Etico Unico Regionale

1096 Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) (2020) 10:1089–1098

(C.E.U.R.) del Friuli Venezia Giulia) approvalwas obtained (study ID: 2284, code: VIT-fot_DERMOSC.01).

Data Availability. The datasets generatedduring and/or analyzed during the currentstudy are available from the correspondingauthor on reasonable request..

Open Access. This article is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-cial 4.0 International License, which permitsany non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,distribution and reproduction in any mediumor format, as long as you give appropriate creditto the original author(s) and the source, providea link to the Creative Commons licence, andindicate if changes were made. The images orother third party material in this article areincluded in the article’s Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a creditline to the material. If material is not includedin the article’s Creative Commons licence andyour intended use is not permitted by statutoryregulation or exceeds the permitted use, youwill need to obtain permission directly from thecopyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,visit


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