Dermatology 'Close Up': Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skins 2013

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Transcript of Dermatology 'Close Up': Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skins 2013


James M. Grichnik MD, PhD

Harold S. Rabinovitz, MD


SPONSORED BY:University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

PRESENTED BY:Department of Dermatology

Dermatology “Close Up”: Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013

November 9-10, 2013 The Alexander Hotel Miami Beach, Florida

OVERVIEW This certified CME course will review the current methods available to diagnose skin cancers as well as potential diagnostic tools. In addition, the course will offer a comprehensive review on some of these technologies, dermoscopy and confocal scanning laser microscopy. The Faculty will illustrate with didactic lectures, case studies and a workshop with hands-on practice in reading diagnostic images of selected cases.

During the Shoot-Out session, participants will be given the opportunity to recall knowledge gained in the course and apply this knowledge by correctly identifying skin neoplasms. Participants will have the opportunity to practice and apply the knowledge gained through the previous lectures by interpreting images on selected images on selected dermoscopy and confocal cases.

GAP ANALYSISIt is estimated that in 2013 there were 76,690 persons with invasive melanoma, 61,300 in situ melanomas, 3,000,000 basal cell carcinomas and 750,000 invasive squamous cell carcinomas. In addition, there were approximately 9,480 deaths due to melanoma. One person in the United States dies from skin cancer every hour. It costs more than one billion dollars a year in the treatment of skin cancer and ninety percent of the sum is due to advanced disease. By early recognition of skin cancers advanced disease can be reduced.

By early recognition of skin cancers advanced disease can be reduced. The clinical ABCDE rule attempts to differentiate melanomas from benign pigmented skin lesions, and it serves as the basis for current clinical diagnosis. Unfortunately, the diagnostic accuracy for physicians is about 65% and it is often difficult to diagnose other pigmented neoplasms, both melanocytic and non-melanocytic, from melanomas. This has prompted research and development of in vivo diagnostic technologies to aid physicians in clinical practice.

The most important part of melanoma care is early detection and surgical removal, but that approach does not prevent recurrence once melanomas become more advanced and tumor cells enter the circulation. There is a need for improved recognition of early melanoma while reducing unnecessary biopsies of benign nevi as well as a need to understand the mechanisms underlying melanocyte transformation. This educational activity will focus on improved understanding of early melanoma detection and the appplication of current and developing clinical tools.

TARGET AUDIENCEThe target audience includes dermatologists, pathologists and dermatopathologists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma. The topics will also be of interest to primary care physicians and other healthcare providers including nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are in the care and management of dermatologic conditions, as well as residents in training and medical students.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES•Identifypatientsthatwillbenefitfromtheuseofcurrentand

future devices to differentiate benign from malignant neoplasms and enable them to employ some of these methods in their practice.

•Outlinethedifferentfeaturesviewedwithadermatoscope,and apply this knowledge in making the diagnosis of various neoplasms.

•Assessthespecificdermoscopicfeaturesofmelanomaandusethe knowledge of pattern recognition to differentiate between benign nevi and malignant melanoma.

•Identifythebasicopticalprinciplesinvolvedinimagingalesionwith the confocal microscope and basic operation of the device.

•Interpretconfocalfeaturesvisualizedwiththeinstrumentanddifferentiate benign and malignant neoplasms.

•IdentifyRCMstructuresandpatternsofnevi.• IdentifyRCMstructuresandpatternsofofmelanomaand

differentiate these features benign nevi.•Recognizehowconfocalisuseddailyinpracticefortheprocessofexaminingskinneoplasmsandhowtheinformationisutilizedinmaking diagnoses and managing patient care.

ACCREDITATIONThe University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

CREDIT DESIGNATIONThe University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 12.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

DISCLOSURE AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST RESOLUTION All conflicts of interest of any individual(s) in a position to control the content of this CME activity will be identified and resolved prior to this educational activity being provided. Disclosure about provider and faculty relationships, or the lack thereof, will be provided to learners.

SERVICES FOR THE DISABLEDPlease contact the Division of CME prior to October 11, 2013 should you have any special needs that may require additional assistance. A conference staff member will contact you to discuss these special requirements.

REGISTRATION CANCELLATION POLICYRefundswillbemadeonlyifwrittennoticeofcancellationisreceivedprior to October 11, 2013. A $100 fee is charged for all refunds. After this date, no refunds will be made. In cases where a course is cancelled due to insufficient registrations, a full tuition refund will be made.

FOR MORE INFORMATIONTo register and download program brochure/agenda, visit:

or contact: Division of Continuing Medical Education Tel: 305-243-6716 /Fax: 305-243-5613

November 9-10, 2013Dermatology “Close Up”: Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013


HOTEL INFORMATION:The Alexander Hotel5225 Collins AvenueMiami, FL 33140Phone: 305-341-6500 ext. 1925 Toll-free:

SPECIAL CONFERENCE RATE:A block of rooms has been reserved for conference participants at a discounted rate of US $249/night + 13% tax/day. The rate is guaranteed only until October 11, 2013 . The hotel extends the group rate 3 days pre and post conference dates based on availability. After October 11, 2013, reservation requests will be considered on a space-available basis.

RESERVATIONS:Refer to University of Miami Dermatology “Close Up” conference. Reservations: Call 800-327-6121 or 305-341-6500 ext. 1925 or via email at reservations@alexanderhotel.comAll reservations should be received by the hotel no later than October 11, 2013. All individual reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Hotel will not hold any reservations unless secured by one of the above methods.

Parking: Daily rate $15.00+ tax, Overnight rate $26.00 + tax

DISTANCE IN MILES TO AIRPORT: Distance from Miami International Airport to Hotel: 12 miles, 20 minutes or $32.00 for a taxi each way, shuttles from the airport $21.00

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE:Check-in time at The Alexander Hotel is 4:00 PM. Check-out time at The Alexander Hotel is 11:00 AM.

FaCUlty liStiNgDermatology “Close Up”:

Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013

HOtEl iNFORMatiON Dermatology “Close Up”:

Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013

COURSE DiRECtORSJames M. Grichnik MD, PhDDirector, Anna Fund Melanoma Program Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer CenterProfessor and Chief, Frankel Family Division of Melanocytic Tumors, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous SurgeryUniversity of Miami Miller School of Medicine Miami, FL

Harold S. Rabinovitz, MDSkin and Cancer AssociatesDepartment of Dermatology and Cutaneous SurgeryUniversity of Miami Miller School of MedicineMiami, FL

gUESt FaCUltyTheresa Cao, DOProcedural Dermatology FellowState University of New York Downstate Medical CenterBrooklyn, New York

Giovanni Pellacani, MD Professor of Dermatology Department of DermatologyUniversity of Modena andReggioEmiliaReggioEmilia,Italy

UHEaltH / MillER SCHOOlOF MEDiCiNE FaCUltyGeorge Elgart, MDVice Chairman and Professor Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery

Shasa Hu, MDAssistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery

Margaret C. Oliviero ARNP, MSNSkin and Cancer AssociatesDepartment of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery

PROgRaM agENDa November 9-10, 2013

SatURDay, NOvEMbER 9, 2013

7:00-7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

7:30-8:00 AM Conceptual Framework for Understanding Mole/Melanoma Development James Grichnik, MD, PhD

8:00-8:30 AM Current and Future Tools for Evaluating Pigmented Lesions (Full Body Photography, Dermoscopy, Mole- Mapping, Confocal Microscopy, Multispectral Imaging Devices) James Grichnik, MD, PhD

8:30-9:00 AM Pre-Test On Clinical Cases with Dermoscopy and Confocal Evaluation James Grichnik, MD, PhD

9:00-9:20 AM Dermoscopy: Terminology Margaret Oliviero, ARNP, MSN

9:20-10:15 AM Dermoscopy: Patterns of Nevi and Melanoma Margaret Oliviero, ARNP, MSN Harold S. Rabinovitz, MD

10:15-10:30 AM Coffee Break

10:30-11:00 AM Introduction to Confocal Microscopy. Principles and equipment Theresa Cao, DO

11:00 -12:00 PM Confocal Microscopy: Terminology Giovanni Pellacani, MD

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch and Questions

1:00-2:15 PM RCM of Non-Melanocytic Neoplasms: Benign and Malignant Harold S. Rabinovitz, MD

2:15-3:00 PM Confocal Microscopy of Melanocytic Nevi Giovanni Pellacani, MD

3:00-3:15 PM Coffee Break

3:15-4:00 PM Confocal Microscopy of Melanoma Giovanni Pellacani, MD

4:00 PM Adjourn

SUNDay, NOvEMbER 10, 2013

7:30-8:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00-8:45 PM How the Confocal Microscope is Used in a Clinical Setting Margaret Oliviero, ARNP, MSN

8:45-10:15 AM Clinical, Confocal, Dermoscopy, Histology Shoot-Out Harold S. Rabinovitz, MD George W. Elgart, MD Theresa Cao, DO Shasa Hu, MD Giovanni Pellacani, MD Margaret Oliviero, ARNP, MSN

10:15-10:30 AM Coffee Break

10:30-12:00 PM Workshop: Hands-On Practice in Reading Diagnostic Images of Selected Cases Dermoscopy, Confocal and Histology Giovanni Pellacani, MD George W. Elgart, MD

12:00-12:15 PM Question and Answers

12:15-1:15 PM Lunch

1:15-2:00 PM Post-Test on Clinical Cases with Dermoscopy and Confocal Evaluation James Grichnik , MD, PhD

2:00-2:15 PM Summary and Closing Remarks James Grichnik , MD, PhD

2:15 PM Conference Adjourns

REGISTRATION FORMTo register, please visit or complete this form and mail or fax (with payment) to:University of Miami Miller School of MedicineDivision of CME (D23-3)P.O. Box 016960Miami, FL 33101-6960 Telephone: 305-243-6716 Fax: 305-243-5613


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Specialty:_________________________________________ Last 4 digits of SSN#:________________ (for CME recording / identification purposes only)

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City: __________________________________________________________ State _______________ Zip/Postal Code ___________________

Daytime Telephone ____________________ Fax: ___________________ Email: (mandatory) _________________________________________

Before As ofTUITION: 10/11/2013 10/11/2013 Onsite Physicians $250.00 $300.00 $350.00 Nurses/Nurse Practitioners $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 Physician Assistants $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 Allied Healthcare Professionals $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 Fellows $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 Residents $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 Medical Students $50.00 $100.00 $150.00


Check: Please make check payable to UM/Division of CME

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Card Number ________________________________________ Expiration Date _________________ CVV Number (on back of card) _______

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The Miami CME Winter Series 2014 is sponsored by the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and UHealth, the University of Miami Health System. UHealth/Miller embodies the best in academic medicine, with more than 2,000 scientists and clinicians seeking cures and introducing new care protocols. We are committed to sharing our knowledge through exceptional CME programming.

Miami CME Winter Series 2014


9th Annual Perioperative Medicine Summit 2014February 20-22, 2014The Westin Kierland Resort&SpaScottsdale, AZ

4th Annual Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management: Current and Future 2014March 6-7, 2014Miami Marriott Biscayne BayMiami, FL

Neurology Update and Stroke Intensive 2014February 6-8, 2014The Mayfair HotelCoconut Grove, FL

November 9-10, 2013Dermatology “Close Up”: Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013


Dermatology “Close Up”: Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013

November 9-10, 2013 The Alexander Hotel Miami Beach, Florida


James M. Grichnik MD, PhD

Harold S. Rabinovitz, MD

Division of Continuing Medical Education P.O. Box 016960 (D23-3) Miami, FL 33101-6960

Dermatology “Close Up”:Melanoma and Other Neoplasms of the Skin 2013

November 9-10, 2013 The Alexander Hotel Miami Beach, Florida



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