Dendrobium Red Bull. A mutation. - Bull.pdf · Dendrobium Red Bull. A mutation....

Post on 05-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Dendrobium Red Bull. A mutation. - Bull.pdf · Dendrobium Red Bull. A mutation....

Dendrobium Red Bull. A mutation.

Recently, we observed again a peculiar anomaly in our nursery. The very same plant constantly produces fasciated orchid flowers. It has flowered for the 3rd or 4th time already, producing similar flowers. We also have another orchid plant that produces fasciated flowers, sort of "orchid within an orchid", unfortunately difficult to photograph it due to its shape. Dendrobium flowers traditionally, have 2 petals, 3 sepals and 1 lip (actually a modified petal). Anatomically speaking, a flower is enclosed by 3 sepals (within a flower bud); and through the process of flowering, the inner surface of the Sepal is showcased together with the enclosed petals and lip. Our Dendrobium Red Bull flower looks like a peculiar “rose”. We can see the fusion of at least 3 sets of flowers, into one single “rose-like” entity (see photos).

The plant shows that a certain degree of anatomical integrity has been maintained, whereby the flower bud still involves the enclosure of floral parts within 3 Sepals. It is only upon flowering, that fasciation can be observed. It was most fortunate that such a rare sight for us has been captured on camera. Deformed-looking flowers ("fasciations" or "mutations") are not uncommon and in Asia, orchids that show fasciation are highly valued when judging.

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