Deliverance Questionnaire · accident. It provided fertile soil for open doors to satanic spirits...

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Transcript of Deliverance Questionnaire · accident. It provided fertile soil for open doors to satanic spirits...

  • Deliverance Questionnaire

    Signs of demons in someone’s life: Fits of rage, constant headaches, migraines, insomnia, incurable diseases, fears, mental illness, seizures, suicidal thoughts, female problems, depression, addictions,

    fascination with the occult, nightmares, hearing voices, seeing scary visions, stubborn arrogance, compulsive dishonesty, marital problems, dizziness or fainting, or sharp unexplained pains in various

    parts of the body.

    Prayer for you to pray: Jesus, help me to remember every sin that I need to confess to be cleansed and free from satan’s influence. Help me to hate what you hate and love what you love. Totally change me into your image. Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill me and give me the grace to be thorough, and give me the strength to be able to go through this list and pray all that I need to. Bring everything up that need to be

    exposed and dealt with. Father I ask you to totally set me free. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

    Make sure you are a true Christian and understand what Jesus did for you on the cross. Through this whole questionnaire, you can begin to specifically confess all your personal sins that you will

    be listing, and make sure to confess the sins of your ancestors as they do affect you. This questionnaire will help you begin to see the areas where the enemy

    has gained entrance into your life. Unforgiveness: Mark 11:24-25 After forgiving command anything to leave that came in through unforgiveness or hatred of others. List every person you have unforgiveness or hatred toward: Dedications to others gods: death and destruction curses Where your ancestors involved in any other religion other than Christianity (including Catholicism)? Where your ancestors involved in Freemasonry? List all religions you or your family have been involved in: Occult involvement or occult powers Deut 18:9-13 (check all that you or your ancestors have done) visiting priests, shamans, witch doctors, santeros, taking a baths, herbs, performing any act they instructed you to do,

    any form of “cleansing” or drinking any potions they gave you, praying to ancestors, offering any sort of sacrifices to

    ancestors, or any sort of ancestral worship, or calling on the spirits of dead people in any way, sacrificing or

    presenting food or anything else to idols, hearing voices or seeing into the spirit realm at your own ability or

    continually, worshipping or serving any other god other than Jesus Christ, making sacrifices to other gods- this would

    include tribal or culturally as well, participating in ANY ritual of any kind that is not directed associated with true

    Christianity (this would include catholic rituals or mormon rituals), praying to saints (this is catholic and they are

    praying to dead people), any praying to, worshipping, or honoring the dead (I am not talking about speaking kindly

    about someone who has passed on when I mention honoring which is something we should do), partaking of Roman

    Catholic communion (which is NOT Christian communion), catholic confirmation, lighting candles for prayers,

    attending a confessional, playing any demonic games like pokemon, dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering,

    bloody mary, etc…., many video games, tv shows, or movies are purely demonic as they are participated in by

  • someone they can allow demonic infiltration, celebrating Halloween or any other satanic holiday, initiations into

    fraternities (many of them are occult in nature that must be renounced and broken, and many include giving honor to

    the dead founders of the organization and sexual sins), any communication with spirits, any praying to idols, any type

    of blood ritual, blood covenants, or putting on masks and/or participating in any native ritual dances or ceremonies

    that involve masks, having a priest of any other religion bless you, lay hands on you, or pray over you or your

    children, visiting shrines or temples of other religions, asking a psychic, witch, or priest to put a curse on someone for

    you, or to put a spell on someone for you, Harry Potter or other occult movies, Magic 8 Ball

    fortune telling, psychics, clairvoyance, séances, horoscopes, astrology, zodiac, reading tea leaves, reading palms,

    reading crystal balls, reading runes, using bones, pendulums, divining rods, new age meditation eastern meditation,

    yoga, or chanting mantras, astral projection (out of body experiences), psychic healings, rekke, iridology,

    biofeedback, homeopathy, acupuncture, hypnosis, automatic handwriting, ouija boards, interpreting omens, ESP,

    mind control, water witching (using a stick or divining rod to find a water source to dig a well). Contacting the psychic

    hotline, having any type of psychic reading, or visiting a psychic in any way, confess as sin any occult or psychic

    powers or abilities you have, meditation of any kind that blanks out the mind such as transcendental meditation or

    sylva, channeling (allowing spirits to speak through you) or being involved as a spiritist medium in any way, or visiting

    smoke (sweat) houses.

    any superstition of any kind, charms for protection or luck, crystals with powers, tattoos or body piercings, jewelry with occult symbols, martial arts (anything beyond just kicking or punching), occult books, talismans, anything that has ever been considered a “good luck charm”, ever sharing your blood with someone in a “blood brother” ritual, or ANY

    type of drinking blood, do you have Curse pins or things implanted or swallowed in satanic rituals If you have received any familiar spirits, you need to list each one by name. You will need to command each one to

    leave by name, in the name of Jesus.

    Pacts, oaths, or contracts with satan

    List below all that you or your ancestors have done:

    Idolatry (Secular Music idolizing people), other gods (like Buddha or Islam), or cults (like Jehovah’s Witness or Mormons) Ex 20, 1Tim 4:1 (seducing spirits), Is 19:14 (error)

    o Anything more important to you than God, anything you trust in more than God, or anything you worship other than God is an idol.

    o Do you see a pattern of continual backsliding in your life? Hosea 4:12 (spirit of whoredoms) List below anything that comes to your mind in this section:

    Freemasonry (any secret societies such as Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls, Oddfellows and Rebecca Lodge etc.) If you even think there is a possibility that there might have been Freemasonry in your ancestry somewhere, read and pray the renunciation prayer out loud which is in the back of this questionnaire. Need to deal with Maha Bone, Tubal Cain, Baphomet, Bul, and Witchcraft

  • Drugs (sorcery) Gal 5:20 (pharmakeia) Make a list of all you have ever done and those your ancestors have done: Bondages or addictions Rom 8:15 (captive to something) Anything that has ever controlled you drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, gambling, or obsessions List below all you have ever been involved in or your ancestors have dealt with: Sexual Sins 1 Cor 6:13-20 (becoming one with others) Adultery, fornication (sex outside marriage), homosexuality, bisexuality, sex with animals, sex with spirits, molesting others or being molested, sodomy, have you been raped, pornography, or masturbation List briefly (without great details) what you have been involved in: Jezebel and Ahab spirits (do you see a pattern of husbands not being leaders in your family, wives not submitting to their husbands, or children not honoring and obeying their parents? This spirit is a spirit of rebellion. It will operate through manipulation or intimidation to control others. Are there controlling people in your family? Does the wife “wear the pants” in the family? Do you see abortions, seductions, or sexual confusion in the family?) Divorcing Baal: wealth transfer, sexual perversions, worship of other gods, idolatry Prayer: In Jesus’ name, we no longer have any ties with Baal-hamon. We are Tithers and Givers and therefore we are rightful heirs to the Great Transfer of Wealth to the Church. We no longer have any ties with Baal-berith. We are now free to choose fully pledge ourselves to Jehovah, the only true God, and be in an everlasting covenant and relationship with Him through his son Jesus Christ. We ask you to cleanse us and restore our sexual innocence and purity. By your grace we will walk in holiness. We reject every form of sexual perversion, homosexuality, and sexual immorality. We are for the next generation. We are for the Unborn’s Right to Life. We will pray and support the next generation to see God’s covenantal purposes fulfilled in them. We no longer have any ties with any form of witchcraft and occult spirits. We ask you Lord to sever all ties and divorce us from Baal and our families and descendants. (Inspired by John Benefiel)

  • Death Rev 6:5-8 Suicide attempts, abortions, hatred, murder, KKK involvement, Mafia, gangs

    o Renouncing affiliations and initiations of any gang or group o Abortions: human sacrifice need to deal with Lilith, Samael, Molech, murder, and Jezebel

    List below if you have had suicide attempts, abortions, hatred, or involvement in any of these things mentioned under death below and those of your ancestors: Marks on Body Lev 19:28 Tattoos, body piercings, cutting, cutting yourself, flesh branding, or suicide attempts. Anoint marks and pray over them. List below what you have as marks on your body: Cursed Objects Deut 7:26 Anything witchcraft or occult related, anything connected to other gods, anything sexually seductive or pornographic, or unclean music or movies. Are there things like this on your property or in your vehicle: statues of Virgin Mary or Catholic paraphernalia, Kwan Yin, anything tied to Buddha, Shiva, carvings of tiki gods (or anything tied to the Hawaiian religion), books on the occult, fortune telling, stones and rocks from heathen temples, paintings of Roman Greek or other gods, tarot cards, IChing books, Fung Sue teachings, Chinese healing foods or books on the subject, ceramic and macramé depictions of frogs, owls, dragons, and other demonic objects. Dungeon and Dragons or other role playing games, goodluck or superstitious objects, oriental dolls, samurai swords, martial arts paraphernalia, altars to other gods, incense, oils, or salts connected with other gods or Wiccan rituals, Aztec carvings, and souvenirs from Hare Krishna followers? Are there any goodluck charms, occult crystals, occult wind chimes (be careful because many are), dream catchers from American Indians culture or anything tied to that culture. Some Christians allow water witching or Pow Wow magic into their lives from the Indians. This is witchcraft and must be repented of. What about jewelry that is turquoise made by Pueblo Indians, Hindu copper bracelets, or jewelry with occult symbols. Christians have reported demonic invasion by Japanese dolls, certain puppets, and smurfs, What about secular Rock-and-roll records? I heard a story of a spiritual “black dog” demon jumping out of a rock group’s poster on a teenagers wall. It so shook him, his mother said he was shaking, crying, and had screamed in absolute terror when it happened. Another report I heard of someone struggling with masturbation until the rock records were removed from underneath his bed. These things need to be quickly destroyed and their ashes removed from your property. Also, that alone will not be enough. You will need to confess and renounce these things as occult. Then you will need to take authority and break the curses and works of satan that have come into your life by having them. Last, you will need to make a forceful command to the demons to go in Jesus name that came in with these things. Children’s materials are filled with the occult and that is no accident. It provided fertile soil for open doors to satanic spirits to enter children and satanic mind control on their lives. From smurfs, Heman, monsters, demons, snakes, having powers within, supernatural abilities, magic, and many other things we see the occult. If I were you I would go room by room, drawer by drawer, attic, basement, video cabinet and find anything that needs to be removed from your property, destroy it completely, and remove it from your property.

    List anything below that you have had in your past, your family or ancestors have had, or you currently own:

    Trauma or Loss of Consciousness 1 Peter 5:8 demons take advantage of our weak vulnerable times in our lives. Times of pain, rejection, abandonment, or humiliation can be doorways.

  • o In the womb, delivery, or as a child (something traumatic or fearful) o Times of humiliation, trauma, depression, feeling rejected by family or friends, or feeling

    abandoned (even feeling rejected or abandoned by God even though you weren’t) o Emotional abuse, verbal abuse, divorces, or early childhood fears, injuries, nightmares, see

    things in your room, felt evil presence growing up? Any sexual embarrassment through childhood? Any physical abuse from parents or others? Movies or TV programs that were particularly frightening to you, or specific scenes that seem to stick in your memory? Do you experience unusual fears, Feelings of guilt and shame, Hopelessness, Fatigue without medical reason, Difficulty in forgiving, hating yourself, feelings of gloom, or Do you deal with strong feelings of rejection?

    o Loss of consciousness in accidents, surgery, getting drunk or high and passing out, or blanking out your mind, maybe through occult or yoga meditation

    o Have you had surgeries, blood transfusions, or organ donations? o Do you have eating disorders, sleep disorders, learning disorders, or confusion? o Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?

    List anything below that comes to mind: Word curses Deut 30:19 Words others have spoken over you that were negative, destructive, or hurtful,

    or things you have spoken over others. Did your parents speak over you negative things? Spoken words from parents, or others that were condemnation: "You're fat, you're stupid, you'll never amount to anything, you always mess up, I don't know why we had you. You can't be in our group, etc embarrassing or humiliating experiences at school or from school teacher? List what comes to mind in this section: Dishonesty or Criminal Activity 1Kings 22:22 compulsive lying can be a spirit Any lying, cheating, stealing, or criminal activity in your life or ancestors might have allowed evil spirits in List below anything that comes to mind: Ancestry and generational curses: Ex 20 Any sins listed above in your ancestry confess and renounce. You need to include any step or adopted parents in this. Go back over list above.

  • a. Signs of a curse: 1. History of mental or physical breakdown, 2. Repeated Chronic Sickness or

    disease, 3. Barrenness or tendency to miscarry, 4. Divorce, strife, or family alienation, 5. Financial poverty, famine, or continual financial stress, 6. Accident Prone, repeated unexplained accidents, 7. History of Suicide or early deaths (do you see these in your life or family)

    b. Illegitimacy Deut 23:2 Were you or anyone in your family conceived out of wedlock

    List anything you think we should know about your ancestors or family: __________________________________________ Deal with Final prayers: (for the deliverance worker)

    Demonic link between spirit and soul

    Occult powers

    Laying on of Hands

    Transference from the death of someone else

    Nine curses: humiliation, barrenness, unfruitfulness, mental or physical breakdown, family breakdown, poverty or famine, defeat, oppression, failure and God’s disfavor.

    Seven blessings: exaltation, health, reproductiveness, prosperity, abundance, God’s favor, victory over enemies


    Please check below what applies to you. These are signs of demons at work.

    1. A compulsive desire to blaspheme God.

    2. A revulsion against the Bible, including a desire to tear it up or destroy it.

    3. Compulsive thoughts of suicide or murder.

    4. Deep feelings of bitterness and hatred toward others without reason: Jews, other races, the church, strong Christian leaders.

    5. Any compulsive temptations which seek to force you to thoughts or behavior which you truly do not want to do or think.

    6. Compulsive desires to tear other people down, even if it means lying to do so. Vicious cutting by the tongue.

  • 7. Terrifying feelings of guilt even after honest confession is made to the Lord.

    8. Certain physical symptoms which may appear suddenly or leave quickly and there are no physical or physiological reason.

    A. Choking sensations.

    B. Pains which seem to move around and for which there is no medical cause.

    C. Feelings of tightness about the head or eyes.

    D. Dizziness, blackouts, or fainting seizures.

    9. Deep depression and despondency.

    10. Sudden surges of violent rage, uncontrollable anger, or seething feelings of hostility.

    11. Terrifying doubt of one's salvation even though they once knew the joy of salvation.

    12. Seizures of panic or other fear that is terrifying.

    13. Dreams or nightmares that are of a horrific nature and often ...recurring. Clairvoyant dreams that may even come true are most often demonic.

    14. Abnormal or perverted sexual desires.

    15. Questions and challenges to God's Word.

    16. Sleep or eating disorders without physical cause.

    17. Most compulsions and obsessions.

    18. Rebellion and hatred for authority.

    19. Bizarre terrifying thoughts that seem to come from nowhere and you cannot control them.

    20. Fascination with the occult.

    21. Involvement in criminal activity.

    22. Extremely low self-image (unworthy, a failure, no good - a constant undermining of the self-identity)./li>

    23. Constant confusion in thinking (sometimes great difficulty in remembering things).

  • 24. Inability to believe (even when the person wants to).

    25. Mocking and blasphemous thoughts against preaching/teaching of the Word of God.

    26. Perceptual distortions - perceiving anger, hostility, in others when it doesn't really exist - seeing only judgment in the scriptures.

    27. Horrible nightmares causing fear (often having demonic images).

    28. Violent thoughts (suicidal, homicidal, encouraging self-abuse, etc.).

    29. Hatred and bitterness toward others for no justifiable reason.

    30. Tremendous hostility or fear when encountering someone involved in deliverance work.

    31. Feelings of being watched or sensing an evil presence.

    32. Deep depression and despondency (frequently and at significant times).

    33. Irrational fears - panic attacks - phobias.

    34. Irrational anger - rage.

    35. Irrational guilt - self-condemnation to the extreme.

    36. Desire to do what is right (inability to carry it out).

    37. Sudden personality and attitude changes (severe contrasts - appears schizophrenic) Bi-polar disorder.

    38. A strong aversion toward scripture reading and prayer (especially one on one).

    39. A dark countenance (steely or hollow look in eyes - contraction of the pupils - sometimes facial features contort or change - often an inability to look at your directly.

    40. Lying, exaggerating, or stealing compulsively (often wondering why).

    41. Drug abuse (especially when there is demonic hallucinations).

    42. Eating obsessions - bulimia, anorexia nervosa.

    43. Compulsive sexual sins (especially perversions).

    44. Irrational laughter or crying.

  • 45. Irrational violence - compulsion to hurt self and/or someone else.

    46. Sudden speaking of a language not previously known (often an ethnic language of ancestors).

    47. Reactions to the name and blood of Jesus Christ (verbally or through body language).

    48. Extreme restlessness (especially in a spiritual environment).

    49. Uncontrollable cutting and mocking tongue.

    50. Vulgar language and actions.

    51. Loss of time (from minutes to hours - ending up someplace, not knowing how you got there - regularly doing things of which there is no memory).

    52. Extreme sleepiness around spiritual things.

    53. Demonstration of extraordinary abilities (either ESP or Telekinesis).

    54. Voices are heard in the mind (they mock, intimidate, accuse, threaten or bargain).

    55. Voice - refers to him/her in the third person.

    56. Supernatural experiences - hauntings, movement or disappearance of objects, and other strange manifestations.

    57. Seizures (too long and/or too regular).

    58. Pain (without justifiable explanation - especially in head and/or stomach).

    59. Blackouts.

    60. Physical ailments can often be alleviated immediately by a command of spiritual authority (i.e. epileptic seizure, asthma attacks, various pains).

    61. Sudden interference with bodily functions (temporary) - buzzing in ears, inability to speak or hear, sudden severe headache, hypersensitivity in hearing or touch, sudden chills or overwhelming heat in body, numbness in arms or legs,

    temporary paralysis.

    Freemasonry Renunciation Prayer: Pray out loud Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, your son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against you and others made in your image. I honor my earthly father and mother and all our ancestors of flesh and blood, also those whom I am related to through the spirit by adoption, and godparents, but I utterly turn away from, ask forgiveness for, and renounce all their sins. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. I confess and renounce all of my own sins. I renounce and rebuke satan and every spiritual

  • power of his affecting me and my family. I renounce and forsake all involvement in freemasonry, all its branches, or any other lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and cut off witchcraft, Tubal Cain, and Maha Bone, the principal spirits behind freemasonry. I renounce and cut off Baphomet, the spirit of antichrist, and the spirits of death and deception. I renounce the insecurity ; the love of position and power; the love of money, avarice, or greed; and the pride that would have led my ancestors into Masonry. I renounce all the fears that held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting in the name of Jesus Christ. I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including "Master," "Worshipful Master," or any other, I renounce the calling of any man "Master," for Jesus Christ alone is my only master and Lord, and He forbids anyone else having that title. I renounce the entrapping of others into Masonry and observing the helplessness of others during the rituals. I ask forgiveness for and renounce the downplaying of marriage in Freemasonry and the taking off of wedding rings in rituals. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any female ancestor who felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. I also renounce all obligations, oaths, and curses enacted by every female member of my family through any direct membership of all women's order of Freemasonry, the order of the Eastern Star, or any other Masonic or occult organization. I renounce every oath, pledge, pact, dedication, and ritual of Freemasonry and every branch of freemasonry. I do this, Father, in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

    Prayer to pray before the deliverance session Pray this prayer out loud: “Father I thank you for Jesus. He is my savior. I am so thankful. Because you forgave me, I choose to forgive others. Everyone who has hurt me, lied to me, or disappointed me I forgive them now. I repent of anger, bitterness, and hatred. I repent of rebellion, resentment, revenge, envy, jealousy, and strife. I repent of lust, witchcraft, idolatry, fear, doubt, and unbelief. I put all of this under the blood of Jesus. I denounce the sins of my ancestors. I separate and cut myself off from all generational curses. I renounce and confess as sin all unholy oaths, vows, pledges, and ceremonies and separate myself from all those curses. I denounce and confess as sin all unholy soul ties. I ask you father to separate all sexual ties from my life that are not of you right now. For Jesus is my savior, my Lord, my deliverer, and my healer. Jesus has broken the power of curses I choose to be free and I will be free in Jesus name. Lord Jesus because you want me to be totally free from all occult bondage, I will burn and/or destroy all objects in my possession that connect me with all lodges and occult organizations, including Masonry, witchcraft, Mormonism, all regalia, aprons, books of rituals, and rings and other jewelry. I renounce the effects of these or other objects of Masonry, including the compass and the square have had on my family and me in the name of Jesus Christ. Now pray this out loud and take authority over the enemy: I renounce every evil spirit associated with Masonry and witchcraft and all other sins, and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind every demon power that is in any way associated with me or at work in my life in any way. Whether in me, attached to me, or at work in my family, or any person or thing tied to me or under my authority. I call you under the authority of the living and resurrected Lord Jesus. You will not harm me or others, when you leave me you will NOT go to someone else. You will not multiply, fragment, clone, or pass your duties onto other demons. This satanic kingdom will be totally completely destroyed. Any damage, disorders, sickness, or diseases must be put back in order just as Jehovah God intends them to be. I command right now the demons to line up in order of rank. I remove all your crowns, robes of authority, rights and privileges and I cancel all your assignments against my life, family, body, soul, spirit, relationships, marriage, health, ministry, or finances. Your legal ground to me and my family is cancelled. Without hesitation I command you to take all your residue, satanic kingdom, your influence, oppression, bondages, addictions, compulsions, your works, and anything you have sown; and

  • you are to go with it from me, my family, my bloodline, my descendants, my health, my finances, or any area or detail of my life. Now according to the will of Jehovah God, I command that you repair all damage you have caused their life, thus making restitution. Because the Bible teaches us you are a thief, and a thief has to restore sevenfold what they have stolen, I command you to restore sevenfold anything you have ever stolen from me, my family, or my ministry. Then you will go quickly and immediately into the Abyss where you belong. You will do this as quickly as it is possible to be done. I command all this now in the awesome name of Jesus. Various sins to confess if they apply to you: (It would be good for you to go ahead and confess all the sins that you have written about above and the sins of your ancestors) 1. Men not being the spiritual leaders of the home

    Wives not being submissive to their husbands Rebellious children Disorder in the home Lack of unity—discord in the home Strife in the home 2. Husbands being harsh with their wives

    Wives being harsh with their husbands Children not honoring and obeying their parents Parents being dishonest with their children Children being dishonest with their parents Not treating each other as Christ would have it in the home (not loving or kind) 3. Disobedience to the call of God on one’s life

    Rebellion, witchcraft —being your own god Not submissive to God and his will 4. Forsaking the house of God (unfaithful in church attendance)

    Not paying tithes and offerings (stealing from God) Not giving of self —time, etc.... Not supporting the minister and church completely 5. Prayerlessness Husbands not praying for family, church, nation, or world

    Wives not praying for family, church, nation, or world Children not praying for family, church, nation, or world 6. Prejudice—any race

    Hating, hurting, or cursing a Jew in any way 7. Judging others

    Being critical of others Allowing careless hurtful words to come out of your mouth Making jokes about tragic events, mocking or disrespecting authorities, not have proper respect or proper seriousness at times. Making fun of others Bullying others around *Speaking against ministers, churches, or the people of God Speaking against God’s anointed Causing problems in church Speaking against ministers or churches that have fallen Holding grudges toward men of God or churches that have hurt you 8. Being wasteful with time or money

    Not giving generously to the work of the Lord 9. Living carnal (to please the flesh)

    Running after the lusts of the flesh, lust of the eyes, or pride of life 10. Living worldly

    Running after the things of this world Losing virginity before marriage—fornication Prostitution 11. Hate, murder, violence

    Shedding innocent blood (gossiping causes a similar effect)

  • Quarreling amongst family (immediate or extended) Strife or causing division among people Trying to hurt or destroy someone through gossip 12. Persecuting the righteous

    Using fear or intimidation Bringing insecurity to others 13. Decadence or luxurious living

    Greed, covetousness, money worship love of material possessions 14. Corruption and unrighteous trade

    Cheating Stealing 15. Seduction, sensuality, immorality, and perversion

    Seducing others into sin 17. Deception

    Lying or exaggerating, cheating or stealing Teaching others falsehood 18. Rebellion against the word of God, godly authority, or God in any way. 19. A lack of the fear of God 20. Unholy alliances (allying with evil people)

    Compromising, hypocrisy, bad temper and bad attitude, keeping others from being useful, and being a stumbling block to others. 21. Self-righteousness

    o Selfish ambitions o Love of pleasure o sinful entertainment o Immoral and evil thoughts o resentment o Loveless (cold love to others) o Not showing mercy o Not caring for the poor o Unbelief o Cynicism o Self pity o Antagonism to the anointing of God o Opposition to the prophetic word of God, Despising prophecy o Anger, rage, jealousy, envy o Murder or destruction to others o Destruction of other people’s property o Condemnation of others o Dishonoring your father or mother o Perverting justice or taking a bribe o Causing the blind to wander off the road o Oppressing the poor, weak or defenseless o Mistreating your neighbor and not loving their souls o Withholding important information o Committing past sin God has already delivered you from o Deeds of the flesh, Making rash vows, breaking vows to God o Making fun of Rulers (presidents, kings, etc...) o Ingratitude o Lack of love for God o Neglecting the Bible and prayer o Unbelief o Not fellowshipping with other Christians o Slothful or neglecting the performing of duties o Lukewarmness o Rejecting the gifts of the Holy Spirit or the work of the Holy Spirit o Divorced spouse abuse o A lack of a burden for unbelievers o In any way hindering others from being useful

    Sins that bring a curse: These need to be confessed and renounced.

  • o Those who curse or mistreat Jews (Gen 12:3, Num 24:9) o Against willing deceivers (Josh 9:22-23, Jer 48:10, Gen 27:12) o On adulterous women (Num 5:27) o Disobedience to the Lord’s commandments (Deut 11:28, Dan 9:11, Jer 11:3) o Idolatry (Jer 44:8, Deut 29:1820,Exod 20:5, Deut 5:89) o Those who keep or own cursed objects (Deut 7:25, Josh 6:18) o Refusing to come to the Lord’s help (Judges 5:23) o House of the wicked (Prov 3:33) o Refusing to give to the poor (Prov 28:27) o Jerusalem is a curse to all nations if Jews rebel against God (Jer 26:46) o Thieves and those who swear falsely by the Lord’s name (Zech 5:4) o Ministers who fail to give the glory to God (Mal 2:12) o Those who rob God of tithes and offerings (Mal 3:89) o Those who hearken (listen) unto their wives instead of God (Gen3:17) o Those who dishonor their parents (Deut 27:16) o Those who create graven images (Deut 27:15) o Those who willfully cheat people out of their properties (Deut 27:17) o Those who take advantage of blind people (Deut 27:18) o Those who oppress strangers, widows, or fatherless (Deut 27:19,Exod 22:22-24) o He who lies (has sex with) with his father’s wife (Deut 27:20) o He who lies (has sex with) with any animal (Deut 27:21, Exodus 22:19) o He who lies with (has sex with) his sister (incest) (Deut 27:22) o Those who smite (strike) their neighbors secretly (Deut 27:24) o Adulterers (Deut 22:22-27, Job 24:1518) o The proud (Ps 119:21) o Those who trust in man (or the flesh) and not in the Lord (Jer 17:5) o Those who do the work of the Lord deceitfully (Jer 48:10) o Those who reward evil for good (Prov 17:13) o Illegitimate children (for 10 generations) (Deut 23:2) o Murderers (Exod 21:12) o Those who murder deliberately (Exod 21:14) o Children who strike their parents (Exod 21:15) o Kidnappers (Exod 21:16, Deut 24:7) o Those who curse their parents (Exod 21:17) o Those who cause the unborn to die (Exod 21:22-23) o Those who do not prevent death (Ex 21:29) o Witchcraft practitioners (Exod 22:18) o Those who sacrifice (worship) to false gods (Exod 22:20) o Those who attempt to turn anyone away from the Lord (Deut 13:6-18) o Those who follow horoscopes (astrology) (Deut 17:25) o Those who rebel against pastors and leaders (Deut 17:12) o False prophets (Deut 18:1922) o Women who do not keep their virginity until married (Deut 22:13-21) o Parents who do not discipline their children, but honor them above God (1Sam 2:27-36) o Those who curse their rulers (Exod 22:28, 1Kings 2:89) o Those who teach rebellion against the Lord (Jer 28:1617) o Those who refuse to warn sinners (Ezek 3:1821) o Those who defile the Sabbath (Exod 31:14, Num 15:3236) o Those who sacrifice human beings (Lev 20:2) o Participants in séances and fortunetelling (Lev 20:6) o Those involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships (Lev 20:13) o Necromancers (those who consult the dead) and fortune tellers (Lev 20:27) o Those who blaspheme the Lord’s name (Lev 24:1516) o Those who are carnally minded (Rom 8:6) o Those who practice sodomy (Gen 19:5-15,24-25) o Rebellious children ((Deut 21:18-21) o Those who tolerate a Jezebel spirit (Revelation 2:20-23)