Defense Technology Transfer Excellent News for Property in Bangalore

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Defense Technology Transfer Excellent News for Property in Bangalore

The transfer of valuable American jet engine technology may augur well for property in Bangalore as such new technologies will lead the city’s already capable aeronautical industry to gain further expertise to develop next generation fighter aircraft. Hindustan Aeronautical Limited has a presence in Bangalore where the company has undertaken the development of the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft. The defense industry in developed nations is among the largest employers in many countries. While wars may be becoming less frequent, the leaders of many countries see great advantages in having a top notch defense arsenal which adds to a nation’s prestige and is an important bargaining chip at international summits. The defense industry is also one of the largest employers overseas, particularly in the United States.

While India requires the latest weapons and technology to effectively deter or combat any foreign threat, exporting weapon systems will suit the economy and has the potential to provide employment to millions who would find work manufacturing next generation weapons and undertake valuable research and development towards ensuring Indian defense forces always have an edge. Employment in the civil defense sector pays well, certainly, many of those who are employed at factories producing American fighter jets such as the F16 or F18 will live in luxury apartments in Bangalore. Even those who are employed as laborers in jet engine production lines will be able to purchase affordable housing in Bangalore and will be among the most skilled workers in India. The need for a large defense force is likely to increase in the future, however, only nations with the most streamlined armed forces shall prevail in any large global future conflict. America has proven the utility of Unmanned Arial Vehicles in various strikes on enemy targets over the past few years, such technology shall be essential to India in any future conflict whether large or small.

Defense exports are also a huge industry and it is not without good reason that the richest nations on earth also usually tend to be the biggest suppliers of arms. In the future builders in Bangalore may be commissioned to build new constructions for workers employed in the private defense sector. The government of India’s initiative to become self-reliant with regards to armaments and weapon systems caused quite a stir in the share price of several domestic arms producers. While the initial euphoria regarding the stock of domestic arms manufacturers has subsided, a gradual rise in the value of such companies stock over several years is certainly not out of the question, especially as the greater transfer of technology from the US to India takes hold.

Surrounding the locality near the defense industries, there may be new projects in Bangalore which cater to households who work within the indigenous arms development sector. Just as already there are localities created exclusively for civil servants or defense personal, similar upcoming projects in Bangalore may begin to sprout up within a decade of greater cooperation in defense between the US and India. Flats for sale in Bangalore may be bought to house a large contingent of American researchers and engineers who would be in India to teach and train local talent. In short, the defense sector along with IT and ITES may be one the main engines of economic growth in India this century.