December Newsletter

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Transcript of December Newsletter


Santa Susana High School

Key Club

3570 Cochran Street Simi Valley, CA | (805) 520 6800

Division 42 East | Region 10 | Cali-Nev-Ha

Narwhal News

“Caring – Our Way of Life”

December 2013 Volume 3 Issue 8

Caring- Our Way of Life

Santa Susana Key Club members on their way to Fall Rally!!



Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2

Message from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

Past Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4-7

Winter Social/ Key Club Induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Page 8

Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9

Our KEY Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Page 10

Division 42E Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

CNH Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12

International Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13

December Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14

Officer Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15

Links, Recognition, Message from the Editor, and Officer Biographies. . . . . . Page 16

Table of Contents



Message from the President: Kaila Mattera Hello WONDERFUL Key Clubbers!

I hope you all have enjoyed your Thanksgiving break and the start of the holiday season. I

want to let you know that you are all in my thoughts this holiday, as your dedication to this club and

our community inspires me everyday and I am so very thankful for the opportunity that many of you

gave me to serve you this year as your President. I could not have asked for a better club to serve!

I really enjoyed seeing many of you excited about Fall Rally! I am so stoked that so many of

you got to experience Fall Rally! Thank you all so much for attending!

Now, as we make our way into the holiday season, no matter what holiday you celebrate,

take the time to do a little bit of good and spread the holiday cheer. Take advantage of the

opportunities around you this holiday to give back to this community and the global community that

we are a part of. No matter what you do, whether it be donating toys, wrapping gifts, caroling for

the elderly, helping out your family, or even opening the door for a random stranger remember that

even small acts of kindness go a long way.

I know this month will be stressful as we approach the end of the semester (AKA Finals) and the

many other things that you have on your plates, but just remember that you will make it through.

Don’t forget to take time to relax, even if it is for a brief moment. Sleep and rest can make a world of


I hope you will join us for our Induction Ceremony and Social on

December 20th! Celebrate the end of the semester with friends,

yummy food and Key Club! We are going to be raffling off prizes and

playing music and recognizing YOU as an official member of Key


I look forward every week to meeting you and seeing you on

Fridays at the meetings! Please feel free to contact me with any

questions you might have at any time. Happy Holidays.

Surfing in Service,

Kaila Mattera

Santa Susana Key Club President

Call/Text: 805-338-3344


Ongoing Events Pop Tabs

Throughout the year we collect pop tabs for Ronald McDonald house. This is a place in close proximity to a hospital where families can stay when their child is in the hospital. They recycle the pop tabs and use the money to help families pay to stay at the house as well as pay the utilities and other expenses needed to keep the house running. So keep collecting! They can be from canned beverages and even the tabs from canned food!

S.O.S. (Save Old Spectacles)

We are continually collecting glasses for SOS. Check with everyone you know to see if they have any old specs that they do not use anymore. Keep in mind, the end of the school year is ending and if every member brings in at least 3 pairs of glasses, our sponsoring Kiwanis of Santa Susana will throw us a pizza party!

Feeding the Homeless

Our club helps at 2 different locations for feeding the homeless and we could always use more volunteers! We help with set up, dinner service, dishes, and clean up after. o Stillwaters Cafe at Shepard of the Valley Church: Thursdays from 5-7pm o The Samaritan Center: 1st Thursday of the month

Past Events

A Week of Service,

Support, and Spirit! From November 4 to November 8, the Santa Susana Narwhals

celebrated Key Club Week by having an activity on each day of the

week. On Monday, we started a Spirit Chain Fundraiser where a

person could pay 25 cents for one paper chain; the class with the

longest chain would have the most spirit! This lasted the entire week.

On Tuesday, we had a fundraiser at Red’s BBQ to raise money for

the Eliminate Project and help support our Kiwanians. We also

showed appreciation towards our Kiwanians on Wednesday by

wearing gold and thanking everyone who supports Key Club. On

Thursday, we had our Spirit Day. Everyone wore the new Key Club

shirts and participated in “How do you feel?!” cheers! Finally, on

Friday, it was Bring a Friend to Key Club Day. Lots of people brought

in friends who were not in Key Club before, and we spread the word

about Key Club on campus.

In addition, we had a goods drive from Monday to Thursday. I

stood outside of the front parking lot at Santa Susana High School

and collected goods for the Salvation Army and the Public Action to

Deliver Shelter (PADS) program. We filled up both of our boxes, and it

made me feel great knowing that I was helping two fantastic

organizations that would assist the hungry and the homeless. Key

Club Week was a very spirited time, and I enjoyed seeing my fellow

Narwhals on campus show their love for Key Club.

-Dana Brough

Key Club Week





Contribute to the Newsletter!

Write articles and

Submit photos!

Did enjoy volunteering at an

event? Do you volunteer

somewhere on a weekly basis?

Write an article about it and

send in photos! You can receive

30 minutes of service per article!

1. Download the article

template from

2. Write your article – Use

your creativity to discuss your


3. Include any photos you

may have from the event

(preferably candid photos of you

or others performing service)

4. Email it to:

5. Email Subject:


Wow, where to begin! Fall Rally was one of the most amazing

experiences I have ever had in regards to my Key Club life. This

was my first Fall Rally, And it will most definitely not my last. I

danced to so many cheers and then remixed it up. I was

surprised at how much Key Club has done for our various

charities and causes. Hearing the results for all our hard work

and contributions was absolutely phenomenal. This was most

definitely a great day. On top of that, D42E did great in the

Spirit Rally, especially since we were one of the smaller

divisions. We Narwhals are the best!

-Carly Balster

Fall Rally South was an event held at Six Flags Magic Mountain

where over 9,000 Key Club members from the California-

Nevada-Hawaii District. At Fall Rally, LTGs and Executive

officers are "auctioned" off to Divisions. Auction funds and a

portion of the ticket sales go towards the Pediatric Trauma

Program. Santa Susana is a part of D42E, the narwhals. We all

wore spirit wear and participated in a spirit rally against eight

other divisions in which we received second place. The entire

day was filled with cheering, spirit battles, and more fun on the

rides! Fall Rally was truly an extraordinary experience not only

because of the excitement, but also because it helped an

amazing cause!

-Breanna Scranton

Fall Rally- November 9th



Fall Rally!!!



On November 17th, select Key Club members in the Cali-Nev-Ha District were invited to attend the

Nickelodeon HALO Awards 2013 to represent Key Club International. HALO stands for Helping And

Leading Others. I was lucky enough to be one of those sixty members! The event was televised on

Nickelodeon and was hosted by Nick Cannon, Kevin Jonas and Jennette McCurdy. Being in Key

Club for the past four years, this event was probably one of the most exciting events for me. The

award show was recognizing four honorees that showed dedication and passion in a certain area

that benefitted the communities they lived in. The honorees were teenagers just like us and seeing

them make such huge impacts in their communities encouraged me to continue to go out in our

community and “HALO” everywhere. If you missed the awards show on television, you can log on to to watch video clips of the happening at the


-Paolo Recto




Winter Social and

Key Club Induction

When: December 20th

Time: 1pm – 3pm

Where: MUR

Come to Santa Susana Key Club’s Winter Social for food, music, and fun! You will be recognized for being a member and there will be other recognition for excellence! Everyone will be entered into a raffle and you can bring a canned food item for an extra raffle ticket! See you there!



Graduation Recognition

Basic Recognition

• Must be in Key Club during your senior year in order to qualify

• Must be a paid member for at least 2 years

• Attend 5 Key Club events

• Attend 20 club meetings

• 100 hours of community service by April of your senior year (25/year)

**A Key Club Event is defined as any Key Club related event whether it’s a volunteering event

provided by the club, a Division Council Meeting, and other Key Club events. Ask an officer if you do

not know whether your event counts.

Outstanding Recognition

• Must be in Key Club during your senior year in order to qualify

• Must be a paid member for at least 3 years

• Attend 25 club meetings

• 3 Key Club Volunteering Events

• Attend 3 Division Council Meetings (DCMs)

• Submit 2 articles/6 Pictures

• Attend 1 Special event

• 200 hours of community service by April of your senior year (50/year)

**A Key Club Volunteering Event is defined as any volunteer event provided by our Key Club.

*Division Council Meetings (DCMs) are held every month.

**2 articles/6 pictures are referring to submissions to the club newsletter, division newsletter, and/or

district newsletter. You also get volunteer hours for this!

**1 special event refers to a bigger Key Club event such as Fall Rally, Officer Training Conference,

Region Training Conference, District Convention, etc

Other Notes:

In order to get credit for attending meetings, make sure you always sign in on Fridays. At the

end of the year, email the Secretary to ask for qualification.

Make sure you hours are submitted each month in a timely fashion in order for them to be

counted towards your stole/medal.

We will be keeping these sheets throughout your years in Key Club. IN April of each year, give

the sheet with all your signatures to your secretary.

If you decide to change from stoles to medals or medals to stoles, simply cross out the one you

are not going for OR use arrows CLEANLY and EFFECTIVELY OR print a new sheet of paper and

staple the two sheets..




Our KEY Family


November DCM/ Spirit Night

The November DCM was geared toward the preparation of

Fall Rally. We practiced many different cheers including the

two that we used for our spirit rally, the “how do you feel?”

cheer, the narwhal grunt, and many more! We also had spirit

battles as Fall Rally would include many of these. The spirit

leaders helped us learn the cheers and say them in unison

with a lot of spirit! Everyone’s cooperation during this meeting

helped us get second place at Fall Rally!!! We were also able

to purchase tutus and thunder sticks for Fall Rally as well as

pick up our D42E shirts. This spirit night was super fun and I

cannot wait for the next one!

-Breanna Scranton

Narwhal Fun Fact!

If you were to swim in

a narwhal pod and

you heard one

whistle or squeal to

the other one... well

that would be the last

thing you would hear

because the sounds

that narwhals make

are deafening to




D42E Updates

Upcoming Leadership Opportunities

Officer Candidate Training Conference:

Join your fellow narwhals as we will be holding our December DCM! What's new is that after this DCM,

we will be holding an OCTC (Officer Candidate Training Conference). You will have the opportunity to

learn everything about each club officer positions, how to improve yourself as a leader, and about our

Division Leadership Team! Please attend if you plan on running for an office position and/or would like

to improve many other skills!

Who: D42E Narwhals!

What: December DCM/OCTC

When: December 7th, 2013 | 2:30 - 5:00PM

Where: Rancho Madera Community Park,

556 Lake Park Dr., Simi Valley, CA 93063

Why: To meet other Narwhals in the division and to

learn all about running for office positions at your local

key club and division! There will also be workshops on

ways to improve yourself and many more! And TO EAT FOOD! :)

We will also be:

- Taking a Narwhal Family Picture (CHRISTMAS CARD STYLE)

- Card making for our GOLDEN Kiwanis/Faculty Advisors!

Information regarding District Convention 2014, District Contest Awards, and CONCLAVE will be


Also, if you are interested in bringing food, please send Lt. Governor Paolo an email to let him know

what you plan on bringing!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Executive Assistant Joseph Ko

( or Lt. Governor Paolo Recto (!

LTG Candidate Training Conference:

When: December 14th I 9am-5pm

Why: Great opportunity for members or current board members who want to become LTG to learn

more about it.

If you are interested, please contact our President Kaila.


DCON 2014: Your Golden Ticket

When: April 11th-13th, 2014

Where: Sacramento Convention Center

On-time Registration: $178 (by Feb. 20th)

Late Registration: $218 (by March 15th

CNH Updates


CNH Recruitment Video:

Watch this and show it to your friends! It is never too late to join Key Club!

If you are interested in becoming a judge during the 2013-2014 DCON, you should apply online to

become one! The link is posted below:

District Judging App. Deadline: Saturday February 1st


Member Recognition Program: DUE FEB. 28


Program Rubric:


International Updates


International Convention

Every summer Key Club International celebrates a year of service at the

international convention. Over 2,000 students and advisors gather together to

introduce new programs, present awards to outstanding clubs, conduct the

organization's business, attend educational workshops and elect international

officers for the upcoming year.

The 71st Annual Key Club International Convention will take place in Anaheim, CA

July 2-6, 2014.

Every club should send at least two delegates and advisors, although many clubs

send all their officers and other key members. Make plans now to attend!

Rustic Pathways Service opportunity:

Want to travel to another country to do a service project? With Rustic Pathways,

you can! Learn more here:

Key Club Fun Fact!

The first Key Club met in 1925 at Sacramento

High School in California.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4

5 Stillwaters

Café 4:45pm-7pm Samaritan

Center 4:30pm-6pm


7 Officer



Conference 2:30-5





12 Stillwaters

Café 4:45pm-7pm


14 LTG Candidate


Conference 9am-5pm

15 Caroling with

Simi Valley

Charitable Fund

1pm-3pm Contact Kayla

Hoffman at


16 17


19 Stillwaters

Café 4:45pm-7pm

20 Winter Social 1-3:30



23 24 25 26 Stillwaters

Café 4:45pm-7pm

27 Rose Floats


29 30 31

1 2 3 4

December Calendar



December 1st: WORLD AIDS DAY



Kaila Mattera

Cell: 805-338-3344


Vice President

Michelle Hosogai

Cell: 1-818-633-6588



Bertini Nguyen

Cell: 805-304-1038



Sandra Valencia

Cell: 805-501-9707



Breanna Scranton

Cell: 805-813-0879

Club Editor Email:

Co-Public Relations Chair

Carly Balster

Cell: 818-913-6124


Co-Public Relations Chair

Justine Balster

Cell: 818-913-6121


Class of 2014 Rep.

Serena Lee

Cell: 805-624-2544


Class of 2015 Rep.

Nikol Spaho

Cell: 805-791-8850


Officer Biographies

Samaritan Center Chair

Mason Thurmond

Cell: 805-907-8914

Samaritan Center e-mail:

Stillwaters Café Chair

Jeremy Wishengrad

Cell: 805-404-8989


Co-Spirit Chair

Siena Mattera

Cell: 805-338-9190


Co-Spirit Chair

Margot Rowe

Cell: 805-206-7872


Kiwanis Family Chair

Dana Brough

Cell: 805-624-1319


Projects Chair

Lorraine Ador Dionisio

Cell: 805-210-9555


Fundraising Chair

Julia Elhai

Cell: 805-795-0311


Class of 2016 Rep.

Nicolas Mintzer

Cell: 805-501-0309


Officer e-mail


Don’t hesitate to

contact an officer if

you ever have any

questions! We are

here to help you

have a delightful

Key Club


Officer Contact Information


Message from the Editor

Hey Narwhals!

Thank you so much for reading Santa Susana Key Club’s

December newsletter! I really appreciate all of your dedication

to our club. I love seeing how much of a difference we make in

the world. Please keep checking the website, Instagram,

facebook, and your emails for more updates! GREAT job for

winning 2nd place at Fall Rally! You all rocked!!!

Surfing in Service,

Breanna Scranton

2013-2014 Bulletin Editor

Visit Us on the Web!!!

Our website:

Check out our mobile site too!

Facebook: Santa Susana Key Club Group| SSHS Board

Instagram: sshskeyclub

Tumblr: SSHS Key Club|Division 42 East

CNH District Website:

Key Club International:

Kiwanis International:



November Member of the Month:

Katie Dizon

Class of 2016 Representative: Nicolas Mintzer

Hello, I am Nicolas Mintzer and I am your Sophomore

Class Representitive. I enjoy to play sports, acting,

hanging with friends, and serve the community. I joined

Key Club because it is always wonderful to find

different ways to serve your community and Key Club

also looks great on college applications. My goal for

this upcoming term is to try to spread the word of Key

Club and try to recruit as many new members as



“Caring- Our Way of Life”