DECEMBER · 2020. 12. 12. ·...

Post on 21-Jan-2021

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Transcript of DECEMBER · 2020. 12. 12. ·...




Dear Parishioners,

As we approach Christmas, I am reminded of the centrality of the concept of ‘welcome’ that we experi-ence at this time of year. We know all too well from the many nativity plays we’ll have seen over the years, or from the always-present reading from Luke 2 at services of Nine Lessons and Carols that the Holy Family didn’t necessarily feel ‘welcome’ in Bethlehem on the night that Jesus was born. But such was God’s plan – and their welcome came in other ways, not least the visit from the shepherds of the fields who came to pay homage to the baby Jesus. There is something rather beautiful about the nativity story, particularly in Luke’s Gospel. It is full of warmth – it invites us.

At the time of writing, it has been three weeks since my institution as Rector of Rathmichael - and already I feel like it has been longer – in the very best sense. This is of course, due to the wonderful and warm welcome we as a family have received since moving into the Rectory. I would like to thank you for that welcome. There is something about a welcome which has the ability to make one feel ‘settled’. Cherith, Marcus and I feel very much settled!

Although the timing of our arrival under covid restrictions has meant that we have not been able to meet parishioners in the usual way, I am delighted that we are now back in church for Sunday worship. I hope and pray that this will continue. It affords us all the time to come together in the presence of God as His people here in Rathmichael. But it also allows me the pleasure of meeting more of you in person.

I look forward to meeting you in person in the coming weeks, or indeed chatting over the phone if you don’t feel safe coming to church just yet. Together, I feel certain that we will continue to build on the won-derful sense of community and development of God’s mission that you have all been a part of under the visionary leadership of Fred and, in more recent times, Terry.

Cherith, Marcus and I would like to wish each of you God’s richest blessings this Christmas time, and in-deed for the New Year. I pray that you will once again experience the joy of the invitation and welcome which we receive from God in the Christmas message. Let us all try to encounter it in a new way this Christmas, after such a rocky year.

‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it’. (John 1:5)


Phone No. Rectory - (01) 282 2803

Mobile: 087 184 9825





6th DECEMBER 2020

11.00 hrs


Mark 1: 1-8



13th DECEMBER 2020

11.00 hrs

15.00 hrs


‘Magnificat’ Canticle (Luke 1: 46-55


For families with young children



20th DECEMBER 2020

11.00 hrs

15.00 hrs


Luke 1: 26-38


In a shortened form in order to comply

with current restrictions



24th DECEMBER 2020

21.00 hrs


There will be no midnight service



25th DECEMBER 2020

08.30 hrs

10.00 hrs

11.30 hrs




It is important that those planning to attend the

11.30 hrs service do NOT enter the church grounds

until 11.10 hrs




Sunday 27th DECEMBER 2020

11.00 hrs


Luke 2: 15-21



A lot of thought has gone into planning the Christmas services given that we must abide by the current

Covid-driven regulations while at the same time wishing to provide a proper schedule of services at this very

important church festival.

The arrangements are as follows:

Sunday 13th December: Morning service at 11am. In the afternoon at 3pm there will be a carol ser-

vice aimed primarily for families and young children.

Sunday 20th December: Morning service at 11am. Carol Service at 3pm (In a shortened form in order to

comply with current restrictions).

Christmas Eve: Service of Holy Communion at 9pm. There will be no midnight service.

Christmas Day: Holy Communion at 8.30am, 2 morning services at 10am and 11.30am. It is important that

those planning to attend the 11.30am service do NOT enter the church grounds until 11.10.

Sunday 27th December: Morning prayer at 11am for the Feast of St John the Evangelist.

At all of these services masks must be worn, contact details will apply and social-distancing fully observed -

especially in the churchyard after the services. The church will be disinfected by a bio-misting system and,

as per current requirements, strict time limits will apply.

It is really VITAL that those wishing to attend church do so at the times set out above and that we all comply

with the Covid requirements. Numbers able to attend in the church and in the Erck Hall (to which services

will be relayed) will unfortunately continue to be strictly limited. The frightening risk is that both church and

hall may be full on occasions when some arrive and sadly, we have no option other than to say please stay

outside. We fully realise that this could cause upset but we do have to follow government guidelines. We

would therefore appreciate your understanding and patience at this time.We have considered bringing in a

service pre-booking system but will not be introducing this as even this would not prevent possible prob-


Having said all the above it is our hope that as many as possible will be able to worship with us at the

Christmas festival. It would also be gratefully appreciated if you know of anybody who might not be aware of

these details, and who would hope to attend church, that they would be advised of the above plans.

Finally, every good wish and blessings at this Christmas tide,

Sean and the Select Vestry




On 22nd

February 2012 I received an email from a young man in Dublin saying “Shortly I am going to graduate from

Trinity College Dublin and I wondered if you would be able to make me a hood, and if you could, how much would it

cost for my BA degree”. I wrote back to him and quoted the price, he accepted the quote, I made the hood, he

graduated and that was that. Except it wasn’t that, because for whatever reason, he and I began to correspond and

in the course of that correspondence had occasion to let him know that I was also a priest of the Church of England.

By 2015, three years later, I had an email from him saying “I’m feeling very drawn to Holy Orders and I’m wonder-

ing, given all that you have known of me for the past three years of our correspondence, whether you think this is a

good idea to pursue, or not. I wrote back immediately and said “Go for it, if you don’t test it out, for the rest of your

life it will be What if? What if I had done it, what would the outcome be?” He was duly ordained a Deacon in 2017.

Well, that’s why I am here, but why is Sean here? The obvious answer is because the Archbishop has appointed

him, but it goes far deeper and more profoundly than that. The Archbishop has discerned in Sean a particular set of

gifts which he believes are highly appropriate for the parish of Rathmichael. So what are these gifts embodied in

Sean Hanily? Well I would like to illustrate that by two stories and the first one is from this parish of Rathmichael.

When this present church was opened in 1864, it acquired the ministry as Rector of one Edward Burton. There’s a

memorial in the grounds at the east end of the church to the wonderful characteristics of this man who was loved

and revered in the course of his time in this parish. In his book Unforgotten, Canon Ernest Drury devoted nine pag-

es to extolling the virtues of Edward Burton and he says this, which jumped out at me, “a good liturgist, he upheld

the tenets of worship faithfully. Mr Burtons quiet ,devout conduct of the Communion Service must have been like

that of Newman’s in his Anglican days. It required no external enhancement. Mr Burtons sermons were deeply ap-

preciated for their spirituality, that they were wrought with utmost care, and that his permanent attitude was that

Grace might be with all those who loved our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity’.

For Edward Burton read Sean Hanily. Sean embodies these beautiful gifts as well. For the last fifteen months, as I

mentioned at the beginning, we have been walking a particularly close spiritual and pastoral journey. He has looked

after the parish of St Columba’s, Omagh single handily from the time his Rector left and took another parish. I have

watched, in the course of these lockdowns, the broadcasting of worship that Sean has been able to manage from

St Columba’s. I assure you that my response is that Sean shows, through those recordings, integrity, sensitivity, a

deep understanding of what the particular act of worship means in these particular cases. He does embody these

gifts, which Canon Drury extolled so beautifully in Edward Burton.

In conclusion I want to share with you a little anecdote which many of you at Rathmichael may not know.

Bishop Kenneth Kennedy, Bishop of Chota Nagpur in India, had to retire early because of ill health, and he came

and settled in the parish of Rathmichael. During his time here he made a gift of a baptismal font to another parish

in the Church of Ireland. On the 26th September 1902,that baptismal font was

dedicated in the church to which it was given -the parish of St Columba, Omagh. One

hundred and seventeen years later, to the very day, 26th September 2019,a little boy

was born. His name is Marcus Zachary Hanily and Marcus was baptised in that bap-

tismal font from the parish of Rathmichael. I know that, probably this will be coinci-

dental. But it says to me that these things which we hear about which are too coinci-

dental to be coincidental; they remind us of the incredible unity of everything within in

the Church, nationwide and worldwide . Its wonderful that the baptism of this little boy

occurred in a font, given by a Bishop, from the parish of Rathmichael.

The Most Reverend Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin, Archdeacon Neil O’Raw and Archdeacon

David Pierpoint who officiated at the “virtual” Institution of Rev’d. Sean Jerome Hanily as Incumbent of

Rathmichael Parish on Saturday 19th November 2020.

Due to Covid restrictions there was no congregation present and we look forward to celebrating with

Rev’d. Sean and his family in the not too distant future.


As we very much look forward to welcoming the Hanily family to the parish and to the refurbished

Rectory, this time sees us having to say farewell to Terry and Breda Lilburn. Terry has been Priest- in-

Charge of the parish for the last 21 months and has made a huge impact especially as he handled

parish matters as well as being a very busy hospital chaplain. It’s almost as if a heavy workload falls

naturally to Terry as any request was met by a ‘Why not’ or ‘How can I help’.

Terry has natural warmth and a straightforward open manner which, with his unflagging enthusiasm

has given us wonderful pastoral leadership. His sermons were a great mixture of the biblical and the

real life experience and his wine tasting classes, well say no more. Terry you will be missed in


Geoffrey Perrin, Hon. Secretary Select Vestry


Last term we said goodbye to Vonla Griffin and Elaine Carr. Vonla worked at this school for 41 years Last term we

said goodbye to Vonla Griffin and Elaine Carr. Vonla worked at this school for 41 years

and was my Deputy Principal. Elaine Carr worked with us for 18 years as an SNA. They

will both be badly missed in this school. Unfortunately, with this pan-

demic we were unable to give them the real send-off that they de-

served. We put videos together for each of them with memories,

pictures and anecdotes for them to see. We recorded a song for

them which included all the children. They were recorded under diffi-

cult circumstances. Each class was recorded separately and with

the help of Robert Gallagher the song was put together. Many

thanks to Naomi Clarkson and Robert for their help with this. They

were each given vouchers from the school and a painting for them

to keep. When Covid disappears (We live in hope!) both ladies will

be frequent visitors to the school. The staff will take them out also to help celebrate their retirement. I would like to

wish them the very best in their retirement.

Congratulations to Norah Tinney in 6th Class on winning a writing competition held by

Children’s Books Ireland, in the 5th and 6th class category. The school was given books

to the value of €250 for the library. She was also given a prize and promised a trip to

RTE to have herself recorded telling her story. What an experience that will be for her.

Congratulations to Kate Delahunty who got a Certificate of Commendment from The

judges of the Texaco Art Competition.

It is so great to see children participating in these events outside of school and repre-

senting the school in so doing. I am very proud of them both.

As a school we are collecting donations for the Zoo. The children are very upset that the

zoo is struggling and want to help. Every child has drawn their favourite zoo animal and

this is displayed in the school. Donations are coming in and we are all very grateful.

We will all be wearing our Christmas jumpers on the last day of term. The children will bring in €3 and this will be

given to Laura Lynn.

Caroline Senior, Principal.


On behalf of the Rathmichael Parish Select Vestry I would like to take this opportunity

to thank those of you who have so consistently, throughout the year and throughout the

Lockdown, donated by cash, cheque, bank transfer, Standing Order and the Envelope


I would like to remind those of you contributing through the envelope scheme that the

2021 envelopes are now available in the church porch.

If you would like to switch to donating by Bank Transfer or Standing Order please see

the details on following form.

Wishing you and your families a

Very Happy, Healthy, Holy and Safe Christmas


Lily Byrne

Hon Treasurer, Rathmichael Parish,

Old Conagh Cottage,

Thornhill Road,


Co. Dublin,

A98 X2E7



To: The Manager


Please charge to my/our Account and pay to AIB, Deansgrange, Dublin 18 and

Credit of Rathmichael Parish, account details below:-

Account Name: Rathmichael Parish

Account No: 40168005

Sort Code: 93-33-92


IBAN: IE31AIBK93339240168005

The sum of Euro ______________________________________

Commencing on (date) _________________________________

And on the same day of each succeeding;

Month/Half Year/Year

Until _____________________________(insert date or “until further notice”)


Account Name:…………………………………………………………………………..

Account No:……………………………………………………………………………….

Sort Code: …………………………………………………………………………………

BIC: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Hi kids

I’m sure it feels like it’s been forever since we had Sunday Club but we are preparing for when we will be allowed to welcome you back . I know you are all busy preparing for Christmas and Jesus’ big birthday celebrations and that is exactly what Advent is about so enjoy and have a safe happy Advent and Christmas.

I know you are all so good at colouring, so enjoy colouring the birth of Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem.

Best wishes,


She laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn


Each year in the month of January every Church of Ireland parish revises its register of parishioners.

People who have become new members of the Parish and parishioners who have reached the age of

eighteen are entitled to become registered members of the Parish (referred to as registered vestry


In a similar manner, names of those who have ceased to be registered vestry persons through death or

having moved away from the Parish, are deleted.

To be so registered entitles one to vote at the Annual Easter Vestry Meeting, the Parish AGM. An up-to-

date register is also helpful when the Church of Ireland carries out a census of its members.

Please therefore, if applicable, complete and return the form below to a Churchwarden on or before 15th

January 2021.


Declaration Form for new Registered Vestry Members

(If by 15th January 2020 you will have reached the age of 18 or if you have recently become a member of

Rathmichael Parish, you should complete the following declaration and give it to a Churchwarden or the Rector

before 15th January 2020.




Name (Address)

I declare that I am a member of the Church of Ireland; that I am a *Resident or *Accustomed Member of the

congregation of Rathmichael Parish in the Diocese of Dublin; that I am over 18 years of age and that I am not now

registered elsewhere as an above stated member of a congregation in the Church of Ireland.

Signed:___________________________________ Dated______________________

*Delete whichever does NOT apply

* ('Resident') means a person within Rathmichael Parish and attending Rathmichael Church


We would like to encourage parishioners to consider getting the monthly magazine The Church Review.

For new subscribers the cost will be €40 per annum but for existing subscribers, due to missing copies because of

the Covid pandemic, the cost will be €30 and is now due and should be paid to Carol Bond by cheque

made payable to her. Carol would greatly appreciate prompt payment of subs.

We are always hoping to increase the circulation of the Church Review in the parish.

The Review has interesting news from all the parishes in the Diocese, a foreword from the Archbishop, book

reviews, a very popular crossword and many other articles - why don’t you consider getting it.

Please contact Carol at 282 6391 (by 18th December) if you wish to renew or take a new subscription.

We would take this opportunity to thank Carol for collecting and distributing the Review every month for the

past number of years - too numerous to mention!

The Christmas Story by Leanne Guenther

Once upon a time, A long, long time ago.

Begins the story of a baby, That most of you should know.

His daddy's name was Joseph,

And Mary was His mom, This babe was very special He was God's only Son.

Some angels came from heaven, And they began to sing. To the shepherds in the fields below, "Glad tidings do we bring!"

A bright star lit the heavens, To light the magi's way, To the baby in the manger Who was born on Christmas day.

And all who gathered round Him, Rejoiced and praised His birth.

For the babe, the King, named Jesus, Is our Saviour here on earth!




We will be having our annual appeal and hoping for the

fantastic support that you, the parishioners, give us.

Unlike previous years, owing to Covid restrictions, we are

unable to pack the hampers ourselves and will have to rely on

the generosity of parishioners to send us money.

This can be given to Geoffrey Perrin or Fiona Ashe or sent to

our Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. Lily Byrne.

Many thanks in anticipation of your kind support which is

greatly appreciated by those who receive assistance.

Fiona Ashe 087 8215806

& Geoffrey Perrin 087 9174452