December 2015 Dear Friends and Family: Newsletter By ... · Dear Friends and Family: Newsletter By:...

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Transcript of December 2015 Dear Friends and Family: Newsletter By ... · Dear Friends and Family: Newsletter By:...

Newsletter By: Janice Mason Dear Friends and Family:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holy Day! This is a wonderful time to express to you my deep appreciation for your love, care, and support throughout the year and always. Did you ever wonder where the term “Happy Holidays” came from? There is one Holy One, and I like to believe the reference began on that most holy night when our Savior first graced this earth. Don’t tell the opposition. They may start a new campaign!

During this wonderful season, we are mindful of those less fortunate than ourselves. My heart goes to Peru and the amazing work going on through Reimagine Peru. Seeing the doors He continually opens is nothing less than miraculous, and our people in place (Deanna and Yhon) boldly walk right through them. I love and appreciate the Reimagine Peru mission more and more as time goes on. It meets the desperate physical needs, yes, but it also brings salvation, healing, and new life to those loved ones in need. Our team on the ground not only ministers to the spiritual and physical needs of the Santa Rosita Community, it works with a local doctor and his hospital, ministering God’s love, compassion, healing, and encouragement to the patients and helping with the work routines. There is a tremendous work with children. Other doors are being opened and much work is yet to be done.

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about our two Reimagine Peru team members ‘on the ground’ in Peru, Deanna and Yhon. Deanna Trujillo left the staff of Pensacola Teen Challenge to serve the Reimagine Peru mission long-term in Lima in May. It was courageous for this single lady to do so. Some of the assistance she was anticipating fell away after she arrived, but GOD! He has taken such good care of her, and He brought to her side our amazing Peruvian Reimagine leader, Yhon Falcon Perales, to work with her. Deanna’s skills and abilities, developed at Teen Challenge, are being greatly utilized in the ministry in Peru. She is amazing, but she humbly ascribes all victories to God. Yhon (or John) has worked with the Reimagine teams from the USA since before my first trip to Peru in June of 2010. He is an amazing young man, whom I have embraced as my Peruvian grandson. He is our Peruvian leader, guide, protector, negotiator, and fills many more roles for the teams. He anticipates our needs before we know them. Yhon loves the team members intensely, and the team members love him in return. Yhon has an amazing ability to minister to the children, many of them fatherless.

The two Reimagine Peru teams in the USA are already preparing for the 2016 mission trip in late June and July and raising funds to cover the expenses. Each team stays a week. I was privileged to stay in Peru this year with both teams, and would love to do so again in 2016. One week is just not sufficient to do everything I feel I need to do. I covet your prayers and support for this heartfelt desire. The Lord has especially connected me with the women of the community, and the bonds are tight and loving. I cook with them and introduce new needlework patterns and crafts to them; many of them already know how to knit and crochet, but they love something new. Some of the ladies sell their creations. This time together creates opportunities for testimony and ministry. The most important issue of all is that those dear ones come into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, and it is happening, for which I am so thankful.

Again, I thank you more than I can express and pray that you have a wonderful Christmas season.

Janice Mason

P.O. BOX 3040 • PENSACOLA, FL • 32516-3040 (850) 453-3453 EX 116 • WWW.GLOBEINTL.ORG

December 2015