December 2014 Sowing and Reaping - Ministry International

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Transcript of December 2014 Sowing and Reaping - Ministry International

Many have been un-

faithful in their cove-

nants with God and

with man. They have

found themselves in a

place of sowing to the

flesh. For many, the

lust of the flesh spo-

ken of in Galatians 5

has consumed their

lives. In blindness

they have sown con-

sistently after the lust

of their flesh and their

2015 is going to be

full of unpleasant

reaping. How could

you ever believe

that you will reap

the blessings that

come from our Fa-

ther in heaven when

you have chosen to

do it all your way?

No matter what the

prophecies are for the

church in this New

Year, it will not keep

you from reaping what

you have sown. Your

only way of relief

from your sowing is to

return to your first

love through repen-

The law of Sowing

and Reaping found

in Galations 6 is not a

new subject with the

body of Christ in this

generation; however,

knowing something

and dealing with the

reality of it is two dif-

ferent things. W ith

this in mind, what is

the reality of what

you will be reaping

in 2015? Whether

you are a seasoned

minister, newly saved,

or someone that has

never accepted Jesus

Christ as your lord and

savior, this is where

we really get the truth

for your new year.

Yes, my friend, the

truth is you have been

sowing and you are

going to reap.

tance, quit making ex-

cuses, and stop blam-

ing other people. It’s

time to quit running

and begin to face the

truth that sets free. It’s

time to love, forgive,

and bless even those

you consider your en-

emy. Yes, it is even

time to be faithful in

tithes and offerings.

It is time to start

obeying God. Do not

be deceived, if you

keep sowing to the

flesh and refuse to re-

pent and become a

doer of the Word, life

can only offer you

what you have sown.

You will continue to

derail God’s plan for

your life and delay the

very blessing you

know He has prom-

ised. STOP, it is time

to quit living in a fan-

tasy world and take

responsibility know-

ing that you are the

deciding factor. We

pray that you will step

again into God’s grace

and ability so that

Letter from the CEO, Dr. J. Tony Slay

Merry Christmas

from the Staff of


Sowing and Reaping

Inside this issue:

Letter from the CEO 2

Tribute 3

As If That Weren’t Enough 4

Testimonial 5

Missions 6-7

Christmas Giving 8

Institute News 9-10

December 2014

Dr. J. Tony Slay

Ministry International Inc.

& Institute

Tell A Friend 11

your destiny will

change to the God-

destiny that has been

prepared for you.

For those of you that

have chosen to walk in

the Spirit, walking in

love, being a doer of

the Word and not a

hearer only, way to

go! Your 2015 is go-

ing to be powerful,

full of God’s interven-

tion on your behalf.

You are reaping the

path that God has

called you to walk

with all the provisions

and blessings that God

has promised in His

word and through His

personal relationship

with you. You have

chosen to arise and

shine for your light

has come. You have sown love so you will be loved, be-cause you have sown joy, you will reap joy and because you have sown peace, you will reap peace. You have

been faithful in your

covenant and in your

giving in tithes and

offerings. You have a

year set to enjoy su-

pernatural provisions

of heaven. Your

money will go further

because God is keep-

ing the thief from

stealing from you.

You are going to reap

good measure, pressed

down, shaken together

and running over and

God will use man to

bless you. You are

going to bear much

fruit and enjoy a

hedge of protection

that extends to your

family. You will have

the faith to obey any-

thing God has for you

to do. Keep up the

faith and let the bless-

ing flow. Enjoy the victory God has ordained for you. In conclusion, the

truth sets free when

you embrace it.

We pray that the reality of Jesus Christ will be strong

with you throughout

Christmas and into 2015.

Page 2 Sowing and Reaping

Galatians 6

Bear and Share the Burdens

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you

who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of

gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be

tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill

the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks himself to

be something, when he is nothing, he deceives

himself. 4 But let each one examine his own work,

and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone,

and not in another. 5 For each one shall bear his own

load. Be Generous and Do Good

6 Let him who is taught the word share in all good

things with him who teaches.7 Do not be deceived,

God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that

he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh

will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows

to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for

in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good

to all, especially to those who are of the household

of faith. Glory Only in the Cross

11 See with what large letters I have written to you

with my own hand! 12 As many as desire to make a

good showing in the flesh, these would compel you

to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer

persecution for the cross of Christ. 13 For not even

those who are circumcised keep the law, but they

desire to have you circumcised that they may boast

in your flesh. 14 But God forbid that I should boast

except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by

whom[a] the world has been crucified to me, and I to

the world. 15 For in Christ Jesus neither

circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything,

but a new creation. Blessing and a Plea

16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace

and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of

God. 17 From now on let no one trouble me, for I

bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. 18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be

with your spirit. Amen.

In Loving Memory of Rev. Dr. Marianne Pearson

On December 9th Rev. Dr. Marianne Pearson went home to be with the Lord. Marianne is the wife of

Bishop Dr. John Pearson, the Executive Administrator and Treasurer of Ministry International Inc.. (MII)

Marianne served on the Board of MII and helped plan social events and conferences.

Those of you who know Marianne know that she loved the Lord, she was a giver and taught women for

years how to bring glory to God through praise and worship. She loved to laugh and brought tremendous

joy to people everywhere she went. Marianne was a very loved part of our MII family and we greatly

miss her and her bubbly personality!

Psalm 116:15 ~ Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. (Marianne is home at last!)

God gave us a precious gift, His

Son, Jesus, all wrapped up in a

package of human flesh and

swaddling clothes. Jesus gave a

precious gift to those who would

receive it, eternal life…

salvation. As if that weren’t

enough, God sent us another

gift, the Holy Spirit. Wow, we get all of God, all of Jesus and all of the Holy Spirit, plus eternal life. You

might be wondering what more

we could possibly ask for; how-

ever, if you know the heart of

God then you know that He

loves us so much that He de-

lights to lavish gifts upon us.

In that beautiful salvation pack-

age He included some pretty

amazing things. Psalm 103:1-6

– Bless the Lord, O my soul; and

all that is within me, bless His

holy name! Bless the Lord, O

my soul, and forget not all His

benefits; Who forgives all your

iniquities, Who heals all your

diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who

crowns you with lovingkind-ness and tender mercies, Who

satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

The Lord executes righteous-ness and justice for all who

are oppressed…

Shall I go on? Are you getting

excited yet? That’s the gift of

the Holy Spirit you feel stirring

inside of you right now. If you

don’t feel anything, back up

and read that scripture again,

this time a little more slowly.

This time as you read each

statement take the time to re-

member when He forgave you,

all the times He healed you,

when He redeemed you, when

He delivered you, when He

showed you mercy and kind-

ness even though you deserved

the opposite. How many times

has He renewed your strength?

How many times has He been

a shield to you? There are so

many times He protected you

and you don’t even know about


I have children and when I

give them gifts it delights me

to see them enjoying and using

those gifts. How about we give a gift back to God? Let’s take Him at His Word. If

God says it, let’s believe it

without wavering. Let’s give Him joy by agreeing with His

Word and standing on His

promises! Let’s by faith,

receive all He has provided. If

you received a prophetic word

but haven’t seen it come to

pass yet, then contend for it. If

you’ve read a scripture about

healing but it hasn’t manifested

in your body yet, contend for

it. Agree with God and lay

claim to that which is yours.

He obviously wants you to

have it – He allowed the

darlin’ of Heaven to be

sacrificed so you could prosper,

body – soul – and spirit!

My heart beats with this one desire ~ To bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His holy name!

Page 4

As If That Weren’t Enough—Dr. Yvonne Waller

Psalm 31:19 How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

Dr. Yvonne Waller, Office Adminis-

trator at Ministry International Inc.

Merry Christmas to my MII family!

I am always amazed of how the spirit the lord moves and dwells amongst his children when we yield to his

presence. Recently, I had the opportunity to minister in a revival for about 4 days. What a wonderful ex-

perience it was. Anytime I prepare for a revival in that length of days, I fast and pray hard. This is so that

the Lord can move within me as his vessel.

Particularly, one night in the revival, the Lord prophetically gave me a word of knowledge concerning

someone in the room that needed healing from HIV! I openly said what the Holy Spirit inspired me to say,

“The Lord is going to extract the virus from your body.” I said that out loud.... Well, the next night the

Lord allowed me to minister to the individual and this person began to cry aloud and wail in the presence

of the Lord. I said to him personally, “The Lord is about to heal you completely.”

I got a call recently from the pastor who allowed me to minister at the revival and he was glorifying the

Lord on the phone with such great joy. He began to say repeatedly, "The Lord did it, the Lord did it,!” He

simply stated that the person I ministered to about the HIV called him to tell him that they had just left

their checkup and his doctor couldn't find the virus. They tested him twice and even called in 2 other spe-

cialists just to confirm that the virus was no longer there!

The doctors are baffled and simply asked him, “Where do you go to church?” The person who was healed

responded, “GOD DID IT!” Let's believe always in the power of our GOD! There is a balm in


Graced with Favor, Bishop Dr. W. Williams, Jr,

Page 5

Testimonial by Bishop Dr. Wales Wil l iams, Jr .

Har vest P lace Christian Church in Ca lera, AL

Ministry Certification


Did you know that MII credentials qualified people around the world to

become Licensed or Ordained Ministers? If you feel you qualify and

have excellent references, fill out an application online and someone

from our office will contact you.

For more information click on the link below:

To complete an application, click on the link below:


My name is Jerry Cobb

and I have been on eleven

mission trips to Honduras

as a MII minister. We

work in the city of Talanga

with Project Manuelito.

This is a place where chil-

dren which have been

abandoned can go and

grow up in a safe environ-

ment. The Project was

started by a local pastor,

Jorge Pinto. He saw the

need and believed God he

would be able to make a


On the trips we offer our

service to help the nation-

als that work at the project.

Most of the work is build-

ing buildings to house the

children. We are not

skilled builders but we do

the work anyway.

The children at the project

have a song they sing. The

song goes like this, “We

don’t want your money,

we don’t want your pos-

sessions, we just want

your love!”

The real blessings in Hon-

duras are these children.

Each time we return we

think that we are going to

minister to the children

but they always end up

ministering to us. God is

God no matter where you

are. It is such a privilege

to go as a MII minister

and make a difference in

the lives of these children.

Page 6



Ministry International Inc.

& Institute

Much thanks to our MII ministers, family and friends that so gra-

ciously gave again this year to bless the children of Trinidad. We

were able to give out 120 pairs of nice tennis shoes and socks to

children that live in the orphanage and others that are from families

in the community that are struggling financially. It was prophesied

that we were to place a scripture in each pair of shoes as a declara-

tion over the children and their families.

Thank you for your generous hearts. We love you and bless you and

pray for a hundred fold return!!!!!

Page 7 Trinidad Shoe Project

Do you find it amazing how that

during Christmas people find the

ability to bless family, friends

and even strangers? I love to

see everyone moving into the

state of mind that they are going

to be a blessing. We see more

joy in this time of the year than

any other.

Have you ever heard all the

wonderful testimonies of finan-

cial miracles? There are more

financial miracles during this

time of the year than any other.

The miracle of people that are

struggling to pay their bills and

put food on the table, all of a

sudden find the ability to buy

gifts, prepare major meals and

spend time with people they

hardly have time for in everyday


The whole season of Christmas is

a miracle. Our heavenly Father

out of his love for mankind

started this season by giving the

greatest gift of all. John 3:16 It

is true that God gave us the best

gift ever given. He gave us his

son so that everyone that would

receive his gift would be saved

and have a place in eternity with

him, free from all the bad stuff.

I believe that as we celebrate

this gift of Jesus Christ that we

can’t help but get into the mind-

set of God’s giving heart. Let’s

call it a spirit of giving. Even

the story of Scrooge is about

when a self centered

Page 8

Christmas Giving

mean man, full of greed and

much pain, finds the spirit of

giving and the joy that comes

with it. The spirit of giving

changes people anytime they

enter into it. The nature of our

God is giving and love for

others seems to be mixed into

those that enter in.

Well, my thoughts are that

since we see love and miracles

multiplied during this season,

we ought to be doing this thing

called giving all year long.

After all, Luke 6:38 tells us

that when we give it comes

back in abundance.

So, I give a prayer for you this

Christmas that the spirit of

giving will find you and all

those around you so that your

season is filled with miracles

and lots of love.


Give a special gift this Christmas ~ Rhema Cry

Debut CD!

Rhema Cry’s self-titled, debut cd

with 5 songs. Four original

worship songs and a powerful

rendition of the popular, worship

song, “Where You Go I

Go.” This album is filled with

uplifting songs that reveal

God’s heart and release Him to

move in extravagant ways for

those who listen. Song List: 1. Love Everlasting

2.Healing 3. Beautiful Mystery

4. Where You Go I Go

5. Reveal

Purchase online at

rhema-cry-cd/ Cost: $10.00

We’re excited to welcome the new students of:

Hagion Ethnos, San Juan, Trinidad – Instructor, Pastor Renold


Hagion Ethnos, Berbice, Guyana – Instructor, Pastor Danny

Bethlehem Temple , GA - Instructor, Pastor Jerry Boykin

Harvest Place, GA - Instructor, Pastor Kevin Collins

Center of Hope, TN – Instructor, Bishop Dr. Tony Slay

Page 9

School News—New School Openings

School News—Congratulations Graduates !

Harvest Place Christian Center, AL – Instructor, Bishop Dr. Wales Williams Jr.

The Church at Bethel, AL – Instructor, Rev. Harvey Hubbard

Honey Rock Victorious, TN – Instructor, David Penn

Hagion Ethnos, Chiguanas, Trinidad—Instructor, Dr. Chris Mitchell

Hagion Ethnos, Chiguanas, Trinidad—Instructor, Bishop Dr. Richard Jeremiah

Global Revival Min., Arima, Trinidad—Instructor, Pastor Dr. Kathleen Ali

It’s class time at The Gathering in Florida!

Page 10

Did you know that MII offers you the ability to correspond the course material if you are

unable to attend a class in your area? You have the ability to earn an Associate of Ministry

all the way through a Doctor of Ministry from the comfort of your home, working at your

own pace. For more information, contact Dr. Chris Waller at 865-938-5544.

Low Start Up Fee ~ Affordable Monthly Payment Plan

What are you waiting for?


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Ministry International Inc.

& Institute

Ministry International Inc.

P. O. Box 1322

Powell, TN 37849


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