December 1 sst training

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Transcript of December 1 sst training

SSTs: The Next Chapter in the Adventure

SSTs: Chapter Fourin the AdventureNew ProceduresGoal Writing/ResourcesLooking Ahead

I am enough of a realist to understand that I cant reach every child but I am more of an optimist who will get up every morning and try.


Jigsaw: The Why Behind RtI

Reading:Find your group by looking at the number at the bottom of your packet.Read the IntroductionRead your assigned questionCreate an info graphic explaining the answer to your question.

18 minutes for entire activity. Note: music will stop at 18:23.3

The Pre SSTThe PreSST(SST1) is a teacher-led meeting held with the parents.Forms completed are: Parent Interview 1 or 2 Intervention Form Upper Elementary Student Interview

The SST 1 is continued as long as progress is being seen add more intervention forms as needed4




The Student Intervention Log drives the SST Process. The Target Behaviors, Intended Outcomes and Results are recorded using Quantitative Data. i.e. percentages, number of observed incidents recorded at the same time each day, etc

Most important form in the packet8

Follow up Date/Time:

Components of a Goal or Target Behavior:

Who(Student)Does what(Intervention)How much accuracy(Quantitative)Measured how and by who(Teacher/Counselor)



A SMART GoalSpecific i.e. what part of reading will you attack/name ONE behavior to correct.Measurable- tally sheet/gradebook/formative assessmentAmbitious- + 1 Realistic- what does the data show the student is doing now?Take into account the Gen Ed curriculum and time between assessing progress

Examples of measurable objectsWhen given a mid-quarter assessment of algebraic problem-solving , Kelly will be able to compute the answers with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher created tests. When given sixth grade material, Kelly will be able to read a passage orally at 95 wpm with no more than 5 errors as measured by a computer- generated fluency test(e.g. Ticket to Read)12


Lets Give It a Try Scenario 1Marco is a high school student who does not receive special education or Section 504 services. In his Algebra I class, Marco often makes mistakes when multiplying or dividing large numbers with decimals. When Marco uses a calculator, he arrives at the correct answer.

Scenario 2Tonya is a fifth grade student who loves science. She is a student with high functioning Aspergers Syndrome. Her dad is concerned that Tonya fails to fill out her daily agenda. She performs poorly on in-class assessments except for science because she doesnt study for the tests.

Follow up Date/Time:

Next Steps is to add 2-3 Interventions. Thats where your Pyramid comes in. 14

CNUSD 2014/2015 RtI Pyramid

Special Education/504 Assessment Student Success Team(SST) Referral.Documentation and Follow-up on Agreed Upon Interventions.Off- Track Attendance Triple P Parenting ClassRead 180 Small Group Pull OutParent Interviews and Intervention LogsIn-school Intervention Before/After School Tutoring Cross-age Tutoring Health Action Plans Ticket to Read/Adapted Mind BIP Outside Tutoring Targeted Intervention/Learning Communities Classroom Accommodations Afterschool Rosetta Stone Morning Computer Lab Access ASES Harvey Mudd Tutoring Reading by 9

Common Assessments Pacing Guides PTTs ELD SDAIE Discovery Learning Standards-based Instruction First Best Instruction Thinking Maps DOK

Eight Engaging Qualities Using the Core with Fidelity *Universal Access IntensiveStrategicBuilding BlocksUniversal Access is not just for Special Education Students*80%15% - 20%Up to 5%

School-wide accommodations are found on our RtI Pyramid/the SST Team Leader website will have a student resources intervention ideas page. All school websites should consider adding a page. Take a few minutes to update your Pyramids. Then add your interventions for either Marco or Tanya

Remember that unlike an IEP/504, you can recommend a specific program that your school offers but others may not. The SST is not a legal document.16

The Office Level SSTAn office level SST is only requested for the following circumstances:

The student is showing no or limited growth over time with interventions.The parent requests an SST with an administrator present or has written a letter requesting assessment. At that time, the teacher should stillcomplete a Parent Interview and Document Interventions.3) Interventions are needed that alter a students instructional day. A subject taught outside of the childs grade level thereby altering the standards being taught.Interventions requiring the student miss a core subject.

Special Circumstances: Parent issues requiring Administrative intervention.

If the student is progressing, the teacher contacts parents with updates.

Lets Bring in the Team

SST Meeting Protocol Use for Team/Admin. Level SSTs

1.Introductions - Chairperson2. Statement of meeting purpose - Teacher3. Student Strengths Teacher/Parent4. Presentation of Data - Teacher5. List of Interventions in place with results - Teacher6. List further concerns/Develop no more than 2 Targeted Behaviors and add to Intervention Page - Alla)Use CBESs Pyramid of Interventionsb)Use blank Pyramid to develop further interventions that will meet Targeted Behavior Goals Chairperson and Parent have a copyc)Add chosen Interventions, no more than 2-3 per Targeted Behavior, to the Intervention Page.7. Further Questions? Chairperson8. Set follow up meeting Time and Date Chairperson9. Signatures and Thank You for Attending - Chairperson


Go step by step with forms19

New Q Documentation

When all is done, remember to document on Q all school sites should have a designated person who documents on Q20

RetentionAmerican Educational Research Association

PromotionWhat we believe


Current ResearchThe Acceleration Talk is copyrighted 2014 by the Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration (IRPA), a part of The Connie Belin & Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development (Belin-Blank Center) at The University of Iowa. All rights are reserved. Permission is granted to others to use the Acceleration Talk for educational purposes only.

18 different types of promotion22

The Evidence is Clear, Consistent, and CurrentWe expect 1 year of academic growth in a student for each year of school.The research on academic acceleration consistently shows additional academic growth over that one year. For example:4 months of additional growth for single subject acceleration6 months of additional growth for grade-skipping7 months of additional growth for computer on-line courses1.5 years of additional growth for Saturday classes on a university campusThese data were reported in a chapter by Karen Rogers in A Nation Empowered (2015). She analyzed recent research studies on academic acceleration that included over 50,000 subject-based accelerated students and over 2,800 grade-based accelerated students and their comparison groups.

SSTs for ELLsSchools are required to hold SSTs for those students who do not show growth on the California English Language Development Test(CELDT).School sites should record current interventions and add any additional appropriate interventions to support the students language development.Record all interventions on Q under SST

SLP/SST Procedures - DraftSLP/SST ProceduresPre SST General Education Teacher will consult Articulation/Language Charts and/or Site SLP to determine the developmental appropriateness of Speech/Language concerns.SST I Parent/Teacher Level (Forms Needed: Parent Interview Form, Student Intervention Form) 5-6 weeksIn attendance: Parent(s), TeacherTeacher may consult with SLP to develop strategies/interventions for classroom and home use. This may include, but are not limited to, Articulation/Language Developmental Charts, home exercises, practice words and sentences. SST II Team Level (New Forms Added: Additional Interventions are written using Follow Up Form, additional forms as needed) 5-6 weeksIn Attendance: Teacher, Grade-level Team, Consultant as appropriateTeacher will consult with Grade-level Team, along with additional consultation with Specialists as needed.SST III Office Level (New Forms added: Referral to SST, Follow Up Form, Additional Forms as needed) In Attendance: Teacher, Parent, SST Chair and/or Site Administrator, Additional Specialists as appropriate.Teacher presents data and paperwork to SST Chair. SST Chair reviews paperwork for completion and schedules a meeting. The purpose of the SST III is to review intervention results, along with addressing any remaining concerns. New interventions are added as identified. A formal evaluation may or may not be recommended at this time.

Jason Ramirez

Please know that each schools procedures may be different depending upon the SLP case load and school preferences. 25

Let Me Leave You with This

Thank You!Questions/Comments/


Symphony No. 3 in A Minor, Op. 56, "Scottish": I. Andante con moltoTbilisi Symphony Orchestra and Jansug KakhidzeMendelssohn: The Complete Symphonies, track 56/72, disc 1/12012Classical1101396.0eng - Song ID: 227107483Word did not find any entries for your table of contents.Consequences/FunctionAsapplicableFollowUpQuestionsGetasSpecificaspossible








Togetallthepagesconverted,youneedtopurchasethesoftwarefrom: Intervention Log

Student Name/Number: __________________________________________________________________ Grade: ____________ Page _____of____

Date Initiated __________________

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

SST Follow Up Intervention Log

Student Name/Number: __________________________________________________________________ Page _____of____

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Pre-SST/SST Intervention Log

Student Name/Number: __________________________________________________________________ Grade: ____________ Page _____of____

Date Initiated __________________

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

SST Follow Up Intervention Log

Student Name/Number: __________________________________________________________________ Page _____of____

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Pre-SST/SST Intervention Log

Student Name/Number: Bill Fritz/9848321 Grade: 4 Page 1 of 2

Date Initiated 8/27/13

Number: 1 Target Behavior: Bill will write a 3-paragraph response to a teacher prompt scoring 7/10 on a grade- level rubric.

Current Level as pertains to this goal: Bill writes 2 paragraphs to a prompt scoring 6/10 on a grade-level rubric see attached sample

Initiation Date Intervention Date/Quantitative/Qualitative Results

8/1/13Small group instruction in writing with Temp.Specialist 30 mins./4xs wkly.11/8/13 Writes 3 simple paragraphs scoring 6/10 see sample

8/1/13Provide a grammar guide/personal dictionary to be kept at his desk. 11/8/13 self corrects when class is prompted is using correct beginning/ending punctuation.

10/8/ 2xs/week to build grammar and vocabulary skills

Number: 2 Target Behavior: Bill will increase his reading level by 2 months every month

Current Level as pertains to this goal: Current STAR reading level of 3.0

Initiation Date Intervention Date/Quantitative/Qualitative Results

8/1/13Ticket to Read used 30mins/4 Times a week in addition to nightly homework11/8/13 less than 2xs per week/STAR 3.2 GE see attached print out

8/1/13Parent will initial Bills nightly reading contract11/8/13 inconsistent see attached

8/1/13Bill will pre-read Language Arts/Science/Social Studies test as part of nightly reading contract11/8/13 often forgets books

Follow up meeting scheduled: 11/8/13 at 8:15amStudent Name/Number: Bill Fritz 9748321 Page 2 of 2

Number : 2 Target Behavior: Continue number 2 target behavior.

Current Level as pertains to this goal: Current STAR 3.2 GE

Initiation Date Intervention Date/Quantitative/Qualitative Results

11/8/13Bill will read to a 2nd grade reading buddy 2x/wkly.

11/8/13Bill will attend morning computer lab to work on Ticket to Read 30 min/3xs per week.

11/8/13Extra Texts will be sent home with parent so nightly reading can preset Bill in LA/Soc. St./Science

Number _______ Target Behavior:

Current Level as pertains to this goal: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Initiation Date Intervention Date/Quantitative/Qualitative Results

Student Success Team Summary

Student Name: Student ID Number:School:

If ELL: ___________, ____________, ____________, ____________ Date/Overall CELDT Level

Home Language:Outcome Key

Stop - Resolved1


Referred for Strategic Intervention3

Referred for Intensive Intervention4

Referred for Sp.Ed. Evaluation(please specify program)5

Other, specify in Comments 6


Teacher Name




Referral Source: T Teacher/P Parent/A Administration/C School Counselor or Advisor