Dear Parents and...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Dear Parents and...

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 home learning will continue as normal.

Support staff will take over making calls from the class teachers as teachers are back in class for the year groups that have returned.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 6- there will be home learning slides, however they may look a little different as teachers are using them in class too, for the children who have returned.

If you have any worries please call the office between 9.30 and 3.30

Thank you again to all the parents and carers for your continued support. Kind regards, Miss Liddicoat


Year 2 Learning from Home

Welcome Year Two!

Personal Message from Year Group Teacher

➢ As always, the expectation is that all our children will continue their learning online at home.

➢ Details will be uploaded onto the Academy website by 7pm for the following day’s learning but will include Reading, Handwriting, Arithmetic, Maths, English, Spelling and Grammar and a recap of a foundation lesson.

➢ As teachers are now back in class teaching year groups that have returned, weekly contact will be done by a member of HPAM, however not the class teacher. A teaching assistant will call weekly to make sure Year 2 are keeping up with their learning at home and to answer any questions about the work they may have.

Stay safe reminders

Year Two TimetableMorning Session 1

One of the most important things to do when learning from home is to have structure and routine within your day. At school we have a timetable and it would be great for you to have one at home too! Making sure you are keeping your mind and body healthy.

9:00 – 9:30Join the community of children around the world who are taking part in Joe’s PE lessons. Every morning at 9am live.

9:30 – 9:45

Do a quick 15 minutes session on arithmetic and see if you can improve on your skills. Don’t worry if you can’t finish all the tasks. You can always go back to them at the end of the day for a challenge!

9:45 – 10:00

Read to an adult and talk about your favourite part of the story.


As we know, we have different types of comprehension questions. These

characters are here to remind you of the type of question and how to

answer it correctly.

Write the date in your book and write out all the answers. If you are

asked to match columns, write the word and matching word in your book.


Division word problems Read these word problems carefully to help you work out the answer. Look

at the numbers that you are given and divide (share) them.

I will help you with the first one;Your larger number is 50 and that needs to be divided

(shared between) 10.50 ÷ 10 = 5

Year Two TimetableMorning Session 2

10:00 – 10:15 Have a mental break! You have worked hard so far and we have to keep the brain and the body moving. There are some excellent videos on Go Noodle to try:


Well done. You deserve a break. It’s playtime! 10:45 – 11:00

Now, it is time for your Maths lesson. Work hard and stay focused! Don’t worry if you can’t finish all the tasks. You can always go back to them at the end of the day for a challenge!



Year Two TimetableMorning Session 3

11:00 – 11:15 Now, it is time for your SPAG lesson. Work hard and stay focused! Don’t worry if you can’t finish all the tasks. You can always go back to them at the end of the day for a challenge!

11:15-11:30Now, it is time for your Handwriting lesson. Work hard and stay focused! Don’t worry if you can’t finish all the tasks. You can always go back to them at the end of the day for a challenge!

11:30 – 11:40

Have a mental break! You have worked hard so far and we have to keep the brain and the body moving. There are some excellent videos on Go Noodle to try:

11:40 – 12:00Now, it is time for your Writing lesson. Work hard and stay focused! Don’t worry if you can’t finish all the tasks. You can always go back to them at the end of the day for a challenge!


The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write down the correct spelling of each word.

Choose four words and write a sentence for each one.

GrammarFor the next 2 days, you are going to use your Spelling, Grammar and

punctuation knowledge to help you solve a problem.

Each day I will give you new clues, so make sure you are keeping everything together.

The thief is ______

Handwriting Lesson

Today’s handwriting words. Use cursive (joined up) writing to write out these

words three times in your book.

Choose 3 words and write sentences using them using cursive (joined-up) handwriting


Listen to the story Superworm by Julia Donaldson again

What is the problem in the story?

Wizard Lizard has magically made Superworm disappear.

How is Superworm going to be found?

You are going to create a wanted poster for Superworm. Remember to include all information that will help;

What he looks like? Where was he last seen? Any other clues that will help.

RE Lets see what we remember and how much we have learnt about Christianity

1. What are people who follow Christianity called?2. Where do Christians worship?3. What is the Christian holy book called? Write one fact about it.4. What is the main symbol of Christianity?5. What are the 2 main festivals called that Christians celebrate?

What is a pilgrimage?

Extra online learning

Due the school closure, many great educational websites have become free for children to use at home.

HPAM staff have put them all together for you to access in an easy child-friendly format. Please see the next slide to help support you with Learning from Home.

Parents, all the teachers and staff at Primary Merton know how hard you are working and what a great job you are doing.

Please call if you need help or support.

Kind regards, Miss Liddicoat

Online Learning during the school closures. Check our our Padlet -