Dealing with the Media - Michigan Technological...

Post on 27-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Dealing with the Media - Michigan Technological...

  • Dealing with the Media

    The Good…The Badand

    The Ugly

  • “The Good”- Benefits

    • The Media can be your friend!

    • The Media can help your organization inform the public and build your organization’s reputation!

    • The Media can tell YOUR story!

    • The Media can help!

  • “The Bad” - Liabilities

    • The Media can be your enemy!

    • The Media can ignore you!

    • The Media can tell someone else’s story!

    • The Media can cause you serious headaches!

  • “The Ugly” – Dealing with it• Have a Media Person (in tune with everything in the

    organization, typically a calm, professional and reserved personality).

    • Have a back-up Media Person or Specialist for specific topics and others as necessary.

    • Have a communications plan (who, what, why, when and where).

    • Tell your story! Your job is to keep the public informed and build your organization’s reputation.

  • “The Ugly” – Dealing with it

    • Build relationships with the media! • They are just people.• When there’s news, you don’t want it to be the first time

    you’ve spoken.

    • Think of it as an opportunity! • You can help media people advance their career by

    making them look good while they are making you look good!

  • Action Plan

    • Know the different communication styles with the various Media forms.

    • Print - may take place over the phone• Radio - may tell your story in small sound bites

    throughout the day, multiple days or could be live• Television – generally needs good pictures otherwise it

    might not be “newsworthy”• Social Media - needs photos (LOTS!) and positive

    stories; pay close attention to the feedback

  • Action Plan • Understand the type of media you are working with and their


    • Make contact with a short email or phone call if you know them.

    • Ask for topics in advance of an interview so you can establish your objectives.

    • Be able to briefly answer the interviewer’s questions while also discussing your own priorities.

  • Action Plan

    • Be consistent no matter who may speak within your organization!

    • Assign one person to escort a reporter at all times when they are on your premises or on a project site.

    • Understand you are speaking through a reporter and your comments and attitude could show up on the air.

    • Answer questions with short sentences as directly as possible.

  • Action Plan • Be honest and upfront no matter what!

    • Have your message ready as you never know when the media is looking for a story.

    • Respect the media’s deadlines.

    • Establish a reputation of always being accessible to reporters….this is really important if you have any hope of being contacted before publishing bad news about your organization.

  • Action Plan • Broaden your group of spokespersons by encouraging or

    having others (residents) provide a testimonial to the media.

    • Look at each question as a potential point to jump off and articulate your agenda.

    • Be proactive…….suggest story ideas and explain how it might impact the general public or be of special interest.

    • Answer each question as directly as possible and if you are not sure, let them know and offer to follow up once you have the answer.

  • Action Plan

    • Plan in advance who will be the spokesperson for the organization in times of crisis….only that one person should provide interviews.

    • Remember it is the interviewer’s job to ask questions but you do not have to answer all of them……….you can establish guide lines.

    • Call the media ahead of a press release…….they really like the heads up and it gives you a chance to explain why it is important to readers and viewers.

  • Action Plan

    • Understand that reporters will typically record conversations conducted over the telephone.

    • Provide empathy in situations involving injury, death or other serious hardships.

    • Be relentless and positive about your position….use the media to tell your story!

  • Action Plan • If you don’t call ahead, make sure someone is available to

    comment when sending out a press release.

    • Remember……..those who submit to an interview are fair game!

    • Utilize an actual conversation rather than telling a story through email.

    • Understand you can’t stop a news story!

  • Action Plan

    • Expect follow up requests from the media, they just want to get the story right……and so do you!

    • Avoid answering a question outside of your area of expertise.• Even if you know the answer. • This might be a case where you want to refer the media

    person to a staff person who has the expertise or knowledge to answer the question.

    • Be careful not to tell a media person more than they want to know.

  • Action Plan • Understand that “off the record” comments……are never really

    off the record!

    • Don’t use the phrase “No Comment”…….reporters are very sensitive if you use this phrase and it could get Ugly!

    • Avoid at all costs arguing with a media person… will not win!

    • Be courteous when calling the media and always ask if they have time to talk……professional courtesy can go a long way!

  • Action Plan

    • Understand a media person will not stick to a script…….anything can happen during an interview!

    • You should never blame anyone for anything!

    • Be in the habit of contacting a media person as soon as possible after they’ve left you a message.

  • Summary (What did we talk about???)

    1) Dealing with the media and how it can be a positive resource.

    a) The Good - Benefits. b) The Bad – Liabilities. c) The Ugly - Dealing with it/Action Plan.

  • Questions?????

    “Go Ahead, Make my Day!”

    Dealing with the MediaSlide Number 2“The Good”- Benefits“The Bad” - Liabilities “The Ugly” – Dealing with it“The Ugly” – Dealing with itAction Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Action Plan Summary (What did we talk about???)Slide Number 19