De la salle lipa.powerpoint.

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Transcript of De la salle lipa.powerpoint.










1ST SEM, SY 2011-2012



Table of Contents:

Autobiography Media Literacy

Values Ranking OL vs. Print

Reading Log Reading Habits

Survey Paper

Text Structures w/ GO’s

Dedication: I dedicate my paper works to my parents, to Sir

Macatangay and to God because I did this for them to make them proud see me responsible and focus of what I am doing.

My Autobiography I’m Darren Dexter P. de Chavez, 16 years old, residence at Libjo San Isidro Village Batangas City. I am studying at De La Salle Lipa as a college student. Being the son of my parents, I have the freedom to do, to choose, to go, to decide what I want for myself, no rival. I’m a person that likes to go somewhere, roaming, exploring, nature tripping. I’m an adventurous guy who wants to see different society, environment, nature, people, etc. so I learn how to be an independent person to socialize, explore, and discover new things. Last time I’m always with my mother when going somewhere. Friends or relatives witness that I’m always with my mother standing beside her always, so my mother taught me to go alone without her or the meaning is that I should go out of my shell by myself meet other people that whom I trust to go with. I have changes to see myself in the future as a professional engineering that works in a big company in another country that make myself very successful in my career and see me a good role model in the eyes of the next generation engineering.

Values Ranking

1. Family 7. Living in a clean moral life

2. Love 8. Patriotism3. Privacy 9. Doing good things4. Money 10. Having strong beliefs for others5. Education 11. Creativity6. Friendship 12. Expressing my opinion

I choose among those three is the family because they give birth on me and life, without them I am not here in this wonderful world, they are the ones who first take care of me when I was an infant, the time that I grow up they still take care of me. They teach me how to be responsible and respectful and to love the time when I grow up I could bring this values and treasure it from them. The second that I chose is love because without love, I am the person that has no heart to everybody and the person that has high pride. Love has family, love has friends, love has an environment, love for the country and especially love for God. The third that I chose is the money because I will not live without the money, in using money is very important, I use the money if needed in everyday life. However the three most that I don’t value the most is doing good things for others because I have no time to interfere with their problems especially personal, if other problems like helping, I could help if I have time. The second one is the creativity because it depends if I need to work or in situations. And The last one is expressing my opinion even though there are some debate’s, problems, scandals, issues, I am not included in their problems or I am not involved in their situations.


The Title


Linda left the bajada house and moved into the upstairs portions of Nanking Store which was right across from father’s grocery store in Sta. Ana.

Characters: Tua Poy/ Napoleon(major) – narrates the story Peter(major) Couple Linda(major) Tua Poy’s mother(minor) Tua Poy’s father(minor) Toothless man(minor) Tua Poy’s brother(minor) Peter’s mother(minor) Bisayan bar girl(minor) – 2nd wife of Peter Oliver(minor) – 2nd husband of Linda

Summary ___________________________________ In the story “Nanking Store” Macario D. Tiu focuses

on the self esteem of Linda as shown when she has been tolerate or abuse by her mother in law in front of the people/community but she still in her self happy, confident and being optimistic.

This story is about a married couple want to have a baby boy but they cant produce even a single one for five years. In that five years of being together, Peter and Linda separate and by that people talks about this controversy then the mother in law the controversy she put on her hands to Linda and being abuse in front of the people even Peter.

Making Connection


This story reminds me of the contestant in the noontime show she share her problems that I remember her situation is like in the story reasons of their separation they cant have a child that causes her husband to leave nothing happen, why she cant produce because she has sickness.

Media LiteracyThe Effects of Watching TVWhat are the effects of watching TV on the body? According to research done for Kubey's and Csikszentmihalyi's article, when a person sits down to watch the television, they report feeling relaxed and passive. Brain waves confirm these feelings as mental stimulation is low while viewing the "boob tube."What happens when the screen turns off is probably why people feel that they have a TV addiction. Participants in the research reported feeling that their energy was depleted, that they had difficulty focusing, and that their mood either remained the same or dropped when the television was turned off. There is actually a period of stress, combined with lowered alertness that occurs at the end of TV watching. The mind gets used to this cycle of instant relaxation and then the stress and passivity, and learns to expect it. Therefore, for a TV addict, or for the average American, who watches about five hours of television a day according to the Nielsen data for 2009, it is easy to turn the TV on and slump into a comfortable chair, and not easy to finally turn the set off.There is another physical effect from TV watching that may have something to do with an individual's feeling of television addiction. It is called the orienting response and was first explained by the great Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov in 1927. When the body is exposed to flashing lights, sudden movements, loud sounds, and similar effects from zooms, pans, and other camera techniques, the orienting response occurs so the brain can focus on the potential "danger." Blood vessels to the brain dilate, and those to the major muscle groups constrict, the heart slows, and alpha waves are blocked for a few seconds. So when you feel like you are hypnotized by the flashing commercial TV ad, you are really fulfilling your involuntary biological response to the stimuli.

Reaction The article that I read is very common to me because of the television this our relaxation that we can sit and lay in the comfortable chair and just watch and be entertain by the show but when I read the effects it is very dangerous it may cause the heart slow, other effects low of alertness and muscle group constrict. I thought that in this type of hobby we ourselves use this for relaxation and fun, part of our lives is our technology, television, maybe the use of television the more time it use the more the effects will encounter to our health, the radiation of the television is the effect. Therefore I agree that watching television within 5hours has the bad effects in our health and it will affect our responsibilities, and our daily work.

Text 1

Recently, my parents celebrated the 27th anniversary of their wedding. At a time when marriages fall apart in a matter of months or a few years, that isn’t nothing. And curiously they are so dissimilar it’s a wonder they ever got married at all.

My mother is so sociable she can sit with a complete stranger for a half hour and find out about all his past, his present circumstance, and his plans for the future. My father can sit in front of another person for hours without giving him more than a glance. Once when Mama remarked about his taciturnity, Papa smiled and said, “Why don’t you join the intelligence?”

Papa is the kind who learns more by watching than by any method. He can examine for hours the way a pig has been cut up into marketable pieces or how a piece of furniture has been made. He likes to work with his hands. Carpentry and gardening are some of his hobbies. Philosophy and poetry are not his cup of tea. Stories bore him, and commercial movies make him fall asleep.

Mama loves to read. When my siblings and I were younger, she would tell us stories, with all the proper and vocal and facial expressions. She can recount the banal happenings of her day as if they were a part of a great adventure. And she likes to recite poetry.

Despite all these differences and more, they have stuck together. Among other reasons, it’s because they know how to work around their differences, so that the strengths of one make up for the weaknesses of the other.

Papa can tell Mama things he is too shy to bring up with others; he knows she would always lend him a sympathetic ear. He appreciates her deep reflections, her commonsensical observations and her sensitivity to beauty. Mama has high regard for his practicality and his compassion for others. And he knows how to calm her down when she is all fired up and to cheer up when she feels down.

Papa and Mama may not be perfect spouses or parents, but they were able to make their marriage last. It never occurred to either of them to do otherwise. To them, marriage is something from which one can never withdraw. It is a partnership for life, so that if one of them had to change because that’s what their marriage required, one just did it whether it was easy or tough. To their children, they have nothing but good things to say about each other. It’s wonderful to know that given their inability to discern other people’smotives, they chose each other. And it’s heartwarming to know they did so because one thought the other was worth loving.

Comparison Context

Difference between Mother and Father

About, As if, Despite  Mama and Papa

  Similarities: Differences: Sociable PAPA: Kind Work with hands Parent Stories bore him Understanding MAMA:

  Sharing thoughts and experiences

Likes to recite poetry

Life now and life five years ago

My life now and my life five years ago are similar but there are also some major differences. Five years ago,I was living in Havre and going to high school. I didn’t have to work because my parents supported me. I went to school everyday and spent time with my friends. I babysat my nieces everyday after school because both of my parents were working at the time. I had the responsibility of feeding them and making sure nothing happened to them while I was watching them. I didn’t really have any major goals five years ago. I wasn’t really thinking about my future quite yet. On the other hand, now I live in Great Falls and I’m not in high school anymore. I have to work now in order to support myself. I only work twenty hours a week because I’m in school right now. I have a lot more responsibility now than I did five years ago. I have to take responsibility for myself now and everything that I do. I have a lot of major goals now. For instance, I want to graduate and get my two year degree. I want to come back and get a bachelor’s degree. I have a lot of things that I want to accomplish now. Five years ago, I really wasn’t going anywhere with my life, but now I’m starting to get my life in order and deciding what I want to do. In addition,I am still living at home with my parents and I still go to school. I still baby sit my nieces every once in a while. I find time to spend with my family and friends. I still have some of the same responsibilities. I help my mom take care of my oldest niece. She has always lived with us, so I’ve always helped take care of her ever since she was a baby. Even though she is not a baby anymore,I still have to baby sit her when my parents are gone because she is not quite old enough to stay by herself yet. I still have to depend on my parents for transportation because I don’t have a vehicle right now. My life now has changed a lot in only five years.

~© 2005 Brandy Doney~



She stepped down from the carretela of Ca Celin with a quick, delicate grace. She was lovely. She was tall. She looked up to my brother with a smile, and her forehead was on a level with his mouth.

"You are Baldo," she said and placed her hand lightly on my shoulder. Her nails were long, but they were not painted. She was fragrant like a morning when papayas are in bloom. And a small dimple appeared momently high on her right cheek. 


The expression and appearance of the girl

Like, with, but

She was lovely Her nails were long


She was tall A Girl She was fragrant like a morning

Small dimple appeared on her right cheek



A Friendly Clown

On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle--a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend. The clown's short yellow hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffle around its neck. The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume. The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of the small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black shoes are big pink bows. The white spokes on the wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit. The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from my good friend Tran, this colorful figure greets me with a smile every time I enter my room.



Text 3

     Smoking has many serious effects.  The most obvious effect is the deterioration of a smoker's health.  Smoking increases the risk of lung disease, increases blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attacks, and reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain.  Smoking creates respiratory problems.  A smoker's cough expels phlegm, a thick mucus in the nose and the throat that wants to escape the body.  Prolonged use may lead to emphysema and the need to hook up to a machine to pump enough oxygen into the lungs.  Another effect of this habit is that smoking breeds halitosis; a smoker's breath always smells foul and repulsive.  Smoking frequently results in social isolation because fewer people smoke or want to be in the presence of a second-hand smoke.  Friends and acquaintances often bluntly tell their smoking friends that they don't want the smell in their cars or in their homes.  The strong, offensive odor of smoke clings to smokers' clothing, hair, and skin. The final effect of smoking is that is depletes the pocketbook. Smoking is now an expensive habit, and the price of cigarettes continues to rise.  The effects of smoking are many, which leaves one wondering why intelligent people do not find a way to break their harmful addition.



Smoking is dangerous to our health

Because, Prolonged, Frequently, Often


Cause Stroke, Heart attacks, High blood, etc. 


  Smoking has serious effect

Smoking breeds halitosis; breath smells foul and repulsive

Depletes the pocketbook





The Population

In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth's population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which tended to be located in cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted many people from rural areas. Second, there were many schools established to educate the children of the new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people established places of leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural communities.


Text 4

My parents divorce was the saddest day of my life. (b) Although it was a trying time, I learned that life leads us in many different directions, and with each direction, we can discover our own true paths. (c) I will never forget the day that it happened. It is all the more sad because my parents were married for about 13 years. (d) I walked into our kitchen, and my mother and sister were crying because my sister had found out that my dad was having an affair with his secretary. At the time, my dad did not realize that my sister was home. My father picked up the phone to call his mistress; my sister picked up the phone to call her friend, and she heard his explicit conversation; she told my mother. When I walked into the kitchen, from hanging out with my friends, my sister blurted out what she heard. My mother did not want to mention anything, yet. However, my sister and I, in anger, blurted out to my father what was revealed. After my sister repeated word for word of what she heard, my father panicked and admitted it. And thus the word "divorce" took place. As soon as I heard the word "divorce," I cried and I cried, and my dad tried to hug me, but I pushed him away. I knew in that one instant that my life changed, it shifted, but of course I was too young to understand how or why. I could not articulate it, but I knew it was the one moment that I would wake up in the morning and know that something was lost. It was a moment that I will regret forever, and it was beyond my control. I truly was happy with my family, but now it is over, and I should have appreciated more. Like any child would, I blamed myself for not being a better son. Every time my dad asked my to do something, a baseball game, fishing, etc, I always said no, I am busy. I did not mean to be this way, but I was, and I can never go back. My mother was willing to forgive him, but he wanted out and subtly let us know that. In short, for three months my father gave us the silent treatment, as if we did something wrong. I guess the only thing that we did wrong was catch him. I guess silencing was the best way to approach this. We all felt like prisoners in our own home. There was no talking, no feeling, no emotion; we were all zombies. My dad would come home from work as if nothing happened, and we all kept silent. I know that my mother put up with this silent treatment for three months because she believed that he would change his mind. But he never did, so we left, and he moved in with the secretary. Thus my life, all of our lives, changed. (e) And that was the end of our happy home, and unhappiness was gained was gained. But as time went on, things got better. My mom became successful, my sister became successful, and I become successful at becoming a family. (f) In the end, I realized that my dad lost. The choices we make do not just affect the individual, but all the other individuals who are around that one individual. Looking back at this time in my life I now realize that my father's choice affected us in a bad way, at first, but going through this trial allowed my mother, my sister, and me to time to discover our own inner strength.


Divorce is a sin in the God’s eye

In the end, thus, at the time, after

 o Sister heard his father having explicit conversation with the secretary(girl)



 o The parent decide to make a divorce




 o They find ways to make an adjustment to be happy again, and have inner strength



Sequence paragraph How to write a good paragraph Here are the five steps to make a great paragraph. First, you need a to brainstorm on your topic. This is where you get your ideas for the paragraph. Second, you make a rough draft, where you put all your brainstorm ideas together. Third, you get together with a friend and do a "writer's toolbox" where you read to a partner who helps you revise all the mistakes that you might not seen. Fourth, you edit by fixing and errors in spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Finally, you make a final draft, where every part of the paragraph is cleaned up! Making a paragraph is hard, but if you follow these easy steps, everything should work out great.

Read more:








Forests, which are main habitats of terrestrial animals, are being damaged more and more rapidly and execrably to meet the requests of logging, so that a number of animals are facing extinction due to losing habitats. Northeast tiger, living in the northeast part of China and being famous for their fur with extraordinary high commercial value, is one of those unfortunate species, remaining only 360 to 406 wild ones. To solve the problem, I think, the two measures following may work. First, government can control the amount of logging with policies. Limiting lignum trade by raising tax, demarcating certain areas of logging, and encourage people to plant trees may all be feasible ways. With the guarantee of habitats, the situation of northeast tiger's survival may be ameliorated efficiently.In addition, protecting the other animals in the forests is also an important step. As the balance of the whole ecosystem is related to each element in it, every part cannot be ignored. All the creatures in a certain area build a close circle, food chain, where if one tach breaks, the whole cycle breaks down. Northeast tiger of course is within the food chain and needs the other animals’ support to live. Thus, protecting the other animals is though indirect but essential step that should be taken considering in the long term.

Problem Solution:

Unfortunate species living in the forests remaining only 360 to 406 wild ones

Thus, first, in addition


Government can control the amount of logging with species

Animals facing extinction Limiting lignum trade by raising tax; demarcating certain areas of logging

due to losing habitats Plant trees



NUS can enhance the awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) by organizing workshops on controlling emotions. Most students these days are mainly only concerned about their academic work- days are spent in lecture theatres, tutorial rooms and reading rooms studying away. At the end of the semester, when the student gets an A grade he thinks he is intelligent. In fact he is, but only partially. ‘Intelligence’ has its domains like academic, emotional, and practical. So it’s sensible to realize that if you spend all your time on one, eg academics, then you will fail at the rest. In intense cases, where students can’t handle life situations maturely, would give up and try to commit suicide. Of course, that wouldn’t receive endorsement from a university. Hence, the University should take measures to remind students of EI and how it can help them perform well in academics. Workshops on anger management is a very good idea. Majority of the modern day students are always stressed and tend to get very angry when things don’t go their way. Counselors can be invited to advise students on how to control emotions, successfully interact with peers and hence become a ‘social butterfly.’ These programmes will also stress students to communicate with peers, which will lead to their better understanding of how other people think and adjust accordingly. Therefore, it’s essential that NUS takes an initiative to inculcate emotional intelligence in students.


Reflection By studying and making some paper works make my communication skills even better this is where I can practice and express the way I am doing to get myself ready when I’m now at work. I practice in making or constructing a sentence, paragraph even some essays to apply my skills in vocabulary, grammar but there are lot things to discover and learn, if I continue this kind of work I could apply this skill to my work the ability to communicate very clearly to the international people that I will communicate.

I would like to say thank you sir Joe for being my professor this semester even though we are very noisy and disorder in class still you care for us and would like to teach your lessons to us in order for us to learn. We will miss you sir because you are a true and friendly person.