DCSD Mail - eDCSD Weekly Update 12-4-15 - dcsdk12.org · 12/7/2015 DCSD Mail - eDCSD Weekly Update...

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12/7/2015 DCSD Mail - eDCSD Weekly Update 12/4/15

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Jennifer Payne <jjpayne@dcsdk12.org>

eDCSD Weekly Update 12/4/15 1 message

Kristy Hart <Kristy.Hart@dcsdk12.org> Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 11:19 AM

Reply-­To: Kristy Hart <Kristy.Hart@dcsdk12.org>

To: jennifer.payne@dcsdk12.org

Dear Parents and Students:

Join us for our student holiday party and great opportunities to make the end of the quarter great!

Support Opportunities ** Blended Learning at DLMC: Wednesday, December 9: 9 am-­2pm

** Help session at Cantril: Thursday, December 10th: 9 am-­11 am (Math: Sanders, Science: Pulliam)

** Virtual Help Sessions: December 10th9-­10: Sanders (Math) and Nehring (Science)10-­11: Schnickel (English) and Sorrentino (Social Studies)11-­12: Metz (Art)12-­1: Ruginis (Math) and Pulliam (Science) 1-­2: O’Dell (English) and Phillips (Social Studies)

What’s Happening at Blended next week?Students attending all morning will access both sessions

Read Around the Planet is a program that connects classrooms all over the world via video conferencing to promote literacy. Classes are paired up by grade level to do a literary activity. These activities range from students performing scenes from plays, or


Let’s see what we can build and then break next. How

about a bridge!? Join us when we will build bridges

out of popsicle sticks and see how much weight they

can support.

12/7/2015 DCSD Mail - eDCSD Weekly Update 12/4/15

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original scenes, reciting poems (poetry slam style), sharing original short stories, or even artwork and songs. Not only do students get to share their work, but they also get to learn about each other and each

other's cultures while growing their global awareness. During the blended sessions, students will begin work on an activity for this exciting event.

Mental Health Memo from Dr. Wall, Topic: Helping Children Cope with Terrorism

This week’s resource focuses on Helping Children Cope with Terrorism. Find out more here. If you

have any questions or concerns related to the mental health of your child, please contact Dr. Wall at


Student Holiday Party-­ December 9th

The Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC) has planned a fun holiday party for students in grades 7-­12.

the holiday party will be held at the District Library Media Center on December 9th from 12-­2. See

this flyer for more information. This is always a great time and an event that students look forward to

all year! Join us!

Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC) Is Looking for New Members

Students, are you looking for a leadership opportunity? Want to make positive changes in our

school? Looking for a way to get involved? Then consider joining the Principal’s Advisory Council

(PAC). PAC is looking for 3-­5 students to join our group. Meetings will be held once a month on

Thursday mornings to discuss school needs, give the Principal feedback on school issues and plan

events like the holiday party. As an added bonus, you will get to know other students and breakfast

will be served. If you are interested, please email kristy.hart@dcsdk12.org for more info or to sign

up. Make a difference in your school and get involved!

End of the Quarter Notice

eDCSD is on a quarterly grading period system. The end of the grading period is Thursday, Dec 17,

for the second quarter. All regular work for the quarter is due by midnight on December 13th. Do

not delay in getting work turned in!

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At the high school level, a passing grade (D or above) at the end of the quarter is equal to .25 credits added to their transcript. Quarter 1 and quarter 2 grades are not averaged. They are individual terms and are posted separately.

Extension PolicyThe deadline to complete work for the quarter is quickly approaching. Are you not happy with the progress? We get many requests for extensions at the end of each grading period. Please see the Extension Policy to determine if an extension is possible. If you have questions, please contact your teacher or counselor.

Parent University ClassesFor more information or to sign up, please visit their website.

Moderate Needs Special Education Model Phase InThursday, December 10, 2015 7PMCantril Building, Room 203

This class helps parents understand how DCSD is working to better address the needs of students who receive moderate needs special education programming and services. Parents will learn about the issues facing special education programming and how DCSD is working to implement solutions to resolving these issues. Attendees will gain information about how the model provides more targeted, student-­focused, personalized instruction and support for students. The course will highlight how the model has been developed to offer increased professional development for staff and instruction that is focused on research-­based interventions to meet the unique needs of each individual student.

sponsored by the CU-­Boulder Department of Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, and the Rocky Mountain Section of the MAA

AMC 10/12 A Tuesday, February 2, 2016 4:00-­5:30 pm (tentative)

AMC 10/12 B Wednesday, February 17, 20164:00-­5:30 pm (tentative)CU-­Boulder

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The Colorado Math Circle will be hosting the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 10/12on both the A and B dates at CU-­Boulder. These exams lead to the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME) and USA Mathematical Olympiads (USAMO/USAJMO). In addition, selective colleges recognize high AMC scores as an indication of strong mathematical ability.The A and B exams offer different test questions;; you may take the AMC on both dates to maximize your score. Note that most large high schools offer the AMC A exams but few offer the B exams. Check with your math teacher if you are not sure. Here are sample AMC 10 and AMC 12 tests.If you would like to take the AMC at CU, please complete this registration form by December 13. Note that eleventh and twelfth graders must take the AMC 12. Younger students (including middle schoolers) may take either the AMC 10 or AMC 12.Fees: There is no charge to take the AMC test. Because we need to order the tests in advance, however, there will be a cancellation fee of $15 if you sign up and then do not take the test.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

10:00 am to 1:00 pm


The Colorado Math Circle also will host the Open Round of the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO), a contest that includes computational linguistics puzzles. No prior knowledge of linguistics or foreign languages is necessary. Students who are strong in math usually enjoy these puzzles. Visit the NACLO site for sample practice problems.Note that the NACLO contest is designed for high school students. Middle school students should be able to solve at least a few practice problems without help before signing up.If you would like to participate in the Open Round of the NACLO, please register through the NACLO website by selecting “Students”-­>”Registration". Choose "University of Colorado at Boulder" as your testing location. There is no participation fee.Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the AMC or NACLO.Silva Chang Colorado Math Circle Director www.coloradomath.org

Your Partner in Learning,

Kristy Hart, Principal

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