Day1 FB course

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Day1 FB course

5 steps1: Problem Definition

2: Solution Design

3: Build & Release

5: Revenue & Presentation

4: Observation & Re-release

• Pilot Course

• Problem and Idea Generation

• Social Dynamics

• HTML – Client Side

• PHP – Server Side

• SQL - Databases

• Testing – Alpha/Beta

• Observational skills

• Group work

• Expert Advice

• Presentation skills

• Perfect

• School

• Individual

• Facebook Connect

• New FB features

• Fan pages, profiles etc

• Beyond HTML , PHP, SQL

• Full blown programming course

What’s the point in doing a course like this?

Where can learning to make Facebook apps take me?

David Tenemaza


Back to the start…

Any setbacks?


How much effort?

80 hour weeks, never less then 40.

No Holiday, every bank holiday is a work day.

No time for fun and games. (but wants to travel after Sharkiusgames)

Stuff to take away…

You have to focus on one thing at a time and make sure you do it properly before you give up on it!

He didn’t believe that “it cant be done”.

1. What’s an app?

2. How do we generate Ideas for apps?

3. What’s Facebook?

4. What makes a good Facebook App?

What’s an app?




People have problems

Problems have solutions

Solutions can be turned into apps

We have to look for problems!

How can we generate Ideas?

What is Facebook? What can you do on it?

Why Facebook?

Graph API

Open up Facebook, search for Social graph and install

Have a look at all your connections!

Try going to these two sites, the first is the Facebook platform site, the second

is how it is represented in the social graph, what’s the difference?

Does everyone have a Facebook username and know it?

•Go to Account•Account Settings•Take a note of your username or create one by clicking change•Log out of Facebook

Now try visiting the site below, replace “username” with your own

FB username, what happens?

Now try the following link to see if you can see your profile picture.

To see all the connections for your social graphs add “metadata=1”

What happens when you try looking at friends of a user? Try

the example below.