Day 2 of filming - Group 1

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Day 2 of filming - Group 1


Filming Schedule – Group 1:

Wednesday 15th October 2014:

·         Documentary Title: ‘Do young people make bad choices when it comes to eating healthily?’

·         Job Roles – Amber – narrator/interviewer/presenter; Liam – camera; Kirtan – Microphone and camera

·         No actors – just expert interview

·         Filming at Solihull Sixth Form College

·        11:35 – 12:10 – Expert interview of canteen staff and maybe some filming of students getting lunch in the main canteen of the college

·         12:15pm – upload footage

·         No transport/catering

·         Locations – canteen

·         No props/actors

·         Instructions – Meet in room K308 for 11:20am. Upload footage and return back the equipment at 12:15pm

What did we do on this day of filming?

On this day of filming, we mainly did background footage filming of the canteen itself. We also filmed one of our expert interviews, which was the college canteen manager. We filmed this within a separate room within the canteen

We already have the other expert interview scheduled to film.