Dance With The Devil

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Defending the Design of my Logo

Transcript of Dance With The Devil

Defending My Design


Why the color(s)?

• Orange – represents optimism and looking forward to a better future

• Gold – the color of success, it stands for high quality, prestige, and overall value

• Brown – Stands for security and protection

Why the shape(s)?

• The triangle symbolized leadership, and confidence.

• Leadership is relative because you taking point to promise a security system that will keep the client safe.

• Confidence is relative because you are confident that what you have to offer is worth the investment.


Why the quote?

• It is a piece of good advice that if followed should keep you out of trouble.

Why the picture?

• I thought this picture was relevant to the quote because it shows a guy curled up In a cell, unhappy and lonely, it just shows you what could happen if you make the wrong choices.

Why the font?

• I chose this font because it came off more formal and serious compared other fonts that look silly and goofy.

Why the font color?

• The color that I associate with the devil is the color red. It is also an aggressive color.