Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini

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Transcript of Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    Dakshini Marathi

    PunaruddhariniAn attempt to standardise Tanjore Marathi

    07 March 2012



    Mr. R.R. Chandran, ex-Vice-President of the South Indian Maharashtrian Association,Hyderabad (SIMA) has been rendering great help to me in the preparation of the dictionary.Besides contributing a large number of words and sentences he has been of great help tome in fine tuning the contents of the dictionary. No amount of gratitude will suffice for thehelp I have received from him.

    Abbreviations -

    adj adjective adv adverb conj conjunction corrpt corruption DM Dakshini Marathi/Tanjore Marathi /eg for example fig figure of speech gram grammatical form

    hin Hindustani imp imperative ind indeclinable interj interjection met metaphor

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n noun p participle phr phrase pref prefix prep preposition pron pronoun say saying slng slang sm Standard Marathi/Pune Marathi suff suffix u usage uis used in sentence v verb vi intransitive verb vt transitive verb

    the first vowel and the first letter in the DM alphabet. .

    pref used as a prefix to indicate negative meaning (eg. , etc).

    adj huge. monstrous. .

    -adj over (smart or cunning). .

    n intransitive verb (gram). .

    adj unexpectedly. suddenly. (tamil). -. uis () . ().

    sfs adv without reason. . . uis .

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  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n incense stick. . uis . .

    n earlier times. . uis . Note:- in sm means "in advance, before hand, in anticipation" etc.

    sfs adj profound. deep. . . uis .

    ind a manner of addressing a girl or a woman. /. uis "" . "" .

    pron everything. all. . . . uis . /.

    sfs n cinder. . . uis .

    sfs n a fire-pit for performing sacred rites. . . uis () .

    sfs n flame. . uis . .

    n a particular day in summer when the temperatures are very high. . uis . .

    n extreme ordeal to prove veracity. . uis .

    sfs n volcano. . uis --.

    n entering into fire under a vow. . uis

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    , , .

    sfs n putting out the fire. . uis /() ,


    n keeping the sacred fire burning perpetually day and night. - .

    n a priest who performs agnihotr. . uis .

    n fire. ; , in sm.

    sfs adj leading or top end or edge. . . . . uis / .

    sfs adj foremost. best. . uis "" .

    sfs adj outstanding. chief. principal. .

    sfs adj leading or top end or edge. . .

    n an enclave or a street in a village occupied by brahmins. . .

    sfs adj dreadful. . . . uis " " .

    (tamil) n mould. . uis - --.

    n Lord Krishna. .

    adj unconquerable. one who cannot be defeated. . uis .

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    adj unconquered. .

    n indigestion. . . uis .

    adv yet. still. . uis . .. . .

    vi to get snagged (in a nail or hook). () . uis .

    vi to stumble. to trip over. () ;//in sm. uis /

    . / .

    vt to wind up. ; //in sm. uis .

    vt to control. ; //in sm. uis .

    vt to contain. to put up with. . uis -. (). .

    vt to restrain. ; //in sm. uis .

    n boisterous and uncontrolled behaviour. . uis .

    n violent laughter. . uis "" . /.

    vt to recollect. to ruminate. . . . uis (1) . (2)

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    () -.

    vt to suggest to oneself. . uis . .

    n eighteen. ; in sm.

    n a scissors like instrument to slice betelnut. ...

    n betelnut slicer. . . .

    vt to hang someting (in a hook). () . ;

    //in sm means 'to hinder', 'to stop'. uis . Note:- (tamil for nail)

    sfs n difficulty. constraint. . . uis . () .

    n congestion. . uis . .

    n surname. . . uis . , () //"" .

    (tamil) n pledge. mortgage. pawn. . uis .

    adv across. cross. . ; in sm. uis(1) . (2) .

    -adj crooked. not aligned. -. . uis . ", , -. " .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    -vt to interfere. . ; in sm. uis . .

    -vt to cross one's path. . uis .

    -vt to interfere. . ; in sm. uis '' . , .

    n a "kutcha" path. unpaved path. . uis (1) .

    . (2) .

    n a hand held pincer like instrument for crushing betel nut. . .. -. uis -. .

    -(tamil) vt scheming. plotting stealthily. . uis


    (tamil) n a slave. . . uis . .

    vi & vt to come in the way. to impede. . uis ().

    sfs n two and a half. . uis . () . , .

    (English) n address. (tamil). . , . uis -, ().

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    uis . . .

    sfs n serving the guest. . uis .

    sfs n guest. . uis .

    sfs n deluge. . . uis .

    fig excess of a thing (beyond normal requirements). ().uis .

    , ". . " .

    -fig either too much or too little. . uis . , -. -.

    adj excessive.. uis


    adj amazing. fantastic. . uis .

    n a type of perfume. .

    adv for the time being. . . uis . . .

    adv now. ; in sm. uis "() .. ."

    adv nowadays. . -. . uis . .

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  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n name of the primordial mother. mother of the Gods. .

    adj invisible. (). uis .


    adj unseen. . uis . -.

    adj luck. . uis . .

    adj wondrous. . uis /.

    adj wonderful.

    . uis ' '

    , . //.

    n wonder. . uis .

    n monotheism. . . uis -. .

    sfs n downfall. . . uis ,


    sfs n lower lip. .

    n unrighteousness. , , . uis .

    n (behaviour) contrary to religion or against accepted morality of society. (). uis ,


    adv to come in between. to interfere. to intrude. . uis . ..

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    -adj more or less. . ; in sm.uis -.

    n mostly. . uis () . ,

    . .

    n an additional month introduced as a correction in the Hindu lunar calendar.. uis .

    n leap year. 29 .

    n authority. . . uis .

    n person with authority. officer. . uis .

    sfs n master. lord. . . uis .

    (tamil) n a sweet preparation. . . .

    adj more. ; in sm. uis .

    n at the most. -. uis . . .

    sfs adj subjugated. . uis .

    adj lack of courage. lack of confidence. diffident. /.

    n downfall. . uis , , () . .

    sfs n nether world. hell. . .

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  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    adj orphaned. -. uis .

    adj abandoned. . uis ,

    , .

    n orphanage. . .

    n orphanage. . .

    sfs adj effortless. . . uis . .

    n a type of sweet preparation. . . .

    adj unnecessary. ; in sm. uis . .

    n scanty or no rainfalls. .

    n uncertainty. () . uis /. -.

    n against the laws. unlawful. . . uis .

    sfs n compassion. . uis .

    n favourable situation or condition. . uis . , /.

    adj agreeable. . uis ?

    adj favourable. suitable. . uis /.

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n blessings.. uis .

    sfs n remorse. . . uis .

    sfs adv every day. . . uis .

    n practical experience. . uis . .

    n to have and enjoy the possession or custody of (a thing). (). uis . . .

    n experienced. . uis .

    n permission. approval. . uis


    sfs n conjecture. . uis ..

    sfs n inference. . uis - .

    sfs n a disciple (of a spiritual guru). uis .

    sfs n a follower (of a leader). uis .

    n affection. . uis

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    n name of a star. .

    sfs vt to obey. to conform with. . uis /.

    adj in conformity with. in accordance with. () . uis . .

    adj more than one. many. . . uis , .

    adj many. . . uis /.

    sfs n cooked rice. . .

    sfs n benefactor. -. uis .. , , . .

    , .

    sfs n food aid. food distribution. . . uis . -- . .

    n Goddess Parvati. .

    n ceremony marking feeding of rice to an infant for the first time. . .

    n ceremony marking feeding of rice to an infant for the first time. . .

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    sfs adj another. . . uis , , .

    n injustice. . uis .

    n an illegal act. . uis .

    n an offence. a crime. impropriety. . uis - .

    fig disproportionate to reason or law. uis .

    adj reciprocal. mutual. . . uis "- ".

    adj mutually amicable. . uis .

    n inquiry. investigation. . uis . .

    n search. . uis .

    n a misdeed. . . uis . . ?

    sfs n infamy. ill repute. /. uis .

    sfs n accident. . uis , .

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    adj that which has become corrupted. .

    n corrupted word or language. .

    uis .

    n a corruption. /.

    n insult. disrespect. . uis .

    n shame. . uis .

    n disgrace. humiliation. . uis -.

    n offence. crime. uis .

    adj guilty. .

    n guilty person. . uis ,


    adj selfish. . uis . -.

    sfs n slander. . uis .

    adj ill-omen. . uis


    sfs n false note. . uis /.

    sfs fig unpleasant utterance. uis

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    sfs n abduction. . uis .

    sfs n steal. . uis , , .

    adv by oneself. ; in sm. uis /.

    adv spontaneously. . uis (1) . (2) .

    adv automatically. . uis . .

    n danger. . uis . .

    sfs adj immeasurable. . . uis --, .

    n a type of sweet preparation. . . .

    sfs adj incomplete. . uis .

    sfs adj unprecedented. /. uis .

    sfs adj rare. uncommon. . . uis . .

    sfs n application (for an employment, admission etc.). . uis / .

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    n request. . . uis .

    (tamil) v squeeze. . . uis -.

    (tamil) adj innocent person. . uis , .

    n a type of sweet porridge. . .

    n a type of sweet porridge. . .

    adj invisible. . uis . .

    adj rare. uncommon. . . uis (1) . (2) . .

    n celestial courtesan. .

    n blunder.

    . uis



    n protection. . uis .

    adj fearless. brave. . . uis "" .

    sfs n hymn. . .

    n acting a part in a play, cinema etc. . uis.

    n name of a concept in classical Indian dance. .

    sfs n congratulation. . . uis 20-20

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    200 .

    n opinion. . uis .

    n pride. . uis .

    sfs adj one who is proud. () .

    n homage. . uis . /.

    n improvement. . uis , .

    n pouring consecrated offerings on God's idol. /.

    n vessel used for abhisheka. .

    sfs n practice. /-/. uis .

    (tamil) adj chaos. disorder. . uis -/, . .

    sfs adj immortal. . uis . .

    pron we. ; in sm.

    -pron we by ourselves. . . uis . - .

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    n new moon day. .

    adj a particular (one). . ; /in sm. uis

    . .

    - adj certain specified (things). -; /in sm. uis. - /, .

    n celestial nectar. . . uis . -.

    adj our. ours. ; in sm. uis ". ".

    -adj belonging to each of us. -/. uis -. .

    (tamil) n mother. ; /in sm.

    n spectacles. reading glasses. . . uis /.

    n Sunday. . . .

    adj improper. unbecoming. unworthy. . uis .

    adj unsuitable. unfit. unqualified. . uis


    n unworthiness.

    (tamil) interj oh! .

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    (tamil) interj an exclamation of grief, regret etc. /. !

    (tamil) n gossip. idle talk. . ; in sm.

    (tamil) vt to gossip. -. ; in sm.uis. !

    sfs n forest. .

    n Tamil man. .

    n Tamil woman. .

    n Tamil. .

    sfs n lotus. (tamil). .

    -adj incoherence in speech. . uis --.

    sfs n Sun god. .

    sfs charioteer of Sun god. .

    n sun rise. .

    n day-break. dawn. early in the morning. . . . uis //.

    n a star in the constellation of Ursa Major. .

    n wife of Sage Vasishta. .

    iterj oh!. (tamil).

    interj an interjection used while addressing somebody in a condescending manner.

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    interj an exclamation of grief/regret etc. /. (tamil).

    n a plant belonging to the sollow-wort or milk-weed family of plants, the leaves of which

    are used in the ritual bath taken on Rathasaptami day. . (). uis . . "" .

    n oblation (of water). . (/) . uis .

    n worship. . uis (/) - , , , .

    n petition. humble request. . . uis .. , , , .

    n a legal plaint. . uis . .

    n meaning. . uis .

    vt to get to understand. to make sense of. . uis .

    vi to understand. . uis .

    sfs n economics. .

    n half. . uis .

    adv half-done. . . -. uis

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    . .-. "" .

    n half-moon. crescent moon. .

    n Lord Siva with half of his body in the form of Goddess Parvati. .

    n metaphor. .

    n midnight. ; in sm.

    adv half or partially done in an imperfect manner. .. -(kannada). (tamil). uis , . , , .

    adv limbo. in between stage. uis . , , , .

    n eccentric. . uis ,

    / . .

    fig a job left half done. /. uis . .

    -adj half-done. half-hearted (effort).. . . uis . -?

    n dedicate. ; in sm. uis "" . .

    n mirror. /; /in sm.

    n spectacles. . . /; in sm.

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n plain glass. ; in sm.

    n cupboard. .

    sfs adj inattention. . uis /. .

    n adornment. beautification. /() . uis ","

    sfs adj belonging to recent times. recently. . . uis


    sfs adj belonging to this side. . uis .

    sfs adv recently. . uis .

    sfs adv on this side. . uis .

    sfs adj a little. . . . uis .

    sfs adj short-sighted. . uis .

    sfs adj narrow-minded. . uis -.

    sfs adj of limited intelligence. . uis .

    -adj whatever little. . uis -,

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    sfs adj short-lived. . uis .

    sfs n short life. . uis . .

    (tamil) met to be shaken up. to get rattled.. uis . , .

    n worms that infest fruits and grains . , . ; //in sm.

    uis , . /.

    n any maggot (in general). . . .

    n a variety of edible tuber. colocasia. .

    n scope (to do some thing). . uis / .

    n right to do. .

    sfs n disregard bordering on disrespect. . uis, , .

    sfs n neglect. . . uis .

    adj boorish and illmannered. . uis -. .

    adj complicated and problematic. (). uis (1) () ""

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    . (2) "", , () .

    n like. ; in sm. uis (1) , . (2) /. .

    ` vi & vt to like. . ; in sm. uis /. .

    vi to incarnate. . uis .

    n God's incarnation in Earth. . uis . , , .

    n one who has no earthly attachments. . .

    fig irresponsible person. . uis -. /. .

    n insult. disrespect. . . uis .

    n shame. . uis .

    n disgrace. humiliation. . . uis ,.

    n disrespect. insult. . uis .

    sfs n part of body. . .

    n evil omen. () . uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    . .

    n gooseberry. ; in sm.

    -adj twins. ; / -in sm.

    sfs adj remaining. . . uis . .

    sfs n residue. . uis (1) -. . (2) 1986 ""


    sfs adv surely. certainly. (tamil). uis /. .

    n urgency. . uis ? , ".

    n opportunity. . uis (1) /. /

    . (2) . .

    n occasion. . uis . .

    n busy. preoccupied. . uis (1) . , -.(2)


    vt to show impatience because of urgency. . uis (1) . . . (2) . . . Note:-in sm means 'eager'

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    n the end. (). uis . .

    n state. condition. . uis .


    n enduring (difficulty). . uis . /.

    (kannada) adj disorderly. untidy. cluttered. helter-skelter. -. uis "" . , "" . /.

    adj indeclinable (gram) . () . .

    (malayalam) n a dish made from a variety of vegetables. -.

    n indeclinable (gram). . .

    sfs adj polluted. . uis / .

    sfs adj impure. . uis .

    sfs adj inauspicious. . uis .

    sfs n bad omen. . . uis .

    n name of a tree. .

    adj cheerful. . uis "" "" !

    sfs n inattentive. . . uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    sfs adj obscene. uis ., "" .

    sfs n horse. .

    n a plant with medicinal properties. .

    n horse-sacrifice. .

    n seventh month of the Saka year. .

    n name of a star. .

    sfs n eight. .

    n eighth day of each lunar fortnight. .

    adj dilute. thin. . /.

    -n gravy curry. .

    vi to be. uis /. , .

    vi to exist. . uis .

    vi to stay. to reside. . uis . .

    vi to remain. to retain. () . () . uis ",


    sfs n falsehood. lie. .

    sfs n unreal. . uis , .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    adj indecent. vulgar. . uis () .

    n slang. .

    n discontent. . uis , /.

    n displeasure. . uis . .

    adj (as if) not existing or prevailing. . uis

    . ?

    adj original. genuine. . . . uis .

    adj the like kind. such. ; in sm. uis ..

    -adj etcetera. etc. -.

    -adv without any prior hint. all of a sudden. . .(). uis -.

    adj like this. ; /in sm. uis , .

    -adj so-so. of nothing special. ; in sm.

    -adv by hook or by crook. somehow or the other. . ; in sm. uis

    . -.../.

    adj rare. uncommon. extraordinary. . . uis . .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    adj that which is impossible to attain or get. . uis .

    sfs adj extraordinary. . . uis


    n (mental or physical) discomfort or distress. . uis (1) . -.(2) ., .

    n demon. .

    n envy. jealousy. , . . uis , , .

    adj inconvenience. () . uis . . ?

    pron everything. all. . . . uis .


    pron everything. all. . . .

    n setting (of Sun, Moon or stars). (//) ; /insm. uis .

    n foundation. . uis .

    n arrow. .

    n bone. .

    n residual bone ashes after cremation. .

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    adj unclear. . uis .

    sfs adj restless. ill at ease. . uis .


    n seventh month of Saka year. .

    adj original. genuine. . . .

    n conceit. . . . uis .

    adj one who is conceited. . uis .

    n ego. conceit. .

    adj non-violence. . . uis //. , /.

    n gifts given at a wedding etc. /. .

    n any gift. . . .

    ind a vocative used while addressing a person with respect. .

    n arathi done by two ladies for bestowing blessings to people (not to gods) with haldi-kumkum-akshata mixed with water in a brass/silver plate but without a lamp/camphor. -

    () .

    n consecrated rice, smeared with turmeric and kumkum powder. , - .

    sfs adj imperishable. perpetual. . . uis

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    . !

    n letter of an alphabet. /.

    sfs n alphabet. /. uis . .

    n an army formation of ancient times..

    sfs adj incognito. anonymous. . uis .

    thirteenth vowel in Dakshini Marathi.

    n a numerical figure. number. .

    n court-yard. . .

    n circumambulation by rolling on the floor around the sanctum sanctorum of atemple in fulfillment of a vow. .

    n shirt. . . /; /in sm.Note:- the word , meaning 'men' seems to be out of currency in sm.

    n shirt. . .

    n cloth covering torso of a man. upper cloth. . . . uis (1) //. (2) .


    n a caste mark applied on the fore head by men of Madhwa sect . /.

    n the paste used for applying the caste mark of the same name.

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    n sacred ash paste of dark brown colour made from burnt (wood) offerings to God.

    n man's shirt. . . /.

    sfs n espouse. acknowledge. admit. . uis (UNO) .

    n ring. ; in sm.

    n cloth covering torso of a man. . .

    n cloth covering torso of a man. upper cloth. . . .

    n bathing. . . . .

    n bathing. . . . . uis .

    sfs n palms held together to form a cup. .

    sfs n fruit of fig tree. .

    sfs n egg. (tamil).

    sfs n end. . uis .

    n deep seated feeling. . uis . .

    n last days before death. . uis .

    n period of declining influence or power. . uis .

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    n the ceremonial curtain held between the bride and the groom before tying themangalasutra. -; in sm.

    sfs n internal soul. the sentient soul. . . uis

    , - .

    n atmosphere. . uis /.

    sfs n inner (spiritual) knowledge. . uis , .

    sfs n one with a profound spiritual knowledge. .

    sfs adj final. . uis .

    n last rites. . uis .

    sfs n funeral trip. . . uis -- , .

    vt to spread a sheet, mat or bedding. () , ,. uis /.

    n mattress. bed. . . . . uis . .

    -n a full set of bed with mattress, blanket, pillows etc. uis -.

    adj blind. ; in sm. uis (1) //. (2) -. (3)

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    n superstition. . uis -.

    n darkness. . uis -"-". .

    adj sour. ; in sm. uis !

    adj extremely sour. . uis . !

    n a liquid preparation usually made of greens or cabbage or pumpkin eaten withcooked rice. (-tamil for ) (cabbage) .

    n mango. ; in sm.

    n Goddess Durga. .

    n caparisoned seat on an elephant. .

    sfs n lotus flower.


    n a portion. a part. . . uis .Posted byAnanda Rao Vasishta at2:20 PM

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  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    MarathiPunaruddhariniAn attempt to standardise Tanjore Marathi

    07 March 2012


    the second vowel and second letter in the DMalphabet. .

    n mother-in-law's father/father-in-law's father ; in sm.

    n mother-in-law's mother/father-in-law'smother ; in sm.

    n attraction. /. uis .

    vt to get attracted. . uis


    n shape. appearance. . . uis .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n sky. . uis ....

    n Milky way galaxy.. uis . , "" .

    n voice from the sky.

    . . uis "" . ,.

    n name under which radio broadcastis done in India. . uis /"""" -"" .

    sfs n expectation. yearning. /. uis -/-/.

    sfs n shape. figure. . . uis, , . "" .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n invasion. attack. . uis .

    n laid out procedure as per shastras ortradition. -. uis, . -. "".

    n earnest desire. . uis .

    n ritual of sipping small quantity of waterthrice while performing pooja. .

    sfs n observance. . uis .

    n conduct as per shastras. .uis .

    n social behaviour.. uis. -. /.

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    -n practices and usages. (). uis ---.

    n priest. . uis (1) - . (2) -. "".

    n spiritual teacher. . uis "", "-" , "" .

    n today. .

    -adv in a day or two. shortly. -.

    . uis ...-.

    sfs adj life long. . . uis -. .

    n grandfather. .

    adj a great person having the requiredphysical sign of having hands reach up to his

    knees. . . uis ""

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    "" , !

    n grandmother. . .

    sfs adj lifelong. . . uis.

    n in and around. nearby..

    n neighbourhood.. . uis "" . , ! !

    sfs n a term of endearment forgrandfather.

    . uis . , "" , "" ! """" .

    sfs n wheat flour.

    . uis


    n eight. .

    n eight hundred. .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n well. . uis/


    sfs n ostentation. /. uis ..

    imper bring. .

    vt to bring. . uis .

    (tamil) n nail. . ; in sm. uis/.

    adj eager. curious. ;in sm. uis/. . .

    adj impatient. ;in sm. uis (1) . . (2) . /.

    adj excited. ; in sm. uis . . .

    n paternal aunt's daughter. .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n paternal aunt's son. .

    () adj first cousins, ie, paternalaunt's children and maternal uncle's children.


    sfs n immolation. .

    n the individual soul. .

    n soulmate. wife. . .

    n self confidence. . uis .

    sfs n surrender. . uis . .

    n suicide. . uis -.

    n soul.. . uis -


    sfs n self-surrender. .uis , .

    n respect. regard. honour. . uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    . .

    n an ideal. a model. .uis .

    n income. . (tamil). uis- .

    sfs n beginning. . uis .

    n Sun. .

    sfs n Sunday. . . .

    sfs n instruction. a given mandate. .uis .

    sfs adj first. initial. . . uis .. ..

    sfs adv from beginning to end. . uis .

    n basis.. uis .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n evidence. . uis () .

    sfs adj modern. . . uis /.

    adj spiritual. . uis


    n happiness. joy. .

    n calamity. . . . uis .

    n calamity. . . . uis

    ...() --. -/ .

    n ornaments. . uis -





    -n dried flakes of mango juice..

    sfs n invitation. () .

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    uis ..,


    n female helper. . uis ,-, ... , -/-.

    sfs n exertion. toil. pains. . . .

    uis ! /.

    n weapon. . uis -. .

    n system of Indian medical treatment

    using herbal, plant and natural extracts. . uis .

    n life time. . uis .

    sfs n a person who lives for a very longtime. .

    sfs n forest. . uis ,

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    n performing puja by waving sacred lampin a circular motion in front of idols of gods.

    , /. uis.

    n the beginning. the start. . uis "-" .

    n worship. prayer. . uis , 25,000 .

    n an annual religious ceremony inmemory of a saint who entered his brindavana

    either when he was alive or after demise. . uis

    . .

    n rest. relaxation. comfort. ease. .. . uis , ! Note:- in sm means'feeling of relief'.

    n health. . uis /.

    n accusation. . uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    n the accused.. uis


    n a tumultuous and egoisticdemonstration.. uis ..

    sfs adj noble. venerable. . -.

    sfs n Aryans. . uis 2500---, , .

    sfs n dwelling place. . .

    n lazyness. (tamil) ; in sm.uis !

    n undried ginger. // ;in sm. uis .

    n tuning of voice in preparation to singing.

    . uis .

    fig whining on and on. indulging in endlesscomplaining. . uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    () //.

    n embrace. . uis "

    " . "" . Note:- in sm means meeting & also embracing.

    n potato. . . uis , ,, - .

    n potato bonda. . uis-.

    n contemplation. . uis ". ". Note:-in

    sm means 'criticism' , 'a review'.

    (tamil) n depth. . uis ( ) .

    (Telugu) n a type of mango pickles. . uis .

    sfs n recurring. repeating. -.-. uis ,-!

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    n necessity. . uis (1) "" " " . (2)

    /. (3) "-. ".

    n invocation of a deity. . uis .

    sfs adv manifestation. . uis - . , , . .

    sfa n manifestation. . uis .

    (tamil) n vapour. steam. .

    sfs n possessed by spirit. . uis .

    sfs n possessed by spirit. .uis -.

    sfs n excitement.

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    . uis .

    sfs n principle. . . uis


    sfs n intention. purport. . uis . . , /


    sfs n apprehension. misgiving. diffidence.doubt. . uis "-".

    n hope. desire. . uis

    . .

    n blessings. "() ". " ". uis ..

    n astonishment.


    . uis


    n hermitage.. uis -

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    n protection. . . uis


    n dependence. support.. uis -, //.

    n asylum. refuge. shelter. . uis . , .

    n assurance. (/). uis . /


    n mental comfort. consolation.. uis .

    n fourth month of the lunar year.


    sfs n a posture in yoga. . uis !

    sfs n seat. . uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini



    (English) n hospital. . uis () , ,.

    (tamil) n fellow. guy.. . uis! -!Note:- usually said in a sarcastic manner.

    sfs n theist. one who believes in God or aSuper Power. /.

    sfs n doctrine of theism..

    n wealth. . .

    sfs n flavour. taste. . . uis/.

    sfs n food. . uis .

    n oblation offered to gods with ghee

    through sacred fire. .

    vi a form of affirmation indicating presence.. uis

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    . .

    n gift. . uis


    sfs n delight. . ;in sm.uis /.

    n objection. . . uis (1) . /? (2) . . (3) /. , .

    n objection. . .

    n order. command. . . uis "" .

    n order. . .

    n imperative (gram). .

    n body. ; in sm. uis


    n bathing. ablution. . . ; in sm.

    vt yawning and stretching the body to

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    relax. .

    -vi to be possessed (by good or evilspirit). . uis ,


    n bathing. . . . .

    n bathing. . . . . uis .

    adj internal. that which is inside.

    . uis . - .!

    adv inside (portion).;in sm.uis .

    prep a preposition indicating "with". ;in sm. uis "

    /" .

    prep a preposition indicating "within","before", "earlier than" ; in sm. uis . !

    n intestine. gut. bowel.

    ;in sm. uis .

    prep & adv from inside. from within.

  • 8/10/2019 Dakshini Marathi Punaruddharini


    . uis -!

    sfs n a mass social agitation.

    . uis"" .

    (kannada) n a fried eatable made of dhals. . uis .

    n tear. ;/in sm. uis . /. / .Posted byAnanda Rao Vasishta at2:19 PM

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