Daily Writing #8

Post on 11-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Daily Writing #8

Mothershead 1

Jaime Mothershead

Prof. Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1102-013

11 February 2016

Daily Writing #8

The first time I used a computer was when I was in elementary school and I remember

because I played my first learning game. It was either something to do with turtles or about the

old tv show Arthur. I think the first time I really started using power points, mainly for school

use, was freshman year for my English class. Each year after that there was always something

given out in my classes that would require a power point or something of the sort to go along

with it. Without being able to use power point or anything like Prezi, I think that presenting

projects like what we’re doing today in class would be very difficult. I can’t think of any ways

that we would do this, but a paper based project would be hard to demonstrate and talk about,

aside from reading straight from it. Power point’s main use is to display text for everyone else to

see and provide visuals to go along with it. Not only this, but you can customize and organize

and format it to your liking. I also took 3 computer classes in high school and one was

specifically centered around power point for most of the year so I know how to use a lot of its
