Daily newsletter-no390 e 16-2-2014

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Transcript of Daily newsletter-no390 e 16-2-2014

Opposition controls Faqeer checkpoint

Geneva second round ends

2014/2/16 -NO. (390)



PAGE 3Reconciliation

between Government and opposition

Mass grave in Aleppo

Missiles from the Gulf

to the opposition

Coalition delegation on “Terrorist List” PAGE 2

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (390( 2014/2/16

Coalition delegation on “Terrorist List”

Geneva second round ends

Syria had included the Op-position Coalition delegation to Geneva in terrorists’ list and confiscated their prop-erty. The delegation know the decision when a leak copy showed up from the Justice Department’s last week to

After U.N media department in Geneva announced that the second round of talks between delegations of the Syria`s government and Op-position delegations has offi-cially ended without setting an agenda for the third round, U.N envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi insisted that the last two rounds haven’t achieved any advancement or benefit. Brahimi apologized to the Syrian People who had am-bitions to achieve something in Geneva, he also expressed hope that both parties will reconsider their attitudes and come back ready to par-

ticipate seriously in imple-menting Geneva statement. For his part Dr. Bashar Jaaf-ari, a member of the govern-ment delegation confirmed that the Syrian opposition coalition delegation insists on regarding terrorism a mi-nor issue, and that combat-ing terrorism or any other item cannot be discussed within two hours, then mov-ing forward to another item without reaching an agree-ment, this is applicable to all items. Jaafari pointed out that U.S hint to a military escalation encouraged coali-tion delegation to obstinacy

freeze their assets under the Terrorism Act 2012. Mem-ber of government delegation Bashar al-Jafari said the deci-sion was taken 2 months prior to Geneva peace talks and is totally unrelated to the nego-tiations.

and consequently the failure of this round. Louay Safi media spokesman of Syrian opposition delegation an-nounced that that the delega-tion did not put conditions to hold a third round after two failed ones, pointing out that the Coalition delegation is waiting for a serious prog-ress, calling on everyone to work hard to find a convinc-ing political solution to stop the bloodshed in Syria, add-ing: “ Syrian people are the only victorious once a politi-cal solution is reached since any Syrian is part of the ne-gotiating process.”

Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (390( 2014/2/16

A truce in Babila Reconciliation between Government and opposition

Battles in Yabroud

In Zabadani…

Al-Yarmouk Camp…

Battles between Syrian army and opposition militants are still going on in Yabroud, a number of some Syrian army soldiers were killed while with shelling with heavy ar-tillery in Rima farms in Ka-lamoon continues, opposition sources said. Syrian army killed Al-Nusra Front’s mili-tants in Rima farms in the outskirts of Yabroud, accord-ing to official media sources. Deadly clashes took place be-tween in Khan al-Asal , Jobar , Doma and Darya, while the Syrian army killed militants in Maliha and Adra, includ-ing a group leader “Hassan al-Bitar”, Opposition militants

In Yarmouk camp the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees asked the Syrian authorities to re-enter the camp to distribute food, after a week of suspension.

A truce in Babila town en-tered into force yesterday af-ter 2-week ceasefire, official resources said. Syrian Army has previously allowed aid convoys to access the town as militants handed over their arms and reconciled their le-gal status.

A ceasefire has been reached yesterday between opposition brigades and Syrian Army. It has been agreed that bomb-ing of farming areas shall be ceased simultaneously with disarmament of fighters.

targeted with mortars Dark-hbayh’s checkpoint, Vehicles Management Building and Technical Institute in Eastern Gouta, according to opposi-tion sources. A civilian was

wounded in an explosion in-side bus station in Damascus, also three people wounded in a mortar shell hit the police hos-pital main entrance in Harasta in Damascus countryside.

Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (390( 2014/2/16

Mass grave in Aleppo

Opposition controlsFaqeer checkpoint

Explosive device in Houla

Missiles from the Gulf to the opposition

Al-Arabi… Syrian crisis to U.N

Fierce clashes took place be-tween the Syrian army and opposition fighters at the sur-roundings of Hanano barracks, Brigade /80/ and Alhaidariya in Aleppo and its countryside. While fierce clashes also took place between FSA fighters and ISIL fighters on the out-

FSA controlled Fakeer check-point in Idlib countryside after battles with the Syrian army, opposition sources said. Hama countryside witnessed violent clashes between the Syrian army and the opposition mili-tants, especially on the road be-tween Mork and Soran. In Deir al-Zour violent clashes took place between Syrian army and opposition fighters in the vi-cinity of Deir al-Zour military airport, in which FSA fighters targeted the Syrian army with


Syrian Army foiled an attempt to detonate a 70-kg explosive device near Ofiyah village in Houla, as well as infiltration attempts into several village in Homs eastern countryside. In Zara, dozens of fighters includ-ing Lebanese and Saudis were killed. Pro-government march-

Wall Street Journal quoted Western sources as saying that “after the failure of Geneva II negotiations rounds, the Gulf countries are considering pro-viding qualitative arms for Syrian opposition that would

The Secretary-General of the Arab League Nabil al-Arabi said that he will be heading to the United Nations or the Se-curity Council to take the next step on the Syrian crisis after negotiations between the two parties failed at the Geneva II


skirts of Achteran city while ISIL fighters were attempting to break into it, as FSA was able to control of Mazraa and Malkeyya villages. A mass grave containing 15 bodies was discovered in Haritan in Aleppo countryside, opposi-tion sources said.

help to upset the balance of powers on ground. The talk is about Chinese shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, and Rus-sian anti-tank and missile and heavy machinery, the sources indicated.

es in several neighborhood in Homs were attacked by five mortars, no casualties reported.