d-two creative // Derrick Docket

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Graphic Design Portfolio

Transcript of d-two creative // Derrick Docket

G rap h i c D e s i G n e r an D p r o D u ct i o n art i st


d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

tab le o f c o nte nts

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d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t



Software Skills

Tactics and Capabilities

Computer Graphics Specialist, Osborn & Barr Communications (2007-Current)Production Artist/Pre-press responsibilities as well as layout concepts for ads, direct mail, trade show materials and many other marketing materials

Production Artist/Production Analyst, Epsilon (2004-2007)Pre-press/Graphic Designer Prepared different types of files for press Handled quick turnaround tasksDesign and layout for in-house creative needs.

Graphic Designer, Guide Book Publishing (2005-2007) Layout and design of customer advertising. Quick Turnaround/Deadline oriented Short-run/Low budget Advertising but maintained quality look and feel.

Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri Bachelor of Arts - Art and Design; Minor, Advertising and Promotion

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Flash, Quark Xpress, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Extensis Suitcase, Creo Spire Printing RIP Software, Keynote, iMovie, iDVD.

Concept Sketching, Drawing, Digital Photography, Presentations, Page Layout, PDF Creation, Template Design, Poster Design, Prepress, T-Shirt Design, Flyers, Postcards, Envelopes, Self-Mailers, Letters, Direct Mail, Photoshop Automation, Branding, Web design, Advertising, Direct Mail

D e R R I c K D o c K et


d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

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p r i nt d e s i g n


d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

2494 Hopewell RoadWentzville, MO 63385

2494 Hopewell RoadWentzville, MO 63385 Phone (636)327-8004

Email cd@revivalcenterfellowship.org

Celeste DavisPastor


R ev Ival c e nte R f e lloWs h I P - I D e nt I t y an D b Ran D I n G


bUsIness caRD



d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

Reduce Your Risk and Increase Your Yield Potential While Planting with the Confi dence Offered by DEKALB® Brand Seed.

What the Industry Is Saying About YieldGard Triple Hybrids and the Biotech Yield EndorsementSM:“The Biotech Yield EndorsementSM saved me between 15 percent and 17 percent this season. I would recommend enrolling in this program. With insurance prices going up along with everything else, this is a great way to save money.” – Shane Hanna, corn grower, Delphi, Indiana.

“I defi nitely recommend that growers take advantage of the BYESM program. Our savings were about $4.10 per acre. Any time you can save $4 an acre, it all adds to the bottom line.”– Jeff Reints, corn grower, Shell Rock, Iowa.

“In our mission to help increase profi t opportunities for corn growers across the country, National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is pleased by approval of an expanded Risk Management Biotechnology Endorsement program, increasing the availability of lower federal crop insurance premiums for growers in 11 states. This expansion will be another tool in our growers’ toolkit to help them remain the most effi cient and successful growers in the world.” – Rick Tolman, CEO, National Corn

Growers Association.

For more information, visit: www.rma.usda.gov or


Grain harvested from products that bear this mark is fully approved for food and feed use in the United States and Japan, but is not approved in the European Union. You must find a market for this crop that will not ship this grain or its processed products to Europe. Appropriate markets for this grain include: domestic feed use or grain handlers that specifically agree to accept this grain and handle

it appropriately. For more information on your grain market options, go to the American Seed Trade Association’s website at www.amseed.org or call your seed supplier.

MARKET CHOICES is a registered certification mark used under license from ASTA.

Know Before You GrowSM, an information service provided by National Corn Growers Association at www.ncga.com.

Growers should refer to Monsanto’s Technology Use Guide for information on crop stewardship regarding the potential movement of pollen to neighboring crops. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. For more information call 1-866-SELLCORN. Know Before You GrowSM is a service mark of National Corn Growers Association.

IMPORTANT: The following information is current as of August 2008: YieldGard Plus and YieldGard Rootworm with Roundup Ready Corn 2 are grandfathered for import and use in processed feed in the European Union (EU). YieldGard Plus with Roundup Ready Corn 2, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2 and YieldGard VT Triple are neither approved nor grandfathered, and there is zero tolerance for these traits in processed feed imported in the EU. Growers of all products bearing the Market Choices mark must talk to their grain handler to confi rm the handler’s buying position for grain from these products. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted.

IMPORTANT: Grain Marketing and Seed Availability: YieldGard VT Triple PRO has received the necessary approvals in the United States; however, as of August 2008, approvals have not been received in certain major corn export markets. YieldGard VT Triple PRO will not be launched and seed will not be available until after import approvals are received in appropriate major corn export markets. When launched, YieldGard VT Triple PRO will bear the Market Choices mark, indicating the need to fi nd a market for the crop that will not ship the grain or its processed products to Europe. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Other stewardship requirements may apply; consult with your seed representative for current stewardship information.

Always read and follow pesticide label directions. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® agricultural herbicides. Roundup® agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not glyphosate tolerant. YieldGard VT Triple Corn can be offered for sale in the states in which it is registered. Check with your Monsanto representative for state-specifi c status. Biotech Yield Endorsement and BYE is a service mark, DEKALB, DEKALB and Design and WHEN PERFORMANCE COUNTS are trademarks of Dekalb Genetics Corporation, YieldGard®, YieldGard VT®, YieldGard VT Triple® and Design, YieldGard VT Triple PROTM and Design, YieldGard Plus Design, Roundup® and Roundup Ready® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2008 Monsanto Company. [33779-32 dd 8/08] 6B8R083349

Program Expanded for 2009

APH - Actual Production HistoryCRC - Crop Revenue CoverageRA - Revenue Assurance

Approved BYE States










Expanded to include 7 more states and includes irrigated acres in KS and NE

Original 2008 Biotech Yield EndorsementSM Pilot now offered and expanded as part of the new Risk Management Biotechnology Endorsement Pilot



Steps to Take Advantage of This Innovative Biotechnology Endorsement Program in 2009:2009 program available in MN, SD, NE, KS, MO, IA, WI, IL, IN, MI and OH. Qualifying insured non-irrigated corn for grain acres are eligible in all approved states. Qualifying insured irrigated corn for grain acres eligible in only KS and NE.

Plant at least 75 percent of your total non-irrigated and/or irrigated acres (in KS and NE) corn for grain acreage at the insured unit level with YieldGard VT Triple, YieldGard VT Triple PRO or YieldGard Plus with Roundup Ready Corn 2 hybrids.

Talk with your crop insurance provider about purchasing a qualifying plan of crop insurance (APH, CRC, RA).

Work with your insurance agent throughout the season to meet sign-up, reporting and paperwork submission requirements.

M o n santo D e K alb b R o c h U R e


d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

M o n santo We e D R e s I stan c e - te st I M o n Ial t I P caR D s

START CLEAN, STAY CLEANTM.Maximize Your Weed Control to Minimize the Risk of Weed Resistance

1. Start clean and control weeds early.

2. Use Roundup Ready® Technology as your foundation.

3. Add other herbicides and cultural practices where appropriate as part of the Roundup Ready System.

4. Use the right rate at the right time.

5. Control weeds throughout the season and reduce the weed seed bank.

Understand Your Risk, Know Your Options

Go to www.weedresistancemanagement.com for weed-management information, Roundup Ready Technology Use Guides, and news and insights from third-party sources.

The Weed Resistance Risk Assessment tool helps gauge your risk of developing glyphosate-resistant weeds. Go to www.weedtool.com and in a few easy steps fi nd ways to better manage the risk.

For more details, call 1-800-ROUNDUP.Gin by-products of cotton containing Monsanto’s biotech traits, including cottonseed for feed uses, are fully approved for export to Canada, Japan, Mexico and South Korea. Cottonseed containing Monsanto traits may not be exported for the purpose of planting without a license from Monsanto.

Already read and follow pesticide label directions. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® agricultural herbicides. Roundup agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not glyphosate tolerant. Growers should be sure that the glyphosate product used in these applications over Roundup Ready Flex cotton has been tested for that use so as to reduce the risk of leaf damage. See the Roundup Ready Flex Technical Use Guide for details.

Degree Xtra® and Harness® Xtra are restricted-use pesticides and are not registered in all states. The distribution, sale or use of an unregistered pesticide is a violation of federal and/or state law and is strictly prohibited. Check with your local Monsanto dealer or Monsanto representative for the product registration status in your state. Roundup®, Degree Xtra®, Harness® Xtra, Start Clean, Stay Clean.™, PARRLAY®, Roundup Ready®, Monsanto Imagine® and the Vine Design are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2008 Monsanto Company. 5F8L082973

Unlike other Mississippi River Delta states, Louisiana farmers have not yet had to deal with herbicide-resistant weeds and grasses on a major scale. The reason may lie in certain cultural practices used in cotton production that help delay or prevent the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, according to Dr. Sandy Stewart, extension cotton specialist at Louisiana State University.

“If you look at a map of the Cotton Belt that shows where herbicide-resistant weeds are a problem, Louisiana is in an outlying area,” Dr. Stewart explains. “Some of our cotton production practices, such as using tank mixes of different herbicides for both preplant burndown treatments and over-the-top applications in Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready Flex cotton, are helping our cause.”

The widespread use of burndown herbicide tank mixes is necessary in Louisiana due to the winter annual weed spectrum. Also, late-germinating weeds such as brown top millet and broadleaf signalgrass are best controlled postemergence and at layby with a tank-mix combination of herbicides. “Farmers should continue making post-directed herbicide applications at layby in Roundup Ready Flex cotton,” explains Dr. Stewart. “This technology reduces the need for application precision, enabling growers to make their layby applications a little faster.”

Dr. Stewart acknowledges that Louisiana isn’t completely untouched by weed-resistance issues. Weed resistance to ALS-inhibitor herbicides exists in some areas, though farmers are doing a good job managing around that resistance issue.

“What we don’t have is the glyphosate-resistant marestail that is a problem in other Delta states,” the weed scientist says. “With the tall waterhemp and johnsongrass, we’re in the very early stages of these weeds potentially being identifi ed as herbicide-resistant.”

Dr. Stewart suggests that farmers in Louisiana remain proactive and perhaps take some other steps to delay the development of herbicide-resistant weeds. He offers these additional tips for effective weed management:

mixes for burndown treatments ahead of planting. Include 2, 4-D, dicamba or Valor® with glyphosate.

preemergence residual herbicide should consider doing so.

herbicide such as PARRLAY® tank-mixed with glyphosate for over-the-top applications in Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex cotton.

® agricultural herbicides.

Dr. Sandy Stewart,Louisiana State University

Louisiana Farmers Work to Prevent Spread of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

NEW TIPSNEW TIPSLouisiana State cotton specialist offers tips for managing hard-to-control weeds.

Glyphosate- and ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth and glyphosate-resistant marestail remain the only two herbicide-resistant weeds of economic signifi cance in North Carolina, and a concentrated effort is under way to keep these weeds under control to prevent their spread, according to Dr. Alan York, extension weed specialist with North Carolina State University.

Regular use of preplant and preemergence residual herbicides is strongly recommended in all crops, particularly Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready Flex cotton. “If a grower has herbicide-resistant weeds, he needs to control them with residual herbicides at the beginning of the growing season,” Dr. York says. “In many cases, if you don’t control these weeds with preemergence herbicides, then you won’t control them.” He says where possible, 2, 4-D should be used in preplant burndown herbicide treatments. “This herbicide is economical and helps control glyphosate-resistant marestail, in addition to other tough-to-control weeds,” Dr. York explains.

Residual herbicides are also strongly recommended for over-the-top and layby post-directed applications in Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex cotton. “It is very important to use residual herbicides and herbicides with different modes of action across all crops, including cotton, corn and soybeans,” Dr. York emphasizes. He recommends using a residual herbicide such as Valor® with 2, 4-D and glyphosate tank mixes when making burndown treatments, when possible. “Otherwise, use a preemergence residual herbicide,” he adds.

To maximize effective weed control of Palmer amaranth and reduce the risk of weed-resistance development, Dr. York offers the following tips:

preplant or make a preemergence treatment behind the planter. Valor herbicide provides good control of marestail and can be applied either preplant or preemergence.

amaranth, Dual MAGNUM® should be included in tank mixes with Roundup® agricultural herbicides for over-the-top treatments in Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex cotton.

and post-directed application equipment and not rely solely on over-the-top herbicide applications.

®, Valor, Suprend® or Layby Pro®, in addition to Roundup agricultural herbicides.

range of corn herbicides available and include atrazine in your weed-control programs.

Dr. Alan York,North Carolina State University

North Carolina Farmers Focus on Fighting Herbicide-Resistant Weeds


The pigweed species Palmer amaranth is quickly becoming the number one weed challenge for Arkansas cotton growers. The problem: Much of the Palmer amaranth population is resistant to two popular herbicide chemistries, ALS-inhibitors and glyphosate.

“About 50 percent of our Palmer amaranth populations are resistant to ALS herbicides,” says Dr. Ken Smith, extension weed specialist for the University of Arkansas. “We also are seeing more glyphosate resistance in Palmer amaranth.”

The weed scientist notes that Palmer amaranth can be diffi cult to control even when it isn’t glyphosate resistant. “The fl ushes and populations of this weed just keep coming,” Smith says.

While the ALS herbicide resistance in Palmer amaranth is more widespread, the fact that Arkansas farmers rely so much more on glyphosate than any other single herbicide is exacerbating the problem.

“The herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth has really gotten our farmers’ attention,” Smith says. “Our most conscientious farmers are already making a good attempt to stay on top of the problem. If they see weed escapes, they work on them.”

He says farmers should always use a residual herbicide of some kind in Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready Flex cotton, either preplant or preemergence. “For instance, Valor® or Refl ex® herbicides work well as part of a burndown treatment and provide residual control of Palmer amaranth well into the growing season,” he explains.

Also on farmer radar in Arkansas is glyphosate-resistant marestail, or horseweed. This weed is currently a lesser problem than Palmer amaranth, according to Smith. “A burndown program that includes a residual herbicide provides good control of glyphosate-resistant marestail,” he adds. He suggests tillage, post-directed sprays and hoe crews as other effective control options.

To help preserve the effectiveness of Roundup Ready® Technology and minimize the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, Dr. Smith and the Arkansas Herbicide Resistance Committee, a group of academics, consultants and industry representatives, offer these additional tips:

PARRLAY®, should be included in tank mixes with Roundup® agricultural herbicides in Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex cotton.

be used.®

plus MSMA, or Caparol® plus MSMA should be applied at layby.

post-directed sprayers and hooded sprayers in Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex cotton when applying herbicides not allowed over the top.

Dr. Ken Smith,University of Arkansas

Arkansas Farmers Focusing on Resistant Palmer Amaranth


There are currently four herbicide-resistant weed species confi rmed in South Dakota: ALS-resistant kochia, ALS-resistant wild sunfl ower, glyphosate-tolerant common ragweed and ACCase-resistant wild oats. This list may well increase soon if state farmers don’t take some countermeasures in their weed-control programs, according to a South Dakota State University weed scientist.

Dr. Mike Moechnig, SDSU extension weed specialist in Brookings, says other weeds are showing potential for resistance development, including glyphosate-tolerant horseweed and wild buckwheat, and ALS-inhibitor-resistant common waterhemp.

“When rotating Roundup Ready® Corn 2 and Roundup Ready Soybeans, I recommend use of residual herbicides to at least partially reduce selection for glyphosate-resistant weeds,” Dr. Moechnig says.

While Roundup Ready crops generally provide the best weed-control options, rotations with other crops, such as wheat and sunfl owers, help minimize selection for glyphosate-resistant weeds, the scientist adds.

Dr. Moechnig estimates that less than 25 percent of Roundup Ready soybean acres in the state are treated with a residual herbicide, but that percentage may increase as weeds become more diffi cult to control and soybean prices increase.

Higher fuel prices also make tank-mixing of residual herbicides with glyphosate for early postemergence applications a more attractive option for farmers who are trying to minimize trips across their fi elds, Dr. Moechnig adds.

To delay the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, he offers the following tips for effective weed management:

It may allow more time to make the fi rst glyphosate application without resulting in weed escapes or yield loss due to early- season weed competition.

in Roundup Ready Corn 2 and consider using them in soybeans if you have moderate to high weed densities.

a residual herbicide with glyphosate for early post- emergence applications in both Roundup Ready Corn 2 and Roundup Ready soybeans.

instructions to ensure adequate weed control and minimize selection for glyphosate-tolerant weed species.

Dr. Mike Moechnig,South Dakota State University

Structure Weed-Control Programs to Fight Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

NEW TIPSNEW TIPSNEW TIPSSouth Dakota State University weed scientist offers tips for managing hard-to-control weeds.

Missouri farmers are coping with herbicide-resistant weeds, including one – waterhemp – that is resistant to three different herbicide chemistries, including glyphosate, ALS-inhibitors and PPO products. Agricultural scientists in the state also have their eye on Palmer amaranth and giant ragweed, watching for possible development of glyphosate and/or ALS resistance.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that Missouri typically grows twice the number of acres of soybeans than it does of corn. “This makes the standard corn-soybean rotation, which would help us better control herbicide-resistant weeds, less of an option for our growers,” Dr. Bradley explains. “In many cases, we have continuous cropping of Roundup Ready® soybeans with little or no rotation.”

He says in soybeans, there are simply no good postemergence herbicide options to control waterhemp that is resistant to these three modes of action. “You have to control this weed with preplant or preemergence residual herbicides, or you won’t control it.” Dr. Bradley adds that in-crop cultivation is still an option for these situations, but that few, if any farmers are using cultivation any more.

To achieve the best control, he suggests planting into a weed-free fi eld by using burndown herbicides and preplant residual herbicides. “In corn, Harness® Xtra, Degree Xtra®, Bicep II Magnum®, Guardsman Max® and Lexar® are generally good premergence herbicide options for the weed spectrum typically encountered in Missouri, but a postemergence herbicide

application will often be required for weeds that may escape or emerge after the initial premergence treatment.”

Dr. Bradley stresses the importance of mixing herbicide modes of action from year to year. “Applying the same herbicide in the same place over time will lead to the development of resistance,” he says. “One of the easiest and most effective ways that herbicide rotation can be accomplished is with the use of residual herbicides in corn and soybeans.”

To achieve the best possible weed management in both Roundup Ready® Corn 2 and Roundup Ready soybeans, and to delay or prevent the development of weed resistance, Dr. Bradley offers Missouri farmers these additional tips:

helps break up weed cycles, and corn has a good arsenal of herbicides to choose from that will prevent the development of resistant weeds or manage weeds like waterhemp, which may have already developed resistance.

® agricultural herbicides. Don’t let the price for generic glyphosate products and Roundup herbicides tempt you to reduce rates.

before they get established. That patch of weeds may be there for any one of a hundred reasons, and herbicide resistance might be one of them.

Dr. Kevin Bradley,University of Missouri

Missouri Farmers Manage Herbicide-Resistant Weeds



d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

Gift RegistryTarget • JC Penney • Bed, Bath & Beyond

Brittany Kristen Davis and Derrick Docketinvite you to be with us as we begin our new life together

Saturday, the Twenty-Eighth of June, Two Thousand and Eightat Eleven O’Clock in the morning

The Butterfl y House • Faust Park15193 Olive Blvd. • Chesterfi eld, MO 63017

Reception to follow at the Club House of the Ballwin Golf Course333 Holloway Rd • Ballwin, MO 63011

at Six O’Clock in the evening

We look forward to celebrating with you.Please reply by June 7, 2008

Will be able to attend Sorry, Unable to attend


Number attending





ReGIstRy caRD

We D D I n G I nv I tat I o n s an D P R o G RaM s


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We D D I n G I nv I tat I o n s


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d i r e ct ma i l / d i m e n s i o nal d e s i g n


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Happy Holidays from Performance PartnersSM with Asgrow® and DEKALB®! Enclosed is our gift to you, a $100 prepaid Visa® debit card, which can be used at millions of retailers worldwide. Please see the additi onal enclosure for acti vati on instructi ons and card policies. Enjoy the holiday season, and thank you for being a member of Performance Partners!


Happy Holidays


M o n santo P e R f o R Man c e PaRtn e R s - h o l I Day G I f t caR D Ma I le R



Happy Holidays

GIft caRD


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Dear <Name>,

We want to thank you for your recent purchase order of Asgrow® and/or DEKALB® seed. As always, we remain committ ed to providing you with the consistency and performance you have come to expect.

Thanks again, too, for enrolling in Performance PartnersSM, which rewards our most loyal customers with great perks and benefi ts. We appreciate your business, and wish you success in the 2009 planti ng season.

DEKALB is a registered trademark of DeKalb Geneti cs Corporati on. Asgrow® and Performance PartnersSM are trademarks and service marks of Monsanto Technology LLC. ©2008 Monsanto Company. 2D8Q083624 [34912-9 DD 10/08]


Your purchase is greatly appreciated.

FPODear <customer>,

We just want to let you know that the ti me to enroll in Performance PartnersSM is limited. You will want to take advantage of the great perks and rewards being off ered through this program, but you must enroll by February 1, 2009, in order to be eligible.

Once you are enrolled, here are just some of the benefi ts you will enjoy as a Performance Partners member:

• A rebate of up to 1.5% on your future seed purchases

• Generous discounts with vendors, such as H&H Trailer®, Cabela’s® and Dell®

• “Know to Grow” business tools to boost your performance and bott om line

Please call 1-888-827-4769 to enroll now. Or use your technology ID number to enroll at www.performancepartners.asgrowanddekalb.com.

Your Assigned Technology ID Number is:


DEKALB® is a registered trademark of DeKalb Geneti cs Corporati on. Asgrow® and Performance Partners are trademarks and service marks of Monsanto Technology LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respecti ve owners. ©2008 Monsanto Company. 2D8Q083626 [34912-20 DD 11/08]

Time is running out to get in ona good thing.

M o n santo P e R f o R Man c e PaRtn e R s - than K yo U / R e M I n D e R P o stcaR D s


d t w o c r e at i v e d - t w o . n e t

M o n santo G R o U n D b R eaK e R s - We lc o M e K I t

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