Customer Development - Entrepreneurs Break

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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This short slide deck containing bits of my experience as an entrepreneur while developing new businesses from scratch, and a overview of those cust dev authors i've massive respect for: ash maurya, patrick vlaskovits and rob fitzpatrick.

Transcript of Customer Development - Entrepreneurs Break

cust dev motherfuckerdo you speak it?

slides structure

real life examplessome authors and techniquesopiniontools

a long time ago...

my cv mapback in’s going to destroy linkedingraphic map of your careercust dev = almost øsome dev on flash (!), paper prototyping...500€ later... puff

say whaaaat ?

what we did:raw data + surveys + intern = heavy biz planbehavior observationexpert feedbacktwitter stalkingacceleration program

what we should have done:all that stuff conciérge mvpmake informal arrangement with 2-4 hostels/hotelsgo to airports, rails, buses and cruisesreally test out the product

mr. map

mr. map

what we did:2013make connections + setup everythingless than 1 month -> machines arriveddeploy in a couple of places2,00 € * 5 mapsalways keep in mind: fail early, fail fast

(step 1)

what we did:survey recent-gradsbuild mvp that sucked very

(step 1)

what we learned:people are not afraid to share their fb addressreferrals / recommendations are very importantjob fairs still have a wordvery hot market

(step 2)

what we did next:+40 interviewsask for expert opinionclose headhunting agreements

(step 2)

what we learned:early-stage startups don’t have money to spend on hiring -> redefine targetreferral is KING when hiringmoney > reach > culture, when hiring lack of money beats lack of reach or culture

(step 3 aka now)

continue step 2 plus:fb / linkedin ads experimenttest pricingget early-adopters

rob fitzpatrick

the mom test book

do you think it's a good idea?

the mom test book

do you think it's a good idea?

the mom test book

would you buy a product which did X?

the mom test book

would you buy a product which did X?

the mom test book

talk me through the last time that happened.

the mom test book

talk me through the last time that happened.

the mom test book

what are the implications of that?

the mom test book

what are the implications of that?

the mom test book

how much would you pay for X?

the mom test book

how much would you pay for X?

the mom test book

what would your dream product do?

the mom test book

what would your dream product do?

the mom test book

would you pay Y for a product which did X?

the mom test book

would you pay Y for a product which did X?

the mom test book

how are you dealing with it now?

the mom test book

how are you dealing with it now?

the mom test book

where does the money come from?

the mom test book

where does the money come from?

the mom test book

what else have you tried?why do you bother?andwho else should i talk to?is there anything else i should have asked?

ash maurya

lean canvas, remember?

running lean simplified

1. lean canvas

2. prioritize assumptions

3. problem interview

4. solution interview

5. mvp interview

6. validate

patrick vlaskovits

customer dev cycle

step 1: document c-p-s hypothesisstep 2: brainstorm business model hypothesisstep 3: find prospects to talk tostep 4: reach out to prospectsstep 5: engaging prospectsstep 6: compile | measure | teststep 7: problem solving fit/mvpstep 8: compile | measure | test

vlaskovits’ dark side...

bash your competition online

make bad reviews about them (specially ux)

and, of course, you’re the obvious alternative

frameworks are nice but you fuck up anyway

try to follow running lean process

but processes exist to be broken

skype is ok, f2f is better

done is better than perfect

additional 50 cents


brain, balls, mouth, hands :-)

pipedrive (integrated w/ google)

google drive (excel / docs)

messaging tools (skype, google hangouts, etc.)

lean canvas tools -> google it...

pedro carmo oliveira

cerebral assassin. tech headhunter. ruby enthusiast. elite backpacker. football player and benfiquista.

mail: oliveira@pcbo.metwitter: @pcbo