CURRICULUM VITAE - Stevens Institute of Technology › algebraic › alexeim ›...

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1. Alexei Myasnikov

2. Canada Research Chair, Department of Mathematics,McGill University, Montreal.Doctoral Faculty, The Graduate Center of CUNY, New York.


Dr.Sc. in Mathematics (Habilitation): Model Theory Problems ofAlgebra, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, 1992.Ph.D. in Mathematics: Approximation of automorphism groups andelementary theories of nilpotent groups, Leningrad University,Leningrad, Russia, 1984.M.Sc. in Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, 1978.


Doctoral Faculty, The Graduate Center of CUNY (1998-).Professor, The City College, CUNY (1998-2004),Associate Professor, The City College, CUNY (1994-1998),Visiting Professor, McGill University, Canada (1993-94),Full Professor, Omsk State University, Russia (1992-94),Associate Professor, Omsk State University, Russia (1985-91),Head of Laboratory of Applied Logic, Institute of AppliedMathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk (1990-94)


Gambrinus Award (Germany), 2004.Canada Research Chair Award (Canada), 2002.Performance Excellence Award (CUNY, New York), 1999-2000.Fellowship from Paris VII University (Paris, France), 1993.AMS Fellowship, 1993.Russian Academy of Science Award (Russia), 1992-93.


Russian Fund of Fundamental Research Award (Russia), 1990-92.All-Russian Universities Fund Award (Russia), 1991-93.First Prize, Omsk Fund for Young Mathematicians, 1987.

6. PUBLICATIONS (last 5 years only):

6.0 Books

1. ”Computational and Statistical Group Theory”, Contemporary Math-ematics, v. 298, 2002 (co-authored with R.Gilman, and V.Shpilrain).

2. ”Combinatorial and Geometric group Theory”, Contemporary Math-ematics, v. 296, 2002 (co-authored with S.Cleary, R.Gilman, andV.Shpilrain)

3. ”Computational and Experimental Group Theory”, Contemporary Math-ematics (co-authored with A.Borovik), Contemporary Math., v. 349,2004.

4. ”Group Theory, Statistics and Cryptography ” (co-authored with V.Shpilrain),2004.

5. ”Combinatorics over free groups”, in preparation.

6. ”Algebraic geometry over free groups” (co-authored with O. Kharlam-povich), to appear in 2005.

7. ”Algebnraic geometry over groups” (joint with V.Remeslennikov), inpreparation.

6.1 Published papers

1. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Algebraic geometry overgroups I. Algebraic sets and ideal theory. Journal of Algebra, 1999,v.219, pp.16-79.

2. O.Kharlampovich, E. Lyutikova, A. Myasnikov. Equations over Q-completions of hyperbolic groups. Transactions of Math., 1999.


3. G.Baumslag, A.G.Myasnikov, V. Shpilrain, Open problems in combi-natorial group theory. In: Groups, Languages and Geometry. Amer.Math. Soc., Contemporary Math. 250, 1999, pp.1-27.

4. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Malnormality is decid-able in free groups. Intern. Journal of Algebra and Computation, v.9,6, 1999.

5. K.Bencsath, B.Fine, A.Gaglione, A.Myasnikov, G.Rosenberger, D.Spellman.Aspects of the theory of free groups. Algorithmic problems in groupsand semigroups, Birkhauser, Trends in Math., Boston, Basel, Berlin,pp.35-50.

6. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Algebraic geometry overgroups. Algorithmic problems in groups and semigroups, Birkhauser,Trends in Math., Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2000, pp.51-90.

7. S.Lioutikov and A.Myasnikov. Centroids of groups Journal of GroupTheory, v.3, iss.2 (2000), pp. 177-197.

8. A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Algebraic geometry 2: logical founda-tions. Journal of Algebra 234 (2000), p. 225-276.

9. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Discriminating and co-discriminating groups. J. of Group Theory, v. 3, no. 4 (2000), p.467479 .

10. A.D.Miasnikov and A.G.Myasnikov. Balanced presentations of the triv-ial group on two generators and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture, Groupsand Computation III, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin New York, 2001, p.257-263.

11. A.Borovik, A.Myasnikov, V.Shpilrain Measuring sets in infinite groups,Manchester Centre for Pure Mathematics, 2001, no. 15, 20 pp. (ISSN1472-9210).

12. O.Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov. Implicit function theorem over freegroups and genus problem. AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics,v.24, 2001, pp.77-83.


13. B.Fine, A.M.Gaglione, A.Myasnikov, D.Spellman. Discriminating groups,J. of Group Theory 4 (2001), pp.463-474.

14. I.Kapovich and A.Myasnikov Stallings foldings and subgroups of freegroups. Journal of Algebra, 248 (2002), pp.608–668.

15. A.D. Miasnikov, A. G. Myasnikov, V. Shpilrain On the Andrews-Curtisequivalence, In: Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory. Amer.Math. Soc., Contemp. Math., 296, (2002), pp.183-198.

16. G. Baumslag, A.G. Myasnikov, V. Shpilrain, Open problems in com-binatorial group theory. Second edition. In: Combinatorial and Geo-metric Group Theory. Amer. Math. Soc., Contemporary Math. 296(2002), pp.1-38.

17. A. Borovik, A. Myasnikov, V. Shpilrain Measuring sets in infinitegroups. In: Computational and Statistical Group Theory. Amer.Math. Soc., Contemporary Math. 298 (2002), pp.21-42.

18. G. Baumslag, A. Myasnikov, V. Remeslennikov. Discriminating com-pletions of hyperbolic groups, Geometriae Dedicata (2003), Vol 92, pp.115-143.

19. I.Kapovich, A.Myasnikov, P.Schupp, V.Shpilrain Generic-case com-plexity and decision problems in group theory J. of Algebra, 264 (2003),pp.665-694.

20. A.Myasnikov, V.Shpilrain Automorphic orbits in free groups, J. of Al-gebra Volume, 269 (2003),Issue 1, pp. 18-27.

21. A. V. Borovik, E. I. Khukhro and A. G. Myasnikov The Andrews-CurtisConjecture and Black Box Groups, Int. J. of Algebra and Computation,v.13, n.4 (2003), p.415-436.

22. A. Borovik, A. Myasnikov, V. Remeslennikov Multiplicative measureson free groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation,v.13, n.6 (2003), p.705-731.

23. B. Fine, A. Gaglione, A. Myasnikov, D. Spellman Elementary theory offree groups, Proceedings of Int. Conf on Combinatorial group theory,Oxford, 2001.


24. R.Gilman and A.Myasnikov One Variable Equations in Free Groups viaContext Free Languages, Contemporary Mathematics, v. 349, 2004, p.83-88.

25. A.Myasnikov and P. Shumyatsky Discriminating groups and c-dimension,Journal of Group Theory, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2004), p. 135142.

26. Alexei D. Miasnikov, Alexei G. Myasnikov Whitehead method and Ge-netic Algorithms, Contemporary Mathematics, Contemporary Mathe-matics, v. 349, 2004, p. 89-114.

27. Robert M. Haralick, Alexei D. Miasnikov, Alexei G. Myasnikov Pat-tern Recognition Approaches to Solving Combinatorial Problems in FreeGroups, Contemporary Mathematics, v. 349, 2004, p. 197-213.

28. O. Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov, V. Remeslennikov, D. Serbin Sub-groups of fully residually free groups: algorithmic problems, Contemp.Math. series of the AMS, Group theory, Statistics and Cryptography,360 (2004).

29. I.Kapovich, A.Myasnikov, P.Schupp, V.Shpilrain Average-case com-plexity and decision problems in group theory. Advances in Mathe-matics 190 (2005), no. 2, pp. 343-359

30. Ilya Kapovich, Alexei Myasnikov, Richard Weidmann Foldings, graphsof groups and the membership problem, Int. J. of Algebra and Compu-tation, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2005), p.95-128.

31. A. Kvaschuk, A. Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov Algebraic geometry overgroups III: Elements of model theory. Journal of Algebra, Vol. 288,Issue 1 , 1 (2005), p.78-98.

32. O.Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov. Implicit function theorems over freegroups. Journal of Algebra, 290/1 (2005), p.1-203.

33. O. Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov, Algebraic geometry over free groups:lifting solutions into generic points, Contemp.Math. AMS, Algorithms,Languages, Logic (Borovik, ed.), CONM/ 378, 2005, 213-318.


34. A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov, D.Serbin, Regular free length functionson Lyndon’s free Z[t]-group FZ[t], Contemp.Math. AMS, Algorithms,Languages, Logic (Borovik, ed.), CONM/ 378, 2005, 37-77.

35. O.Kharlampovich and A.Myasnikov Effective JSJ decompositions, Con-temp.Math. AMS, Algorithms,Languages, Logic (Borovik, ed.), CONM/378, 2005, p.87-212.

36. Robert M. Haralick, Alexei D. Miasnikov, Alexei G. Myasnikov, PatternRecognition and Minimal Words in Free Groups of Rank 2. Journal ofGroup Theory, v.8, n.4, .

6.2 Accepted for publication

1. B.Fine, A.M.Gaglione, A.Myasnikov, D.Spellman. Groups Whose Uni-versal Theory is Axiomatizable by Quasi-Identities, to appear in J. ofGroup Theory.

2. A. Kvaschuk, A. Myasnikov, Big powers and free constructions, to ap-pear in International Journal of Algebra and Computation.

3. A. V. Borovik, A. G. Myasnikov and V. N. Remeslennikov, Conju-gacy problem in HNN-extensions of groups, to appear in ContemporaryMathematics.

4. A. V. Borovik, A. G. Myasnikov and V. N. Remeslennikov, Complexityof the conjugacy problem in amalgamated products of free groups, toappear in Contemporary Mathematics.

5. A.Borovik, A. Lubotzky, A.Myasnikov Finitary Andrews-Curtis con-jecture.

6. A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov, D.Serbin Finite automata and fullyresidually free groups, International Journal of Algebra and computa-tion.

7. Alexei Myasnikov, Vladimir Shpilrain, Alexander Ushakov A practicalattack on some braid group based cryptographic protocols


2. PUBLICATIONS (other than the last five years):

1. Myasnikov A. On the approximability of groups of outer automor-phisms of free groups of finite rank. Algebra and Logic, 1981, v.20,3, p.291-299.

2. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Isomorphism and elementary prop-erties of powered nilpotent groups. Proc.Math.Institute, v.2, Nauka,Novosibirsk, 1981, p.56-87

3. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Elementary properties of powerednilpotent groups. Doklady Akademii Nayuk, 1981,v. 258, 5, p.1056-1059.

4. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Definability of Mal’cev bases. Proc.of 16 Soviet Union algebraic conference, v.1, 1981, Leningrad, p.113-114.

5. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V., Definability of Mal’cev bases andelementary properties of finite dimensional algebras.I, Siberian Jour.Math., 1982, v.23, 5, p.152-167.

6. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Definability of Mal‘cev bases andelementary theories of finite dimensional algebras.II, Siberian Jour.Math., 1983, v.24, 2, p.97-113.

7. Myasnikov A. Complete theories of nilpotent groups. In: VIII SovietUnion conf. on group theory, Sumy, 1982.

8. Myasnikov A. Elementary equivalence of finitely generated nilpotentgroups. In: IX Soviet Union conference on group theory, Moscow,1984.

9. Myasnikov A. Finite-dimensional algebras and k-groups of finite rank.Contemp Math., 1984, v.33, p.436-453.

10. Myasnikov A. Generalized Nielsen transformations and trivial groups.Math. Notes, 1984, v.5, 4, p.491-495.


11. Myasnikov A. Stable torsion-free rings and nilpotent groups. In: VIISoviet Union conf. on math. logic, Novosibirsk, 1984.

12. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Elementary group equivalence withthe integral length function. Illinois J.Math., 20,1986, v.30,2.

13. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Elementary equivalence of free prod-ucts of groups with a length function. Proc.Academy of Science USSR,Novosibirsk, 1987, v.718. p. 1-22.

14. Myasnikov A. Free operator groups with length function and finitelygenerated group of operators. In: Computable invariants of algebraicstructures.Novosibirsk, 1987, p.87-97.

15. Myasnikov A. Abstract isomorphisms and elementary theories of finitedimensional algebras and unipotent groups. Doklady Akademii NaukUSSR, 1987, v.297, 2, p.290-293.

16. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Recursive p-adic numbers and ele-mentary theories of finitely generated pro-p-groups. Izvest. AkademiiNauk USSR, ser.math 1988, v.30, 3.

17. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Admissible sets in group theory. Preprint803 Novosibirsk, Academy of Sciense, 1988.

18. Myasnikov A. Structure of models and criteria of decidability of com-plete theories of finite-dimensional algebras. Izvest. Akademii NaykUSSR, ser. math., 1989, v.53,2, p.379-397.

19. Myasnikov A. Modules over local ring. Siberian Jour. Math., 1989,v.30,3, p.72-83.

20. Myasnikov A. Remeslennikov V. Model-theoretical problems in grouptheory. In: Problems of Algebra, 1989, Minsk, v.4.

21. Myasnikov A. Invariants of bilinear mappings. Siberian Jour. Math.,1990, v.31,1, p.104-115.

22. Myasnikov A. Model theory of bilinear mappings. Siberian Jour. Math.,1990, v.31,3, p.94-108.


23. Myasnikov A.,Remeslennikov V. Logic of finite types in group theory.Bull. Siberian Math Soc., Novosibirsk, 1990, p.18-25.

24. Myasnikov A. On elementary equivalence of modules in two-sorted lan-guage. In: X Soviet Union Conf.on math. logic, Alma-Ata, 1991.

25. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Weak second order logic in grouptheory. Contemp. Math., 1992(part 2), v.131, p.273-277.

26. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Admissible sets in group theory. Al-gebra i logic, 1992,v.3.

27. Myasnikov A.G. Model–theoretic problems of algebra. Dissertation,VINITI, Moscow, 1992.

28. Myasnikov A. Algorithmic problems over pro-p-groups. Proc. Instituteof Applied math., Russian Academy Science, Omsk, 1992.

29. Myasnikov A., Remeslennikov V. Exponential groups.I: foundations ofthe theory and tensor completions, Proc. Inst. Appl. Math., RussianAcad. Sci.,v.9, Omsk, 1993.

30. Myasnikov A. Uniformal coordinatization and linearization of nilpo-tent groups over principal integral domains. Proc. Inst. Appl. Math.Russian Academy of science, 1993.

31. Myasnikov A., Belyaev V. Recursively enumerable degrees over the re-als. In Proc. of Intern. Algebraic Conf., Krasnoyarsk, 1993.

32. Ashaev I., Belyaev V., Myasnikov A. Approaches to the theory of com-putability. Algebra i Logic, 1994, v.4.

33. Myasnikov A.G., Remeslennikov V.N. Exponential groups I: founda-tions of the theory and tensor completion. Siberian Math. J., 1994,v.35, N. 5, p.1106-1118.

34. Myasnikov A.G., Remeslennikov V.N. Exponential groups: iterated treeextensions of centralizers. Omsk University, N18, Omsk, 1994, p. 1–30.


35. G.Baumslag, A. Myasnikov, V. Remeslennikov. Residually hyperbolicgroups. Proc. Inst. Appl. Math. Russian Acad. Sci., 1995, 24, p.3-37.

36. O.Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov and V. Remeslennikov. Logical lan-guages and axioms for groups with a length function. Proc. Inst. Appl.Math. Russian Acad. Sci., 1995, 20, p.1-8.

37. D. Gildenhuys, O. Kharlampovich and A. Myasnikov. CSA groups andseparated free constructions. Bull. Austr. Math. Soc., 1995, v. 52, 1,p.63-84.

38. Myasnikov A.G., Remeslennikov V.N. Length functions on free expo-nential groups. Proc. of Intern. Conference Groups in Analysis andGeometry, Omsk, 1995, p.59-61.

39. A.G.Myasnikov, V.N.Remeslennikov. Length functions on free expo-nential groups. Proc. N 26. IITPM SO RAN, Omsk, 1996, 1-34.

40. A.G.Myasnikov, V.N.Remeslennikov Exponential groups. Proc. N 27,IITPM SO RAN, Omsk, 1996, p.1-18.

41. A. Myasnikov and V. Remeslennikov. Exponential groups 2: extensionof centralizers and tensor completion of CSA-groups. Intern. Journalof Algebra and Computation, Vol.6, No.6 (1996), p.687-711.

42. A.M. Gaglione, A.G. Myasnikov, V.N. Remeslennikov, D. Spellman.Formal Power Series Representations of Free Exponential Groups. Com-munications in Algebra, 1997, v. 25(2), p.631-648.

43. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Romankov. Two theorems about equa-tionally Noetherian groups. Journal of Algebra, 1997, 194, p.654-664.

44. O. Kharlampovich and A. Myasnikov. Hyperbolic groups and free con-structions. Transactions of Math., 350(1998), 2, pp.571-613.

45. O.Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov. Equations in a free Q-group. Trans-actions of Math., 350(1998), 3, pp. 947-974.

46. O.Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov. Irreducible affine varieties over a freegroup. I: Irreducibility of quadratic equations and Nullstellensatz. J. ofAlgebra, 1998, v. 200, n. 2, p.472-516.


47. O.Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov. Irreducible affine varieties over a freegroup. II: Systems in triangular quasi-quadratic form and descriptionof residually free groups. J. of Algebra, 1998,v. 200, n. 2, p. 517-570.

48. A.Gaglione, B.Fine, A.Myasnikov, G.Rosenberger, D.Spellman. A clas-sification of fully residually free groups of rank three or less. Journalof Algebra, 1998, v. 200, n. 2, p. 571-605.

49. O.Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov. Description of Fully Residually FreeGroups and irreducible affine varieties over a free group. CRM Pro-ceedings and Lecture Notes, 1998, v. 17, p. 71-80.

50. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Dimensions and coordi-nate groups for a product of irreducible algebraic sets. In Combinatorialand computational methods in mathematics. Omsk, 1998, p.24-26.


3.1 Articles Submitted:

1. Belyaev V., Myasnikov A. Theorems on hierarchy in generalized recur-sion theory.

2. A.D. Miasnikov, A.G. Myasnikov and R.M Haralick Heuristics forWhitehead Minimization Problem.

3. O.Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov. Elementary theory of free groups.The Tarski problem.

4. T.Jitsukawa, B.Khan, A.Myasnikov On the Hanna Newmann Conjec-ture.

5. A. Kvaschuk, A. Myasnikov One variable equations over hyperbolicgroups.

6. O.Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov, D.Serbin G-constructiblegroups.


7. I.Bumagin, O.Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov Isomorphism problem forfinitely generated fully residually free groups.

8. Martin Kreuzer, Alexei Myasnikov, Gerhard Rosenberger, AlexanderUshakov Quotient Tests and Grobner Bases .

9. Alexandre V. Borovik and Alexei G. Myasnikov Quotient tests andrandom walks in computational group theory

10. Joel David Hamkins, Alexei Myasnikov The halting problem is almostalways decidable.

11. B Khan, A.Myasnikov, D.Serbin On positive theories of groups withregular free length functions,

3.2 Articles in Preparation:

1. Myasnikov A. Characterization of regular finitely generated nilpotentgroups by one formula.

2. Myasnikov A. Unipotent k-groups with decidable elementary theory.

3. O.Kharlampovich, A. Myasnikov, V. Remeslennikov. Approximationof constructible groups by hyperbolic groups.

4. O. Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov. Dimensions of algebraic varietiesover groups.

5. O. Kharlampovich, A.Myasnikov, Serbin Diophantine problem for fullyresidually free groups.

6. G.Baumslag, A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Automatic one-relatorgroups: Semisplittable case.

7. A.Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov. Algebraic geometry 4: extensions.

8. Alexei Myasnikov and Alexander Ushakov On Conjugacy Problem forGroups with One Defining Relation


9. Bilal Khan, Alexei Myasnikov and Denis Serbin On positive theories offully residually free groups

10. Alexei Myasnikov and Alexander Ushakov Random van Kampen dia-grams and algorithmic problems in groups

11. A. Kvaschuk, A. Myasnikov, D.Serbin Hyperbolic length functions

12. A. Borovik, A. Myasnikov Genetic algorithms in group theory

13. A. Kvaschuk, A. Myasnikov, V.Remeslennikov A resolution method andparametric solutions of one-variable equations over groups, Contempo-rary Mathematics.

14. R.Gilman, A. Myasnikov One-variable equations in torsion-free hyper-bolic groups

15. R.Gilman, A.Myasnikov, D.Bormotov One-variable equations in freegroups.

3.3 Invited Addresses:

International Conference on asymptotic and geometric group theory (Banff,June 2005), Group cryptography: myths and reality.

LMS Conference (Newcastle, June 2005), Random van Kampen diagramsand generic complexity of algorithmic problems.

Stevens Computer Science Seminar (March, 2005), Algerbaic Cryptogra-phy and complexity of computations.

McGill Group Theory Seminar (Montreal, February 2005) Random vanKampen diagrams and algorithmic problems in groups.

Ottawa Mathematical Colloquium, (Ottawa, January 2005), AlgerbaicCryptography: generic complexity and black holes.

Annual Meeting of Canadian Mathematical Society, Public Lecture (Mon-treal, December 2004), Complexity of computations and cryptography.

Microsoft Research (Redmond,WA, November 2004) Complexity of com-putations and cryptography.


Gambrinus Award Lecture (Dortmund, Germany, July 2004) Cryptogra-phy: past and future.

Workshop on Geometric Group Theory, London Math. Soc. (Newcastle,June-July 2004) Fully residually free groups and equations in groups.

International Conference Geometric Group Theory, Random Walks, andharmonic analysis (Cortona, Italy, June 2004), Random van Kampen dia-grams and algorithmic problems in groups.

International Algebraic Conference, Moscow University (May 2004), Fullyresidually free groups

MIT Combinatorics Seminar (May, 2004) Random van Kampen Dia-grams.

Columbia University, Geometric Topology Seminar (April 2004), Randomvan Kampen diagrams and algorithmic problems in groups.

Algebra Seminar (Temple University, Philadelphia, April, 2004) Algorith-mic problems in fully residually free groups.

Temple University Colloquium (Philadelphia, April, 2004) A new ap-proach to algorithmic problems in groups: stratification, randomization, andblack holes.

AMS Meeting, Probabilistic and Asymptotic Group Theory, (Athens,Ohio, March, 2004), Random van Kampen diagrams and algorithmic prob-lems in groups.

New York Group Theory Seminar (New York, March 2004), New approachto algorithmic problems in groups.

Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Cryptography (Dortmund, Germany,March 2004) Complexity of algorithmic problems in groups

Ottawa Algebraic Seminar (Ottawa, Canada, November 2003) The fini-tary Andrews-Curtis conjecture

Montreal Group Theory Seminar (Montreal, Canada) The Finitary Andrews-Curtis Conjecture

Albany Group Theory Conference (Albany, NY, October, 2003) Randomvan Kampen diagrams and algorithmic problems in groups

AMS Session on Infinite groups (Binghampton, October 2003) FinitaryAndrews-Curtis conjecture.


GEOMETRIC METHODS IN GROUP THEORY (Seville, Spain, June2003) Groups acting on trees and infinite words

International Conference on Group Theory (Gaeta, Italy, June, 2003)One-variable equations over hyperbolic groups

Profinite groups and Discrete Subgroups of Lie groups (Obervolfach ,Germany, May, 2003) Finitary Andrews-Curtis conjecture.

MIT Combinatorics Seminar (Cambridge, May 2003) PThe Andrews-Curtis Conjecture

NY Probability Seminar (Graduate Center of CUNY, May 2003) Proba-bilistic algorithms in group theory.

Combinatorial and Statistical Group Theory, Special session of AMSmeeting ( NYU-Courant Institute, April 12-13, 2003) ”Conjugacy problemin amalgamated products and HNN extensions”

International Conference on Groups and Computation (Columbus, Ohio,March 2003) The Finitary Andrews-Curtis Conjecture.

Joint AMS-ASL annual meeting (Baltimore, January 2003) Actions ofgroups and infinite words

Montreal Mathematical Colloquium (Montreal, October 2003) Computerscience methods in mathematics.

Discrete mathematics seminar (McGill University, Montreal, September2003) Data mining in solving hard mathematical problems

International Workshop On elementary theories of free groups (Montreal,August, 2002) Mini course ”Implicit function theorem”.

International Conference on Semigroups and Groups in Honor of the 65’thBirthday of John Rodes (Porto, Portugal, June 2002) Finite automata andalgebraic extensions of free groups.

International Conference on Modern Algebra (Vanderbilt University, May,2002) On elementary theories of free groups.

Combinatorial and Statistical Algebra (CUNY, New York, April 2002)Generic-case complexity and quotient tests.

Algebra Seminar (Temple University, Philadelphia, March 2002) Pre-groups, length functions, and infinite words.

Temple University Colloquium (Philadelphia, March, 2002) Andrews-Curtis conjecture and black box groups.


Algebra Seminar (Vanderbilt University, March, 2002) On Andrews-Curtisconjecture.

Algebra seminar (Yale University, February 2002), Andrews-Curtis graphsof groups.

NY Group Theory Seminar (New York, October 2001), Andrews-Curtisgraphs and black box groups.

Geometric Group Theory Conference (Montreal, Canada, July 2001),Lifting equations into generic points.

Invited address at AMS Meeting, (Hoboken, NJ, Stevens Inst., April2001) On Tarski’s Problems.

Series of four lectures at joint Group Theory and model Theory Seminar(Urbana-Champaign, April 2001) Elementary theory of free groups.

Algebra day (Carleton University, Ottawa, April 2001) Finite automataand algebraic extensins of free groups.

Invited lecturer (Mathematical Institute, Montreal, Canada, March 2001)Equations over free groups.

Workshop ”Probabilistic Methods in Groups” (New York, December 2000)Heuristic algorithms and probability measures on free groups.

International Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics (Russia, Moscow,June 2000) Graphs and groups.

International Conference XVI Escola de Algebra (Brasilia, July 2000)Algorithmic problems in free groups.

Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (Toronto, June 2000) Log-ical Foundations of Algebraic Geometry over Groups

International Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Methods inGroup Theory and Semigroup Theory (Nebraska, Lincoln, May 2000) OnTarski problems.

Workshop on combinatorial algebra (New York, April 2000), Reflectionson implicit function theorems over groups.

NY Group Theory Seminar (February 2000), Exploiting links between thealgebraic geometry over groups and logic.

Genetic Algebra Day at CCNY (December 1999), If you don’t know whatto do - try genetic algorithms.

CUNY Logic Workshop (December 1999), Around Tarski problem.


NY Group Theory Seminar (October 1999), Discriminating and co-discriminatinggroups.

International conference on near-rings (Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1999)Centroids of nilpotent groups.

Symposium on Computation in Group Theory and Geometry (Universityof Warwick, Coventry, England, July 9-17) Computation in Free Groups.

Groups and Computation (Columbus, Ohio, June 1999) Genetic algo-rithms and groups.

International Conference on Combinatorial and Computational Algebra(Hong Kong, May 1999) Methods of Algebraic geometry over groups.

East Coast Computer Algebra Day (Raleigh, April 1999) Non-deterministicalgorithms in Algebra.

MidAtlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (Rutgers, November 1998) Im-plicit function theorems over free groups.

Albany Group Theory Conference (Albany, October, 1998) ”Magnus pre-sentation”.

The Fourth International IMACS Conference on Applications of Com-puter Algebra (Prague, August 1998), Genetic algorithms in groups theory.

Joint Summer Research Conference on Geometric Group Theory andComputer Science (Massachusets, July 1998), “Elementary Theory of freegroups”.

Workshop in Model Theory of Fields (Berkeley, June 1998) “On TarskiProblem”.

ASL Annual Meeting (Toronto, May 1998) Elementary Theory of a FreeGroup”.

International Conference on Algorithmic Problems in Groups and Semi-groups (Nebraska-Lincoln, May 1998) ”Exponential groups”.

Group Theory Day at US Naval Academy (Annapolis, November, 1997)”Algorithmic problems over free groups, just how complicated are they?”.

Albany Group Theory Conference (Albany, October, 1997) ”Definablesets in free groups”.

Montreal Mathematical Colloquium (Montreal, October, 1997) ”Alge-braic geometry and groups”.


New York Group Theory Seminar (New York, October, 1997), ”Centroidsof groups and rigidity problem”.

Symposium on Pro-p Groups and related topics (Durham, England, July1997) “ Equations over groups”

Conference “Groups St Andrews 1997 in Bath” (Bath, England, Summer1997) “Diophantine problem over free exponential groups”.

Group Theory at York (Toronto, Canada, May 1997), “ Ring theory forgroups”.

Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference (Sarasota, FL, January 1997), “Equations over free groups”.

1997 Workshop on General Combinatorial Group Theory (Montreal, Canada,April), ”Universal theory of free groups”.

Princeton - Rutgers Group Theory Seminar (Rutgers, December 3rd,1996), ”Equations over free groups and description of residually free groups”.

New York Group Theory Seminar (New York, October, 1996), ”Residuallyfree groups”.

XIV Brazilian Algebra School IMPA-1996 (Rio, Brazil, 1996), ”Equationsover hyperbolic groups”.

1996 CRM Summer School on Group Theory (Banf, Canada, 1996), ”Al-gebraic geometry over hyperbolic groups”.

1996 Workshop on General Combinatorial Group Theory (Montreal, Canada,1996), ”Exponential Groups”.

1995 Group Theory Conference (Albany, October, 1995), ”Hilbert basistheorem, Nullstellensatz and Zariski topology over hyperbolic groups”.

1995 Group Theory Conference (Ohio, May, 1995), ”Approximations ofgroups”.

New York Group Theory Seminar (New York, September, 1994), ”HNN-extensions of hyperbolic groups”.

New York Group Theory Seminar (New York, September, 1995), Resid-ually hyperbolic groups”.

Algebra Seminar (Yale University, October, 1995), Residually hyperbolicgroups”.

Algebra Seminar, McGill University (Montreal, January, 1994), Nielsenpresentations and computations in groups”.


Algebra Seminar, McGill University (Montreal, May, 1995), Equationsover free groups”.

1994 SUNYA Topology and Group Theory Conference (Albany, 1994).

Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory (Edinburgh,Scotland, 1993).

Easter Conference on Model Theory (Berlin, Germany, 1991).

International Conferences on Algebra (Novosibirsk 1989, Barnaul 1991,USSR).

All-Union Algebraic Conferences (USSR, 1974-89).

All-Union Conferences on Mathematical Logic (Alma-Ata 1992, Novosi-birsk 1988, Moscow 1984, USSR).


Microsoft Research gift, 2005.

NSERC DISCOVERY GRANT ”Equations over groups and al-gorithmic problems”, RGPIN 261898, 2005-2010, Principal Investigator.

NSF grant ”Generic properties of groups, geometric invariants,and algorithms”, DMS-0405105, Co-Principal investigator, 2004-2007.

NSERC Grant ”Combinatorial groups theory: computationaland statistical approach, 2003-2005, Principal Investigator.

NSERC Grant ”Model theory of free groups and torsion-freehyperbolic groups”, 2002-2007, Principal Investigator.

Royal Society Leverhulme Trust ”Genetic Algorithms in Com-putational Group Theory”, research fellow.

McGill University Grant ” On finitary Andrews-Curtis conjec-ture, 2002, Principal Investigator.

”NIST/ATP Grant Award ” Security Architecture for Component-Based Email with Applications to Clinical Trials Data Manage-ment, 2002-2005, Co-Principal Investigator.

PSC–CUNY Research proposal “Andrews-Curtis graphs of groups”,2002-2003, Principal Investigator.


CUNY Faculty Development Program Award ”Modern Algebraand Computer security”, 2001-2002.

CUNY Faculty Development Program Award ”Modern Algebraand Scientific computing”, 2000-2001.

NSF Research Grant “Computational Group Theory” DMS-9973233,Principal Investigator (joint with G.Baumslag), 1999-2002.

NSF Research Grant “Algebraic geometry over groups” DMS-9970618, Principal Investigator (joint with G.Baumslag), 1999-2002.

PSC–CUNY Research Award “Equations over free groups”, grantnumber 61467-0030, Principal Investigator, 1999 - 2000.

PSC–CUNY Collaborative Research Award “Classification ofnilpotent groups”, grant number 91911-00-06, Principal Investigator (jointwith V.Shpilrain and J.Roitberg), 1999.

NSF Research Grant “Computational Group Theory” DMS-9626231,RF Account: 4-40990, total funding at $ 1,740,000, Research Associate, 1994-1998.

Soros Foundation research grant, 1994, Principal Investigator.


6.0 Three of my graduate students successfully defended their PhDtheses under my supervision during the last year.

6.1 Currently I am mentoring 7 doctoral students.

6.2 Refereeing for journals:

Journal of Algebra,Bulletin of AMSTransactions of AMSInternational Journal of Algebra and Computation,Journal of London Mathematical Society,Mathematical Notes,


Canadian Journal of Mathematics.


7.1 New York Group Theory Seminar

The New York Group Theory Seminar is a world famous seminar wherecelebrated mathematicians talk about their latest research in group theoryand related subjects. It is the longest continuously running seminar in NewYork City and is well-known throughout the world. The New York GroupTheory Seminar is directly supported by the National Science Foundationand has been over the past 43 years. I was running jointly with GilbertBaumslag this seminar for ten years.

7.2 CCNY Crypto Lab

I am a part of Crypto Lab at City College of CUNY. It runs various ex-periments on testing new cryptosystems based on non-commutative groups.

7.3 Software development:

In 2001-02 I was a Senior Research Fellow in the project ”Smart Lina”.We developed a software for learning and teaching Linear Algebra.

7.4 Organizing meetings and conferences in 1999-2004:

1. ”Genetic Algebra Day at CCNY” (CCNY, December 1999),

2. ”Workshop on Combinatorial Algebra” (CCNY, April 1999),

3. ”Combinatorial group theory”, AMS Meeting , Special Session(Columbia Univ., November 2000),

4. ”Probabilistic Methods in Groups” (CCNY, December 2000),

5. ”Combinatorial and computational group theory”, AMS Meet-ing, Special Session (Hoboken, NJ, Stevens Inst., April 2001),

6. ”Algebra and Scientific computing” (CCNY, May 2001),


7. ” Modern Algebra and Computer Security”, (NYC, The Grad-uate Center of CUNY, November 2001).

8. ”Combinatorial and statistical algebra” (CCNY, April 2002),

9. ” Combinatorial and geometric group theory, AMS meeting,Special session, (Montreal, Canada, May 2002),

10. Workshop ”On Elementary Theories of Free Groups” (Mon-treal. August 2002).

11. ASL/AMS special session ”Interactions between logic, grouptheory and computer science”, Baltimore, January 2003.

12. Combinatorial and statistical group theory AMS meeting,Special session (NYU-Courant Institute, April 12-13, 2003).

13. Groups, Equations, and Non-commutative Algebraic Ge-ometry, Winter Meeting of the Canadian Math. Society, Special session(Montreal, December 11-13, 2004).

14. Interactions between Algebra and Computer Science, Wintermeeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society, Special session (Montreal,December 11-13, 2004).