Curriculum Standards Office English Department Teaching Grammar: There has to be a better way!...

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Curriculum Standards OfficeEnglish Department

Teaching Grammar:

There has to be a better way! Practical solutions to teach grammar in context

English Coordinators’ WorkshopDecember 25th, 2013

Prepared and presented by: Amany KamelEnglish Curriculum Specialist


Time Session

11:00 – 11:30 Introduction, housekeeping, Warmer , Objectives

11:30 - 12:00 Different Approaches in Teaching Grammar

12:00 – 12:15 Break

12:15 – 12:30 Learning and teaching grammar in contextUsing Textbook Grammar Activities

12:30 - 1:00 Techniques for presenting grammar in context

1:00 – 1: 45 Production phase : planning and presenting grammatical rules in context

1:45 - 2:00 Summary and reflection

Workshop Outline


By the end of the workshop, you will be able to: recognize the importance of teaching grammar in context. identify the difference between deductive and inductive

ways. Stage grammar lessons appropriately. Use textbook grammar activities effectively. Use various techniques for presenting grammar in context. Plan for and teach a grammatical rule in a meaningful


Getting started …..

Work in groups to compose 1 coherent sentence according to the given rules. (2 mins)

Nouns (singular) Verbs Pronouns

Tree Ki eat edu I io

picture vuda climb skil she ina

dinner kana fish perp he in

fish ika draw f ott it io

For future marker put “ent” at the end of the verb

For past marker put “on” at the end of the verb

To make plural repeat the noun or pronoun ex. “ I ” = “io” - we = “ioio”

Sentence structure Verb- subject – object/ complement

Amira spent a lot of time preparing a grammar lesson on how to use “when” with her grade 5 students. She explained the rules then used a variety of sentences that provided examples of the rules and explained these to students. They then completed some gap-fill sentences, which they all got correct. A few days later, Amira collected in some written paragraphs from her students. Their writing contained a lot of mistakes, particularly mistakes in the way her students used “when” . Amira felt a bit frustrated because her carefully prepared lesson hadn’t seemed to be of any use.

Different Approaches in Teaching Grammar

Different Approaches in Teaching Grammar

How could you help Amira?

What do you think was wrong with her lesson? In groups, Jot down your ideas.

Different Approaches in Teaching Grammar

Now you are going to observe a mini-lesson in which interrupted past events rule is presented to grade 6 students.

Different Approaches in Teaching Grammar

While observing ….. You need (individually) to record at least one example of the following:

Presenting grammar points in meaningful context (Presentation stage)

Providing guided (controlled practice) (Practice Stage)

Provide communicative freer practice (production stage)

Staging the grammar lesson

Warm-up / context


Focus on the form/ Examples

Presentation Practice


Personalize language learnt / less controlled tasks.

Grammar teaching, like teaching the four skills, should involve pre-, while- and post-stages in an attempt to provide integrated learning environments.

In the pre-grammar stage bring grammar instruction to life, stimulate interest in the topic, and raise awareness by providing a reason for learning.

In the while-grammar stage facilitate noticing of the new grammar point, and provide meaningful input through contextual examples, pictures, and texts.

In the post-grammar stage provide an opportunity to put grammar to use, and relate grammar instruction to real life situations.

Staging the grammar lesson

Which approach are we going to use?

• Inductive (implicit)• Deductive (explicit)

In groups Match the approaches with the definitions and the examples.

Textbooks usually provide one or more of the following three types of grammar activities

Using Textbook Grammar Activities Which types of drills are there in GET SMART?

Mechanical drills are the least useful because they bear little resemblance to real communication. They do not require students to learn anything; they only require parroting of a pattern or rule.

Which types of drills are there in GET SMART?

Meaningful drillscan help students develop understanding of the workings of rules of grammar because they require students to make form-meaning correlations. Their resemblance to real communication is limited by the fact that they have only one correct answer.

Which type of drills are there in GET SMART?

Communicative drills require students to be aware of the relationships among form, meaning, and use. In communicative drills, students test and develop their ability to use language to convey ideas and information.

Communicative drills encourage students to connect form, meaning, and use because multiple correct responses are possible.

Which type of drills are there in GET SMART?

Techniques for presenting grammar

In groups match the headings with the appropriate technique..

Using visuals

Using realia

Using songs

Using a timeline

Using a chart


Practicing then presenting

Using Charts and timelinesStudents can make their own timeline to consolidate tenses

Games and puzzles

Teaching Grammar: There is a better way!!

In groups…. Think …. How would you teach the given grammatical rule in a meaningful context? Plan a mini-lesson showing what are the students going to do in the different stages. Get ready to present your mini-lesson to the

whole group.