Cumnock Register 1883 - Cumnock History...

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Transcript of Cumnock Register 1883 - Cumnock History...




'··If> A.M.4'5 and (i'45 P.)1.

,'0 l".H.


\Vm. ]"[,G~achin, jun..Jas. M'G. Nicol.P,·oc.-Fi.c,cd, Jag. Grange.

THEOFGeo. T. Samson.

,Tames Gray and 'Vm. M'Letchie.COIn",iss;ollcrs ~f Policc.

Thoma' Hunter.William Kay.

Ole,.k, A. Brakeuridge.

~1 A GIS T R A 't' E SScniOl' JWagist"atc,

J Illtio'l' 11fu(li....t1·utes,

(:LJ~l NOCK I'OS'[' OJ"ll'leE -POSllI//I.,tCl·, Geo. StOI!flMt.I t' J)E~t'J\'rCl-II':''i. Box Cln~e" "t

\, lit II:dillhlll',l~h. Cla.."g'o\\·, 1(iI1l1arnock, G'O A.M. a.nd I.10 P.)).

I '" \ II, I"'''iILr ·e. ,'45 A.M.I' I U III • '1'0 1'1,,\ l" f). }~ng-lish, Tl'i~h~ Fnrci.l!n. 5'24 P.Ar.

\ II t 1111'I~OW, l'ilm:\rllf\ck. ":'"ol'th of ~cotln.n(l, S'fi5 r.M.ttl 1I111H1II, (:Ia.:-'g'nw, "~Hglish, Irish, l i'orcig-n, - n'15 P.M.

S.llllloN n,..fI:,,l"Jn(.cho:."II. I".llt·hlinc, "K.ihna.rnock, f)·OA.~1. I ]~uin" Glasg., El\~., Tr., li"'or'n., n'3fi P.M.

nELln:ltlEfl.I I I ~'I, 1"il'4h, li'III'(~ig"1I1 Edinbnrgh, Gla$gow,

\, II 1(:.1 Idllll':~111 f: I:\Fi;~I)W. Loca.l,iii II II" 11·,,,·,·ig" (ca.lIed for),

811'''/''.'/ /Jdi-l'el'!I. -A t thc Orftec, hctwcen \l nnrl 10 A.M. only.

•lllb II I\n.lIn:tl:yne.1(01.,,1'1, Brow;!.

/'" ,,.111',.,.. I),witl Smith.

00TfRTS..111;;1'11'1': 1\1-' I'l':,\l!l~ flllllll'l'.

11,1.1 "n 1.1", 1";r'l. Mnfllhy of ''''tlry ftltllll',h, ftlf' tilt! I'",";.h,·. tlf Utltll1lOek, NewI 1lllllllHtlk. t)dliILI'I"~, 1\fn,llclllille, ~OI'Il, 1\rllir1':ll'k, n.nd Anchinler.k. ~L'ho followit:g

~eJ1t;lell1en are ,Justice" of the Pence for the district:.1,,1,. ,,,., "f n('cehgTove, M,wehline. I F"irlie, CoL, Da!r!o<ch honse, 0atrille

\ tll'tlil. ,I , 1r"lId:tle lIous". ]\{Ilirkirk. 1Howat~on, 0h:ts., of DOl'lle! & Glenbuck.\ 111111" •.1 1".,'1 ,oehsidc, New Cnmnoek. ( L",wrellce, M.D.. Cumnock.

1\,,11\\.,1 I, I', I ~, n., of r::trn,llan, Cwunock. ? l"£nrton, ,, Cn.trine'\11,1111111111. ~ .• Ibrskimming, JV~:tl1chl~lle ~ T'~Jt.Cl'f(Ol~, .Tohn, ~cw <!t.unno"ck;I '''''1''",11. 101.. Nttherl'hcc, Matlchllfle '. PII:kell.,T.,TlTnllsf,ellIMl\l\ls,N.CnmnoclcIlll"l'llllll. H. l\f.. Cl:tiRllOck, CUllll\IH:k. ~ S:l.t1Hmll, (j·en. T., l~rltnmhill, Cmnnnrk.I '''''I''''. IV :-; .. of 1I'"ilf"lr\. ~ ~I)lncrvcll . .TR. yr. "fSorn Cl\stlc. 80m., ',I. h' "". I'. ) I :"tliILflll, VI.S., (~ntllfloek. ~ 'I'n lh"t. HOll. U. (;., ()chiltree HouseI 11l1l1l.dIIlIl1l·. \V.r\.nfT.ogan. Cumnnck. ~ Tena.nt, Archibald; New CumnockI' ""IIo'Rh. \V"'., 1[()Im~jc!", Cnmn()ck. .. '''ilson, .T. P., Po]qnha;rn, Ochiltree.

/ 1'. ('/I'rk- /lcp11 te, .T;;s. GTange. P,·oc.-Fi.'ral, Arch. Bmkenridge.


11,1.1 I"m I,ill">' ;;'"111a,lly. in the mont;h~ of .Tmllw.r~', May, .Tuly, 'mriOctober,.for the ~alne pal"ishcs "8 J.P. COlll"t.

1./,,·/·il1: N"i! ('"lqnltotlll C"mpbelJ. Shc1'i(r-S"bstit/~tc, 'V. O. Paterson.I", 1/1' ('/,.,.1.:, I':. A. Huntcr, 'V. S. Srwr;J1:01c,.k-Deputc, ,hs. Grange.

1{1':"I~·I'It.\1I <w nlH'1'II~, MAIlRT.\r.E~, ANn DEATHS. Dav;,! T,. Rcott.N"I,I,·" "f " 13111'1'11 Jllll~t he given to the Regi~tntrwithifl Twenty-one Day" after

HI 1I1PlIl"'I'IlC"; (If a. l\'[AH,nl\G(~ within Tlll'ee days a.fter its celebration; and of aIII \ III wiLhin Eight Days after thc evcnt.

THE CUMNOCK REGISTER, 1883•~iitll1p-s, ~IlXCS, Q;nis£ [Juties, &c.II'


Stamp Duties. P.,\TENT for .(lIventilJllS (Letters), i l

AGREEMEr-;T,or MClllorandlimoragrcc- £ s. d. cIJutiltucd:- 1. s. d. 11ment, under hand only, not otherwise On certif1catc of entry nr:l,~"ignmcllt 0 5 f) I-. J On certificate of assl~l'mcnt or licence 0 5 0 11

CIl<lrge . 0 0 6 On a pplicalion for {fi~cla:lIlcr 5 0 ;,) 11


A:~~~~~S~~i:!;~t~~\.i~~\r~lJ;·h:I~~lOOl;I)~I~ On caveat ~-l.gainst di;)c!"imcr ._....... 2 (.I 0

the appraisl.:ment shall not exceed £5 3 Office COplCS, for every 90 wortls ..• 0 0 2 IIN te cd.£ 61:N 1 d l 6 Rl<:CEJPT, £2 or upw:lrds (penalt)' for Ii

I .0 Jlx . ~~:::~ ~ 0 J..' 0 ,~xc . l~ 0 5 0 givillg receipt withollt stalllp, 1. 10)... 0 0 !;

H 30 0 I 6 n 200 0 10 0 House Duty. Ii.. '10 0 2 0 11 ~po 0 15 0 On inhabited hOll;,CS of the nnllual I:


'1' Xxcccdinr;;'; 500 r.... 1 0 0 \'al\l~ of J;'w, occl1pil'"'d as :1 r;U!JI' : I1;ltl{NTICK~lIl1' NJ)ENTUI\I\:S:- 0 2 6 house, pl\hlic·ho!l.~c, t'tllll:e.-~lt\ll'. I!FoJ:oe~;~~,n£I~~'nd rra~li~·,;;;i·,~~~;t·.· .... ::: 0 5 0 ~ho~11 u~ W:'11'~chrIHlsc. a dUly of 61..1. 11

IIllJCk;;t otlcrs .. , "." .. 00 III ARTICLES or dt.:rk~hip to allumey or Income Tax. .'1'

solicitor, in England or ircland 80 0 0In Superior Courts, Scotland 60 0 0 Schedule A. T.:'\llds, TCl1elllclll", &c..• 0 0 ~ iI

i\Rl\IORIAL 13EARISGS........................ 1 I 0 Schedule il. Occupiers of F:lfll1<;, &c. 0 0 ~'1!1llll.1-S OF EXCHANGE AND PROl\IISS0RY 'J Scotblld 01.110 In:bnu.. 0 0 d t

~OTES, of any kind whatsoc ex- Schedules C. D, and .1£, InC(:lnlC' ..... 0 0 5 !lccpt bank notes :-not exceeding £5 0 0 If tlnuer £J50, excmpt; If ullder £400, [.120 IIE."ceeJillg £'5, and not t::xceeding£ro 0 0 allowed. i!


to 25 0 0 3 V3:rious Exci~c Licence!" and Duties. ;l25 ~u 0 0 G On:'l Iic~nce to be takclI oUl by :l .,

Eve,';, bOO~~111l1 also f~r ,lHY ff~~ ~ ~ ~ Di~~~:\·b~f:~l~':~t~;~·f·I;'o,,;,,;·:::::::::: ~ ~ ~ !ii tion;ll part of £100, of such 3lHOllllt ° J 0 Upon ~ .... cry .16 £;:11101)'- o!" worls of ~ ;1

IBy the SI:l.fIJP Ar::t of 1850 (.':\3 :lnl! ·H Vict., specific gr,lvI!)' (J[ 10";)7 de~n~cs, I:

Co ,n) till": di!'tll1clion bctwc'.:n inland alla forci~n n!~'~~:I~~\~~~X,~~I~·~·:·~··.... ···· .. ·· .. ··· .. ·· 0 6 II11 bills cf .~xch;l,I1gc \\'a~ aboli~heJ. Beer not. dnwk on [he prclniscc; 1 5 0 1!II 13:LL OF LA!J[:-lG , 0 0 lJeel' dnmk on the J··CIlI;-CC;; 3 JO u i!II CEl{'~";·IC/,.Tlr. --tqf gcods, &c.) being On ;\ GrC'f:ci"'s I;ccln~'~ "Sc'oii;\'l;~!)::: 2 4 I I!

II { Illy enicrc< II1wads ° 4 0 if the aUllu:l1 Yai\lc of l)le d·.n:lling- : I

IOf birlh'ff)l1arriage, or death (certificd h.)usc in whidl 111i~ ;"('!;likr skdl :\

copy 0 " 0 0 1 rc<;idc "I' n:l.m :-pii its i~. lllHkr

I' DJ~~;.;~~~~t(h.uc:~r~I~;igJ~~lt~~~·~f·C;;~i~;: 0 0 £)0. thc .dllIY i<; to :J !l'1 for payment cf a ..y sum ~o bearer or Is ".c...1'1, anti ullder £,1<:" f) 0 I:

IICI~~J"~;.;,~'p~\C~~'::',j.:::.::::: ....:::::::::::::: ~ ~ I :~ ~~ ::::::............ 'iiClll:~~J~II!;~r ~~: ~;'J;:TS pa~~.~hl~ .. ~.'~ ..(:I.~~ 0 0 J Jo,', :::~ ::: ;j ~ ~ .iLEGJ'.CY ANU SUCCJ~SSIUN DiJTY above .1° 5':' :~ ~ ~; :I

£~o:·- ])o~~·~ <:r'any \.,li'l\d (jle'~·:~r'i~)· ... :... . (. :1Line;ll i~~\.lc or LiJ1c~1 ancestor ... £1 per cent. Gan\l~ Lic(:nc~~, if laLcll tIll! ~'.fl'~I· 5th 0 I't,DrOlllers and sisters of the predecc::,· Apd and before l'-l N UY., l0 eXf'lrc ,I

Drl'.~l~f:~~~~l\~tC~;s~ccr~"c~f~I~~t7.~;il~'r..~;J pcr cent. On 5th April folhw"lllL; 0 v II

'tl :;~:'~~~::t:."l~c plo~c.ce.5~0~,. andtht; per cent. ~~;~: ,5,!,i\~~~::::;,I;.:,'~;~~lj:~'s;L;:~':;,C;\ 2 ~ ~ :iDrothcrs. ;1lld !'istcl's of a gr:l.llJ(;llher G;\il)d<."CilL:r~.... ..... "................. '.l (, () i I

11,1 ~~,r"~::,~\H~?~:~e~·H~~;~~~P':~~c.c~~s£·6 pcr ml. 5:,~:;(,II';:)::II;~\~~~tl!~i;~)(:~I~()~:~ '.: 0 10 <,': !i

:\lly0ther~.lerson £,lopcrcC.'ll. \JIm ~Icenc':: "cur), 0 JO J ..

II l.egacy tu 1".15\)",01 0< wire Exc"'pt. 11~~::~~~;"':,'::J,,~;'~~II/ll'!~:,,p,~ll~.c;:,"';,;, 14

0U' '0' 'I:i

1111)r\SSI'tJl-:T 0 0 G J f 1Il0n~ th'.:'lll (llle Lorsp. for .~~\ch·..P.\TE:-:T for Invcll:ions (Lett('(s):- HOIISl.:J\gC1It,;. ktting IHrni:,llcl~ hOII:-iC~ I

t On petili"n for .~r:lnt (II-lctler~ patent 5 0 ...-' ahove £'25 a }'{;:l.r........................... :1 0 0all ~J"lirl\.~ale of nOlke to PI·OC1:Cll... 5 0 0 r\l~dicjllt~ (P:llcnt) dC:l.lcrs, &c. :-Un "";tIT;'lnl of bw olliccr lu" patcnt 5 0 <:> For e:ldJ Licel~cc 0 5 0

Ol~ the scaling of ICtlcrs patenl 5 0 0 P:\-.S;1gC vC5scl5. l.Jll bo:ud which liquorsall spccific;1tioll 5 0 0 :lnu toba~co ;Ire soid, ycariy 5 0 C

On the letters pa tent, beforc the ex· P;1wnbrokf'rs 7 10 0

pir:ltionorthethirJyc:lr 50 0 0 ReuiJcr~o(s\\'ccts " " I 50On the letters p:lt(;lll, before the cx- J{et:likIS of cider aud perry............... 1 5 C'

piralion oi the seventh yC:lr. 100 0 0 Rctaikrs of wine 2 10 C I:.On rc:rti(iC:ll~ of objection " "... '2 0 0 'fOb;1CCO :111(1 SnlllY, dealers in 0

I_. ~~~~~~~~~: <;:l!_:~;~~~~:~ ~__~ ._' ~_.C-~:~~:_~t~.~~.~_ .. ~...._.._::::. ~~ :_d__: 5_~_:'::_II

--OF THE--


Allan, F. J., teacher, Glaisnock st.Allan, nIl's., BankendAlJa-n, R It A., watchmakers and jew-

e!lel'll, Glaisnock Rt.Anderson, Adam, Townfoot1\.nderson, Ch'arles, farmer, BurnsideAnderson, :Mrs., Glaisnock st:,l.nder80n, Robert, Ayr roadAndrew" ..J., chem~st, Cmigh.e'Ld houseArmonI', Alex., R1lHth, Ibrrlll!lArthur, n, engineer, Ayr miLdArthur, D.) lniner, Townhe:l.clArthur, Hugh, farmer, Borland SmithyArthur, Mrs. ;Vrary, BridgenrlArthur, V1illiam, brmer, Craigends

Bain, Robert, innkeeper, Glaisnock st.Baird, .James, joiner, Ghisnock st.Baird, John, architect, Baird's PlaceBa,irrl, .JOh11, carter, Bank laneJ~aird, .John, joiner, Skcl'l'ington ",rillBaird, ,Tobu, f;urfaceman, T;wer ~t.Baird, Mrs., dresslllaker, Gbisnock st.Ba!rd, nIl's., eating-house. Lug,U' st.~~alrd, 1\1urray, we~.vel', TownhcadBairrl, ~~~1.Inuel, tailor, Townheacl"J3air~j, \VillialJl, wca,ver, TuwnhcarlBaird, Thomas, mincr. 'fownheadBallantine, D., bookseller, Glaisnock Rt.Ballantine. J., photogra.phcr, Ayr r0;.\dBank ,)f Scotland, Hugh B. M'Lclla11,

"gent, Gbisnock "toIhnniLtyne, John, dr" pCI', Glaisnock st.]3a.ITowma.n, ltnbert, inukeeper, Square13ciLttie, G., g:tlllckeepcr, DlIlnfries~houseBeg-g, George, n.ccou nt:tn t, Jlovn.llktnk13eg~, ;-"Irs..J, g-rocer, TO~\I·nhe3.d13ell, Hobort, Holm~idcBlack, Adam, ';lai,n(lck ,t.Black, R.obnrt, wa.tdl1ll:tkcl", SqllareBjackw0o\1: /\.l'ch., lui ncr, 'I"ownhea.dBI'lcbvooci, Hugh, miner, '-"",nyard lane131a.cJ<,l'00rl, ~l'h(ls .. mine", \Y 1 terside pI,:Uoa, Serg-e"nt ,T,\,"cs. .I3.1l'rhill]~oycl; ,V'illin'm, ironrr',onil;CI', Ayr ro"d13oHwell,MrH., lhrrhill rO:Lrl

Inglis. Miss, Ayr road

Ibddow, \Vm., farmer, Meikle CairnHair, Mid,",el, Sergt. Hille Volunteers,

Tower StrcetHamilton, Hugh, weaver, 'l'ownhe"dHamilton, James, Greenbank houseHardie, James K., News correspondent,

13arrhillHarvie, MisR, tcachcr, Gbisnock st.Haym,w, Joh'l, junior, land steward,

DUlllfrics homeHendcrson, James, grocer, Giaisnock st.Henderson, J·ohn, farmcr, Dorland millHerbert, James, Brickhou3eHighet, James C., shLter, Ayr roa.dHillhouse, Mrs., grocer, Barrhi!!Hill, Thomas, collector, South RtationHodge, A., shoemaker, HolmheadHodge, Hugh, blacksmith, PIr.nbinsideHodge, .J;Lnl(!', joincr, Ayl' rOILclHodge, J ame", precentor, l~r',e ChurchHouston, ItolJert B., groeer, S']lmreJ-Iowt\t, J"allles, joiller, TOWllhe'LdHowat, ,rohn, farmer, \VhitehillHowat, Robert, CiLirn roadHowat Hobert, cooper, TownheadHowatson, l\frs., Ghisnock cott"geHunter 13ros., ironmongers ,md grocers,

SquareHunLer, Thomas, joiner, BarrhillHyslop, J·ames, miner, New Bridge st.Hyslop, R. engine-kccpcr, Ayr road

Ka.y, 'I)""id, Auehinll':Ly,

Jackson, Andrew, miner, Ayr roadJackson, David, grocer, 3q·uare,Tardine, Andrew, rag,dealer, 'l'ownhea.dJ ohllstonc, Miss, tenchcr, Townhead

Gibson, Mrs., fanner, Barshare'Gillc8pie, ]I'Irs., grocer, '1'ownhcadGilmour, .TmneR, fanner, Ol'chardtonGirvan, :Miss, dressma.ker, ,Vaterside pI.Girvan, 'V., ,torekeeper, 'Yaterside pI.Goldie, George, engineer, Ayr roa.dGoldie, .Tohn, draper, Lugar st.Goldie, Thomas, engineer, TownheadGoldie, 'Y., rail surfaceman, Bank lane

.Good, Adam, joiner, Glaisnock st.Good, John, joiner, CaponacreGrrt.nge, JameR, solicitor, SqnMeGray, James, coahnaster, J.,ng'tr st.Gray, '1'. A., shoemrt.ker, 'l'ownhead

(;,drncy, Patrick, agent for PrudentialAssurance Company, Ghisnock st.

(;"Ibraith, Samuel, groccr, Sqnarel:ibb, Henry, tinsmith, Glaisnock st.(:ihb, H. & R., cooperR, Sqllare(: il~l" .r:t1lles., jOlllcl', TownhcA,(lt :ih1" lVI,·s., \Ve"L 1';111' con'Lgc(jiIISou, llllgll, f:Ll'lUCl', Newlield

/i'erguson, Thos., t'Lilnr, 1(;1nholm place"'crf:USoll, V{alter, k1ilor, Hoa.~"irle

J~!ndla.y, Anc!r0w, carter, Ayr roadji'illrllay, UiLvid, joiner, l~oadside

"'i1ldlay, George, joiner, B,,,,k lane"'inrllay, George, New Bridge st."'indlay, Miss, dressmaker, RoadsideI"indlay, 'Yilliam, mason, Ayr road"'leming, John, farmer, DykesI"og-go, John, gardcncr, Ghisnock'nILon, David, joiner, S'luarc

elv1le, ,ViII il1l t:l, bakcr, Elbow Jane


Crec, D. n., pawnbroker, SquarcCricbton, lieII', Hillside cottage'Crichton, 'Vm., 1O(l80n, Ghisnock st.Cro~s, Alex., green grocer, rl'ower st.Cuninghame, \V. A., Logan house

Dalgliesh, Jas., millwright, TownheadDalgliesl<, Hobert, farmer, Boylestonna,lgliesh, Hobert, farmer, 'l'ernplandDalgliesh, \Vm., Meikle AllchingibbertDalgliesh, Wm., woollen mannf,\ctlll'er,

Greenholm factory; house, B.olmsideIhvidson, John, joiner, HoadsideDavidson, ,Tohn, saddler, SquareDea,ns, J-., surfacemau, High BrickhouseOicksol1, James, borer, Ayr RoadI>ickson, John, painter, BarrhillDinning, J., stat.ionm"ster, Old St"tionDonaldson, J ailles, miner, 'fownheadDona,!rl, l{cv. W m., Baptist minister,

BarrhiJIDrinnan, G:, hhekRmith, Gh:snock cottoIhnlllnlOnd, \Villi,\In, clothier, Sq\llLl'eDI'1lIn'"0Ild, J. & Son, engineers, Ayr

roa,1DrUlllJDOnd, 1\lt·s., grocer, G-Iaisnock st.Duncan, James, baker, 'fownhcadDunc"u, ·Wm., grocer, (J·Ja,isnock st.DUllsmore, Alex., weaver, rro\'nlbeaclDunsmore, Jas., qu •.rrYll1an, '.I'ownheadilnnsmore, 'Vm., m:1nufr., TownbeadDykcs, 1\11'8., brmer, Watst,on



Boswell, P. C. D., G(lrmllan13oylc, J (IS., a,!l;cnt Scottish Legal Life

Assurance Society, BanhillBmk:~l'idge,Arch., agent Hoyal Bank,

sohcltor, Glaisnock st.Breckenridge,.J:1S., dr:1per, clothier, (lnd

milliner, Glaisnock st.J3rown, Charles, engineer, Ayr roM!Brown, .hnws, warpcr, vVatersi(lc rowl~rowlI, ,TOJllI, tnilol', Lug:\.!' Htl'cc'LBrown, Hohert, tcachel', BarrhillBrown, H .. m'Lnnfactnrer, Glaisnock st.Brown, ,YiIliam, Bankend cottage~Bryce, }-\lex' l carter, G·};;l,lsnock st.Bute, Marquis of, K. '1'., Dumfries house

Cameron, DUllcan, miner, Glaisnock st., Cameron, .Tames, Blackfanld, C J .. I .'1 ;n,lnen.n, _:' JOllIer. .Jongng~

Cameron, ,John l sllrfacematl, HJackfa.uld

ICamphell, C'Lpt. R. Mitchcll, Gb,isnockCamphell, Danicl. innkecper. SquareCampbell, RdwfI.rd, grocer, Tf.. '\vnfth,t I

I CiLmpbell, 'Robert, merchant, L',gar ,to ,',.

IC:1mpbell, Tholllas, farmer, Thonlcl'8tonCampbell, \Yrn., carler, \V,\tcr,ic1c place I

I CI3.rk, .T~lll1CS, horse trainer, rrownfoot. i'I Clark, 'Villiam, tailor, l~arr!Jill I

ClemelitR. B. G., tcachcr of music, Sq.Glimie, J:Tngh, fle"hcr, Ghi"llock Rt.Clydcs(hle Jhnk, W. O.tiilvie "gent, Sq.Collin", Itev. Da.niel, ];om:111 Catholic

cler!!;)'" ""', Glaisl10ck Rt.Connel, .Tames, pa,inter, TownheadConnel, John, ga.s enginef'r, Ayr roadConnel, .Tnhn, engineer, T"o\ver Rt.Conuel, i\rn~" dre!-'~ma.kcl', Tower st.Co/mel. HobL., llefu;{o cottnge, Hoa<l.ideCuok, Andrew, innkeeper, Cr~,ighcad

Conperthw"iLo &, Co., dmper", SquareCouperthw'Lite, P., dmpcr, GJ",isnllck st.Cmig, .Tames, cutter, Ayr roadCra.i6'..Tohn, fanner, GucltCra.wford, George, weave)', Towuhead,Cra.wfor(l, Tt, watch1na,kcr, TnWllhe&flCmwford, \VilJi:Lrn, flesher, 'J'ownl,cad




Kay, ;Tames, draper, Glaisnock streetKo.y, J'ames, Townhe~dKay, John, farmer, "YardKay, John, joinel', Manse JaneKay, John, miner, TanyardKay, Mrs., milliner, Ayr roadl:"y, \V" druggist, Apothecaries' HallKay, '''Yilliam, merchant, 'rower streetKeltie, David, mason, Glaisnock st.Kennedy, Hugh, shoemaker, 8quo,rel{eHl.1eu.r, t-Tohll, CarIner, Bro01ufieldlCerr" Gilbert, miner, BarrhillKerr, ;Robert, miner, Ayr roadJGu,;, I:'aniel & Sons, woollen manufrs.,

Lug::"" Mias; shop, 18-20 Glaisnock st,King. ,Tames. MillbankKing, ~[iss Helen, Millb:tnkKing, \V. .T., Ayl' rua(lKirkp,ttrick, \Vm., coaehbuilder, Gbis­


~;:l,id]a,w, ~[':! fa,5;tory f~~~m3,n) r:rower st.,u:llHonL, l\'~l~S u" teaCher, Ayr roa.a,~,,~lti11(JrJ.t, "\V1J.l., jun., iil.rmer, t~unghousel,z,tb, .Tohn, brmer, ](yle:La.tta" .j\1iS:5, BridgendLa,tt:a, "Vil1in.rn, farmol', DarmuHoelll,a-.v.rence, Dr.•Tas" Apothecaries' Hall,

·':\quare ; bouse, Stepell(ls Hou~e

IJeHl1ox, George, joiner~ Lugar st.:Lenu0x, NIl'S" draper. '.l'ownheadLi vingstone, J'ame~, grocer, Luga.r Bt.Logan, John, Little AuehingibbertI,orrimer, J'ames, miner, l\iderston

r,{,tekie, Adam, fanHcr, Bo,vtonl'lu,ckie, .Jo11n, farmer, Avi'tyn,rdALtckie, \\71n., gardener, Ghl.isnuck st.1\{nc.rac, .J [l,lneS, UlaiHlll)(;k ;:;t.J.\1'Cal1;l1n, J'olm, U. 1'. CJlUrch oll\cor,

:\ y~~ rO:'1d .

]\J(O:J~lln:.Ln: J'S"t,1ii: a,cclJunta.nt, CJydesdaleT) 'IOll,llJ{

T\rC~l..l'::iel J", i.ronfoundel'~ J3n,rrhilll\{'Cftrtney: .J ap1ef;, sloith) St(leki~hill

]\{;Cnuglllc, Thoz., bflrLer~ Gb,isw..'ck tit;,

j':1'C,nv, \~:., ~mith, Gal·"ll:tn ~l1lithy

M'Cldhl,d, II., church-oHiccr, StrandM'Clure, 0., tobacconist, Squarei'll'Cormick! P., shoemaker, Glaisn'k st.1):'COW3.1,1, John,' auctioneer, IIartfield:~i'Crie,'Hugh,, GlaisnockM'Ol'i,iyk, George, fn.rmer, Mnirdyke'::\l'Oriric]" 'Ym., smith, Glaisnoek st.~\l(n;'lbbiIl! \Villimn, B~.wl'llill

J\>I'Culloch, :Miss, dressmaker, RoadsideN1'Donn.ld, Rev. Alex., U.P. ManseIVI'Ewen, Alex., broker, Square:M'Ewen, George, fruiterer, llarrhillNl'Gavin, ,Jobn, bo.ker, G1n.isuoclc st.M'Geaehin, D., shoemaker, Gl:tisllock st.M'Geaehin, "V. & Son, ironmongers, Sq.JV['Gowan, .Joseph, miner, J~ugar st.M'Gmdy, J'., shoemaker,]Yl(Innes, .Ta~., labourer, IJugar st.M'Ilwraith,J. &Son,plnl11bers, Lugar st.J\f'lnroy, Peter, mason, Glo.isnock st.M'lntosh, John, ga.rdener, Ayr roadJ\f'Intosh. Wm., pitheadman, SquareM'Kenzic, M., superintendent of police,

Glaisnock streetM'Kerruw, Hugh, denIer, IhrrhillN['J(errow, .[:,meR, f:.<nuel', HodalldJ\1'I(el'l'ow, \IV.illia.m, dcn,]er~ Cn,pl-.m:l,(;reM'Kerrow, \Villialll, fn.rmer, GreeJlsillel\I', Goo" confectioner, 1\)"1' roa.dJ\1'Kervail, It" shoemaker, Gbisuo"k st.:n~[,J(echl1ie, .]":),\1108, baker, (i-]::tif;nnck st.l\l'.Kinnell, \Vru., dxapcr, (11aisnock st.)'jCKinnon, Ch~~s., vveav{Jl', ling-al' st.l\:r'l(innon~ <t.T., box pililltCl', TnwHhc::1.clJVPJ~illflOll, :ra,nH~~, WC;:\,vE'1', ,Ay" run,,J,TYP1{innon, Jo·Jl11. ~dater, L'\..yr l'tl;vJ1\f':Lnna.g}I~\.n, '\filliam, :Lo,d:\,nJ\iH~:['L;),uchlln, Jame~, bOJ'erl-G·Ia.isnock st.:M,:tLean, rIug-h , clothier, Squarel\~4Lcod, :David, wright, A_)T l'oitd:rvl'Leod, J Oh11, joiner, G1<1isliOck st.M'Letdiie, \Vlll., joiner, Glaisl10ck st.M'Lctchie, \Vm" joiner, \Vatersi<1c 1'1.M'M::h,ter, 1\:I'rs., Ayr roit,ln-f'IV[}cb:l,d, J., enginee1') TO\\'nhe;td:rV11.~lijj:.Ln} ~,\lcx.~ Cl)c,cJlln:t.n, (':a,t·;~ll.;'l.ll

l\-f'1\Jill:Lll, J\,ndl'{;,\\", b~"rb(:I', T'JWid~c:l,d

J\'['J'llill"l1, l\:lrs" ULtimo"k st,J\PIVUllnn, (~co., lJooksdl',::r, (~l:1,i:-iI:,)d.: I"L~l'.r.'I;illan, ]{obcJ t, 'fWl.S01l 1 1\1\\'n·h·;~d,

1\Ltill: '['1Iom:::.s; ]..'1boul'cl', 'J\l..ll}anlJ\rl:ftir, ll.lcx., ioll.keepor, G'];~,l:';~jJ)("k st..u1.aii', .L\.lnx.~ \",rig-ltt, G-ln.iRllock ~t.

.-M:a.riin, :Eihv:1rd, miner, TI)WllileadNlartin, .John, C03.1 rnol'Chn,Jlt, Trl"Dynnl:Mathiesoll, ,John, shoenutl(Cr, 'J'ownlt'd.~fathie"on, Mrs" grocer, 'l'ownfootMerry, Alex., engineer, \Vaterside pI.1\'[erry, Henry, bbcksmith, '1'ownhead:Messer,R.,accountant, Rmk of ScotlandMiller, Hugh, mason, }1~lbow LaneMiner, ;r,t8., mincr,,] hOl'cr, Ghi8110ck clt.~liller, '.l'1101H:.bS, OYCrSW'1.11, JJO~~all

~I il.nhcll, James, miner, Towllheadl\loo,'lic! J\ndrew, ,vcitver, Townhea.u)~lllOdic, :David, wcftver, TownllCa.cJIV1 (}lJIlif~, .Truncs, grocer, ~eol,.vllhcnd

~I('odie, \\'iIliam, weaver, '1'ow11hea<1~ll}j)I'e, l\ihs..Jaue, Square~I '"'1'i"'l1, James, physician, 'J'o.nyardMun'ison, 'l'homas, plumber, Lugar st.M IIiI', Alexander, grocer, Townhe:tdM nil', tlrttnes, engineer, Burnside~·llIir, ,Tohn, farmer, ChapeljI'llIil', J olm, miner, BarrhillM(1I'Iloch, Andrew, mason, Ayr roadM'lInloch, J., postrunner, Pottery rowM I1rdoch, l\Jiss M., dresf'maker, Ayr rd.Mur(]nch, M,·s. D., Glaisllock st.1\'llIl'doe)" MrA., Eaikem C0tt., 'l'ownh'd.M.lIrdnclJ, Hohert, joiller, 'l'owuhcadM1Il'doch, \Villiam, nmSOll, 'J'ownheo.tlMIITrloch, VVilliam, tailor, 'rownheadM111111, J'ohn, V.S" HolmheadMII nay, David, 'J'al1yardM,rrmy, 11 ugh, compositor, Glaisnoek st.Mnrmy, James, Dumfries Anus Hotel~Iurmy, .rD,me~, fa-r1l1el', Little :lVluirJ\1urrny, tTames, farTner, SkerrillgtonJVlurra.y, John, farmer, Grimgrew

Nicol, Alex., potter, C,tirn roadN·.ieol, ,Tames, potter, Herdstolle cottageNieol, 1'homas ]~dgar, TanyaI'(\ •Nimmo, J'mnes, farmer, DumbrokenNimmo, J'Ohll, farmer, Barmickhill

Ogilvie, 'Ym., agent Clydesdale Bank,,

Orr, J'ame8, miner, Townhead

1'o.l'k, HlIgh, 'l'0wcr st.'l;tLrk, tJn,nlcs, enqine-,lriver, TIn.l"1'billP:t.!;ersoll, JalneH & Son, drapers, Glais·nu~k :)t.

j'"tersu]', lYfiss lVI., dress1l1'.\ker, BarrhillPn,tol!} .A.l1(hv., c]ogn1n.k(~r, IJugn.r st.I'",tOll, \Y;11i 0.111 , tailor, Ban'hilll'lttl'ick, Alex., shoemaker, Lugar st.I'",i;rick, JOhll, cutter, A)'r rond"'ttriek, J olm, shoema,ker, SquareI'll rdie, J nilles, saddler, Barrhill

It",mage, 1\'[rs., grocer, G'laisnock st.l( id, David, plasterer, 'rownheadlI~id, C, & D., f:wJIlers, MiJr.e0chI:uij'!! '1~(}JH~rl, 1)1:~~tl'n.'r, r.l':nIYll,l'(l

ni"b,'oJ"!., James, cULteJ': Ayr road---

IUclunond, Jo.mes, Ghisnoek st.Hichmoncl, ;r"meH, ,mgilleer, BarrhiUH.:ieillllond, ;r::nnc~, nW,SOH, Sqlla.roHiehIllOn(], ;1'., railwlty porte .., 'rownheadJ1,icll]Jlond, Johu, weaver, .Bridge st.l\ichmollcl, David, burgh officer, Kiln-

holm placeHichmoncl, R, weaver, Kilnholm placeRichmond, 'V.,E,C. oflicer, GlaiBIJockHt.Higgans, Matthew, flesher, Balik laneItobb, Daniel, Mossbackl\obb, James, farmer, HindswardRobertson, DUllcan, farmer, CrosshillRobertson, Hugh, innkeeper, SquareR.obertsol1, Matthew, farmer, TaiglemHO]Jertson, nev. ,Tohn Spence, Manse:n,ObCl'tsoll, R, at'ttiolllllltster, 1)1IInfr\os

IUl1ls0 atatioll:Robertson. Thomas, smith, '.L'o\\·nheadnobertson, "V. G., enginBer, B:trrhillIlogerHoll

1John, joiner, Glah:nock at.

Royal Bank, Arch. Brackenridge agent.G-laiw.oek st.

l"ussdl, Douglas, slater, Ayr ,·oo.d

S:Ui180n, ,Alex., pOl11t,f;lnlftn, BlI)~Thlll 'Sa,.HlSOTI, (}eo" nlerd.\n.nt~ Glai9110ck st.Samson, Hugh, miner, l3ltl'rJJill 'Sfl,ll1son, J olm, grocer, Glaisllock st.Samson, .John, Ayr roitdSamson, ;Jolm, residenter, 13anhillSrtmson, l\ev. James, GlaiHnoek st.Samson, Hobert, miner, Waterside. pJ.Scotland, Bank of. Fillgh B. M'Lellll.n,, GlaiBllock st. , .Scott, Dl.wid 1"tWSOll, registmr', J,lanhillScott, l"arquhllr, manager, GaB "Vad,s;Scott, Itov. A. N.,Oongregatilli'i11 ni9.nB~,

Ayr l"\mdShn,ll1< la.!1tl~ tTolIn, f("rUler, 110l\"(,}8Sbankland, J'ohn, farmer, CrosalarSharp, Mrs., BurnwelltreesSh[~w, C. (j.. , factor, 'Voodbu..~:n eott~ge

Sime, John, plumber, etc., Ayr road.SimpHoll, Alex., fnrmer, Horeock"ghSimpson, Alex., oversman, Knocl,terra.Simpson, .J ohu, ,mason, '1'ownheadSinclair, G. :1<'., draper, GlalsilOck st.Skilling, William, cutter, BanhillSloan, Peter, farmer, KrfockterraSmith, Alex., carter, :Manse bneSmith, Alex., miner, BarrhillSmith, D. C., drn.per, Gln.isnock ", ])n,vid, Inspector of pOl'r, "Vater-

sille place

I r'"




7 12 621 0 0

_2_3_9 r£448 1 9

... £362 042 1712 8

57 4 023 6 515 7 0

5 0 04 9 7

11 18 0---- 117 5 0

310 '7

7 0 2

35 5 018 18 0

5 0 03 0 04 4 01 1 0

19 12 7G 5 4

D3 511147 13 7------£448 1 9


I, Salary to Clerk, Collector, aud Clerk oj Court," Salary to Fiscal, L.10 lOs.; Do. Treas" L.8 8s.," S:dary to Sanitary InRpcctor, ." Snlm'y to Iuspcctor of W:Ltcr Worlis," Fee to AssesRor for IUlLkillg up Itoll of Votcrs,., Auditor's Fee,... ... ... ..." Election Expellscs, £713s Gel; Law, £1119s Id." Stationery and Small Payments,

Excess of Income over Expenditurc,

" Alimcllt to alld Convoyance of Prisoners, ..." Grollnd ltent, Tnxcs, and l.\epltirs of

ShLughter Houso,

By Scavenger's 'Wages," Gas for Street Lamps," Lighting Lamps, aud 11epairs, ... . .." Contribution toward 1mprovelnent of Footpath

from Town to Railw:ty Station," Breaking :mel Carting l\'l:etal," I?ire Hose Carriage, Rent of Fire Hose

House, repairing of Took at TanyaI'd,and Repairing Scavenger's Tool's,




I)'tntmnent of Income and E~r;penditure, from 15th May,18(:51, to 15th May, 1882.

INC 0 M E.'1'0 Cnsh from Collector of Rates," Hond Conversion Money Collected within the Burgh," Manure Sol(l, L.G; Custom Dues, L.6 8s.," Proceeds of Fines and Forfeitures, less Payment of

'Vituesses," Slaughter HOllse Diles, ." Interest on Bank Account, .


By Interest on Bonds, ... ... . .. £71 12 0" Rent of Reservoir, L. 6; Income Tax, L; 18s. 2d., 7 8 2" Poor B.ates for Reservoir, 0 1 10" Work at Filters, 0 4 6





YEAR 1880-81, ­

YEAR 1881-82, -

Vallance, D., fo.rmcr, Little ChangneVallo.nce, James, smith, Glaisnock st.Vallance, \Y. & R. carriers, Lugo.r st.Vint, Wiiliam, tenter, 'rower st.

\Walker, Hector, smith, Bl:1ckbuld I'-Vn.U",ee, D., miner, Barrhill\Yn,ll",ce, ,:"ri'8, dressm,dccr, Ayr ron.d I'Valbce, Robert, f",rmer, H;dlowsholm\V::tU",ce, \ViIJimn, tailor, Ayr roadWatson, ({~orge, miner, Ban-hill I'V",tson, Jmnes, miner, Dl1J'rhiU'Vatson, Mrs., grocer, Ban-hill IvI'atson, Thomas, far,ner, J\1eadow'V",tson, "Yilliam, innkeeper, Square'~Tardrope, T. "" G., j",rmers, Crofthe..d IvVo,rdropc, R. & P., f",rmers, G:,r1..ff"Tellwood, Miss, teacher, Dan'hill.'1'elsh, .James, 'Voodend'~Telsh, I\'1rs., Glaisnock st.White, Allan, postrunner, Ayr road

.'White, David, painter, Townhead I'Vhi te, James, postrunner, 'rownhead'White, Mrs. Cochrane, 'rownbe3.d I

'White, :Mrs. Willia,ffi, Briclgend IWhite, 'WiJlia,ill, joiner, Townhead i\Vbite, 'Villiam, pORtrunner, Ayr road '

Tannahill, -I'm., Changue eol.tage 'Vhite, WiJlio.m;t"'ilor, /\yr ro",d I''rannock, John, farmer, Knocknaib Wilson, A., famlet', Meikle Auehingilslo iTbar, James, Tup Tnn 'Vilson, Hugh, joiner, ']'ownhead I

'I'homson, Adn.\l1, Douglaston cottage vYilson, J. B., teo.cher, GarrallanThomson, Charles, custOiner weaver, 'Vilson, Jamc' 'armer, O';er Gla.isnock

Ayr road 'Vilson, Jamo~, grocer, Ayr road'I'hoinson; Hugh, joiner, Glaisllock st. ~Tilson, Jo.mes, U.P. precentor, 'Vator.Thomson, John, teacher, /iyr road I side place'rimpany, .Jolm, Holmhead ' Wilson, Wiiliam. dealer, GlengyronTodd, A,B., sheriff-oHloer, GJaisnoek st. Vvilson, 'Nm., innkeeper, Glai"TJock st.

'Yilson, Wm., shoeIllH.ker, 'l.'ownhead .'Vilson, vVm., we;",er, \Vater"ide place'Wyllie, ,Tohn, flesher, Gl",islJock st.\Yyllie, J., oversman, Lilyhank cottageWyllie, William, shoemaker, Ayr roc,d iYonng,.1\1iss, J., dressmaker, TanyaI'd I

.- I



Smith, Henry, shocmaker, lhrrhillSmith, James, roadl11",n, 11o"dsi,lcSmith, James, gn.rdener, HnrrhillSmith, Matthew, School-boo.rd officer

BarrhillSmith, Miss, dressmaker, 1'",nyardSmith, Robert, miner, 1'owllheadSmith, Robert, shoemaker, Tower st.Smith, vVilliam, m"son, Ayr roadSmith, Miss, bo.ker, Squo.reSnedden, Charles, miner, Towcr' st.Stevenson, AIl"n, Borland {o.inBStevenson, John, f",rmer, ChangueStewart, James, engineer, Bridge st.Stillie, Hamilton, miner, 'l'ownheadStillie, James, mincr,'TowHheadStoddard, Geo., postmaster, TownheadStoddard, JOIlll, tailor, TownheadStoddard, 1\1rs., grocer, TownlJco.dStoddart, Robert, blacksmit.h, BarrbiUStoddart, T .• bedding morch't., Barrhill


_U rqnhart, Alex., lla,rrhiJl

Account of the Income and Expenditure of the SchoolBoard of the Parish of Old Cumnock,





PRINCIPAL FAIRS IN THE WEST OF SCOTLAND.Kilmarnock, 2 'l'ucs(ln..y IFnlkirk 2 Tu. n.nd Mon. before!\htuchIIIlC, Wed. after 18 KiTk,n(eh,-~el, Fr. uf. last "red.{Ieh i1trC:'J, 2 'Vedncsday Locken-hie, Thursoa.y before 30Sajt.c(~ats, last Thursda.y l\I.1.uchline, 2(; or 'J'hurs. ~rtcr

:=5;LIl1luh"r, 1 Friday 0 s I Ncn-milns, 'Ved. after 1 Tues.Stewartoll, Mon. ber. 1 Thur. Stnmracr, 3 FridayStmnraer, 1 au,l3 Friday Thornhill (Dumlrsh.L 3 Tues.T"ruo,Lllll, 1 Mond"y O<JrOBER.

JU.NJ~. Ardrossn.n, Tnns. bf. Fn.lkirkllrodi,Gk, 1 Tncsdn)" after 20 ,\yr, ~ l'linr. and 2 ana a Fri.G:<.jl',le~l hlltgta.S, j'foll, bef. Kcl- Cast,le·j hmg1:l.s. llLst lHondayCn'nnnck, 'Ved. iLfl,. H ItCl1hill VllllllloCk', \Vedncsll:LY after 27l)tll1lda.~. ~ \\'odlloMby fl.'1 I)OUgllls, H jl'ridlL,\'I)lIf'llrll'l'(, \VIH], nfl.t·': 17 f' ~ 1)11111 frl U:-t , r.C1wrn.lly :l 'VUltEIL~I, hi1hridt" I I'·ricln.y aft. 10 I"lllklrk, ~ 'l'n..~da.v Imtl \Volt.Fllikidc, ll\~l. '1'lIt':~d,~'y nin,'fLll, J J\llllltlnyUf\lfolton, 1 '.I'~lllr."t'IJl.Y I'rno~, nf. J\ihlllLl'llodc, laNt ThursuayKell!lllhill, 1(1).~ if'!.'I!., if uot f.'Ln:\rl{,'i'hllr~dl~)'afLurIc·n.lklrkLo'Llll\l'k} ~l11ll"ay hef, I:~,~t Tn, ]loelccl'!1Iu,2 'l'll11l', Ilf. FalkirkLoe;kerhie,;~Thllr.'Hby () s 1\Jayholc, 3 Thllnalny!IT:m<:Jdne, J "redncsdn.y NeW'millls,4 'VcllnesdayMnirl,il'k, 2 Ij'l'ida.y Sanf]nhar, [i'ri.'l)cfore F'alkhk~llJfJllhar, If'rid. bet. Ta.rhoUon ~t,cwarton, 'Veil. bf. last Th.~... i.r'1.llr:ler, 'J'hn.ocr. J(clttJuhill ~tr:\Hracl', l\{on. ·bf. 2 Thurs.'l'arlJoltoH, I Til. ltft. Il [& ~ Fr. 'l'nrbolton, 2 'l'nn~dI\Y 08 •

.IIJI,Y. NOVlmUmt.Ani !,<):-!';ltll, 'l'lIe~t1:"r bet. Ayr A nlro!-l!i'I.Il, H dayA,rr, Th. A' Fr. h. :~ Mo. &. 3 Tu. ]'ocith, 1 Friday 08' .

)lARCH. Cnrnnock, Vied. :t.ftcl' l~~ Cil.,<;tJe-T>oug!;l,): Mo. b. Dumfrs:, iiI!" Iklllgl"'s) 23 or J\lon. aft. Falkirk, ~ Thill'S. rttHllast Tu. Coil'llnnell, ll\Innday (I S

lUlllllnk, 'l'hnr5 r1:\.y :'fl,cr G Gh5t{OW, J "~CdlJC';l!:'.V CrcsshiJl~oll-Gil'\'a.n, Mon. heLI II 'IIr, 111M. every 'Vcuucsllay Kil1Harneck, h~t Thursd;l)' Cumnock, ev. Th. r~,LU1ChJiIlC,I 01)11111, l'I'lJursclny J,ock(,'rlJio,::; Thill'S. 0 S [a.fter I.lrHlr.da~,·ll"ri. :If, ;\li:-";~dHH)'~

I "pwl cvery 'V·ell. except 3 S3nqllhar, 17 if Fri.) if not Ii'd. nUll1frie'i, 'Ve'l. lIefcre 22I ~1\lIJ 0,2 Thursday 0 S AUUUST, J)uH!np, 12 fJar

APRIL ., J';n.glcsham, I. 'l'llcsda.r I) S'. . Allclllnlcck, h15t .I)H:'1'il;\..v Falkirk 1 Tuesday

" I 'I'nr,sllay ann. 1.,~s.t Fnd~IY ]:a~T1Jill, ,I 1"1'1. :LUll 'I'hur:(. hl~.i. I,·::dsl.on', j,t'~t \\rt~dnc~;.dn.,v_1111 IIltllgl,'td, 1\.TI.).•\1,. h?f. _1 '.'clth, 110111 d:t.v f!,(lc\.:{~J:1JlO Ola,ggO\',"J \\'ed. alt. r\hl'~iilm1\S

1+ 1111/,1,,\ 1,;t~1, \y~1!ne.'i"!LJ, ", q:l$tJe.1 )(l'lt~h.) 1\I"llday buforo I and \\ ·Odll('.jda'· 'lft,,-~r 1.3',n'III\,lllJ.~l.lllllh.lJcf.31iL ,{)olmolleU, ll\t01llla..:OS KilIiHPu'~ Il---I(jl!-:"th 3])'r1.

II IlIn,:: Thnrsday : '1 ':'.!ll\f..dlillj~tOll, SILt,. 1\f. I.{lebie, I K\l',vinui,;!::, l ;"i.nllda~.. J •

1"'111, I i\londa.y , ,].;,w]I:<.lh·lIu, ~~ 'l'hul'sdat· (1 S IJ.:\n:L!'k, 1 \Yl:dll~.:ida", () f; '.

I 'I'llI\', 'I'hu~f;..d;l.r bof. ElBter 1 ("ali\irk, :.' '1'lIe!';. :\Illl ({ny.nIter Li 1.1 lellIi II, d·n 1Jf. l\lrinchline1It1

111l111 :{ l'fltln.y IIn-iou,:~ '\Ion,L~" J,i)ck"crhio Tli. ill 'y('ckaf. 1 \Y.:

I d'llh, ~ \,\:cdlle.5lla.~· L.1-n:~rk, M()"TIl'Ja,iHl'V~}ftLf. ~bn:':hi.iill~, TJl11rs.lay ~ft.-er 4:I ltlllldo, I hnrsd:LY Lefure 19 12 alld '~'1'lle~d:I\' n.[i;l)r Ochiltn:c i Tnl~~(I:LV 't h,dn.:l TIH~n;daj' I,ocl,ol'lli(, 13 Ill' TuoSd~\.y f1.fLer ~:',!litllh;u?, ll'ri. (I ,O:;\l1f1 r'ri. bf. IH,pdIlLl":~ I/~~hy ~[n.l1~!I.tino, f .\\re'lll.l·sday. ~~:T;'lImel',3 ~'ri,I:~.\.-r;\lauchline

It''IlHLOI',:J l~l'lllay 1\1.0::1·,.1.\,0, .l!r;., ~~. ]~nckel'b:!.6 !,:'l'llOjt',)II, ~ Wl:(ill~SUrt.r.. Il'lAY. ~c\\IlIJlns,.4.}~1l\rs(la,\' Thorn!nll (IIlIl'lf1'':Ih.) 2.'lu.,os

111111111111, I l\10Ilflt\y (IS , ~:,:~,I!,",'.\I:~r,.' ~ :;.',:I,dl",Y\: os f)1~L:!':\[n'i;R. ,','., I!, ,

I 1"[ fL '1'1 'I I'" ,•. ".,0' " C I "1 I III' 1 ,I '~'Il. .I\. •. n ,So OS I 'l'huruhUI \DUrllrrf,h.) 2 'Iuos, uJ1Inoe l, O\'C.1'.\' I. !UTS! fly111111111

, \V(;tlIlC~tl:LY bel. 26 I "!'")' 'It, ',' »1I111rrill~, CVUl',\' \\'lldno3u:\y1'11111111,3. J'hnrsuar 0 8 Sill J ..1'11.J,It. l,'m:\-/, . bst Tllj~(o1dl~Y

11 hll,:l Thursday Arl1rossan, Til before Fa.lkirk, '1,1.'(;:\' 1 i11 ~l'h. hf Chrisms. 01lilli, I Tucsday Castl~·1Jougla::, ] i\loJl. a.iL. 221 j\f'l'l('l'~ill~, ,t \'.-e:IJH'sllfl'y

IlLh nloJ :~ Wed. actor 11 Dumfries, 1 Tn. & \Vell. u.ft. Z:l i 1.1 Ilirkirk, Thursll!\)' afLer 18._--_._---

1'1<:BltlJAltY.II !Ill, I Il'rltllLY O!l [Mon. nfL.I I lin I ~nll~II\.'l.11 if Mo., if IlotI lllnlltll·lt, Thur. n.ft. (~LIIJ. () ~

II IlhllllllllRLolI, JI\St 'l'hnnH1:Ly1IIIIIIIIIl\II I Til. oSI!.Lev. \Verl.HhllllltllV, 110 1'. cv, ,""ed. ex-cp.:31111111111111, 2'l'hurs(1:ty [Mo. nJ.t lin Inning, 1 day, if ~a, or SU.I IIl/i lIt. II ':it TuesdayI,jllljldllll), Thursday nftcr 4'1Illllll~, 'J'nf:r-llln.y nftor IS'lIll'lll/~r. 1 J!'rid:l)' a ,II

IIUl' ,ddll, ~ Tuesday 0 8

llltlllwk-ThuTsl1nr before 4 Rf\b. IIr .Tuno, :tl1'1 'V~(llle~dt\r before 2 ~ab. of DecclIlhcr.• I hlltlllock-'I'hurs(lar before 2 ~[l1J. o( June, and ,"Vcdnesuay before 2 Sal>. of November.

II hi tlc-Thursdar before '! f:.:),bh:~t,ll of Juno.1111I"'ck-ThurseJny before 4: SiLhkJ.t,h nf .J1ltlO.

hill I 0111- \Vctlncsdn,y ltcfure 1 Rahhat.h of ,July.t II loll k Thurslln..Y Leforo 4- of J·uly.

III II'hn rsday bolore 2 Sabbath of Juno.

,IANlJARY.~ 11'lllnll'. ItflU Fr. bef. 2 'Veu.

I 1111, I 1,'rld:Ly 0 $

111111111111, overy ThursdayI Hulllml, every 'Vednesda.y• 01101 Ill. hlit Thursda.yIt lun, I WednesrlayI ,lllllil!/nllti, 1. Li'ritlayI 'I 1\1111110, 2 Thllr~da.~' Q Sl#t\ IIHlll,:1 'I.'hursday re\', l\lo.hl~ 11111 HLewart) 2 Frhla.r ofI \ 1111011, 'I'hnr, hof.l Frio () S

t IIltllmor,l\[olldn.y bee. 1: \\'UU.





Io I



4 10

16 83 li0 0

18 S

'J (i

15 (I

2 7





GO If> 720 If> 10

IG71 7141 9 (I

17 15 9


147 13 7

£16.G 15 2

,£lfi2fJ 1 7

£1G7G ]5

... £1()!)0 0Hill 18

£18008 104 0




9 lly 13alanee, 15th May, '81 .1>14f>" J(lection ]~xpen.e~, .. , 17" S:tlaries of 0 nj~er", ... Ijl

4 "S:l,bric~ of Teachers, . U90" ]Grcctioll. :Enlargement,

:1,11.1 Altcmtioll of ;';ch.·J~lltltlillg:'l,

J\l;'H to HujhliHg:;," Prillting, Postages, and

4 other Ch:trgcs," Books,.A pp:LmtuR, :tlHI

Statiunery," HCllts,ltates, Taxes,alHl


" l'l\re1I"~C o[ &H"pairRtoFllJ'uitlll'C & Clcn.uiug,

" ]lncJ 'md LighL,8 "JntCl'eRt 011 Ln:llls,

" J:epayment of Loans,IlltCl'e~t on D:tllk Ac't.,





131<1GfiO 0

219 19


o 0 3

1..:22J8 1381surer,


To School Fees, .. . ... £2277Gr:mts from Scotch Ed-ucation Department­Allnu:,l Gr:tnt,

" Gran ts from Sc, and ArtDel':trtmcnt,

" Amount from Raks," Y ettr's Interest of Dnllc"n

~equest,less the Incomelax, 19 10

Relit of OlJ ParishSchuol,

,. Cash from C. G. Sh:Lw,InCllll1e 'l':,x p:Lid 011

1.'eu Duty ISSP," 13alitnce on lfith May,

1882, (overdrawn frolllBank), ...

". Cash in hmlds of Trea..

Decrease of Debt Dnl'illg Year, being excess of Income overExpenditure as per above Statement,

At 15th nfay, 1881.

Borrowed.P'~?~~~1s"~t'4~'p~~~nt,Balanc~~fQreditof Ballk.~~,~nt,Less llulll'due Treasurer, \.. }'

'f!'.1'\... / ~ " If/~" '.: !"r~

i(;' .- '~ :.' ;~/J.II I ~ ~s' ~?\ ........ '" .~

~\"" \ ..t "il":;;\ '>. . . " ", At 15th May, 1882., 1" •.•. , ..'

Borro~ved 0~.]3()llds~c 4 'per cent,ill\l!\I!cO ~,;;-trrii(1iC'~fHalik AC001l1lt,