Cultural revolution PowerPoint

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of Cultural revolution PowerPoint

Cultural Revolution

Reviving the Revolution After the failure of the

Great Leap forward Mao felt that he needed to revive the revolutionary spirit.

He urged China’s young people to, “learn revolution by making revolution.”

Millions of young people left school and joined militia units called the Red Guards.

Cultural Revolution The Red Guards led

to a major uprising known as the Cultural Revolution.

The goal of the Cultural Revolution was to create a classless society where everybody is equal.

Goal of the Cultural Revolution The peasant/worker was the

person who was glorified in the Cultural Revolution.

The intellectual/artist was considered to be dangerous.

The Red Guards shut down schools, and universities. They began doing raids of homes of the wealthy.

People thought to have special privileges were sent to hard labor camps or jail where they were often worked to death.

Four Olds Four Olds were

things Mao and the Red Guards felt China needed to get rid of in order to move forward.

The four olds were:1. Old Customs2. Old Culture3. Old Habits4. Old Ideas

Results of Cultural Revolution

The Cultural Revolution resulted in widespread chaos, people were often turning on neighbors, friends, and enemies.

Production virtually stopped, and China seemed on the verge of civil war again.

By 1976 even Mao admitted the Cultural Revolution had to end and had the Red Guards disbanded.

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