CS61C L13 I/O © UC Regents 1 CS 161 Chapter 8 - I/O Lecture 17.

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Transcript of CS61C L13 I/O © UC Regents 1 CS 161 Chapter 8 - I/O Lecture 17.

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CS 161 Chapter 8 - I/O

Lecture 17

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Anatomy: 5 components of any Computer

Processor (active)





(where programs, data live whenrunning)




Keyboard, Mouse

Display, Printer

Disk (where programs, data live when not running)

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I/O Device Examples and Speeds° I/O Speed: bytes transferred per second

(from mouse to display: million-to-1)

° Device Behavior Partner Data Rate (Mbit/sec)

Keyboard Input Human 0.0001Mouse Input Human 0.0038Laser Printer Output Human 3.2.000Magnetic Disk Storage Machine 240-2560Modem I or O Machine 0.016-0.064Network-LAN I or O Machine 100-1000Graphics Display Output Human 800-8000

See Fig. 8.2 Text

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Buses in a PC: connect a few devices

CPU Memory bus


External I/O bus

(1 to 15 disks)

SCSI Interface

Ethernet Interface

Ethernet Local Area Network

°Data rates• Memory: 133 MHz, 8 bytes 1064 MB/s (peak)

• PCI: 33 MHz, 8 bytes wide 264 MB/s (peak)

• SCSI: “Ultra3” (80 MHz), “Wide” (2 bytes) 160 MB/s (peak)

Ethernet:12.5 MB/s (peak)

PCI Interface

PCI: Internal

(Backplane) I/O bus

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Disk Device Terminology

° Several platters, with information recorded magnetically on both surfaces (usually)

° Actuator moves head (end of arm,1/surface) over track (“seek”), select surface, wait for sector rotate under head, then read or write

• “Cylinder”: all tracks under heads

° Bits recorded in tracks, which in turn divided into sectors (e.g., 512 Bytes)






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Disk Device Performance






°Disk Latency = Seek Time + Rotation Time + Transfer Time + Controller Overhead

° Seek Time? depends no. tracks move arm, seek speed of disk

° Rotation Time? depends on speed disk rotates, how far sector is from head

° Transfer Time? depends on data rate (bandwidth) of disk (bit density), size of request


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Disk Device Performance

°Average distance sector from head?

°1/2 time of a rotation• 7200 Revolutions Per Minute 120 Rev/sec

• 1 revolution = 1/120 sec 8.33 milliseconds

• 1/2 rotation (revolution) 4.16 ms

°Average no. tracks move arm?• Sum all possible seek distances from all possible tracks / # possible

- Assumes average seek distance is random

• Disk industry standard benchmark

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Disk Performance Model /Trends° Capacity

+ 100%/year (2X / 1.0 yrs)

°Transfer rate (BW)+ 40%/year (2X / 2.0 yrs)

°Rotation + Seek time– 8%/ year (1/2 in 10 yrs)

°MB/$> 100%/year (2X / <1.5 yrs)

Fewer chips + areal density

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Disk Performance

°Calculate time to read 1 sector (512B) for UltraStar 72 using advertised performance; sector is on outer track

Disk latency = average seek time + average rotational delay + transfer time + controller overhead

= 5.3 ms + 0.5 * 1/(10000 RPM) + 0.5 KB / (50 MB/s) + 0.15 ms

= 5.3 ms + 0.5 /(10000 RPM/(60000ms/M))

+ 0.5 KB / (50 KB/ms) + 0.15 ms

= 5.3 + 3.0 + 0.10 + 0.15 ms = 8.55 ms

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Instruction Set Architecture for I/O°Some machines have special input and output instructions

°Alternative model (used by MIPS):• Input: ~ reads a sequence of bytes

• Output: ~ writes a sequence of bytes

°Memory also a sequence of bytes, so use loads for input, stores for output

• Called “Memory Mapped Input/Output”

• A portion of the address space dedicated to communication paths to Input or Output devices (no memory there)

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Memory Mapped I/O°Certain addresses are not regular memory

° Instead, they correspond to registers in I/O devices



0xFFFF0000 cmd reg.data reg.


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Processor-I/O Speed Mismatch°500 MHz microprocessor can execute 500 million load or store instructions per second, or 2,000,000 KB/s data rate

• I/O devices from 0.01 KB/s to 30,000 KB/s

° Input: device may not be ready to send data as fast as the processor loads it

• Also, might be waiting for human to act

°Output: device may not be ready to accept data as fast as processor stores it

°What to do?

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Processor Checks Status before Acting: Polling

° Path to device generally has 2 registers:

• 1 register says it’s OK to read/write (I/O ready), often called Control Register

• 1 register that contains data, often called Data Register

° Processor reads from Control Register in loop, waiting for device to set Ready bit in Control reg to say its OK (0 1)

° Processor then loads from (input) or writes to (output) data register

• Load from device/Store into Data Register resets Ready bit (1 0) of Control Register

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Cost of Polling?°Assume for a processor with a 500-MHz clock it takes 400 clock cycles for a polling operation (call polling routine, accessing the device, and returning). Determine % of processor time for polling

• Mouse: polled 30 times/sec so as not to miss user movement

• Floppy disk: transfers data in 2-byte units and has a data rate of 50 KB/second. No data transfer can be missed.

• Hard disk: transfers data in 16-byte chunks and can transfer at 8 MB/second. Again, no transfer can be missed.

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% Processor time to poll mouse, floppy°Mouse Polling Clocks/sec

= 30 * 400 = 12000 clocks/sec

% Processor for polling = 12*103/500*106 = 0.002% Polling mouse little impact on processor

°Times Polling Floppy/sec = 50 KB/s /2B = 25K polls/sec

Floppy Polling Clocks/sec

= 25K * 400 = 10,000,000 clocks/sec

% Processor for polling = 10*106/500*106 = 2%

OK if not too many I/O devices

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% Processor time to hard disk°Times Polling Disk/sec

= 8 MB/s /16B = 500K polls/sec

Disk Polling Clocks/sec= 500K * 400 = 200,000,000 clocks/sec

% Processor for polling: 200*106/500*106 = 40%


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What is the alternative to polling? Interrupt°Wasteful to have processor spend most of its time “spin-waiting” for I/O to be ready

°Wish we could have an unplanned procedure call that would be invoked only when I/O device is ready

°Solution: use exception mechanism to help I/O. Interrupt program when I/O ready, return when done with data transfer

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Interrupt Driven Data Transfer

(1) I/Ointerrupt

(2) save PC

(3) interruptservice addr








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Benefit of Interrupt-Driven I/O°500 clock cycle overhead for each

transfer, including interrupt. Find the % of processor consumed if the hard disk is only active 5% of the time.

° Interrupt rate = polling rate• Disk Interrupts/sec = 8 MB/s /16B

= 500K interrupts/sec

• Disk Polling Clocks/sec = 500K * 500 = 250,000,000 clocks/sec

• % Processor for during transfer: 250*106/500*106= 50%

°Disk active 5% 5% * 50%2.5% busy

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4 Responsibilities leading to OS°The I/O system is shared by multiple

programs using the processor

°Low-level control of I/O device is complex because requires managing a set of concurrent events and because requirements for correct device control are often very detailed

° I/O systems often use interrupts to communicate information about I/O operations

°Would like I/O services for all user programs under safe control

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Direct Memory Access (DMA)° How to transfer data between a Device and

Memory? Wastage of CPU cycles if done through CPU.

° Let the device controller transfer data directly to and from memory => DMA

° The CPU sets up the DMA transfer by supplying the type of operation, memory address and number of bytes to be transferred.

° The DMA controller contacts the bus directly, provides memory address and transfers the data

° Once the DMA transfer is complete, the controller interrupts the CPU to inform completion.

° Cycle Stealing – Bus gives priority to DMA controller thus stealing cycles from the CPU

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Why Networks?°Originally sharing I/O devices between computers

(e.g., printers)

°Then Communicating between computers

(e.g, file transfer protocol)

°Then Communicating between people (e.g., email)

°Then Communicating between networks of computers Internet, WWW

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What makes networks work?° links connecting switches to each other and to computers or devices






°ability to name the components and to route packets of information - messages - from a source to a destination

°Layering, protocols, and encapsulation as means of abstraction

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Typical Types of Networks°Local Area Network (Ethernet)• Inside a building: Up to 1 km

• (peak) Data Rate: 10 Mbits/sec, 100 Mbits /sec,1000 Mbits/sec (1.25, 12.5, 125 MBytes/s)

• Run, installed by network administrators

°Wide Area Network• Across a continent (10km to 10000 km)

• (peak) Data Rate: 1.5 Mbits/sec to 2500 Mbits/sec

• Run, installed by telephone companies

°Wireless Networks, ...

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ABCs: many computers

°switches and routers interpret the header in order to deliver the packet

°source encodes and destination decodes content of the payload




