Cross minds

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Cross minds


RULES AND REGULATIONS1. There is a set of 10 questions. (all pictures)2. There are 4 star questions.3. Each question carries 2 points. In case of incomplete answer, 1 point shall be given.4. The questions are simple. Please attempt all questions. 5. Send your answers in my facebook account. Tanmay Casillas Kakati

It’s a request- do not google or refer to wikipedia.

Q1. Identify this footballer.

Q2. Who is this person in the postage stamp?

Q3. Who is this person?

Q4. Identify this band.

Q5. Identify both of them.

Q6. Who is she in the postage stamp?

Q7. Which honor and by which country?

Q8. Flag of ________

Q9. This particular Rolls Royce belonged to _______.

Q10. Easy one to end with. Which monument?

Thank You