CRM - Uniagents · Top 3 features of version 2.4 • Website Integration (API): Now your agency...

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Transcript of CRM - Uniagents · Top 3 features of version 2.4 • Website Integration (API): Now your agency...

Agents -CRMVERSION 2.4: JANUARY 2016

We take the pride in announcing the Latest

Version 2.4 which is based on valuable feedbacks from several hundred users.

The next version with Advanced Finance module and Advanced Alerts is due to be

launched now on 15th March 2016.

Version 2.4 will go LIVE on 10th January,

Sunday and the CRM will be shut down for 3 hours from 10am to

1pm ( Indian Standard Time ) for upgradation of the version.


MOST AwaitedFeature ofVERSION 2.4

Now you do not need to log out and login agin and again to switch user type, in case you operate at multiple levels. We have allowed the user to

switch user, which are lower in level. See below:

1. User Super Admin can switch as (Branch, Processing, .....Counsellor )

2. User Branch Office can switch as (Counsellor, .....Front Office)

3. Processing Office can switch as (Counsellor)


Top 3 featuresbased on

frequent Userrequirements

Top 3 features of version 2.4

• Website Integration (API):

Now your agency website can be integrated with the CRM so all users including your staff, students and Subagents can access the CRM from your website.

1. Login section to login to Agent CRM directly from Agents website for all users

2. Student Login to track application status

3. Lead form directly from Agents website and leads show in branch office as unassigned leads.

• General Application Form (GAF):

1. Allow student/ agent to directly fill the form on general application form

2. Allow to Track Application Status

3. ID generated for such forms will be Emailed to the student for the confirmation of email and then the same ID can be used to import the application in the CRM and process that application on behalf of student or subagent.

• Associate (Sub-Agent):

1. While adding application a new option in lead sources has been added “ Associate “

2. Master of Adding Associates has been creat-ed for Super admin (visible to all offices) and similarly Branch office can also add additional associates (visible only to branch) similar mechanism to lead sources

3. Under View Applications additional filter has been added “Associate” to filter applications from any particular Associate/Subagent.

• Allow multiple receivers while forwarding application: Now you can add more than one receivers while forwarding an application from the CRM

• Activated Format Editor for “personalized message“ while forwarding theapplication:So the text can be formatted (Example: Changing fonts, color, adding bullet points etc.)

• Document Titles will now be automatically picked from the form as name for the files uploaded :Example: Name of qualification, Name of test , Name of employer and statement of purpose respectively.

Modi�cations Based onUser Feedback in Version 2.4

• Modification in LeadManagement :

1. While adding a Lead for the first time, follow up details made non mandetory

2. Added New leads filters “Lead status” under View Leads

• Basic Report Redesign :Under Super Admin and Branch office login

• On the Dashboard and all Application numbers in reports are clickable now to take user to the applications referred in the reports

• New Fields added, while adding a Country:

1. Monthly Living Cost2. Visa Requirement 3. Part Time Work Details 4. Country Benefits

The information fed in these fields will automatically reflect under the institutions, however in case you wish to edit them for each institution then that has been made possible.

• New field added in Institute:

1. Monthly Living Cost2. Part Time Work Details 3. Institutional Benefits 4. Allow selecting institution as Direct or Indirect 5. Terms of Contract 6. Upload contract copy

(Auto fills from the information added in the country fields (Monthly Living Cost, Part Time Work Details but can be edited, if required.)

• New fields added in the Course: 1. Monthly Living Cost2. Part Time Work Details 3. Course Benefits

(Auto fills from the information added in the institution (Monthly Living Cost, Part Time Work Details but can be edited, if required.)

• Additional fields that will appear in Student Quotation to make it more effective :

1. Monthly Living Cost2. Visa requirement3. Part Time Work Details4. Country Benefits5. Institutional Benefits6. Course Benefits